The whole point of the resurrection is in v 6 :He is not here for he is risen
as he said. Jesus was not there , he was already risen - Jesus was not rising then but
was risen - past tense, must have been since he was no longer there. And what did he say about his resurrection ? That he would be in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights. So where are the 72 hours from friday sunset to early sunday morning if it were a sunday resurrection ? Hardly 30 hours and not 72. The friday/sunday resurrection points to a false Messiah whom traditional christians have followed since and observing the sunday instead of God's Holy Sabbath.
But you take your time friend ...this is not to be rushed !
But Sunday actually began the day before at sunset. Close to 12 hours of Sunday had elapsed when the women arrived at the tomb.
He could have risen hours before and still risen on Sunday.
So, here's how those particular facts would shake out:
Day of Preparation -- Tuesday, Nisan 14
Ate Passover (Mk 14:12-18) -- Tuesday evening, Nisan 15
Crucified -- Wednesday, Nisan 15, annual
Sabbath of Unleavened Bread
In tomb -- Wednesday evening (Nisan 16, annual
Sabbath of Firstfruits) thru Saturday
Sabbath evening (Nisan 19)
Women arrive at tomb -- Sunday (Nisan 19)
Okay, harmonious and dirty-penguin, help me out here.
My Sabbaths aren't working.
Could the Jews prepare his body for burial on an annual Sabbath (Nisan 15)?