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What did Jesus Look Like?


Active Member
You saying you studied it doesn't prove that you actually did. And I will add - if you did study it - you very obviously missed a lot of classes.
In general terms this does not indicate that I am a Student of the Bible.

I stood in my garden and studied what the aphids and a Ladybug was doing - Does this make me a student in that field?

Next time ask what I meant, it is obvious from your assumptions and preconceived ideas that we have a communication problem. I do not speak American nor British English!
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I also said - "Tell me how many technological devices can you name that are found in the OT and NT?"
I asked this question to see how open minded you are and and if you are capable of seeing beyond your preconceived ideas.
Just one would be enough - as a clue I can tell you it has a rather shocking behaviour.

Diversionary Red Herrings.

Back to the topic.



Active Member
Diversionary Red Herrings.

Back to the topic.

You are once again interpreting things in a most narrow preconceived manner;
* I explained why I asked the question which in your usual fashion you chose to ignore and thus confirm that you do not have an open minded approach to things.

Note: * I previously said - "I asked this question to see how open minded you are and and if you are capable of seeing beyond your preconceived ideas."
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So easy to ignore what they say in those links. Shame on you.

No - SHAME ON YOU - for diversionary tactics skirting al around the actual FACTS.

There is no word - WIFE in the texts we are discussing.

Basically - you should lo it up and concede - as it is a FACT - and you are wrong.

Here they are just for you - with he Strong's numbers. I provided you with a link to the online Strong's.

Isa 7:14 ThereforeH3651 the LordH136 himselfH1931 shall giveH5414 you a sign;H226 Behold,H2009 a virginH5959 shall conceive,H2029 and bearH3205 a son,H1121 and shall callH7121 his nameH8034 Immanuel.H6005

Isa 8:3 And I wentH7126 untoH413 the prophetess;H5031 and she conceived,H2029 and bareH3205 a son.H1121 Then saidH559 the LORDH3068 toH413 me, CallH7121 his nameH8034 Mahershalalhashbaz.H4122



Active Member
No - SHAME ON YOU - for diversionary tactics skirting al around the actual FACTS.

There is no word - WIFE in the texts we are discussing.

Basically - you should lo it up and concede - as it is a FACT - and you are wrong.

Here they are just for you - with he Strong's numbers. I provided you with a link to the online Strong's.

Isa 7:14 ThereforeH3651 the LordH136 himselfH1931 shall giveH5414 you a sign;H226 Behold,H2009 a virginH5959 shall conceive,H2029 and bearH3205 a son,H1121 and shall callH7121 his nameH8034 Immanuel.H6005

Isa 8:3 And I wentH7126 untoH413 the prophetess;H5031 and she conceived,H2029 and bareH3205 a son.H1121 Then saidH559 the LORDH3068 toH413 me, CallH7121 his nameH8034 Mahershalalhashbaz.H4122

Still ignoring the links I provided that contradict your source and what you say.
The relevant passages say I will give you a sign - A son will be born to a virgin it does not say Isaiah you will father that son
My reference to wife is iro his second son who was not named Immanuel !!!!
Try Isaiah 8 on for size !
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See the information in the following link -


The NT was written in Greek, not Hebrew.

Obviously the NT is Greek and Aramaic.

This is from your link.

"There is some evidence that the Greek word used for “carpenter” (tekton) could also be translated more broadly as “artisan,” “contractor,” or “handyman.” It is possible, therefore, that Jesus and Joseph were the sort of men you call when something needs to be fixed—be it made of wood, stone, or something else. It is also possible that they acted as civil engineers, even designing bridges or other structures that were needed by the people of the town."

TEKTON - artisan - crafter -sorcerer

You seem to miss that carpenter is a later translation.

If it is a mistranslation - then it matters not how many times the translators translated it as such in the NT.

I gave you a link to a Christian groups definitions of this word - it goes to magic.

I also listed several books on the subject.

"This is from the Proceedings of the Society Biblical Archaeology.

It shows the words for a crafter and their relation to Nagar, Serpent, and Magic.

http://www.archive.org/stream/proceedings06soci/proceedings06soc i_djvu.txt

“As we see from Origen, Against Celsus, 6.36, the charge that Jesus was a workman was being used by Jewish opponents in post-NT times; Origen replies that “Jesus himself is NOT described as a carpenter anywhere in the Gospels accepted by the churches" (a reply which indicates that he did not read “the carpenter” in Mark 6:3.”

On the range of tekton covering “crafters” see P.H. Furfey, “Christ as Tekton,” CBQ 17 (1955,) 324-35.

Albright and Mann, Matthew, 172-73, connect tekton with the Aramaic word Naggara. Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment.

Also for naggara see Jesus the Jew, p 21-22, Collins."



Still ignoring the links I provided that contradict your sources and what you say. Because of this the shame still rests upon you.

You still ignore that there can be no such, - as the word - WIFE - is NOT IN THE VERSES.

There is only later speculation by people that apparently have a problem with YHVH sending him to a woman whom as not his wife.

The text trumps such speculation.



Still ignoring the links I provided that contradict your source and what you say.
The relevant passages say I will give you a sign - A son will be born to a virgin it does not say Isaiah you will father that son
My reference to wife is iro his second son who was not named Immanuel !!!!
Try Isaiah 8 on for size !

1. - they are about the same person.

2. - I told you t check out the Christian Strong's which says Immanuel is Isaiah' son.

3. - 8 doesn't have - WIFE - either.



Active Member
1. - they are about the same person.

2. - I told you t check out the Christian Strong's which says Immanuel is Isaiah' son.

3. - 8 doesn't have - WIFE - either.

And I told you to check out the information in the links I provided. that contradict your Christian Strong's view. Your one source does not rule the day But you seem to have the attitude - why should I, I and Strong are right and all else is wrong. So I repeat discourse with you on this subject is not profitable ( I am reminded of this by Paul Bunyan's saying of let us hold profitable discourse)

Isaiah 8:3 says - then I had sexual intercourse with my WIFE and she conceived, and she bore me a son, and the Lord said call him Maher-shalal-hash-baz. (the Living Bible, Paraphrased).

Here is yet another link the contents on which you should chew as if it were a cud and contemplate and meditate upon it with an open mind -
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And I told you to check out the information in the links I provided. that contradict your Christian Strong's view. Your one source does not rule the day But you seem to have the attitude - why should I, I and Strong are right and all else is wrong. So I repeat discourse with you on this subject is not profitable ( I am reminded of this by Paul Bunyan's saying of let us hold profitable discourse)

Isaiah 8:3 says - then I had sexual intercourse with my WIFE and she conceived, and she bore me a son, and the Lord said call him Maher-shalal-hash-baz. (the Living Bible, Paraphrased).

Here is yet another link the contents on which you should chew as if it were a cud and contemplate and meditate upon it with an open mind -

Good grief! This is ridiculous! I read your whole link.

It does NOT say WIFE is in the verses! Both links - to 7 and 8.

Do you even bother to read these links you send us to?

"I. The first theory is that of the Jewish commentators. Originally, they suggested that the mother was Abi, the wife of Ahaz (2 Kings 18:2), and the son Hezekiah, who delivered Judah from the Assyrian power (see Justin, 'Dial. cum Tryphon.,' p. 262). But this was early disproved by showing that, according to the numbers of Kings (2 Kings 16:2; 2 Kings 18:2), Hezekiah was at least nine years old in the first year of Ahaz, before which this prophecy could not have been delivered (Isaiah 7:1). The second suggestion made identified the mother with Isaiah's wife, the "prophetess" of Isaiah 8:3, and made the son a child of his, called actually Immanuel, or else his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isaiah 8:1) under a symbolical designation. But ha-'almah,

EDIT - Part went missing.


The wife of a Prophet is NOT called a Prophetess. That theory is ludicrous! You have to be receiving the word of God to be a Prophet.

His wife is not called a Prophetess anywhere in the Bible.

Nor does it say she is with him in a war zone.

It is comical how far they will speculate so it doesn't look like he was just having sex with some woman. LOL!

The text itself wins. NO WIFE IN IT.

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Active Member

Good grief! This is ridiculous! I read your whole link.

It does NOT say WIFE is in the verses! Both links - to 7 and 8.

Do you even bother to read these links you send us to?

"I. The first theory is that of the Jewish commentators. Originally, they suggested that the mother was Abi, the wife of Ahaz (2 Kings 18:2), and the son Hezekiah, who delivered Judah from the Assyrian power (see Justin, 'Dial. cum Tryphon.,' p. 262). But this was early disproved by showing that, according to the numbers of Kings (2 Kings 16:2; 2 Kings 18:2), Hezekiah was at least nine years old in the first year of Ahaz, before which this prophecy could not have been delivered (Isaiah 7:1). The second suggestion made identified the mother with Isaiah's wife, the "prophetess" of Isaiah 8:3, and made the son a child of his, called actually Immanuel, or else his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isaiah 8:1) under a symbolical designation. But ha-'almah,

EDIT - Part went missing.


The wife of a Prophet is NOT called a Prophetess. That theory is ludicrous! You have to be receiving the word of God to be a Prophet.

His wife is not called a Prophetess anywhere in the Bible.

Nor does it say she is with him in a war zone.

It is comical how far they will speculate so it doesn't look like he was just having sex with some woman. LOL!

The text itself wins. NO WIFE IN IT.

No Bull, How nice - Now try reading it without your all knowing superior complex and "I have made up my mind so do not confuse me with the facts attitude" and read the information in All the other links I furnished.

Obviously you do not read with understanding, jump to wild unqualified assumption and are now attempting to project you failures on to me. Tut tut

Oh by the way what is all this ballyhoo by you when the subject is that the prophetess was in fact his wife and that there is a mystery concerning the sign that god gave !

So you also sweep the quotation from the "Living Bible" under the carpet because it contradicts you and your precious Christian Strong's translation.

My, my - And aw gee you even resort to shouting at me - a sure sign of your ego covering up your faulty conclusions and trying to bully me into acceptance
of your closed mind ideas.
How about substantiating your wild thoughts hmm

Oh by the way has your mind now opened that teeny weeny bit to identify the technological device I gave you a clue to - obviously not.


No Bull, How nice - Now try reading it without your all knowing superior complex and "I have made up my mind so do not confuse me with the facts attitude" and read the information in All the other links I furnished.

Obviously you do not read with understanding, jump to wild unqualified assumption and are now attempting to project you failures on to me. Tut tut

Oh by the way what is all this ballyhoo by you when the subject is that the prophetess was in fact his wife and that there is a mystery concerning the sign that god gave !

So you also sweep the quotation from the "Living Bible" under the carpet because it contradicts you and your precious Christian Strong's translation.

My, my - And aw gee you even resort to shouting at me - a sure sign of your ego covering up your faulty conclusions and trying to bully me into acceptance
of your closed mind ideas.
How about substantiating your wild thoughts hmm

Oh by the way has your mind now opened that teeny weeny bit to identify the technological device I gave you a clue to - obviously not.

This is like talking to a wall.

WIFE is NOT in the text.

Prophet's wives were NOT called Prophetesses.

Nowhere in the Bible is Isaiah's wife called a Prophetess.

Thus why YOUR OWN LINK called such speculation, - as in NOT FACT! It is added nonsense. Just people coming up with wild ideas.



Active Member
Nowhere in the Bible is Isaiah's wife called a Prophetess.
Bah--So jolly old Isaiah approached the prophetess of god, made her preggie and he was told by God to give him a name other than Immanuel and you wish to palm this off as fulfulling the prophesy regarding Immanuel. The god given sign was to the King not to Isaiah ! and quite obvious by the sons name not relevant to your assumption.

Try straightening out your timeline. It says this child will eat curds and honey. This is a sure indication of there will only be a remnant remaining of that nation after it had been pillaged. They will only have one cow and two sheep and all they will have to eat is curds and wild honey. Yes try to fathom this and adjust your timeline accordingly !
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If you ever wondered, this is what Jesus probably looked like:

DONT KNOW, DONT CARE !!..... What he looked like, UNIMPORTANT ! What he taught, IMPORTANT ! .....1 Pet 2:21...Hebrews 12:1-3...John 4:23,24


Active Member
Would some of you CHRISTIANS please use your online translation tools to prove to this guy that the word - WIFE - is not in either 7:14, or 8:3.

His insistence without knowledge - is getting very irritating.

The idea that it is his wife is merely later speculation. It does not say wife. He has gone to join Ahaz in a war situation. I'm going to guess he didn't drag his wife along. Nor are we told anywhere in the Bible that his wife is a Prophetess.

Isa 7:11 Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.

Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you (Ahaz and Isaiah) a sign; Behold, a maiden/virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Isa 8:3 And I (Isaiah) went unto the prophetess; and she conceived, and bare a son. Then said the LORD to me, Call his name Mahershalalhashbaz. (Meaning something like - quick to the plunder = a warrior.)

Isa 8:18 Behold, I (Isaiah) and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

Again - even a Strong's will tell you Emmanuel is Isaiah's son. The number is Hebrew 6005.

The Living Bible says his wife.

I have no more to say on the matter except to ask you, now that your internet etiquette has improved -
1. Does this event from the distant past in the history of the Jews in any way whatsoever have relevance, profit or provide enrichment of our present day lives?
To you my child it appears to only have egoist value in that you and your source is correct and that all others are not.

2. Have you identified the device I gave you a clue to; A further clue - the one that shocks you to death if you touch it.

3. Have you since updated your timeline?


Veteran Member
What did Jesus Look Like?

Jesus looked like son of Adam or son of woman - Mariam (Mary), not son of god in physical or literal terms.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
That is the stupidest thing you have ever said logician. Go back in time and prove to me he didn't exist.

The man could have possibly existed. But that does nothing to confirm the things attributed to him in the Bible are true.

As to the subject this thread is actually about, even if he existed, nobody has a clue what he looked like. Why would they?