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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Born Again,Spirit Filled
Jesus said two men would be in bed together, and one would be raptured and the other one left behind. If sleeping in the same bed doesn't disqualify one of the men for the Kingdom of Heaven, why would it disqualify women?

Luke.17:[34] I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

The word men is not in the original text and earlier translations of this particular scripture.
Mat 24:41 where it uses women, that word is not in the original greek ,it is only assumed women went to the mill to do the grinding
You need to do a word serch for various meanings of the word "men" and understand the context in which the word is used before you throw such inaccuracies of meaning.
Of course you can make it sound and be what fits for your agenda, but it's not the case.
Does the word men, refer to gender or species,if gender in all the 1500 times mentioned in scripture, then God absolutely discriminates against women.

......but this is not the case !!!

Mar 7:21For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
This a general usuage of the word men meaning species:
Greek word for "men" is anthrōpos= human being, whether male or female, generically, to include all human individuals

The word men here in Luke 5:18 is the greek word anēr=with reference to sex,of a male
Luk 5:18 And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought [means] to bring him in, and to lay [him] before him.

If this makes any difference to you.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
How does God help an economy other than add boundaries and hurdles to the system? Homosexuality is nothing new, its just that people feel free enough to express it in public is that such a bad thing? Is it only a bad thing because your God says so and your beliefs are strong enough to accept that?
That there is the problem ,He can't be allowed to help because we don't want his restrictions and moral absolutes which were meant to better our domain here.
Although men may feel as if they rule the roost, they are grossly mistaken and sadly deluded, for a time perhaps,but seasons come and go.This is not man's economy, they have only deemed it an inalienable right to create it to be their own system, with as few boundaries as possible.
Men have always wanted the freedom to express without restraint or limitations,but a criminal feels the same way about the civil law.
We are under God's laws whether we see it or not.
At least that is my take on it.


Intentionally Blank
Here's what I really want to say about this. What we're talking about here is love. Those of us advocating for gay rights and respect are speaking in favor of love, and those of you opposed are speaking against it. The freedom we are advocating is nothing less than the freedom to love.

I'll use myself as an example. Anyone who knows me and V knows that the main thing about us is how much we love each other and how happy, fulfilled and heartened we are by our love. I love V because she is so good, so kind, compassionate, thoughtful and considerate, as well as brave, original, and passionate. And I can say with utter confidence and trust that she loves me, and that this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Because our love does not conform to your notions of comfort, you advocate against it. But love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

There is nothing on earth that anyone could say to dissuade me from our love, or persuade me to betray it or her.

According to you, our love makes your God uncomfortable, and on His behalf you seek to control it, to deny it, you abominate it and prohibit it.

I say, anything, including your purported God, that abominates true love, and seeks to destroy it, is wrong. Such a God, were He to exist, would not be worthy of worship.

Maybe you're mistaken about the nature of your God.


Wonder Woman
Autodidact, that was spoken quite eloquently. I, myself, do not understand the love and worship of a god that promotes such fear, intolerance, and downright hatred. Those people who feel their god is like that, at least in my opinion, have more problems than just their view on homosexuality. I realize that not all Christians feel that way, but the ones who do are so vocal about it it just reflects so badly on Christianity itself.

Luckily my faith has no qualms what-so-ever with homosexuality. Legal or not, I would be happy to perform a wedding ceremony for any couple in love. Same sex or opposite sex couple...matters not to me. It's all love.
Here's what I really want to say about this. What we're talking about here is love. Those of us advocating for gay rights and respect are speaking in favor of love, and those of you opposed are speaking against it. The freedom we are advocating is nothing less than the freedom to love.

I'll use myself as an example. Anyone who knows me and V knows that the main thing about us is how much we love each other and how happy, fulfilled and heartened we are by our love. I love V because she is so good, so kind, compassionate, thoughtful and considerate, as well as brave, original, and passionate. And I can say with utter confidence and trust that she loves me, and that this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Because our love does not conform to your notions of comfort, you advocate against it. But love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

There is nothing on earth that anyone could say to dissuade me from our love, or persuade me to betray it or her.

According to you, our love makes your God uncomfortable, and on His behalf you seek to control it, to deny it, you abominate it and prohibit it.

I say, anything, including your purported God, that abominates true love, and seeks to destroy it, is wrong. Such a God, were He to exist, would not be worthy of worship.

Maybe you're mistaken about the nature of your God.

Love [FONT=&quot]≠ [/FONT]Sex. Obviously the media often portrays it as such, but real love is caring about someone's needs more than your own. You can love someone without having sex with them. Love is fully capable of existing independent of sexual desire, and does so more often than not, so you're assertion homosexual behavior is acceptable because you love her, or that God abominates true love because he abominates homosexual behavior are fallacious. I'm not doubting that you love this V woman, but there are men that I love also. They are brothers in Christ and I would go out of my way to do just about anything for them if they asked, but I've never had any sexual attraction for them. The idea that Love = Sex is completely false. Love is completely independent from sex, homosexual or heterosexual. Sex is reserved for marriage and marriage is reserved for one man and one woman.


Wonder Woman
Love [FONT=&quot]≠ [/FONT]Sex. Obviously the media often portrays it as such, but real love is caring about someone's needs more than your own. You can love someone without having sex with them. Love is fully capable of existing independent of sexual desire, and does so more often than not, so you're assertion homosexual behavior is acceptable because you love her, or that God abominates true love because he abominates homosexual behavior are fallacious. I'm not doubting that you love this V woman, but there are men that I love also. They are brothers in Christ and I would go out of my way to do just about anything for them if they asked, but I've never had any sexual attraction for them. The idea that Love = Sex is completely false. Love is completely independent from sex, homosexual or heterosexual. Sex is reserved for marriage and marriage is reserved for one man and one woman.

Are you married? If so, are you even attracted to your wife? Most people who are in love are in love with the whole person. Inside and out. Physical attraction does usually come into play. So if it stands to reason that a heterosexual couple in love are attracted to each other and share themselves with each other physically, then a homosexual couple feel the same things.

What if someone told you you could fall deeply in love with someone, spend the rest of your lives together, but you can't touch them. You can't marry them. You'd be ticked off and aghast wouldn't you? And if you say anything other than "yes" you are a liar.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I really want to say about this. What we're talking about here is love. Those of us advocating for gay rights and respect are speaking in favor of love, and those of you opposed are speaking against it. The freedom we are advocating is nothing less than the freedom to love.

Right on. Well said! Frubals for the Head Lesbian.


Intentionally Blank
Love [FONT=&quot]≠ [/FONT]Sex. Obviously the media often portrays it as such, but real love is caring about someone's needs more than your own. You can love someone without having sex with them. Love is fully capable of existing independent of sexual desire, and does so more often than not, so you're assertion homosexual behavior is acceptable because you love her, or that God abominates true love because he abominates homosexual behavior are fallacious. I'm not doubting that you love this V woman, but there are men that I love also. They are brothers in Christ and I would go out of my way to do just about anything for them if they asked, but I've never had any sexual attraction for them. The idea that Love = Sex is completely false. Love is completely independent from sex, homosexual or heterosexual. Sex is reserved for marriage and marriage is reserved for one man and one woman.

I didn't say that love = sex, but it is possible for sex to be about love. I'm sorry that you haven't had the opportunity to experience physical intimacy that is an expression, confirmation and gift of love, and hope that you do someday.

Are you married? Would you appreciate me referring to your wife as "this X woman?" Please learn some manners when talking about my collaborater in life, or this could become very unpleasant.


Admiral Obvious
Love is fully capable of existing independent of sexual desire, and does so more often than not, so you're assertion homosexual behavior is acceptable because you love her, or that God abominates true love because he abominates homosexual behavior are fallacious.
Which fallacy do you claim it to be?
Just claiming it to be a fallacy does not make it a fallacy.

I'm not doubting that you love this V woman, but there are men that I love also. They are brothers in Christ and I would go out of my way to do just about anything for them if they asked, but I've never had any sexual attraction for them.
Then how does it apply?
How does this tie into your alleged fallacy?

Sex is reserved for marriage and marriage is reserved for one man and one woman.
Regardless of how you present it, it is merely your opinion.


ratiocinative said:
Love [FONT="]≠ [/FONT]Sex. Obviously the media often portrays it as such, but real love is caring about someone's needs more than your own. You can love someone without having sex with them. Love is fully capable of existing independent of sexual desire, and does so more often than not, so you're assertion homosexual behavior is acceptable because you love her, or that God abominates true love because he abominates homosexual behavior are fallacious. I'm not doubting that you love this V woman, but there are men that I love also. They are brothers in Christ and I would go out of my way to do just about anything for them if they asked, but I've never had any sexual attraction for them. The idea that Love = Sex is completely false. Love is completely independent from sex, homosexual or heterosexual. Sex is reserved for marriage and marriage is reserved for one man and one woman.

While it is true that you can love someone without having sex with them, it would be hell to be in love with someone and not have sex with them.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
What do you think is wrong with homosexuality from a religious view point?

I know I am interjecting a lil' late in the thread, and I'm not sure if what I'm going to say has been mentioned already or not, so if it has, just ignore me;)

I have never understood why religion wants to get mixed up in peoples sexual orientations in the first place. This might not be true for every homosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian person.... I am sure some people are just kinky:cover:, but it has been estimated through numerous psycological studies that a child realizes their gender identity right around age 3. Ever seen a 3-6 year old boy prancing around in his sisters clothes, trying to wear her bra or playing with her makeup? This usually stays consistent throughout the childs life where they just feel "different" sexually, and can lead into a sexual orientation outside of the norm.

Here is a pretty good link about this stuff in general:
Gender identity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A person who feels attracted to the same sex or both is no different than the person who is born with both female stuff and male stuff at the same time. It is just the way they were born, but it is on the inside instead of on the outside. Neither should have others turning thier noses up at them in any way shape or form. They should be commended for having the strength to just be who they are.

Religion so often seems to want everyone to be fake..... geez!!:p


Well-Known Member
I think it is telling that no one, other than one, has challenged the question I put forth in the Theological thread on intersex and it's implications on the notion of sexuality and the so called dichotomy of male/female biological development.


Stripling Warrior
Right on. Well said! Frubals for the Head Lesbian.

What of the other considerations associated with your being a child of God and a member of His eternal family, complete with siblings who love you and will suffer your loss as you cry when the day comes that every knee, including yours, will bend and admit that Jesus is the Christ and that you failed Him?

What about the society in which you live that depends on you to help strengthen our nation by rearing a strong family and passing on to them the values given of God, values designed to protect, edify, and strengthen and thusly help us avoid the fate of Sodom and Ghamora?

What of the fact that you may deprive children (should you find yourself with them in a lesbian relationship) the right to have a Mother and a Father? You may not like men but the silent majorities are good and able fathers who love their Families and give them a lot that mothers cannot.

What of the time wasted by the 95% of homosexual relationships that fail to last 20+ years most of which average only 1.5 years and 85% failing before the 12 year mark. Old age is a terrible thing for those without posterity.

What about commitment to each other? Few homosexuals and lesbians choose to enter into legally recognized unions where such arrangements are available, indicating that such couples do not share the same view of commitment as typified by married couples. Only about 21 percent of the estimated homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont has entered into civil unions. Put another way, 79 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont choose not to enter into civil unions. Only 2% in Sweden, and 2.8% in the Netherlands choose to make it legally binding.

The much lower rates of homosexual and lesbian civil "marriages" in Sweden and the Netherlands must be viewed in the light of much lower marriage rates in both of those countries, a trend that the introduction of gay "marriage" in the 1990s has not reversed. Thus, as writer Stanley Kurtz argues, the granting of marriage rights to homosexuals and lesbians "has further undermined the institution" of marriage: "Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable."

I could go on in the areas of:
· monogamy vs. promiscuity
· number of children being raised
· health risks
· rates of intimate partner violence

All of which are much more prominent, per capita, in the negative in homosexual relationships than that of heterosexual relationships, and that includes lesbian relationships.

Francine, our Heavenly Father does not support or bless Homosexual relationships, His spirit is withdrawn and Lucifer is free to corrode and destroy them at his pleasure. Homosexuality may meet your needs and the needs of your partner but that is as far as it goes.


Well-Known Member

What of the other considerations associated with your being a child of God and a member of His eternal family, complete with siblings who love you and will suffer your loss as you cry when the day comes that every knee, including yours, will bend and admit that Jesus is the Christ and that you failed Him?

What about the society in which you live that depends on you to help strengthen our nation by rearing a strong family and passing on to them the values given of God, values designed to protect, edify, and strengthen and thusly help us avoid the fate of Sodom and Ghamora?

What of the fact that you may deprive children (should you find yourself with them in a lesbian relationship) the right to have a Mother and a Father? You may not like men but the silent majorities are good and able fathers who love their Families and give them a lot that mothers cannot.

What of the time wasted by the 95% of homosexual relationships that fail to last 20+ years most of which average only 1.5 years and 85% failing before the 12 year mark. Old age is a terrible thing for those without posterity.

What about commitment to each other? Few homosexuals and lesbians choose to enter into legally recognized unions where such arrangements are available, indicating that such couples do not share the same view of commitment as typified by married couples. Only about 21 percent of the estimated homosexual and lesbian population of Vermont has entered into civil unions. Put another way, 79 percent of homosexuals and lesbians in Vermont choose not to enter into civil unions. Only 2% in Sweden, and 2.8% in the Netherlands choose to make it legally binding.

The much lower rates of homosexual and lesbian civil "marriages" in Sweden and the Netherlands must be viewed in the light of much lower marriage rates in both of those countries, a trend that the introduction of gay "marriage" in the 1990s has not reversed. Thus, as writer Stanley Kurtz argues, the granting of marriage rights to homosexuals and lesbians "has further undermined the institution" of marriage: "Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable."

I could go on in the areas of:
· monogamy vs. promiscuity
· number of children being raised
· health risks
· rates of intimate partner violence

All of which are much more prominent, per capita, in the negative in homosexual relationships than that of heterosexual relationships, and that includes lesbian relationships.

Francine, our Heavenly Father does not support or bless Homosexual relationships, His spirit is withdrawn and Lucifer is free to corrode and destroy them at his pleasure. Homosexuality may meet your needs and the needs of your partner but that is as far as it goes.

Logically speaking. If your theology cannot account for the existence of intersex individuals then your theology is false.


Well-Known Member
Francine: What of the other considerations associated with your being a child of God and a member of His eternal family, complete with siblings who love you and will suffer your loss as you cry when the day comes that every knee, including yours, will bend and admit that Jesus is the Christ and that you failed Him?

None of my siblings love me or visit me in this life, why would they suffer loss by my non-presence in the next life?
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