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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Veteran Member
Lack of compassion?

I haven't sought to degrade anybody,

Yet you have every time you say they shouldn't have the same rights as other married couples, and every time you call it a sin, you degrade them. You may not see it because you think there is nothing wrong with what you are saying, but you are hurting people every time you call them sinners and what they are doing is horrible.

There is absolutely not compassion in your posts, no love, just high-and-mightiness, which I must say, coming from a fellow LDS person is just disappointing.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Quite the contrary, sodomy is sodomy regardless of the gender.

One of my main objections to God is he spends way too much time campaigning against such petty things as sodomy and not nearly enough time addressing such devastating things as poverty, plagues and wars. He seems morally confused.

The family unit is the focus of God’s plan for His children; anything that threatens the organization and propagation of the family unit as God has set it up is a sin, pure and simple.
If God was so keen on the family unit, why did he create homosexuals? Or was he simply confused?

As long as a person keeps their appetites and passions within the bounds that the Lord has set they can do pretty much whatever they want.
Does that mean I can rape women and girls so long as I marry them afterwards?


Intentionally Blank
Quite the contrary, sodomy is sodomy regardless of the gender. The family unit is the focus of God’s plan for His children; anything that threatens the organization and propagation of the family unit as God has set it up is a sin, pure and simple.

As long as a person keeps their appetites and passions within the bounds that the Lord has set they can do pretty much whatever they want.

I take it you were just kidding then when you said,
This conversation is over.
? Don't worry, I didn't believe you at the time.

Are you trying to argue that the Bible somewhere prohibits lesbianism? Can you cite where?

Please explain how my loving, intimate, relationship threatens the organization and propagation of the family unit. Certainly my family isn't threatened by it; it's threatened by people like you. Maybe you should stop threatening my family unit like that, since it's not Biblical.

Actually, since there is no God, a person can do pretty much whatever they want as long as they obey the law and don't hurt anyone else. I do wish they'd stop knocking on my door right before dinner, though. Don't they know how rude it is to push their views on other people?

So you're trying to argue that your God has somewhere set some bounds on my appetites and passions? Can you cite a verse in support of that odd position?


Well-Known Member
If God was so keen on the family unit, why did he create homosexuals?

He created male homosexuals because he needed someone to do a makeover of the heavenly precincts (those pearly gates against a background of white clouds are so drab!). He created female homosexuals because the heavenly softball team needs some all-stars.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If God was so keen on the family unit, why did he create homosexuals? Or was he simply confused?

To clarify, I meant by "family unit" in that context a man, a woman, and their offspring. However, I'd like to point out that is most certainly not the only kind of "family unit". For instance, two men committed to living together in a sexual relationship is just as much a family as a man, a woman, and their offspring.


New Member
God's original plan was male and female paired to be one flesh. This was by design and intent. This is the natural means of procreation.

This arrangement is held with high esteem. Violation against this arrangement are condemned. This includes heterosexual premarital and extramarital sex. The extramarital is called adultery and is a violation to the covenant of husband and wife.

Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh and is condemned by God himself as an abomination.

It is a perversion of both design and law. It flies in the face of God (the creator) and his intent.


Well-Known Member
Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh and is condemned by God himself as an abomination.

Those oddly-shaped male persons with hairy bodies that don't sway when they move and don't even have a nice layer of subcutaneous fat under the skin to hide the contours of the underlying musculature is strange flesh indeed.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
God's original plan was male and female paired to be one flesh. This was by design and intent. This is the natural means of procreation.

Pair bonding in humans transcends mere procreation -- otherwise infertile couples would not pair bond.

This arrangement is held with high esteem. Violation against this arrangement are condemned.

Condemned by who? Surely not everyone!

This includes heterosexual premarital and extramarital sex.

Dang! You just named all the fun things in life! More seriously, nine out of ten Americans engage in premarital sex, so it's rather obvious that not everyone condemns it.

It is a perversion of both design and law. It flies in the face of God (the creator) and his intent.

If homosexual sex flies in the face of God and his intent, why did God create homosexuals? Was he confused?


Well-Known Member
God's original plan was male and female paired to be one flesh. This was by design and intent. This is the natural means of procreation.

This arrangement is held with high esteem. Violation against this arrangement are condemned. This includes heterosexual premarital and extramarital sex. The extramarital is called adultery and is a violation to the covenant of husband and wife.

Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh and is condemned by God himself as an abomination.

It is a perversion of both design and law. It flies in the face of God (the creator) and his intent.

Oh good. You're new here. Maybe you can provide an answer to the question I asked in this thread,

I already have one framed based upon a common religious/mythological concept but I'm not tellin' yet. I'm more interested in any specific religious believer providing the theological view of their religion.


Intentionally Blank
God's original plan was male and female paired to be one flesh. This was by design and intent. This is the natural means of procreation.

This arrangement is held with high esteem. Violation against this arrangement are condemned. This includes heterosexual premarital and extramarital sex. The extramarital is called adultery and is a violation to the covenant of husband and wife.

Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh and is condemned by God himself as an abomination.

It is a perversion of both design and law. It flies in the face of God (the creator) and his intent.

So nice of Slepsog to stop in and fill us in on God's will like that. I'm not going to bother reading the Bible or anything. Next time I need to know God's will, I'm just going to PM Slepsog; he's obviously the authority.

Hey, Sleppy: Got any authority, Biblical or otherwise, for your fascinating personal opinions?


Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with homosexuals, it takes place in the animal word so must be part of "GOD'S PLAN" Two people loving one an other can never be wrong, and any religion that says it is should be scorned


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God's original plan was male and female paired to be one flesh. This was by design and intent. This is the natural means of procreation.

This arrangement is held with high esteem. Violation against this arrangement are condemned. This includes heterosexual premarital and extramarital sex. The extramarital is called adultery and is a violation to the covenant of husband and wife.

Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh and is condemned by God himself as an abomination.

It is a perversion of both design and law. It flies in the face of God (the creator) and his intent.

If God finds homosexuality abominable, why did He create so many homosexuals?

Homosexuality has been extensively documented throughout the animal kingdom.It is a normal variation of sexual focus.

Homosexuality in humans seems to be hard-wired into brain structure. It is not a choice or persuasion. It can be identified in a brain PET or CAT scan. It is an inborn variation of brain structure.

Homosexuality can be reliably induced in animals by slight alterations of hormone balance in early pregnancy. I doubt that a gay sheep has made a conscious choice to rebel against the mores of society.

Homosexuality is the consequence of a common and Natural variation in brain structure. Animals, two or four legged, are homosexual because God, in His wisdom, chose to create them that way.

Who are we to criticize God's creation because some primitive Bedouin was once culture shocked by the odd taste of an acquaintance and decided it must be condemned for all time as an intrinsic evil?


Well-Known Member
God also say's to stone to death misbehaving teen agers, and to Kill those who don't observe the sabath, and to kill brides not virgin on the edding night, I think I'll just ignore this God of yours, very vengeful, and not much of an autority on humans.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Who are we to criticize God's creation because some primitive Bedouin was once culture shocked by the odd taste of an acquaintance and decided it must be condemned for all time as an intrinsic evil?

More likely -- judging by the behavior of folks like Ted Haggard -- the real reason some of the Biblical authors condemned homosexuality was because they wanted to keep all the choirboys and homosexual prostitutes for themselves.


Done here.
Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh
Only by people who don't know their Bible. The expression "strange flesh" occurs exactly once in the Bible, in the Epistle of Jude, verse 7. The "going after strange flesh" mentioned in Jude obviously refers to the attempt by the people of Sodom to "know" the angels who were at Lot's house. Anyone who bothered to read the verse in context, and who had bothered to read the story of Sodom in Genesis would immediately recognize that fact. This is just another example of how people who claim to believe the Bible are not ashamed to wrench verses out of context to use them as proof texts for any dubious thing they happen to believe. A person who respected the Bible would use it more carefully and more respectfully.

By the way, the phrase translated strange flesh -- "strange" in the sense of "other," by the way -- is sarkos heteras. So if you want to make it about relations between humans, you'd better stay away from the opposite sex. :p


Done here.
More likely -- judging by the behavior of folks like Ted Haggard -- the real reason some of the Biblical authors condemned homosexuality was because they wanted to keep all the choirboys and homosexual prostitutes for themselves.
I don't know about the Biblical authors, but a lot of preachers and other conservatives do seem to have their issues. There's the endless parade of homophobes caught in gay sex scandals, of course, and then there was Jerry Falwell, who looked more like a stereotypical eunuch than anybody I've ever seen, and Marion Gordon Robertson, who -- wanting a more masculine name than Marion -- couldn't think of anything butcher than Pat. Is anybody surprised that these guys have issues with queers and women?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I don't know about the Biblical authors, but a lot of preachers and other conservatives do seem to have their issues. There's the endless parade of homophobes caught in gay sex scandals, of course, and then there was Jerry Falwell, who looked more like a stereotypical eunuch than anybody I've ever seen, and Marion Gordon Robertson, who -- wanting a more masculine name than Marion -- couldn't think of anything butcher than Pat. Is anybody surprised that these guys have issues with queers and women?

Few things are more disgusting than people who persecute people like themselves out of self-loathing.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
I doubt that a gay sheep has made a conscious choice to rebel against the mores of society.
Maybe not the mores of society, but certainly he's been led astray by the moral turpitude of the 'Hell In A Handbasket' society and chosen to live an inherently immoral and unhealthy lifestyle, abhored by God and decent people everywhere.
No doubt when he eventually finds himself on a spit, those good living Christians the Phelps' will be there to picket it.
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