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What came before the Big Bang?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
We have hierarchy in this life.
I strongly suspect hierarchy in the next.

"Hierarchies" are made, and are not intrinsic universally. For example, what is the "hierarchy" of the planets? the suns? protozoa?


Rogue Theologian
"Hierarchies" are made, and are not intrinsic universally. For example, what is the "hierarchy" of the planets? the suns? protozoa?

Indeed!..... food chain?

Larger stars drawing smaller ones?
Black holes consuming all that comes near?

And among men....do we not do unto those lesser than ourselves?

oh!....didn't one third of heaven say the same?!!!!!
Man is less than we are and he should be made to serve us!

One third of heaven lost their positions for that.
An argument over something that looks like us.
They want us dead.

Two thirds of heaven lost their brothers of that same argument.
....something that looks like us.
They might not care.

I don't assume to be greeted with open arms.
I do unto lesser things as I see fit.
That would bear resemblance to the one third that fell.

But that much is digression.


Premium Member
That something would be light?

And would that pronouncement be synonymous to.....I AM?

No sir, from what we observed of the beginning of the universe, no light, no I am, gravity was taking hold showing that something was there. Thats all we have.


Rogue Theologian
No sir, from what we observed of the beginning of the universe, no light, no I am, gravity was taking hold showing that something was there. Thats all we have.

Not buying that.
There are four basic forces.
They had to be together at that 'point'.

For the singularity to be truly singular.....no secondary point can be allowed.
Once the secondary is formed....infinity is simultaneous.

The 'expansion' would have been a simple hollow sphere of energy.
But no.

I believe the rotation was set in motion BEFORE the expansion began.

I believe the rotation, the spiral, the orbit, the spin of it all.....IS...
the proof of God's hand.


Coincidentia oppositorum
That something would be light?
Light is something, not someone, unless there's a unity of it all. Is something that same as someone?

And would that pronouncement be synonymous to.....I AM?
I consider all this here and now to be I AM. Not necessarily that over there, back then, in the past, or in the future... all of it is always I AM. The universe begins here. Infinity is in this place. Eternity is now. Nothing is everything. That is all I AM, simply because I am.


Premium Member
Not buying that.
There are four basic forces.
They had to be together at that 'point'.

For the singularity to be truly singular.....no secondary point can be allowed.
Once the secondary is formed....infinity is simultaneous.

The 'expansion' would have been a simple hollow sphere of energy.
But no.

I believe the rotation was set in motion BEFORE the expansion began.

I believe the rotation, the spiral, the orbit, the spin of it all.....IS...
the proof of God's hand.
Buy it or not we have been able to observe the first micro seconds of the universe. Gravity was first evidence that something was there. Light, as far our eyes can see didn't come about until later and matter as in Hydrogen wasn't even present in the beginning. All this matter is just a change from what was from the beginning, a change in form from the energies and powers that were around in the beginning.

So how do we observe these beginning if there wasn't light, because we don't observe light in our spectrum from the beginning. Further there is no I am there to be found. We just see something being, thats all. Existence just being and changing form as it expanded and cooled down.

So more accurately it would be, in the beginning god said let there be gravity. So I am with you on the spinney thingies and such, its cause of gravity going against the forces of expansion.


Bible Believer
If God wrote all of scripture, then He must be a lousy speller as there are numerous spelling errors in the oldest texts (obviously these were corrected in later copies), with the Gospel of John having the most.

Dear metis, Do you have only negative views about God, or is your life filled with darkness about everything? In the beginning God changed Energy into physical matter, but you have nothing but criticism for His Love for you? Don't you like living in a physical world, or would you rather live in a burning one? God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Buy it or not we have been able to observe the first micro seconds of the universe.

Dear idav, I've read about the some 9 Billion years BEFORE the first micro seconds of our Universe. It's all in Genesis, since the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4

Gravity was first evidence that something was there. Light, as far our eyes can see didn't come about until later and matter as in Hydrogen wasn't even present in the beginning. All this matter is just a change from what was from the beginning, a change in form from the energies and powers that were around in the beginning.

Notice that the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the First Stars of our Cosmos didn't put forth their Light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 The LORD had changed air, dust, and water into Energy and the Big Bang scattered the Stars throughout the Cosmos. The LORD knew about Gravity BEFORE He caused the "inflation" of our World.

So how do we observe these beginning if there wasn't light, because we don't observe light in our spectrum from the beginning. Further there is no I am there to be found. We just see something being, thats all. Existence just being and changing form as it expanded and cooled down.

There was Light for Billions of years BEFORE the Big Bang because the LORD Jesus is the Light of the FIRST Day. Gen 1:3 He is ALSO the Light of New Jerusalem in Heaven for the Shekinah Glory which surrounds Him is BRIGHTER than the Noonday Sun. Act 9:3 How do you suppose the plants and trees GREW on the 3rd Day without Light? Gen 1:12

So more accurately it would be, in the beginning god said let there be gravity. So I am with you on the spinney thingies and such, its cause of gravity going against the forces of expansion.

Then WHY do you suppose the speed of the Galaxies is INCREASING if all there was was Gravity? I can tell you but first, tell us about the imaginary Mysterious Force of Dark Energy. We need a good laugh. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Dear idav, I've read about the some 9 Billion years BEFORE the first micro seconds of our Universe. It's all in Genesis, since the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4
The big bang on the third day. Wrong because the third day should have water which didn't exist on the first day.

Notice that the Big Bang was on the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and the First Stars of our Cosmos didn't put forth their Light until the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16 The LORD had changed air, dust, and water into Energy and the Big Bang scattered the Stars throughout the Cosmos. The LORD knew about Gravity BEFORE He caused the "inflation" of our World.
Further God say let there be light on a first day that doesn't exist. A day goes by the sun at which time didn't exist. No days exist.

There was Light for Billions of years BEFORE the Big Bang because the LORD Jesus is the Light of the FIRST Day. Gen 1:3 He is ALSO the Light of New Jerusalem in Heaven for the Shekinah Glory which surrounds Him is BRIGHTER than the Noonday Sun. Act 9:3 How do you suppose the plants and trees GREW on the 3rd Day without Light? Gen 1:12

Ok so some sort of metaphorical light that preceded the universe. Whatever then no reason to invoke the big bang at all its all a metaphor.

Then WHY do you suppose the speed of the Galaxies is INCREASING if all there was was Gravity? I can tell you but first, tell us about the imaginary Mysterious Force of Dark Energy. We need a good laugh. God Bless you.
That is what we observed in the very beginnings of the universe as expansion was already happening. Gravity is simply part of the equation regardless of the power that was expanding the energies to begin with.

Wow mock away. The dark energies just mean we don't know what it is but is observable in ways that we can calculate their effects. And in fact the universe is very complex and went through stages of speeding up and slowing down, just based on the what forces had more control at the time but all this has been observed we can literally look back in time and see what the universe was doing, we don't have to guess.


Coincidentia oppositorum
'God did not create the universe;
God became the universe.'
Deepak Chopra

Good point.

It's like me, being who I am today, I didn't create myself intentionally to become who I am right now, but I did become who I am based on who I was, what I did, and what I experienced. It's transformation. Not causation.


Thou art That
Good point.

It's like me, being who I am today, I didn't create myself intentionally to become who I am right now, but I did become who I am based on who I was, what I did, and what I experienced. It's transformation. Not causation.

My question is: is there a state of being that does NOT change; that does NOT become;that is unborn, and if so, is that who we really are?


Coincidentia oppositorum
My question is: is there a state of being that does NOT change; that does NOT become;that is unborn, and if so, is that who we really are?
The only constant is change. Nothing is forever. Nothing stays unchanged.

I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. I can recognize the person I was yesterday, but right now, I'm who I am right now, and no one else. Tomorrow, I'll be someone else.