Liberation in Buddhism is very much limited to spiritual liberation. It does not extend to the social,political and economic areas. In Hinayana, the lesser path, each individual has to become an arhat. In Mahayana, the greater vehicle, one does not strive only for one's liberation but also helps others to achieve liberation. There are Bodhisattvas. This liberation is freedom from samsara, the wheel of birth and death.
Liberation for Jesus is not just spiritual but embraces all areas.It is not just freedom from samsara, birth and death, but to transform our birth as the birth of God and our death as the death of God.
Jesus death on the cross was the consequence of the refusal of the Jewish spiritual leaders and political leaders of that time, to grow into the higher level of divine-human relationship.
It was the consequence of the refusal of Jesus Christ to deny his spiritual realization for the spiritual growth of every single human beings, for the liberation of human beings from all the oppressive structures(religious, social, political and economical), and for the unity of mankind.
“Sentient beings are numberless, I vow to save them,
“Desires are inexhaustible, I vow to put an end to them,
“The dharmas are boundless, I vow to master them,
“The Buddha Way is unattainable, I vow to attain it.”
This is what I recite:
Sentient beings are numberless, I do not need to save them. They are already saved. I need to see that truth.
Desires are inexhaustible, I do not need to put them to an end. I need to transform them into God's desires.
Religions are boundless, I need not master them. I need to go beyond them by surrendering my ego, the source of all religions.
Freedom is unattainable if I want to attain it by own effort. It can only be discovered because it is my birth right, natural state. I discover it already present in my heart.
Jesus Christ said: The kingdom of God is within you,look into your heart and find it.