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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Intentionally Blank
Are you the one saying I'm incorrect? How do you know? My question stands. Why are YOU the one that gets to tell me I'm ignorant? I stand behind what I said. But now you are proving my point. Are you so sure of your stance that it is not at all possible you could be wrong?

Read this slowly and carefully:
YOU said that we were ignorant. All that has been shown so far is that you were factually incorrect about several of your assertions. What stance are you referring to? When I make an assertion, I try to be careful of its accuracy and back it up if asked. Can you say the same? For example, you asserted that the Bible states that sister should not lie with sister. I am not familiar with that verse. Can you cite it please? If I have been wrong about an assertion, I request that I be corrected so that my ignorance can be rectified.


I'm your huckleberry.
Science is changing all the time, my beliefs will not. What if science shows there is no connection between being gay and genetics or anything else.


Wonder Woman
Are you so sure of your stance that it is not at all possible you could be wrong?

Will you answer your own question please?

I have my faith to believe in, what does she have?

That doesn't exactly answer the question. Are you so sure of your stance that you refuse the possibility that you could be wrong? Are you so sure that you are right that the concept of being wrong does not even occur to you?


I'm your huckleberry.
That doesn't exactly answer the question. Are you so sure of your stance that you refuse the possibility that you could be wrong? Are you so sure that you are right that the concept of being wrong does not even occur to you?

YES I am.


Wonder Woman
YES I am.

So it should come as no surprise then that others are of absolutely sure of their stance as you are of yours.

You put your faith in what your religion tells you to believe. And we believe what science, psychologists, doctors, and even the people who are homosexual tell us about their orientation and whether or not they chose it.


I'm your huckleberry.
Read this slowly and carefully:
YOU said that we were ignorant. All that has been shown so far is that you were factually incorrect about several of your assertions. What stance are you referring to? When I make an assertion, I try to be careful of its accuracy and back it up if asked. Can you say the same? For example, you asserted that the Bible states that sister should not lie with sister. I am not familiar with that verse. Can you cite it please? If I have been wrong about an assertion, I request that I be corrected so that my ignorance can be rectified.

you're right it wasn't exact. but here you go.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

Leviticus 18:22

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Romans 1:26-27


I'm your huckleberry.
So it should come as no surprise then that others are of absolutely sure of their stance as you are of yours.

You put your faith in what your religion tells you to believe. And we believe what science, psychologists, doctors, and even the people who are homosexual tell us about their orientation and whether or not they chose it.

That's what I'm saying. Science is changing all the time.


Wonder Woman
That's what I'm saying. Science is changing all the time.

Hmmmm...as far as I know gravity is still gravity, E=MCsquared, and I'm pretty sure women are still giving birth instead of men.

Your reasoning for not believing in science is flawed.


Admiral Obvious
No this one: As a christian marriage dictates that a union can only be blessed by God if joining a woman and a man this places any homosexual love both gay and lesbian in constant adultery. This would make that style of love sexually immoral.
verses please


Admiral Obvious
That's what I'm saying. Science is changing all the time.
Of course science is changing.
Science changes as the facts dictate.

Do you change your beliefs as the Catholic Church changes or do you hold rigid regardless of what your professed denomination does?


I'm your huckleberry.
Of course science is changing.
Science changes as the facts dictate.

Do you change your beliefs as the Catholic Church changes or do you hold rigid regardless of what your professed denomination does?

The core beliefs haven't changed in 2,000 years.


Intentionally Blank
Science is changing all the time, my beliefs will not. What if science shows there is no connection between being gay and genetics or anything else.
It would have no impact on my views. Moreover, that does not seem to be the case.
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