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What came before the Big Bang?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, EVERY eye will NOT see Jesus until He comes at the end of time. At that time the Sun will be darkened and the Moon shall not put forth light:

And you still didn't answer the question. You know, it's really not a weakness to say "I don't know" instead of just refusing to even try and answer what's asked of you. If you can answer the question asked, please answer it; but if you can't, at least say you can't. The above isn't an answer to what I asked, and your evasiveness is getting "old" and speaks of your willingness to be disingenuous.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear metis, Because when you discover that Jesus IS the Light of the first Day, the only Image of the invisible God, that when you've seen Jesus, you've seen the invisible Father which NO man has ever seen....you will realize that Jesus Christ IS God incarnate, physically, bodily, the ONLY God you will EVER see.

Jesus is YHWH of the Old Testament, the Almighty God, and He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end. IF you don't know Jesus, be prepared to stand before Him, for He is the Judge at the Judgment, and when you stand before a Being BRIGHTER than the Sun, your knees, like every mans will bow, before God. God Bless you.

Dear metis, You are confused. You are the one who posted that I didn't answer YOUR questions. I did, but you didn't like my answers. Now, you claim that I asked questions? You are confused, or trying to muddy the water in order to avoid embarrassment.

No. I said Jesus to someone who gets really confused trying to explain Scripture without referring to the Creator. Jesus IS the only physical God ever formed or that ever will be formed. Isa 43:10 And don't go thinking that I'm a JW since the only way you can get that name is to "add to" what is actually written. The name of Jesus in the Old Testament is YHWH, interpreted as LORD God by the King James translators. Without Him was not anything made which was made. Jhn 1:3 God Bless you.

In Love,

Same old song-and-dance. Maybe your approach will appeal to some elementary students, although you better just try it on those who may not be very good students.


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
True, but you are describing the Present Earth and NOT the first Earth which was totally destroyed in the Flood. It's the world that "Then Was" in ll Peter 3:5. You are describing the formation of our Earth, which will be BURNED. ll Peter 3:10

2 Peter 3:5 says nothing about a 'first Earth'. It clearly refers to THE earth, which would be the same earth you and I are on right now:

2 Peter 3:5
But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.

Dear gng, Sorry, but your paraphrased version of Scripture is not true to what is actually written. I suggest you use the KJV. Here is what it says:

2Pe 3:5 For this they (Scoffers) willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world (Greek-Kosmos) that THEN WAS, being overflowed with water, perished: (Greek-destroyed totally)

The world that then was is the world of Adam. The Scoffers in the last Days will be "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood. Right? After all, I've told you this. Are you willingly ignorant that Adam's world is gone?

2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

That makes two things which the Scoffers (Evols) of the last days will NOT believe. One is that Adam's entire Universe is gone, and the present world (Cosmos) will be burned exactly as ll Peter 3:10 shows. The chemical elements will be melted with fervent heat.

The scientific evidence shows otherwise, as indicated by my previous post.

It was not the Earth that was 'totally destroyed' in the Flood. That is ridiculous, because in order to have a flood, there must be something there (eg a planet) for a flood to occur upon. If there was even such a 'world-wide' flood, only what existed on the surface would have been affected. The planet Earth itself was unfazed.

Again, you are making things up that aren't actually there.

Science is willingly ignorant, and that is WHY the Flood is the Snare of Trap which catches the all knowing Evols in the last days. Science has been falsely teaching the Theory of Evolution which knows NOTHING about Adam's world because it has REJECTED God's Truth as Myth, Allegory and Fiction.

In the last days, God's Truth will be known and scientists will be in a debate which proves that they are teaching a False Theory to our children in the Public Schools. When they are finally shown to be Bluffing and are UnAble to show us How or When we magically changed from animal to Human intelligence, these Scoffers will REFUSE to believe God so they will be "willingly ignorant". Are YOU willingly ignorant of God's Truth? If so, then it's evidence that we are indeed, in the last days of this world. God Bless you.

In Love,


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Science is willingly ignorant, and that is WHY the Flood is the Snare of Trap which catches the all knowing Evols in the last days. Science has been falsely teaching the Theory of Evolution which knows NOTHING about Adam's world because it has REJECTED God's Truth as Myth, Allegory and Fiction.

Even though the above wasn't addressed to me, I still can't find the words to label just how disgusting the above is, so unless you take a modesty pill instead of strutting around like a holier-than-Thou peacock, I personally will not be dealing with this brazen judgmentalism any further.


Thou art That
Originally Posted by Aman777
True, but you are describing the Present Earth and NOT the first Earth which was totally destroyed in the Flood. It's the world that "Then Was" in ll Peter 3:5. You are describing the formation of our Earth, which will be BURNED. ll Peter 3:10

Dear gng, Sorry, but your paraphrased version of Scripture is not true to what is actually written. I suggest you use the KJV. Here is what it says:

2Pe 3:5 For this they (Scoffers) willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world (Greek-Kosmos) that THEN WAS, being overflowed with water, perished: (Greek-destroyed totally)

The world that then was is the world of Adam. The Scoffers in the last Days will be "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood. Right? After all, I've told you this. Are you willingly ignorant that Adam's world is gone?

2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

That makes two things which the Scoffers (Evols) of the last days will NOT believe. One is that Adam's entire Universe is gone, and the present world (Cosmos) will be burned exactly as ll Peter 3:10 shows. The chemical elements will be melted with fervent heat.

I did not paraphrase anything. What I quoted is from the NIV version from Bible Gateway, here:

2 Peter 3:5 - But they deliberately forget that long - Bible Gateway

and just one more reason scripture cannot be relied upon, as there are so many interpretations as to alter meanings significantly.

The world that was destroyed that you call earth was not the planet, but the immediate world of those living at the time. That does not mean the planet Earth. The Deluge being referred to covered all known land mass, and any civilizations on it would have been 'destroyed'. That is the same as 'the world'.

'which are now' merely refers to the condition of the Earth's surface, ie; 'the [new] world', AFTER the flood has subsided.

If everyone except Noah and his family were wiped out, where did the scoffers come from?

You're making things up again out of whole cloth, writing things into the allegory that simply are not there. I know, it feeds your belief system and makes you feel nice and comfy. Lying and fabrication about the nature of Reality is not acceptable.
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pro scapegoat
Which, as I understand you, is to mean that everything that you are composed of, is contained within the superset of the greater whole, which, in this case, is the universe. Is that right?

I am a subset of the whole.

The point I am trying to make is that, as organic beings; as humans, we are not made, as in some kind of artifact, but grown. We grow out of the universe. To put it another way, we are a total action of the universe in the same way a wave is a total action of the ocean.

Sorry, that made no sense to me. What do you mean by a 'total action'?

If you remove certain 'parts' of either an organic entity or an artifact, either may cease to function in whole or in part. But an artifact, like a piano or engine, for example, though rendered non-functional via disassembly, can generally be reassembled, while an organic entity cannot, at least not after it has ceased to function, ie; 'death'. To say that you are an assembly of various 'parts' does not tell the whole story. It is kind of like saying that a human being is nothing more than a chemical factory. It is reductionist thinking at its worst.

To say that the Mona Lisa is nothing more than pigment and canvas is reductionist thinking also, all you need to do is to resist adding 'nothing more' to that sentence - as follows;

Human beings are complex arrangements of matter and function via chemeical interactions. (Now that is an accurate statement)

It is not reductionist thinking, it is just an observation.

Now you could say that Jennifer Lawrence is composed of molecules and functions through chemical reactions - and that is a true statement.

Or you could re-write that to, Jennifer Lawrence is nothing more than a bag of molecules and chemical reactions - and that is poor reductionist thinking.

The point is that it is YOUR addition of 'nothing more than' that makes it poor reductionist thinking, without that addition it is just an observation.


Bible Believer
I did not paraphrase anything. What I quoted is from the NIV version from Bible Gateway, here:

2 Peter 3:5 - But they deliberately forget that long - Bible Gateway

and just one more reason scripture cannot be relied upon, as there are so many interpretations as to alter meanings significantly.

Dear gng, The NIV IS a paraphrased version of Scripture. I didn't say it was you but your Version of Scripture which is some group's concensus view instead of being true to the original Hebrew and Greek. This is all a part of God's Plan since when you have thousands of versions of the Bible, you cannot come to know God by ANYthing but Faith.

The world that was destroyed that you call earth was not the planet, but the immediate world of those living at the time. That does not mean the planet Earth. The Deluge being referred to covered all known land mass, and any civilizations on it would have been 'destroyed'. That is the same as 'the world'.
There is Truth in what you say because Adam's Biosphere was much smaller than our Cosmos. It was placed in a Big Lake which is 75 miles wide and 1500 feet deep. Adam's world had but 4 Rivers while our Planet has thousands. The highest elevation on Adam's FLAT Earth was but 22 1/2 feet Gen 7:20 while Mt Everest is almost 30k feet high. Adam's world was like an Incubator for Humanity.

'which are now' merely refers to the condition of the Earth's surface, ie; 'the [new] world', AFTER the flood has subsided.

The heavens and earth WHICH ARE NOW is the world of Peter, our world, while the world (kosmos) that then was is Adam's world which was "clean dissolved" in the flood, as Isaiah 24:19 shows. Do you have any Scripture which supports your view?

If everyone except Noah and his family were wiped out, where did the scoffers come from?

After Noah arrived, his grandsons,like Cain on Adam's world, had NO other Humans to marry. They married and produced children with the prehistoric people whose origin was in the water on the 5th Day, long BEFORE Noah arrived. Gen 1:21 shows that "every living creature that moveth" was created and brought forth from the water and Science agrees and shows that the 5th Day to God was some 3.7 Billion years ago in man's time.

Genesis 6:1-4 details the Fact that the sons of God (Prehistoric people) and Adam's daughters (Humans) could and did produce children with each other. The LORD didn't approve and cut man's lifespans by some 90%.

You're making things up again out of whole cloth, writing things into the allegory that simply are not there. I know, it feeds your belief system and makes you feel nice and comfy. Lying and fabrication about the nature of Reality is not acceptable.


Then it should be easy to refute me either Scripturally, Scientifically, or Historically, but all you can do is make false accusations which soon turn into name calling. Is that the best you can do? God Bless you.

In Love,


God by ANYthing but Faith

Because you have no evidence of any kind any god exist.

Why is it my yellow creator ducky god is greater then your god, and has more power then yours ever will.

MY yellow ducky created your god beofre the big bang.

And your no one to tell me I am in error or wrong.

peace love regards.

Sound familiar?


Rogue Theologian
Because you have no evidence of any kind any god exist.

Why is it my yellow creator ducky god is greater then your god, and has more power then yours ever will.

MY yellow ducky created your god beofre the big bang.

And your no one to tell me I am in error or wrong.

peace love regards.

Sound familiar?

And you with your god in the grave will be eternally happy in the eternal darkness.

Sound right?


Thou art That
I am a subset of the whole.

Please explain.

Sorry, that made no sense to me. What do you mean by a 'total action'?
There is no difference between you and the universe. What you really are is not separate from what the universe is. The ego only creates the illusion of separation; creates the notion of being a 'subset', or a 'part', when in reality, no such distinction actually exists, except in the mind.

Human beings are complex arrangements of matter and function via chemical interactions. (Now that is an accurate statement)

It is not reductionist thinking, it is just an observation.
But it is only partially and minimally 'accurate', and as such, is still deceptive. It's not a lie, but is incomplete.
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Thou art That
Don't you just hate the sound of gnashing teeth?

Oh, quite the contrary! I think it's rather comical, m'self....grrrrrr! Just think: only a handful will get inside the Pearly Gates, the rest will be in the dark, gnashing their teeth in unison, creating such a thunderous cacophony so as to provide comfort to one another. :rolleyes:


Rogue Theologian
Oh, quite the contrary! I think it's rather comical, m'self....grrrrrr! Just think: only a handful will get inside the Pearly Gates, the rest will be in the dark, gnashing their teeth in unison, creating such a thunderous cacophony so as to provide comfort to one another. :rolleyes:

Could be.

Have you actually read the parable?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If God wrote all of scripture, then He must be a lousy speller as there are numerous spelling errors in the oldest texts (obviously these were corrected in later copies), with the Gospel of John having the most.