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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Born Again,Spirit Filled
If God finds homosexuality abominable, why did He create so many homosexuals?

God's created male and female and specified to be fruitful and multiply the land.
What part of that equation do people not understand.
Where in that do you see his intention to have two men commit what is seemingly unnatural.
The problem is society does'nt know anymore what is natural what is not, what is right and what is wrong.
We live in a whatever feels good relative society,despite it's unclean,unnatural and unproductive nature.
Did God create murderers, sodomites, thieves, idolatry.
Men have choices, but have taken matters into their own hands and Iguess only that day will bring it all to light.

Homosexuality has been extensively documented throughout the animal kingdom.It is a normal variation of sexual focus.
If you believe you came from animals you'll act like one.

Homosexuality in humans seems to be hard-wired into brain structure. It is not a choice or persuasion. It can be identified in a brain PET or CAT scan. It is an inborn variation of brain structure.
It's nothing more than a means to an end, that end being gradification not procreation.
Juts like every abbhorent act in the eyes of God men indulge in, it's all for the mere pleasure of the moment and for personal sensual gain

Homosexuality can be reliably induced in animals by slight alterations of hormone balance in early pregnancy. I doubt that a gay sheep has made a conscious choice to rebel against the mores of society.
Place those male sheep on an island for the life span of whatever a sheep is 10 -20 yrs and we'll see how natural and productive and beneficial homosexual sheep are to the welfare of the sheep population when they start to die off.
Yet ,I'm sure those who would conduct such a study would be themselves, gay or progay and when no one's looking would slip in sheep unawares and say, see, they are reproducing, they are living longer.It seems absurd to even imagine or for me to say such a thing,but if we want to believe something bad enough, nothing is impossible to imagine and create.

Homosexuality is the consequence of a common and Natural variation in brain structure. Animals, two or four legged, are homosexual because God, in His wisdom, chose to create them that way.
If that's what you "choose " to believe, it does'nt make it true.
Well maybe it's true in your eyes,but in God's well, you'll have the chane to ask him some day.

Who are we to criticize God's creation because some primitive Bedouin was once culture shocked by the odd taste of an acquaintance and decided it must be condemned for all time as an intrinsic evil]
Who are we to tell God he made us that way when he has given us certain obvious indicators that have since been silenced in those who are proponets of such unnatural behaviors.
If a person can't see that 2 penis's don't equal new life and insist on calling that normal or natural in the eyes of God ,then this conversation is .....over!!!


If a person can't see that 2 penis's don't equal new life and insist on calling that normal or natural in the eyes of God ,then this conversation is .....over!!!

If your God is against it why doesn't he stop it? Homosexuality has done nothing to me and allows people to be happy, how can your good book deny people the right to make themselves happy?

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
God's original plan was male and female paired to be one flesh. This was by design and intent. This is the natural means of procreation.

This arrangement is held with high esteem. Violation against this arrangement are condemned. This includes heterosexual premarital and extramarital sex. The extramarital is called adultery and is a violation to the covenant of husband and wife.

Homosexual is a specific form of fornication. It is called strange flesh and is condemned by God himself as an abomination.

It is a perversion of both design and law. It flies in the face of God (the creator) and his intent.
Um, how about if I take the stance that there is no design, no plan, and no intent. Sort of makes your assertions meaningless as far as I'm concerned.
I'm certainly not about to condemn anyone for having premarital - or by consensual arrangement extra marital - sex (and I'm sure plenty of people take the same position)because it's none of my damn business and frankly if there is a god, he needs to get his head out of people's bedrooms and start worrying about the starving kiddies and people getting their limbs hacked off with rusty machetes. If hating homosexuality is more important to him than those issues, then his priorities are so screwed up that he couldn't be more unworthy of worship if he made an actual effort.
If people who spend so much effort into condemning homosexuality and putting the kaibosh on gay marriage put half as much energy into trying to solve the actual ills of the world, we might get somewhere. Instead they focus on some imaginary boogeyman in someone elses bedroom and get a warm, fuzzy sense of acomplishment out of being able to stop these people geting married, which - lo and bloody behold! - would fix the whole fornication issue in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
What do you think is wrong with homosexuality from a religious view point?
My only quibble is that if we were all gay, society would be dead in a couple of generations. I don't think that would worry anyone with a religious viewpoint including armageddon.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
So nice of Slepsog to stop in and fill us in on God's will like that. I'm not going to bother reading the Bible or anything. Next time I need to know God's will, I'm just going to PM Slepsog; he's obviously the authority.

Hey, Sleppy: Got any authority, Biblical or otherwise, for your fascinating personal opinions?

WoW, that's a nice sarcastic demeaning way to welcome someone new.

You seem quite authoritive as well in.....well.....in every area, somewhat of an expertise but more authoritive than anything on just about every topic I have seen you involved in.

Did I catch that you said you read the bible, do you believe what it is you read or just read it to philosophize about it.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
It's nothing more than a means to an end, that end being gradification not procreation.
Juts like every abbhorent act in the eyes of God men indulge in, it's all for the mere pleasure of the moment and for personal sensual gain.
I constantly have sex for the pleasure of the moment and personal sensual gain, and most assuredly for gratification not procreation, as I really don't want any more kids. If god finds that abhorrent, then he just better stop watching.

If a person can't see that 2 penis's don't equal new life and insist on calling that normal or natural in the eyes of God ,then this conversation is .....over!!!
You promise?


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Um, how about if I take the stance that there is no design, no plan, and no intent. Sort of makes your assertions meaningless as far as I'm concerned.
I'm certainly not about to condemn anyone for having premarital - or by consensual arrangement extra marital - sex (and I'm sure plenty of people take the same position)because it's none of my damn business and frankly if there is a god, he needs to get his head out of people's bedrooms and start worrying about the starving kiddies and people getting their limbs hacked off with rusty machetes. If hating homosexuality is more important to him than those issues, then his priorities are so screwed up that he couldn't be more unworthy of worship if he made an actual effort.
If people who spend so much effort into condemning homosexuality and putting the kaibosh on gay marriage put half as much energy into trying to solve the actual ills of the world, we might get somewhere. Instead they focus on some imaginary boogeyman in someone elses bedroom and get a warm, fuzzy sense of acomplishment out of being able to stop these people geting married, which - lo and bloody behold! - would fix the whole fornication issue in a heartbeat.

I'm not sure where your from but the problem is that our North American culture is one of the greatest social ills and depraved nations on the earth.With all that we allow into our culture and deem arrogantly above in superiority, technological advancement, wealth, freedom of expression, and the like.
We promote relativisim, humanism,poltical correctness, evolution freedom of speech, women's lib, free sexual expression and rights and anti god agenda's
It' won't be long before we are one of those 3rd world countries you speak of.
When God is removed from a society ,you have what we see happening now ,but it's nowhere near what it will become.

But some seem to think we are advancing or evolving and becoming somewhat more civilized, LOL!!!!!!


When God is removed from a society ,you have what we see happening now ,but it's nowhere near what it will become.

But some seem to think we are advancing or evolving and becoming somewhat more civilized, LOL!!!!!!

How does God help an economy other than add boundaries and hurdles to the system? Homosexuality is nothing new, its just that people feel free enough to express it in public is that such a bad thing? Is it only a bad thing because your God says so and your beliefs are strong enough to accept that?

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Place those male sheep on an island for the life span of whatever a sheep is 10 -20 yrs and we'll see how natural and productive and beneficial homosexual sheep are to the welfare of the sheep population when they start to die off.
Yet ,I'm sure those who would conduct such a study would be themselves, gay or progay and when no one's looking would slip in sheep unawares and say, see, they are reproducing, they are living longer.It seems absurd to even imagine or for me to say such a thing,but if we want to believe something bad enough, nothing is impossible to imagine and create.
I love you Roli...you and scientific method - well science in general it seems - are clearly oil and water, and yet you come in there swinging time after time. I've gotta give you points man, you're certainly a tryer.
Other than that, it is completely absurd for you to say something as ridiculous as the above. That you believe that anyone would claim that a flock of homosexual rams on an island is reproducing by themselves - and further that they would think anyone would believe them and thus attempt to use this idea to further some sort of agenda - is patently delusional.
I will agree with one thing you've said though: If we want to believe something bad enough, nothing is impossible to imagine and create. I just don't agree with you about what's being created out of a desperation to believe and who it is that's being desperately creative.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Looks like homosexuality and God go hand in glove.
It's not Christianity he's claiming promotes those things, it's that great depraved, socially ill nation the good old USA.
Sounds like an absolutely appalling place, I'm glad I don't live there. Find me a nice totalitarian regime where I can't express myself without fear of persecution...that's my idea of heaven. :yes:


New Member
There seems to be some discussion here already, but I just chip in my own view of it.

I used to think homosexuality is disgusting, unnatural and that it is mental disease. This way of thinking was because of the enviroment not being very friendly towards homosexuality and I was very young, about 10-11 I think. Then when I was 12 or so, I noticed I had homosexual feelings myself. As you can imagine that kind of revelation really shaked my world.

I was very afraid I would be homosexual and I tried to supress those feelings. I feared to death the reaction of my family and friends if it turned out I would be homosexual. Crying myself to sleep wasn't really something uncommon during that time. I didn't think it being sin against God, because I was never raised very religiously, but the social norms I had learned in that time rejected homosexuality as something wrong.

Though after a while the feelings just vanished. I didn't really try anything special to make them go away, they just did. I certainly never asked God to "repent me from my sin". After realizing I was not homosexual, I made small research about the subject. What I managed to find out is that sometimes during puberty one may have homosexual feelings due the increased hormonal activity. And I haven't found any better explanation why it happened so I have sticked with it.

Even though that experience was something very hurtful and frightening at that time, I can now look back and say I am glad I had it. It opened my eyes and made me think the whole subject more widely. As some of you can agree with me, thinking homosexuality is wrong is not very wise, so I gradually changed my stance to what it is today.

There is nothing and I mean nothing wrong about being homosexual or bisexual. It is very absurd when people claim homosexuality is wrong when they only want love just like heterosexual people. Taking away this right from them is unhumane and something nobody should strive to do.

While I am not Christian per se, I do not think homosexuality is sin in God's eyes. I am not going to go too into why I think this way, but just saying it is my own conclusion after what I have learned from life, other Christians, Bible etc.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
No actual word "lesbian" are you serious, notice the zillion times that sexual Jesus ,paul Peter all talk about fornication, lasciviousness, uncleanliness, adultry and the like and never actually describes the literal act, but here in Romans he does...!!!
It's not because you can't see the relationship Paul is trying make between, homosexual and lesbian relations, it's because you don't want to see the subject of discourse. I understand !!!!
Could you help us to understand what it is Paul ,in context, is actually saying.???
I'm trying to figure our what sect of Christianity your from,because there are those who endorse and promote gay lifestyle within the church and even have gay ministers who say God accepts and condones such practice.
Again this is not just about homsexuality, all sin is not ,never is ,nor will it ever be or can be accepted by God.
Men will attempt to claim God condones it ,but they are Jesus says, deceived.
If you don't mind me asking, do you actually believe that there are requirements for heaven and conditions we must meet to be accepted by God
Do you believe the bible is relevant for today.
We have to understand that the cultural mind set of ancient Middle-Easterners was vastly different from ours. They understood the nature of sex an how it relates to one's cultural image much differently than we do. These are diatribes against cultural shame, not moral turpitude, as we define it.

Why do you want to know what "sect" I'm from (although it's a denomination -- not a sect -- we are non-sectarian)? So you can bash me some more (Look at the church he goes to! It's not a "real" church)?

Yes, my denomination, as a whole, embraces diversity and affirms the inherent goodness of all God's creatures. What about yours???

You have yet to prove that homosexuality is a sin. All you have proven is that you read the scriptures through your own hermeneutic. Bully for you.

The requirement for heaven is that God intends for all of us to be there. There is no condition placed upon our acceptability, due to the work of grace.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Maybe you should read the context of it to see what word he uses to link the 2 verses together "'likewise"

Rom 1:26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Do you see there are 2 positions here he is emphasising , natural use changed or exchanged for the unnatural,..... could he be talking about the sexual union bewteen 2 women , turning from the natural to the unnatural practice without actually saying lesbian.
The vile =means guilt,shame, disgrace,dishonor, reproach, what affections are ,.... vile and God gave them over to their passions.
What's the natural use(instinct and what's against nature........ and the next verse ,LIKEWISE ... men leaving the women ...men with men.
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Maybe you should read from a different hermeneutic.

Women in that culture embodied shame. They could do no honorable act, escept with their husband. Who cared if they slept with other women? Men embodied honor. Therefore, everything they did had to uphold honor. For a man to "take it up the >>>" like a woman was not honorable. This isn't moral terpitude, it's cultural taboo.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
What is the topic here
What do you feel is wrong with homosexuality ?????
Is that an open ended question or what !!!!!
Was there any indication from the tilte and past threads that strong opinions would be portrayed here and quite possible that it would get personal and people might take offense
None of that makes it OK for you to break someone's back, using the Bible as a weapon.


Through the Looking Glass
The only thing I think is wrong with "homosexuality" is the uber-creepy fascination purported adults seem to have with it. :shrug:


The Feisty Penguin
We promote relativisim, humanism,poltical correctness, evolution freedom of speech, women's lib, free sexual expression and rights

So instead we should be promoting war, death, plague, genocide, slavery and rape?
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