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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Intentionally Blank
No this one: As a christian marriage dictates that a union can only be blessed by God if joining a woman and a man this places any homosexual love both gay and lesbian in constant adultery. This would make that style of love sexually immoral.

Does the Bible dictate this? Or does astarath?


Intentionally Blank
As I respect the teachings of Jesus my stance on homosexuality is the same now as at the beginning of the thread.
Really? What does Jesus teach us about homosexuality?
All sins are forgiven through the sacrifice at Calvary. My stance as a christian is that homosexual relationships though not as God intended are a no greater sin than any of the others. I openly welcome and love all people regardless of sexual orientation as brothers and sisters of Christ and hope they find redemption through belief in his redeeming grace. Its now midnight and I have to work in the morning please PM me any further thoughts and I will pray for you and all atheist queers to become Christian Queers!
Since prayer is ineffective, I won't worry about it.


Intentionally Blank
As I respect the teachings of Jesus my stance on homosexuality is the same now as at the beginning of the thread.
Really? What does Jesus teach us about homosexuality?
All sins are forgiven through the sacrifice at Calvary. My stance as a christian is that homosexual relationships though not as God intended are a no greater sin than any of the others. I openly welcome and love all people regardless of sexual orientation as brothers and sisters of Christ and hope they find redemption through belief in his redeeming grace. Its now midnight and I have to work in the morning please PM me any further thoughts and I will pray for you and all atheist queers to become Christian Queers!
Since prayer is not effective, I won't worry about it.


Through the Looking Glass
ok, let's keep it civil. Maybe if you can tell me why homosexuality ISN'T wrong...

Because there is no moral law but the one a person places himself under. Everything is permissible, though not everything is beneficial. So the issue becomes not whether it is "right" or "wrong", but whether it is beneficial, and that is a decision for the individual because values and aesthetics can vary greatly depending on one's perspective.


Intentionally Blank
Good Lord, I leave for little bit and 5 more pages have been added to the thread. Obviously this topic is one of great interest. Anyway, Draka, in response to your thread (way back on pg 35 or so, having degrees and credentials does automatically make you wise.
No, it makes you not ignorant. Since Draka has demonstrated her lack of ignorance, it would behoove you to withdraw your scurrilous insult. Think of it as an opportunity to demonstrate some Christian humility.
Anyway, what makes you so sure your point is more valid than mine? Are YOU that sure of your stance? So YOU are right and I am wrong? Is that what you are saying? What I'm hearing here is that the majority of the earth's population is just wrong and ignorant. Since most of them agree that homosexuality is wrong? Are YOU saying that you know better than most of the world?
Are you familiar with the fallacy ad populum? To cite an example from the issue of morality, at one time the majority of the world's population (and of course, the Bible) thought that slavery was moral. Now most of us believe that the tiny minority who disagreed, basing their morality not on religious texts but on human suffering, were correct.


Intentionally Blank
Stephen, if only you were bron gay, right?

Doppleganger, you didn't read. Draka was saying since she has a degree and all these credentials she is the one to say what is right and wrong. By comparison, so did Hitler.

No, she is saying that she is not ignorant, which is true. Basically you're batting zero in this thread.


Intentionally Blank
Darkness (nice name by the way), don't confuse homophobia with anit-homosexual feelings. I'm not a homophobe. I have gay friends, I tell them the samething I'm telling you. Does this mean I can't go out and share a drink with you, no. Do I think your gayness is a disease that I might catch if I hang around you, not at all. Come on, don't be that naive. I'm simply stating the problem I have with someone being gay.

Right. I understand. It's not fear; it's simple bigotry.


Through the Looking Glass
Wait a minute, having degrees and credentials makes you not ignorant?

It is 'some evidence' that one is not ignorant. Depending on the subject and the course of study (in this case a training in the ministry), it can be very compelling evidence that one is not ignorant.

Meanwhile, assertions put forward as fact that routinely can be demonstrated as false can be very compelling evidence that one is ignorant. For example, you suggested that I hadn't read your post or the context in which you made it. You didn't know, but for whatever reason, stated a fact about it anyway. That would be an example of speaking out of ignorance.


New Member
Darkness (nice name by the way), don't confuse homophobia with anit-homosexual feelings. I'm not a homophobe. I have gay friends, I tell them the samething I'm telling you. Does this mean I can't go out and share a drink with you, no. Do I think your gayness is a disease that I might catch if I hang around you, not at all. Come on, don't be that naive. I'm simply stating the problem I have with someone being gay.

How do your gay friends respond to you telling them they are going to hell for something they CANNOT change?


I'm your huckleberry.
Then we run into a problem. I have studied in the ministry and have come to the exact opposite conclusion. So, why are her credentials better than mine?


I'm your huckleberry.
but you are saying they are. Hence you agree with her and not me. So by your own admonition she is more learned on the subject than I.


Through the Looking Glass
but you are saying they are. Hence you agree with her and not me. So by your own admonition she is more learned on the subject than I.

:rolleyes: You'll be hard pressed to find an example of me using an argument by appeal to authority anywhere in this discussion. That would be the fallacy of ipse dixit.


I'm your huckleberry.
Not to be snide, but for some reason I'm not surprised you're from San Antonio. Just a quick aside. A little friendly jibe from a Houstonian.


Wonder Woman
Good Lord, I leave for little bit and 5 more pages have been added to the thread. Obviously this topic is one of great interest. Anyway, Draka, in response to your thread (way back on pg 35 or so, having degrees and credentials does automatically make you wise. Hitler had them to, and I think we can all agree his solution to problems was not wise. I have a masters degree but I don't assume I'm the authority on every subject. Anyway, what makes you so sure your point is more valid than mine? Are YOU that sure of your stance? So YOU are right and I am wrong? Is that what you are saying? What I'm hearing here is that the majority of the earth's population is just wrong and ignorant. Since most of them agree that homosexuality is wrong? Are YOU saying that you know better than most of the world?

Oh my goodness. Do I have to respond to you like I did before...in your own mannerism? No, probably shouldn't...as you didn't get the drift before you probably won't get it now.

First, I never said that having certain degrees and such made me "right". YOU made the sweeping generality that those who don't believe as you are ignorant. As in: uneducated on the matter in which they speak. I was pointing out that you were wrong about that. I AM educated...on many subjects. I do NOT speak in ignorance.

YOU, however, seem unable to catch what I was doing with my post. You take such offense to it. Which only pleases me. For I was mocking and mimicking YOUR exact way of speaking to others. It was a mirror post. If you think my post was ridiculous, out of line, pig-headed, or ignorant, or whatever...then great. You now know what you sound like.
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