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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Taking away all the religous reasons why homosexuality is wrong, look at it from a biological point of view. The plumbing is all wrong. The "main point" of sex is procreation. Obviously this can't happen with same sex couples. And don't start talking about how two men or two women CAN have sex. They may be able to "pleasure" each other (I use that term loosely when it comes to men) but it's not sex. Biologically it's wrong.
Ok, so according to you, unless it involves penetration it isn't sex? That's a very narrow definition...and a potentially dull sex life.


Stripling Warrior
You've never been homosexual, have you? It's easy for outsiders to spout these two phrases. I know that, at one time, it was easy for me to spout them. Until I realized that people just don't choose to be either gay or straight. They just are what they are. Every gay person I know (and I've known many) would change their orientation in a minute, if they could. Addtitionally, I've known two gay individuals who tried to change through prayer and spiritual direction. One ended up suicidal. Thank God he finally learned to embrace himself the way God made him. The other joined a fundamental church, got married, and is now in and out of institutions, so thoroughly depressed that his marriage failed and he cannot function productively. Somehow, I just don't think that's what God intends.

It is certainly true that I don't know the power that being gay has on a person, the only thing that I can say is that it is my understanding that the Lord will never tempt us in a manner that we cannot turn away from.

Now, how that plays in on what we did and the character traits that we developed in the pre-existence is not clear to me but I do believe that we all brought character traits with us from our pre-mortal existence.

Regardless of what is and what is not I have to stand by the commandments of God and trust that He will sort it all out in the end. In the mean time I have absolutely nothing against the gay individual nor would I be uncomfortable around an openly gay person save they should make advances toward me (I do realize that such a fear is the result of streo-typing and that few actually do wear thir sexual orientation on their sleeves), I have known several well enough to call them my friends (in California) and I think it probable that I have friends that are gay and I don't know it.

Please understand this, many people oppose the gay life style because they trust that our Heavenly Father knows more than we do and He has put a taboo on it. History has shown that He gets very angry and withdraws blessings from entire civilizations that go too far in their acceptance of homosexuality. There may be a percentage of people that develop their gay tendencies without external influence but I firmly believe that there is also a percentage that would never have developed the tendency had it not been a social norm in their circles of influence. It is this reality coupled with the belief that these otherwise ordinary people, our spiritual brothers and sisters (as all mankind are) will face the judgments of a just God and that letting down our guard would ultimately bring down the wrath of God on all humanity. Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

You say that it is hard to deal with for some who find themselves with this tendency. I have a question: Don't you think that the more socially accepted it is the harder it becomes for some one with the desire to change to actually make that change?

I do; that is yet another reason that I will always speak out against the normalization of the homosexual lifestyle in society and the acceptance of it being weaved into our laws.

I truly do see your delemma but it would be more than I could bear to have the all searching eye of our Heavenly Father glance at me with dissapointment, as he passes judgment on someone for ignoring His commnadments, because I helped make it easy for them to do so.


Stripling Warrior
Biologically, it's wrong for people to smell good. Does that mean I need to get rid of my Lady Speed Stick?

Now, Now, Now - There is no smell in the world quite as nice and exciting as the smell of a clean human body belonging to the opposit sex (I have no experience otherwise, you understand), it's a pheromone thing.

Stink come from dead skin rotting in the perspiration of an unwashed person. That may be a natural occurrence but so is the desire to bath - even most animals will go out of their way to clean themselves off. :)


Intentionally Blank
It is certainly true that I don't know the power that being gay has on a person, the only thing that I can say is that it is my understanding that the Lord will never tempt us in a manner that we cannot turn away from.
It's not too hard to understand really. It's kind of like the power being straight has on a person.

Now, how that plays in on what we did and the character traits that we developed in the pre-existence is not clear to me but I do believe that we all brought character traits with us from our pre-mortal existence.
Thank you for sharing.

Regardless of what is and what is not I have to stand by the commandments of God and trust that He will sort it all out in the end.
No you don't. You're lying. You know as well as I know there is no commandment against lesbianism anywhere in the scripture, yet you insist that it's a sin. I don't know what on earth you base it on, but it clearly isn't God's commandment.
In the mean time I have absolutely nothing against the gay individual nor would I be uncomfortable around an openly gay person save they should make advances toward me (I do realize that such a fear is the result of streo-typing and that few actually do wear thir sexual orientation on their sleeves), I have known several well enough to call them my friends (in California) and I think it probable that I have friends that are gay and I don't know it.
I doubt it, unless they're very open-minded.

Please understand this, many people oppose the gay life style because they trust that our Heavenly Father knows more than we do and He has put a taboo on it.
Where again is that commandment against lesbianism?
History has shown that He gets very angry and withdraws blessings from entire civilizations that go too far in their acceptance of homosexuality.
You keep saying this, but haven't provided a single documented example.
There may be a percentage of people that develop their gay tendencies without external influence but I firmly believe that there is also a percentage that would never have developed the tendency had it not been a social norm in their circles of influence.
I suppose there are some authentic heterosexuals, but I'm sure the great majority succumb to the overwhelming societal pressure to be heterosexual.
It is this reality coupled with the belief that these otherwise ordinary people, our spiritual brothers and sisters (as all mankind are) will face the judgments of a just God and that letting down our guard would ultimately bring down the wrath of God on all humanity. Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.
I think that what you don't realize is that to those of us who have progressed beyond primitive superstition as a way of understanding the world, statements like this are hilarious. It's about on a par with believing that demons cause leprosy. It would be funny, if it weren't so sad.

You say that it is hard to deal with for some who find themselves with this tendency. I have a question: Don't you think that the more socially accepted it is the harder it becomes for some one with the desire to change to actually make that change?
This is so sideways I can't even see it with squinting. If it were socially acceptable, why would anyone need to change?

I do; that is yet another reason that I will always speak out against the normalization of the homosexual lifestyle in society and the acceptance of it being weaved into our laws.
Oh no, don't tell me you not only base your beliefs on primitive superstitious purity taboos, but you vote!? That's scary.

I truly do see your delemma but it would be more than I could bear to have the all searching eye of our Heavenly Father glance at me with dissapointment, as he passes judgment on someone for ignoring His commnadments, because I helped make it easy for them to do so.
So your heavenly father basically authorizes you to be a busybody in everyone else's life? Does this extend to you as well? Because did I mention that you're living your life completely wrong? You might think that's none of my business, but apparently not.


Stripling Warrior
It's not too hard to understand really. It's kind of like the power being straight has on a person.[/size][/font][/color]

Thank you for sharing.

No you don't. You're lying. You know as well as I know there is no commandment against lesbianism anywhere in the scripture, yet you insist that it's a sin. I don't know what on earth you base it on, but it clearly isn't God's commandment. I doubt it, unless they're very open-minded.

Where again is that commandment against lesbianism? You keep saying this, but haven't provided a single documented example. I suppose there are some authentic heterosexuals, but I'm sure the great majority succumb to the overwhelming societal pressure to be heterosexual. I think that what you don't realize is that to those of us who have progressed beyond primitive superstition as a way of understanding the world, statements like this are hilarious. It's about on a par with believing that demons cause leprosy. It would be funny, if it weren't so sad.

This is so sideways I can't even see it with squinting. If it were socially acceptable, why would anyone need to change?

Oh no, don't tell me you not only base your beliefs on primitive superstitious purity taboos, but you vote!? That's scary.

So your heavenly father basically authorizes you to be a busybody in everyone else's life? Does this extend to you as well? Because did I mention that you're living your life completely wrong? You might think that's none of my business, but apparently not.

:shrug:- what more can I say? - you win!


Inquisitive Youngin'
God's created male and female and specified to be fruitful and multiply the land.
What part of that equation do people not understand.
The part that I do not understand that if that is his intent, to have humans be fruitful and multiply, why would he give us a world with such limited space? Surely he knows that our population would increase exponentially!


Done here.
The part that I do not understand that if that is his intent, to have humans be fruitful and multiply, why would he give us a world with such limited space? Surely he knows that our population would increase exponentially!
He can always send plague, pestilence, persecution and religious wars to keep things under control. He's good that way.


Well-Known Member
He can always send plague, pestilence, persecution and religious wars to keep things under control. He's good that way.

I can see him sending plague and pestilence, but persecution and religious wars come by the agency of men. And by "men" I do mean men.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Some thoughts on "Natural"

I assume those denouncing certain acts or orientations as unnatural are sky-clad (naked) and unshaven. No doubt they eat raw food and travel only by foot.

Perhaps you could look at Natural as determined by statistical frequency.
Most people in the world have black hair; thus, black hair's natural.
Many people have brown hair, ergo, probably natural.
Few people are actual, carrot-topped redheads -- possibly unnatural?
There's a greater percentage of gays in the population than redheads, though... What might that mean?

Looking to ethology, consider our closest relatives,the chimps: They come in two main flavors. One is aggressive and dangerous. They're given to frequent in-group squabbling and will attack and kill members of neighboring bands. They'll even form raiding parties for the express purpose of wiping out neighbors. They do, however,"keep their trousers on" and generally confine their sexual appetites to members of the opposite sex at appropriate times of the month...so to speak.

The smaller variety are brazen libertines, constantly making a mockery of God's law by shamelessly fornicating, often many times per hour, with just about everything that moves -- regardless of sex.
These sinful apes, though, by substituting sex for aggression, do not squabble among themselves and get along amicably with neighboring groups. Note: they are engaging in both homosexual and non-reproductive sex. It's Natural for them, and they live in what most would consider much more pleasant and nurturing societies than their larger cousins.


Through the Looking Glass
The part that I do not understand that if that is his intent, to have humans be fruitful and multiply, why would he give us a world with such limited space? Surely he knows that our population would increase exponentially!
Unfortunately, "God" didn't read Malthus until after the Pandora's Box was already opened.


Admiral Obvious
Well, it follows doesn't it? No penis = no penetration...any other form of penetration isn't sex, it's just pleasure. Pleasure = Not Sex. You see how that works?:D
ONLY if you are going to Humpty Dumpty the definition of sex:And you seem to be assuming that penetration has to be with a penis.

Which is interesting because I am willing to bet that most wives would say that oral sex is still sex.
Regardless of the lack of penetration.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
The part that I do not understand that if that is his intent, to have humans be fruitful and multiply, why would he give us a world with such limited space? Surely he knows that our population would increase exponentially!
Is the World Over Populated? Lets do the math... The World Can Fit In Texas - alt.conspiracy | Google Groups
According to this source who have it down to the square foot,the world is not over populated.

There are so many factors to this.
They were to be fruitful and mulitply within the confines of marriage "only", consider that fact before you assess this over population problem you think there is.

Men have always been the problem to our world crisis,rooted from greed, power , control and personal gain.
This is why you have the over populated (in certain areas), famine, diseased, crime infested, materialistic, perverted, cold insensitive, immoral, godless world.
....but lets point the finger at God as so many do and are doing,...LOL, D E N I A L !

Man in their pursuit of power and control have not only cut this world into property zones so as to have a bigger piece of the PERSOANL pie, but in doing so and with their greed for control and power they have caused people to be confined to small areas and have witheld much of the GOV'T support that is required to assist in benefitting the people, reducing poverty, disease.

..anyways, men are the problem ,have been the problem, and always will be the problem, in the chaotic state we find our world in,end of story.


Well-Known Member
The part that I do not understand that if that is his intent, to have humans be fruitful and multiply, why would he give us a world with such limited space? Surely he knows that our population would increase exponentially!

I don't know the term but I think some arguments would say that when the population reaches a critical point in which resources are strapped and the human race is on the verge....it would be the second coming.

I'm pretty sure this is a small, evangelical minority position on the issue of human population and limited resources. I think others would write it off as the ineffability of God.
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