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What came before the Big Bang?


Coincidentia oppositorum

What do you suppose Heaven could possibly want with a nun-seducer, sword-maker, and martial artist? All old useless costumes in the new life. Excess baggage.

And one question I have is, will you keep your IQ in heaven or get a new one? Higher, lower?


Thou art That
And one question I have is, will you keep your IQ in heaven or get a new one? Higher, lower?

I think it depends on whether your concept of Heaven is one in which you, as a distinct self, is still separate from God, or whether genuine divine union has been achieved, in which case there is no self or other to have an individual IQ. In this case, the illusory self would completely merge with the Universal Self, as a snowflake disappears upon melting, and returning to its original, universal substance. Then 'you' would be of the same intellect as the Universe, The Absolute, because that is what you are anyway. It doesn't have intellect; it the very essence of Intelligence itself, without an agent of intelligence. The Supreme Identity; The Indestructible Sunyata. Tat tvam asi.



Coincidentia oppositorum
I think it depends on whether your concept of Heaven is one in which you, as a distinct self, is still separate from God, or whether genuine divine union has been achieved, in which case there is no self or other to have an individual IQ. In this case, the illusory self would completely merge with the Universal Self, as a snowflake disappears upon melting, and returning to its original, universal substance. Then 'you' would be of the same intellect as the Universe, The Absolute, because that is what you are anyway. It doesn't have intellect; it the very essence of Intelligence itself, without an agent of intelligence. The Supreme Identity; The Indestructible Sunyata. Tat tvam asi.

Absolutely beautiful. :)


Rogue Theologian
I think it depends on whether your concept of Heaven is one in which you, as a distinct self, is still separate from God, or whether genuine divine union has been achieved, in which case there is no self or other to have an individual IQ. In this case, the illusory self would completely merge with the Universal Self, as a snowflake disappears upon melting, and returning to its original, universal substance. Then 'you' would be of the same intellect as the Universe, The Absolute, because that is what you are anyway. It doesn't have intellect; it the very essence of Intelligence itself, without an agent of intelligence. The Supreme Identity; The Indestructible Sunyata. Tat tvam asi.


For this to happen the 'you'.....that 'you' continual deny....must first be real.


Just old
Premium Member
I think it depends on whether your concept of Heaven is one in which you, as a distinct self, is still separate from God, or whether genuine divine union has been achieved, in which case there is no self or other to have an individual IQ. In this case, the illusory self would completely merge with the Universal Self, as a snowflake disappears upon melting, and returning to its original, universal substance. Then 'you' would be of the same intellect as the Universe, The Absolute, because that is what you are anyway. It doesn't have intellect; it the very essence of Intelligence itself, without an agent of intelligence. The Supreme Identity; The Indestructible Sunyata. Tat tvam asi.

Real nice going GNG, the best you've done, possibly your best.
The crystal of presence about us all, soon to be gone to the source from which we came.
Like the original flowing of water over and under the all of everything.
None created by anything that was there before it all appeared, the 'now' of it all.
But your words said it all, really, really well.....
frameable, copied and to the frame.


Rogue Theologian
Not buying any of that 'melting into something else'.

That would defeat the existence we have here.
Why generate billions of individuals only to have them 'melt' in the last breath?

Now if you don't WANT to continue.....I have no doubt...THAT can be arranged.


Thou art That
Why generate billions of individuals only to have them 'melt' in the last breath?

At the end of the drama, the actors remove their masks and return to their original identity. To continue on as the character being portrayed is to get so caught up in the drama as to take it for real. But that's just how convincing the illusion of self and the world actually is. It takes an awakened consciousness to see the veil of fictional life obscuring Ultimate Reality. The two factors reinforcing our delusion are fear and desire.

To melt in the last breath is sweet surrender to that which you actually are. Without death, life would be a frozen affair. Death is the natural consequence of life. People who try to dam up life instead of allowing it to flow are dead inside. The problem is that we have a positive experience, but instead of relishing it in the moment, we want to hold onto it, refusing to let it be. We want repetition, and so create an extended, eternal concept of the experience that we envision in some future time and place called Heaven.
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Rogue Theologian
At the end of the drama, the actors remove their masks and return to their original identity. To continue on as the character being portrayed is to get so caught up in the drama as to take it for real. But that's just how convincing the illusion of self and the world actually is. It takes an awakened consciousness to see the veil of fictional life obscuring Ultimate Reality. The two factors reinforcing our delusion are fear and desire.

To melt in the last breath is sweet surrender to that which you actually are. Without death, life would be a frozen affair. Death is the natural consequence of life. People who try to dam up life instead of allowing it to flow are dead inside. The problem is that we have a positive experience, but instead of relishing it in the moment, we want to hold onto it, refusing to let it be. We want repetition, and so create an extended, eternal concept of the experience that we envision in some future time and place called Heaven.

Removing my 'mask' doesn't mean I melt into nothing....or anything else.

I will still be me.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
If I recall correctly, the OP was "What Happened Before the Big Bang"?

The question is indeed moot, if the presumption is that "something" came beforehand.

"Faith" will inform you that "god", or a "turtle", or something "else" must be identifiable as a primal "cause"...but what if the "cosmos" as we can observe and measure it today is simply a random act of probabilities within an infinite number of multi-verses?

WE already KNOW (with both observation and experiment) that elemental particles of theoretical sciences (painful physics) literally can and do appear, and then disappear, in milliseconds of existence. FACT. Not guesswork. FACT.

Where do "they" come from? Where do they "go"? Unknown (for now).

What can be "known" is that any "supernatural being" is utterly unnecessary within this cosmos, and furthermore, an unnecessary factor in "creating" anything in fathoming of any cosmos.


Only a "faith" that there is, or must be, a "purpose" to human existence even begins to suggest a "need" of any supernatural entity as a primal cause...to anything.



Premium Member
..."Faith" will inform you that "god", or a "turtle", or something "else" must be identifiable as a primal "cause"...but what if the "cosmos" as we can observe and measure it today is simply a random act of probabilities within an infinite number of multi-verses?...?

he he. Multiverses come up based on choices made.


Thou art That
Removing my 'mask' doesn't mean I melt into nothing....or anything else.

I will still be me.

Of course you will be. You always are. But then who was the masked actor?

Only via Nothing can you know anything. But you don't see that because "I" wants to hog the show. It doesn't realize that it exists purely by virtue of nothingness. But just between you and I, we both know it's all just One Big Act, don't we? ;);)


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Thou art That
Not buying any of that 'melting into something else'.

That would defeat the existence we have here.
Why generate billions of individuals only to have them 'melt' in the last breath?

To resist is to continue on as a delusional ego, thinking itself a separate self acting upon the world, instead of being one with the entire universe. It's like you are a member of an orchestra, but insist on only you playing your instrument separately, instead of being part of the entire symphonic sound.


Just old
Premium Member
Flowing into consciousness, separating one from one's inner worth, one discovers the real depth of one's basic level of importance.
One carries one's foundation of one's meaning, the presence of one's gnosis, and the weight of the burden held.
Sharing this knowledge, like sharing the value of consciousness, becomes a calling to one of the unessessary challenges one meets in the attempt to explain the real meaning of what does exist beyond the occurance of one's present existance.
It becomes unnecessary to try to prove any belief beyond that value that is present in the memories that is possessed by those that will remain after one's death. And I know that most of those memories will eventually desist to wisps of thoughts, and eventually dissappear. Some of those thoughts and memories will be passed on to others, and then sometime on to further persons still, one would hope, can't one.
Some beleive that there's a heaven, a reward of sorts, to go to, to arise from the death that will come to all that survive now.
The conent of this 'heaven' still remains a mystery and the construction of this savory illusion of everlasting post death, forever and ever, will be a re-joining of all that have died, and the many untold millions that expired before them, a party joined by any and all.
There are many explanations of what will be there in the containers, food, drink, furniture, and such....none really fits the environment in which any structure of this size could exist...one could describe this phenomena as nearly implausable, to outright impossible. But it might exist, thrones and all.
I'll be happy to leave a memory of myself to those that survive me, and hope for the best to one's remains, or gaseous 'spirit' in my case.
So much for consciousness and the gnosis that surrounds it, at my age, I can recognize the difference between the two of them.


Rogue Theologian
To resist is to continue on as a delusional ego, thinking itself a separate self acting upon the world, instead of being one with the entire universe. It's like you are a member of an orchestra, but insist on only you playing your instrument separately, instead of being part of the entire symphonic sound.

I have my part....yes I do.

Rhyme and discord?.....I know them well.


Premium Member
Of course you will be. You always are. But then who was the masked actor?

Only via Nothing can you know anything. But you don't see that because "I" wants to hog the show. It doesn't realize that it exists purely by virtue of nothingness. But just between you and I, we both know it's all just One Big Act, don't we? ;);)


I still feel that you are not distinguishing between the ego 'i' from the Seer "I".

And then if you are teaching about the falsity of "I" altogether then who is teaching? And who has any power to remove any delusion?


Rogue Theologian
I still feel that you are not distinguishing between the ego 'i' from the Seer "I".

And then if you are teaching about the falsity of "I" altogether then who is teaching? And who has any power to remove any delusion?

Get him! Atanu......Get him!
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