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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Flaming Queer
i don't understand the argument that a child with 2 moms will lack a male influence, and the benefits a farther can bring to a child... when raising kids, unless you are completely alone, with no extended family and no friends, there will be enough males around to take on that role if needed - the lack of one gender as a parent can easily be compensated for if needed, so why is this an argument against homosexual families?


Intentionally Blank
i don't understand the argument that a child with 2 moms will lack a male influence, and the benefits a farther can bring to a child... when raising kids, unless you are completely alone, with no extended family and no friends, there will be enough males around to take on that role if needed - the lack of one gender as a parent can easily be compensated for if needed, so why is this an argument against homosexual families?

Because they don't have a valid argument, so they have to make stuff up.


Wonder Woman
i don't understand the argument that a child with 2 moms will lack a male influence, and the benefits a farther can bring to a child... when raising kids, unless you are completely alone, with no extended family and no friends, there will be enough males around to take on that role if needed - the lack of one gender as a parent can easily be compensated for if needed, so why is this an argument against homosexual families?

It's called, "I really have no legitimate leg to stand on so I grasp at straws" reasoning.

It's like the whole argument that follows along the line of "They can't produce children and so go against the whole reason for marriage...the family unit". It completely ignores the fact that there are lots of heterosexual couples that either cannot, or do not wish to, have children. Should they not be allowed to marry then? Are they going against God by not following through with the "order to procreate"? What about the homosexual couples who DO have children via previous relationships or different fertility methods such as surrogates or artificial insemination? Methods that heterosexuals use as well. The whole "family" argument is bullhockey too.


Intentionally Blank
It's called, "I really have no legitimate leg to stand on so I grasp at straws" reasoning.

It's like the whole argument that follows along the line of "They can't produce children and so go against the whole reason for marriage...the family unit". It completely ignores the fact that there are lots of heterosexual couples that either cannot, or do not wish to, have children. Should they not be allowed to marry then?
Obviously, they should not be allowed to have sex. Sex is for procreation. God said so.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Look at the sex-ratios of students in institutions of higher learning these days. Looks like we have a problem with boys being left behind, which means fathers are not doing what you claim they are better at doing. Maybe fathers should get their own act squared away before they go around pointing fingers at Heather and her Two Mommies.

Unfortunately, you're argument holds no weight because, among other things, you have no idea how many of those boys who are being left behind come from fatherless families. I could just as easily as you have point to those boys being left behind and spin it as evidence that the rise in fatherless families is behind the sex-ratios of students in institutions of higher learning these days. But that would be just as wrong as saying the sex-ratios mean fathers are not doing what I claim they are better at doing. The truth is your example is inconclusive.


My paternal grandfather was nine when his father died, and my maternal grandfather was ten when his father died, and neither of them ever had a stepfather, either. They did okay.

I'm not arguing that a lack of a father cripples a kid, Bill. Far from it. Nor am I arguing against a kid having parents of one sex. Good parents are good parents regardless of whether they are of one sex or two. I was simply saying this: All else being equal, a male child with a father probably has an easier time integrating into the adult world than a male child without a father. But I think having a good parent or parents is much more important to a child than the mere sex of the parents.

i don't understand the argument that a child with 2 moms will lack a male influence, and the benefits a farther can bring to a child... when raising kids, unless you are completely alone, with no extended family and no friends, there will be enough males around to take on that role if needed - the lack of one gender as a parent can easily be compensated for if needed, so why is this an argument against homosexual families?

For it to be a compelling argument against homosexual families, Mike, I think it would need to be shown that the lack of a father figure was somehow crippling. I know of no research that even comes close to suggesting that. I do know of some research, however, that suggests fatherless children, while not crippled, encounter certain problems more frequently than children with fathers.


Intentionally Blank
I'm not arguing that a lack of a father cripples a kid, Bill. Far from it. Nor am I arguing against a kid having parents of one sex. Good parents are good parents regardless of whether they are of one sex or two. I was simply saying this: All else being equal, a male child with a father probably has an easier time integrating into the adult world than a male child without a father. But I think having a good parent or parents is much more important to a child than the mere sex of the parents.
Seems like the best way to find out would be to talk to some men who were raised by lesbians.

For it to be a compelling argument against homosexual families, Mike, I think it would need to be shown that the lack of a father figure was somehow crippling. I know of no research that even comes close to suggesting that. I do know of some research, however, that suggests fatherless children, while not crippled, encounter certain problems more frequently than children with fathers.
The research shows that kids with a mom and a dad do better than kids with only a mom. The research does not show that kids with a mom and a dad do better than kids with two moms. It appears that the number of parents is more important than their gender.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The research shows that kids with a mom and a dad do better than kids with only a mom. The research does not show that kids with a mom and a dad do better than kids with two moms. It appears that the number of parents is more important than their gender.

Some research no doubt shows that. Other research I've come across over the years suggests that male children raised without a father tend to be more prone to certain problems than male children raised with a father. However, none of this is of much importance to the argument in this thread, since the effect of not having a father is far from crippling.


I'm your huckleberry.
The arguments here make no sense. It's always goes back to, "so you say" or "your standards aren't my standards" nonsense. You cannot convince someone who is convinced that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Bottom line, it goes back to God. If you believe in God and think it's ok to be gay, you're wrong. If you don't believe in God and are gay, then have a nice life. There's no changing your mind. And leave it to people that don't have a valid argument to make a joke. Humor in a discussion is as good as admitting you have no way to contribute.


Admiral Obvious
The arguments here make no sense. It's always goes back to, "so you say" or "your standards aren't my standards" nonsense. You cannot convince someone who is convinced that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Bottom line, it goes back to God. If you believe in God and think it's ok to be gay, you're wrong.
I disagree.
there are several deities that have no problem with homosexuals or lesbians.

And leave it to people that don't have a valid argument to make a joke. Humor in a discussion is as good as admitting you have no way to contribute.
Again I disagree.
There are several times when the humour is used to point out the fact that the other side has no valid argument.
The tone of your speak has grown nervous, you have resorted to speaking in desperation as you conveniently ignoring the obvious and deny anything that you cannot reconcile to your own supposed wisdom. This conversation is over.

:biglaugh: You must be Lee Evans, only he is this funny.


Intentionally Blank
The arguments here make no sense. It's always goes back to, "so you say" or "your standards aren't my standards" nonsense. You cannot convince someone who is convinced that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Bottom line, it goes back to God. If you believe in God and think it's ok to be gay, you're wrong.
Must be nice to be so arrogant. Apparently you think that you are the world's authority on God's intent, and anyone who sees it differently from you is wrong? On what do you base this?

What about the thousands of Christians who disagree with you, including an entire Church? What about the millions of people who worship a different God than you altogether? Care to explain to them why you know better than they?

You do know that God never prohibited lesbianism, right?
If you don't believe in God and are gay, then have a nice life. There's no changing your mind. And leave it to people that don't have a valid argument to make a joke. Humor in a discussion is as good as admitting you have no way to contribute.
On the contrary. If you can convince me through logic and reason that my being a lesbian is immoral, I will give it up immediately. Go for it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Humor in a discussion is as good as admitting you have no way to contribute.

Yet, a lack of humor is no proof your arguments should be taken seriously. For instance: Psychotics often lack a sense of humor and we do not take their arguments seriously.


I'm your huckleberry.
If other "dieties" think gayness is alright, then the people that worship them need to find another one. This is where we face our dilemma. There are too many religions out there that have a certain belief. If you are asking what makes me an "authority" I would have to say having read the Bible. I hate to go to that, but I guess that's how it is. The three great religions in the world, Judasim, Christianity and Islam all agree that being a homo is wrong. No matter what way you might slice it. Just because some break-off religion thinks it's ok, does not make it so. A christian cannot debate with someone who doesn't believe. It's a problem of faith.


Done here.
Bottom line, it goes back to God. If you believe in God and think it's ok to be gay, you're wrong.
That's one opinion; it's not the only one.

If you don't believe in God and are gay, then have a nice life.
Thanks! I am.

And leave it to people that don't have a valid argument to make a joke. Humor in a discussion is as good as admitting you have no way to contribute.
Nonsense. Being humorless is as good as admitting that you're too subjective to think clearly about a subject.


New Member
Wow! I missed a lot over the weekend here. I guess my immoral, lesbian relationship got in the way of me checking in!

To those who campaign against homosexuality, how do you explain homosexual feelings that begin in many people in early childhood and adolescence?

I had feelings that I suppressed as a young child because the church in which I was raised called those feelings an abomination. As a young child, I was frightened. How could God make me this way and then hate me?

If there is a God I think he is ashamed at how homosexuals are treated. Maybe you should think about what you will say to him when he asks you why you spewed hate at people who only are guilty of loving another person.


Intentionally Blank
If other "dieties" think gayness is alright, then the people that worship them need to find another one. This is where we face our dilemma. There are too many religions out there that have a certain belief. If you are asking what makes me an "authority" I would have to say having read the Bible. I hate to go to that, but I guess that's how it is. The three great religions in the world, Judasim, Christianity and Islam all agree that being a homo is wrong. No matter what way you might slice it. Just because some break-off religion thinks it's ok, does not make it so. A christian cannot debate with someone who doesn't believe. It's a problem of faith.

This is one of the unintentionally most hilarious posts I've read in years. Now let's just follow your logic here. Your initial assertion, obviously false, was that anyone who believes in God believes that homosexuality is wrong. Now you say that any God who doesn't say that homosexuality is wrong is wrong. See how you contradicted yourself?

Then your authority is the Bible. Well, bubba, what book do you think the thousands of gay Christians and pastors are reading? Oh yeah, that's right, you're the world's authority on God's will, and next time we need to know what God thinks, we should just ask you. I bet by coincidence God doesn't happen to think what you do is wrong.

For the millionth time: Where again in the Bible is lesbianism prohibited? Oh yeah, it isn't. So I guess according to you the Bible is wrong then?

And what cracked me up the most is that what is wrong with the world is that there are too many religions out there! I couldn't agree more. Let's eliminate one right now. I choose yours.

I don't know about Islam, but Judaism most emphatically does not believe or assert that there is anything wrong with lesbianism, since it is not prohibited. Further, many Christians believe that Christianity doesn't have a problem with lesbianism or homosexuality, and many of them are recognized Biblical scholars fluent in Koine Greek and ancient Hebrew. Are you?

I also agree that a Christian can't debate with someone who doesn't believe, so shut up.


Intentionally Blank
For your sake, rheff, let's go over this really slowly. The reason you believe that lesbianism is wrong is that the Bible says so. But the Bible doesn't say so--you were mistaken. Do you still believe that lesbianism is wrong? If so, why?

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
If other "dieties" think gayness is alright, then the people that worship them need to find another one.
WOW! Talk about intolerant! Stay in your hidey-hole and away from dictatorship type offices...God please!

This is where we face our dilemma. There are too many religions out there that have a certain belief.

Ummm.... AGREED! Like religions, or more accurately, people that believe homosexuals are a dilemma, and they are going to Hell because they were born with a few different chromosomes that cause various different sexual attractions.

The three great religions in the world, Judasim, Christianity and Islam all agree that being a homo is wrong. No matter what way you might slice it.

If the three greatest religions in the world told you the you must whip yourself with a metal/ glass/ spike encrusted whip everytime you sinned in order to repent would you do it? I am sure some scripture somewhere could be twisted into saying that. LOL! Think for yourself! Don't let books and others think for you.

It's a problem of faith.
I think it's a problem of opinion. A homosexual can be christian. A homosexual can also have faith that God understands their heart, loves them, and will reward them for being who He created them to be. My position all just goes back to what Gnomon and I were saying about this all being biological.

i think this is so ridiculous. I just don't want anyones feelings to get hurt, but then agian... homosexuals have to deal with this kinda crap their whole life. So I'm sure they are used to it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Wow! I missed a lot over the weekend here. I guess my immoral, lesbian relationship got in the way of me checking in

Ah hah! Finally, we have a legitimate reason to be suspicious of homosexuality -- homosexuality gets in the way of visiting RF! Can there be any greater sin?

If there is a God I think he is ashamed at how homosexuals are treated. Maybe you should think about what you will say to him when he asks you why you spewed hate at people who only are guilty of loving another person.

Hear! Hear!
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