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What did Jesus Look Like?


Veteran Member
Dear me it has nothing to do with what I believe, I merely face the facts that he was said to be a carpenter and common sense should thus tell you that you should reconsider your conclusion.

A painter smells of paint, a cook smells of the odours of his kitchen, a mechanic smells of oil and grease. Surely this is not so hard to understand or are you prejudiced against all Jews and wish to label them in accordance with your own prejuice-dices (N.B. deliberate misspelling) because some of them have a body odour juiced with the pong of garlic:)
Please give me a break !!.


Dear me it has nothing to do with what I believe, I merely face the facts that he was said to be a carpenter and common sense should thus tell you that you should reconsider your conclusion.

A painter smells of paint, a cook smells of the odours of his kitchen, a mechanic smells of oil and grease. Surely this is not so hard to understand or are you prejudiced against all Jews and wish to label them in accordance with your own prejuice-dices (N.B. deliberate misspelling) because some of them have a body odour juiced with the pong of garlic:)

Interestingly, the word is understood even by theologians to have different meanings.

It means a "crafter" with the underlying Aramaic coming from a crafter of Magic, a Sorcerer.

And that is exactly what the Jews called him.

This is from the Proceedings of the Society Biblical Archaeology.

It shows the words for a crafter and their relation to Nagar, Serpent, and Magic.

http://www.archive.org/stream/proceedings06soci/proceedings06soc i_djvu.txt

“As we see from Origen, Against Celsus, 6.36, the charge that Jesus was a workman was being used by Jewish opponents in post-NT times; Origen replies that “Jesus himself is NOT described as a carpenter anywhere in the Gospels accepted by the churches" (a reply which indicates that he did not read “the carpenter” in Mark 6:3.”

On the range of tekton covering “crafters” see P.H. Furfey, “Christ as Tekton,” CBQ 17 (1955,) 324-35.

Albright and Mann, Matthew, 172-73, connect tekton with the Aramaic word Naggara. Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment.

Also for naggara see Jesus the Jew, p 21-22, Collins.



I mentioned two bibles that you chose to ignore.
I asked which bible you originally quoted. You chose to ignore this request.
Later you frantically sought another source - Hebrew - and are you now trying to say this was your source

You may be on an ego trip. I am not!

You did not name your Bible sources! Tell me which Bibles you used that have WIFE in the Hebrew Isaiah texts!

And I used the actual Hebrew text.

Try again!



Active Member
You did not name your Bible sources! Tell me which Bibles you used that have WIFE in the Hebrew Isaiah texts!

And I used the actual Hebrew text.

Try again!

Strange I only saw your English quotes. Much, much later you started with the Hebrew. Are you Jewish and can you read and write in Hebrew or are you quoting a translated source ?

I specifically named the one bible and said the other was in my home language; which at that stage made it two to one in my favour.



Ingledsva said:
Yep. I get a kick out of what people believe - from tradition - rather than looking closely at what the Bible says.

For instance we get this idea of a gentle, loving, teacher.

The Bible actually tells us that he was rabble rousing at the Synagogues, and had to duck and run several times. He used a whip on people in two recorded verses. They packed short close fighting swords. And at least two of his disciples have names relating to known guerrilla groups of that time.

Unsubstantiated claims

Obviously you haven't actually studied your Bible.

John 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

The Bible records him doing this two different times.

Luk 6:15 Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes,

Luk 6:16 And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariotes, which also was the traitor.


"Britannica Online defines "zealot" as a "member of a Jewish sect noted for its uncompromising opposition to pagan Rome and the polytheism it professed";[1] and identifies zealots as revolutionaries against the Romans"

" Josephus characterizes names a few leaders of different zealot movements, but he also identifies "Zealots Proper". The New Encyclopedia of Judaism names the zealots of note, including "… the Sicarii (knife wielders) under Judah of Galilee, Judah’s son Menahem and descendent Eleazar ben Jair… (Who was the commander at Masada)" [5] The "Zealots Proper" occupied Jerusalem and consisted of Eleazar ben Simeon and other priests. Josephus also mentions John of Giscala and Simeon bar Giora...."

Luk 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him takeit,and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

That word for - sword - is machaira. A machaira is a short sword for in-close fighting. It is used 29 times in the NT verses concerning Jesus and his disciples.


A couple of the Ducking from the temples verses -

Joh 8:59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Mar 11:18 And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.

Mar 11:19 And when evening/darkness was come, he departed out of the city.



Strange I only saw your English quotes. Much, much later you started with the Hebrew. Are you Jewish and can you read and write in Hebrew or are you quoting a translated source ?

I specifically named the one bible and said the other was in my home language; which at that stage made it two to one in my favour.

As stated multiple times I used the Hebrew text.

Where is that named Bible? And claiming the other is in a different language is no proof what so ever.

Nothing is in your favor.



Active Member
Obviously you haven't actually studied your Bible.
My bible ? Says who - unsubstantiated because of your assumption in this regard ! You did not consult me before expressing this fallacious opinion.
Obviously you have not read the relevant passages with insight and understanding. (I hope you see the precepts of the Golden Rule in my reply - Obviously - Ask and it shall be given. Yes you asked for this response!)
The pharisees, scribes and some priests called him a rabblerouser. Do they represent ALL the Jews. The part you conveniently left out is - He whipped and chased them out of the temple because they were making it a market place and not a place of worship.
Partial quotes are worse than a full-blown lie; Thus I consider your claims devoid of understanding, fallacious and unsubstantiated.


My bible ? Says who - unsubstantiated because of your assumption in this regard ! You did not consult me before expressing this fallacious opinion.
Obviously you have not read the relevant passages with insight and understanding. (I hope you see the precepts of the Golden Rule in my reply - Obviously - Ask and it shall be given. Yes you asked for this response!)
The pharisees, scribes and some priests called him a rabblerouser. Do they represent ALL the Jews. The part you conveniently left out is - He whipped and chased them out of the temple because they were making it a market place and not a place of worship.
Partial quotes are worse than a full-blown lie; Thus I consider your claims devoid of understanding, fallacious and unsubstantiated.

You saying you studied it doesn't prove that you actually did. And I will add - if you did study it - you very obviously missed a lot of classes.

I have provided the text, and information on the text.

It doesn't matter what his reasoning was - the subject was that Jesus was NOT the kind, gentle, teacher. The Bible text shows this to be true.

I note that you leave out that some of his followers were guerrilla fighters with swords.



Active Member
As stated multiple times I used the Hebrew text.

Where is that named Bible? And claiming the other is in a different language is no proof what so ever.

Nothing is in your favor.

It just goes to show - The seeing blindness you exhibited when you do not wish to see things. Go find the English Bible I named by yourself and apologize.
Must I now quote the passages ifrom the bible in my home language - something I am sure you will not understand ! Apart from the one English bible I have already named here is the name of my home Bible - "Die Bybel - eerste uitgawe 1933.
Tweede (Hersien) 1953.
Derde (sakformaat)1954
Vierde (naslaan) 1957


Dit is die ganse heilige skrif wat al die kanonieke boeke van die OU EN NUWE TESTAMENT BEVAT

Oorgesit uit die oorspronklike tale
The last passage, traslated for your information says - Translated from the original languages
(i.e OT - Hebrew and NT - Greek)


Active Member
You saying you studied it doesn't prove that you actually did. And I will add - if you did study it - you very obviously missed a lot of classes.

I have provided the text, and information on the text.

It doesn't matter what his reasoning was - the subject was that Jesus was NOT the kind, gentle, teacher. The Bible text shows this to be true.

I note that you leave out that some of his followers were guerrilla fighters with swords.

I do not speak with a forked tongue.

Poor thing now attacking me with unsubstanted nonsense becomes meaningless It is obvious that you know only your preconceived ideas.

Yeah sure Peter cut of someones ear, but Jesus healed that mans ear.

Tell me how many technological devices can you name that are found in the OT and NT?


Active Member
As stated multiple times I used the Hebrew text.

Where is that named Bible? And claiming the other is in a different language is no proof what so ever.

Nothing is in your favor.

If you did so why from the start could I read them in English?

Less than nothing is in your favour. My sources outstrip yours.


Thus I consider your claims devoid of understanding, fallacious and unsubstantiated.

She has the education you do not sir.

Theological education is not the credible historical education she tends to follow.

Knowing her for years, and you for a week, I know her to be correct, and you have been refusing academic knowledge.


It just goes to show - The seeing blindness you exhibited when you do not wish to see things. Go find the English Bible I named by yourself and apologize.
Must I now quote the passages ifrom the bible in my home language - something I am sure you will not understand ! Apart from the one English bible I have already named here is the name of my home Bible - "Die Bybel - eerste uitgawe 1933.
Tweede (Hersien) 1953.
Derde (sakformaat)1954
Vierde (naslaan) 1957


Dit is die ganse heilige skrif wat al die kanonieke boeke van die OU EN NUWE TESTAMENT BEVAT

Oorgesit uit die oorspronklike tale
The last passage, traslated for your information says - Translated from the original languages
(i.e OT - Hebrew and NT - Greek)

As stated - not translated correctly if it has the word - wife - in it.

Again, look it up in the Hebrew - and stop this ridiculous crap.

If it is not in the original text - then it isn't there - period!



If you did so why from the start could I read them in English?

Less than nothing is in your favour. My sources outstrip yours.

LOL! I always look up verses that are in contention, - in the original languages.

I put it in English - because most people here do not understand Hebrew.

You can easily look it up with the Hebrew from many on-line Christian study sites.

The word - wife - is not in the verses we are discussing.

That is a fact.

Edit - forgot to add - What sources? Nothing you have mentioned shows the word wife to be in those verses, - and one of them contradicted what you claim, - and proved me correct.
