Stripling Warrior
Yet you have every time you say they shouldn't have the same rights as other married couples, and every time you call it a sin, you degrade them. You may not see it because you think there is nothing wrong with what you are saying, but you are hurting people every time you call them sinners and what they are doing is horrible.
There is absolutely not compassion in your posts, no love, just high-and-mightiness, which I must say, coming from a fellow LDS person is just disappointing.
This is really frustrating. I'm am not trying to judge anybody; I am only shining my light on commandment the same as everybody else in this forum is doing.
I have a great deal of compassion for all those to whom I talk, Lord knows I have my own crosses to bear and I do not place my position before God any higher than any body else. When the Lord calls something a sin would you ask me to deny it or try to cover it up? There would be no love in that for anybody involved. This earth life is finite, we only get one shot at this. If I stand idly by and watch others get lost in a mist of darkness, I believe that I would be held accountable by our great God for failure to act in every capacity of my soul to speak what I believe to be wisdom to my brothers and sisters.
I think what most people are failing to realize is that Jesus Christ is a KING, our King, and everybodys King. He is not a president installed by the will of the people, He is no dictator that needs to maintain power by the devoted efforts of some army, He is the King. His word is law, there is no voting, there is no other by which salvation can come, there is no other path by which exaltation can be achieved. Either the laws are obeyed unto blessing or they are not unto denial of blessing. It's really that simple but many, in their frustration, find it hard to accept and so they lash out at anybody trying to make clear the commandments of our King.
Bishka, I am LDS and therefore I have standards and beliefs that for some can be hard to hear, let alone bear, but am I to blame for that? These are not my laws, I didn't make them up simply to make people feel bad. Lord knows that I wish there were some other way but here in this forum there is no other way.
People who debate with me in this forum are ever ready and willing to trip me up in my words and then accuse me for my weakness. My words have to have strength, conviction, and truth as best I can present it. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, it's sad that you would ask me to make weak the words of God as I engage in conversations made to enlighten scripture and educate the mind.