If God finds homosexuality abominable, why did He create so many homosexuals?
God's created male and female and specified to be fruitful and multiply the land.
What part of that equation do people not understand.
Where in that do you see his intention to have two men commit what is seemingly unnatural.
The problem is society does'nt know anymore what is natural what is not, what is right and what is wrong.
We live in a whatever feels good relative society,despite it's unclean,unnatural and unproductive nature.
Did God create murderers, sodomites, thieves, idolatry.
Men have choices, but have taken matters into their own hands and Iguess only that day will bring it all to light.
Homosexuality has been extensively documented throughout the animal kingdom.It is a normal variation of sexual focus.
If you believe you came from animals you'll act like one.
Homosexuality in humans seems to be hard-wired into brain structure. It is not a choice or persuasion. It can be identified in a brain PET or CAT scan. It is an inborn variation of brain structure.
It's nothing more than a means to an end, that end being gradification not procreation.
Juts like every abbhorent act in the eyes of God men indulge in, it's all for the mere pleasure of the moment and for personal sensual gain
Homosexuality can be reliably induced in animals by slight alterations of hormone balance in early pregnancy. I doubt that a gay sheep has made a conscious choice to rebel against the mores of society.
Place those male sheep on an island for the life span of whatever a sheep is 10 -20 yrs and we'll see how natural and productive and beneficial homosexual sheep are to the welfare of the sheep population when they start to die off.
Yet ,I'm sure those who would conduct such a study would be themselves, gay or progay and when no one's looking would slip in sheep unawares and say, see, they are reproducing, they are living longer.It seems absurd to even imagine or for me to say such a thing,but if we want to believe something bad enough, nothing is impossible to imagine and create.
Homosexuality is the consequence of a common and Natural variation in brain structure. Animals, two or four legged, are homosexual because God, in His wisdom, chose to create them that way.
If that's what you
"choose " to believe, it does'nt make it true.
Well maybe it's true in your eyes,but in God's well, you'll have the chane to ask him some day.
Who are we to criticize God's creation because some primitive Bedouin was once culture shocked by the odd taste of an acquaintance and decided it must be condemned for all time as an intrinsic evil]
Who are we to tell God he made us that way when he has given us certain obvious indicators that have since been silenced in those who are proponets of such unnatural behaviors.
If a person can't see that 2 penis's don't equal new life and insist on calling that normal or natural in the eyes of God ,then this conversation is .....over!!!