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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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I'm your huckleberry.
They know how I feel. I am intolerant of their way of life, not of them as people. We get along great, the fun part is when I go out with my gay girlfriends, we can both critique women.


I'm your huckleberry.
Oh my goodness. Do I have to respond to you like I did before...in your own mannerism? No, probably shouldn't...as you didn't get the drift before you probably won't get it now.

First, I never said that having certain degrees and such made me "right". YOU made the sweeping generality that those who don't believe as you are ignorant. As in: uneducated on the matter in which they speak. I was pointing out that you were wrong about that. I AM educated...on many subjects. I do NOT speak in ignorance.

YOU, however, seem unable to catch what I was doing with my post. You take such offense to it. Which only pleases me. For I was mocking and mimicking YOUR exact way of speaking to others. It was a mirror post. If you think my post was ridiculous, out of line, pig-headed, or ignorant, or whatever...then great. You now know what you sound like.

Oh, alright, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't major in sarcasm. Guess you got me on that one.


I'm your huckleberry.
SO I jsut have a quick question, do most of you in here believe that a person is born gay? That there is gay gene or what?


Wonder Woman
SO I jsut have a quick question, do most of you in here believe that a person is born gay? That there is gay gene or what?

Attraction and sexuality, like everything else, is determined in the brain. The brain, parts and hemispheres, forms at different rates. It is "normal" for a person to be right handed because the area of the brain that determines dominance is normally found in the left hemisphere and forms in that area an average of 90% of the time. Now, if the left hemisphere stops forming before dominance is established then another part of the brain has to pick up that trait...in the right hemisphere. Hence why about 10% of the population is left-handed.

Now, apply this same exact thought to sexual orientation. Try to realize that the area of the brain that usually handles this aspect of life stops forming before that is established. Then another part of the brain has to pick that up right? Therefore causing an orientation other than heterosexual. Does that possible explanation make any sense to you?


Intentionally Blank
ok, let's keep it civil. Maybe if you can tell me why homosexuality ISN'T wrong...

That's easy. Homosexuality is moral because:
1. It increases the love in the world.
2. It doesn't harm anyone.
3. It contributes to the diversity of human expression, modeling different options and creative approaches to love and relationships.
4. It enables people whose natural preference is for same-sex love to live a life of integrity and honesty.
5. It increases the sum total of human happiness.


Through the Looking Glass
SO I jsut have a quick question, do most of you in here believe that a person is born gay? That there is gay gene or what?

I don't have any particular opinion on the subject because I think the research is not there to reliably model the specific roles of genetics, culture, environment or the very complex interaction between the three that make up aesthetic preferences and sexual behavior. When almost every person I've ever talked to about their "homosexuality" tells me they didn't "choose" to be attracted to members of the same sex (and I think about the fact that my own attraction to members of the opposite sex is not something I consciously "chose" either), I take them at their word and find that it compellingly aligns with my own experience.


I'm your huckleberry.
Does that possible explanation make any sense to you?[/quote]

Draka, I can understand what you are saying from a scientific, biological point of view. Unfortunately, we are like oil and water. Your science says one thing, my religion says another. Like I said, I don't think you're going to hell ( contrary to what some in here think I said).


Wonder Woman
Draka, I can understand what you are saying from a scientific, biological point of view. Unfortunately, we are like oil and water. Your science says one thing, my religion says another. Like I said, I don't think you're going to hell ( contrary to what some in here think I said).

But it is not MY science. It is just science. The science of the world...facts...statistics. Science has no faith and appeals to no faith. It just is. So the question then becomes when, or if, you can ever reconcile fact and belief.


Intentionally Blank
Wait a minute, having degrees and credentials makes you not ignorant? Are you serious?
Somehow I doubted that you would take advantage of that opportunity to demonstrate Christian humility. YOU made the false and insulting assumption that everyone who disagrees with you, including Draka, is ignorant. So far what I have seen in this thread is a fairly high level of knowledge about Biblical text and scholarship and Greek etymology, while you have been factually incorrect on every assertion on which you have been challenged. (Where again does the Bible say that sister should not lay with sister?) If you want to demonstrate our collective ignorance and rectify it, please do. If you can't, then the appropriate thing to do is withdraw your slur and apologize, or choose to demonstrate that Christian humility is an oxymoron.


Intentionally Blank
Then we run into a problem. I have studied in the ministry and have come to the exact opposite conclusion. So, why are her credentials better than mine?

Did anyone call you ignorant? Or were the rest of us more polite and circumspect?


Intentionally Blank
Oh my goodness. Do I have to respond to you like I did before...in your own mannerism? No, probably shouldn't...as you didn't get the drift before you probably won't get it now.

First, I never said that having certain degrees and such made me "right". YOU made the sweeping generality that those who don't believe as you are ignorant. As in: uneducated on the matter in which they speak. I was pointing out that you were wrong about that. I AM educated...on many subjects. I do NOT speak in ignorance.

YOU, however, seem unable to catch what I was doing with my post. You take such offense to it. Which only pleases me. For I was mocking and mimicking YOUR exact way of speaking to others. It was a mirror post. If you think my post was ridiculous, out of line, pig-headed, or ignorant, or whatever...then great. You now know what you sound like.

Why is it that one constantly has to ask Christians to try to treat others as they would like to be treated?


Intentionally Blank
They know how I feel. I am intolerant of their way of life, not of them as people. We get along great, the fun part is when I go out with my gay girlfriends, we can both critique women.

Pardon me for being skeptical about the idea that a significant number of lesbians choose to socialize with you.


Intentionally Blank
SO I jsut have a quick question, do most of you in here believe that a person is born gay? That there is gay gene or what?

I don't know about most us us, but my opinion is:
1. It is irrelevant, since homosexuality is moral.
2. Whether by birth or experience, none of us choose our preferences.
3. We all choose whether to act on our preferences. To base a way of life on a preference for same-sex love is moral, since it is founded in integrity and honesty, as well as an authentic expression of love.
4. The answer appears to be different for men and women. It appears that virtually all gay men are born that way; there seems to be more variation for women.


Intentionally Blank
Draka, I can understand what you are saying from a scientific, biological point of view. Unfortunately, we are like oil and water. Your science says one thing, my religion says another. Like I said, I don't think you're going to hell ( contrary to what some in here think I said).

Think about what you just said. In your general experience outside of religious issues, do you find that science has a pretty good track record as a way of learning about the world? (hint: How did we get the computers we're typing on?)


I'm your huckleberry.
Somehow I doubted that you would take advantage of that opportunity to demonstrate Christian humility. YOU made the false and insulting assumption that everyone who disagrees with you, including Draka, is ignorant. So far what I have seen in this thread is a fairly high level of knowledge about Biblical text and scholarship and Greek etymology, while you have been factually incorrect on every assertion on which you have been challenged. (Where again does the Bible say that sister should not lay with sister?) If you want to demonstrate our collective ignorance and rectify it, please do. If you can't, then the appropriate thing to do is withdraw your slur and apologize, or choose to demonstrate that Christian humility is an oxymoron.

Are you the one saying I'm incorrect? How do you know? My question stands. Why are YOU the one that gets to tell me I'm ignorant? I stand behind what I said. But now you are proving my point. Are you so sure of your stance that it is not at all possible you could be wrong?
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