Definitely some people are more "real" and "genuine" than others. The churches seem to be doing their best at what they think is the "true" way to worship God. When we try and find the one true Christian church, the problem gets down to which words, which verses, and which interpretation is best. But, who doesn't think their church is the one that's right? So that doesn't work. Because loving and kind people can be found in any religion or no religion.
I agree that loving and kind people can be found in any and no religion. That's not the final say, but it is definitely a part of it, John 13:34-25. The crux of the matter is NOT to "interpret" per say - "
This is what it means to me.", that's what got us into trouble in the first place.
One must seek the "original intent" of the Biblical authors-"
What it meant to Them". That's what true.
I think the "true church" is in the heart. But, since none of us are perfect, even that falls short in practice.
The NT Christians fell short of perfection also. That didn't keep them from being the true church. I don't think we need to be perfect to be the true church, but we do need to be Holy and faithful to God. There are churches where people are sleeping around with each other like crazy. These churches don't care about God's word at all, they're just going to church and the pastor is not holding the flock to be true disciples/folllowers of Jesus. Some churches don't even expect their members to study their Bibles for themselves, but just hang on the preacherd words. 1 Timothy 4:16.
Anyway, what is the Christian restoration movement? Sounds interesting. And the same with you Shermana, I'd like to hear more of what you believe.
I refer to the restoration movement begun with Alexander Campbell in the 1800's. He was excommunicated from his baptist congregation after advocating that the congregation return to the scriptures. He was seeing that people were officially announced saved when they shared in a public setting a divine experience that God had given them. Alexander did not see this in the scriptures and challenged it. He saw in the scriptures people believing in Jesus, repenting, and being baptized in Jesus's name for the forgiveness of their sins.
I do not follow Alexander Campbell or Stone Barton, another pioneer. These men were flawed men like any of us and Paul spoke against following man -1 Corinthians 1:10-13. I have studied the scriptures deeply for years as well as church history and I believe that Alexander Campbell got it right. It could just as easily been any one else. The Protestants made a good go of reforming the church during the 1500s, but they far from got it right. Of course Some (John Wycliff, William Tisdale, etc.) did much better than others (John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, etc.). I belong to the Churches of Christ, but there a re a growing number of churches outside of the Churches of Christ that believe as we do. My allegiance is to what the scriptures teach and I speak only from the standpoint of the scriptures. I don't throw out the "my church is better than your church" nonsense, but if people want to know where I am a part, it is there. If a church, any church, follows the scriptures in life and doctrine, they are the true church.