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what do you feel is wrong with homosexuality?

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Wonder Woman
If other "dieties" think gayness is alright, then the people that worship them need to find another one. This is where we face our dilemma. There are too many religions out there that have a certain belief. If you are asking what makes me an "authority" I would have to say having read the Bible. I hate to go to that, but I guess that's how it is. The three great religions in the world, Judasim, Christianity and Islam all agree that being a homo is wrong. No matter what way you might slice it. Just because some break-off religion thinks it's ok, does not make it so. A christian cannot debate with someone who doesn't believe. It's a problem of faith.

Ok, I'll play this game. This is a game right?

So, in your opinion, I need to find another deity. Why? When I have already found the right ones to believe in? The ones that really exist. I find it a shame that there are those, like yourself, who choose to believe in an intolerant deity that someone made up in a book. What makes me an "authority"? I read that work of fiction too. What a horror story that is in most places. Wouldn't want to read that to my child. Don't want to give them nightmares. Unfortunately, the religions that have spun off of this book have taken their intolerance and bigotry to our political arenas to stamp their foot of inequality on those they deem unworthy. They seem to think, that even though the vast majority of other religions in the world, both younger and older than theirs, and even some of their own "flock", have no problem with homosexuality, that their intolerant views are the only "right" ones possible to have and it is the rest of the world that is wrong. It's a problem of faith alright. Misguided faith.

(note: I hope those who know me know that this post is entirely written in response to and in the tone of the poster I am responding to.)


New Member
Silly me, hanging out with my wife and dogs and enjoying life!

Before I run into criticism for saying "my wife" I will say this:

No, I don't live in MA, but, yes, I do consider my partner my "wife". It's the closest thing I can be to married until those opposing our love decided to "give" us equal rights.


I'm your huckleberry.
When it comes to ignorant people saying homosexuality is ok, I am VERY intolerant. You guys must be apart of the Socialist I mean Democratic Party. First of all, do you believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Probably not, but most Christian religions do, the word Trinity IS NEVER mentioned in the bible, but people sure do believe in it. Stop being hung up on semantics. Considering it says in the bible that brother shall not lay down with brother or sister with sister, I can extrapolate from there what God wants. Or, maybe he's just saying that incest is wrong. Why stop there? Make it ok to bed your siblings. What's wrong with that huh? And to the "christian" churches that are openly supportive of homosexuality, they are NOT christians. Come on guys, you can't afford to be this naive. (Insert comment here about me being arrogant and intolerant).


Wonder Woman
Before I run into criticism for saying "my wife" I will say this:

No, I don't live in MA, but, yes, I do consider my partner my "wife". It's the closest thing I can be to married until those opposing our love decided to "give" us equal rights.

She's your wife if that is what you hold her to be.

I don't know what religion you are, or if you have one, but some people will marry you religiously, regardless of legality. I know it doesn't solve the problem of the paperwork for the moment, but if you truly ever want a wedding, that is still possible. I have no problem marrying same sex couples, and it isn't legal in Iowa. But at least they have a blessing type ceremony. Depends on what you want really.


New Member
When it comes to ignorant people saying homosexuality is ok, I am VERY intolerant. You guys must be apart of the Socialist I mean Democratic Party. First of all, do you believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Probably not, but most Christian religions do, the word Trinity IS NEVER mentioned in the bible, but people sure do believe in it. Stop being hung up on semantics. Considering it says in the bible that brother shall not lay down with brother or sister with sister, I can extrapolate from there what God wants. Or, maybe he's just saying that incest is wrong. Why stop there? Make it ok to bed your siblings. What's wrong with that huh? And to the "christian" churches that are openly supportive of homosexuality, they are NOT christians. Come on guys, you can't afford to be this naive. (Insert comment here about me being arrogant and intolerant).

Why do you believe in the Trinity if it isn't in the Bible? Where did the Trinity come from if not biblical?

Naive? I would say most right-wing, intolerant christians are the the naive ones.


Wonder Woman
When it comes to ignorant people saying homosexuality is ok, I am VERY intolerant. You guys must be apart of the Socialist I mean Democratic Party. First of all, do you believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Probably not, but most Christian religions do, the word Trinity IS NEVER mentioned in the bible, but people sure do believe in it. Stop being hung up on semantics. Considering it says in the bible that brother shall not lay down with brother or sister with sister, I can extrapolate from there what God wants. Or, maybe he's just saying that incest is wrong. Why stop there? Make it ok to bed your siblings. What's wrong with that huh? And to the "christian" churches that are openly supportive of homosexuality, they are NOT christians. Come on guys, you can't afford to be this naive. (Insert comment here about me being arrogant and intolerant).

How about I just use your own term for others here. IGNORANT. Yep, that about sums it up.

Well,...I guess you told me huh? I guess I should just take my college degree, my ministry credentials, my years of study and experience and chuck it all out in the trash. Cause goodness knows...I'm too ignorant to even know what to do with all that education and intelligence. Duh...I'm just too stOOpid to have an opinion that counts for anything. I'm just an evil pagan fool. I must know absolutely nothing and speak nothing but evil, Satan inspired, garbage from my forked tongue. I'll just go and chain myself up in a basement somewhere...like the good little stOOpid heretic I am.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
When it comes to ignorant people saying homosexuality is ok, I am VERY intolerant.

If you are going to call people "ignorant" then perhaps you would so kind as to point out precisely what you feel they are ignorant of.

You guys must be apart of the Socialist I mean Democratic Party.

Did you learn to conflate socialism with the Democratic Party by listening to bimbo talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh? Just curious where you get your misinformation from.

First of all, do you believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Probably not, but most Christian religions do, the word Trinity IS NEVER mentioned in the bible, but people sure do believe in it. Stop being hung up on semantics. Considering it says in the bible that brother shall not lay down with brother or sister with sister, I can extrapolate from there what God wants. Or, maybe he's just saying that incest is wrong. Why stop there? Make it ok to bed your siblings. What's wrong with that huh? And to the "christian" churches that are openly supportive of homosexuality, they are NOT christians. Come on guys, you can't afford to be this naive. (Insert comment here about me being arrogant and intolerant).

If you aren't willing to get your views from the Bible, then where do they come from? From your own personal revelation?


New Member
How about I just use your own term for others here. IGNORANT. Yep, that about sums it up.

Well,...I guess you told me huh? I guess I should just take my college degree, my ministry credentials, my years of study and experience and chuck it all out in the trash. Cause goodness knows...I'm too ignorant to even know what to do with all that education and intelligence. Duh...I'm just too stOOpid to have an opinion that counts for anything. I'm just an evil pagan fool. I must know absolutely nothing and speak nothing but evil, Satan inspired, garbage from my forked tongue. I'll just go and chain myself up in a basement somewhere...like the good little stOOpid heretic I am.

See you there! I wonder if the patients I treat think I am Satan inspired for being a lesbian?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
***MOD POST***

Thread reopened.

Regardless of your stance on this subject, keep your posts civil and respectful from here on out. Failure to comply will result in further Staff action and permanent shutting down of this thread.

Thank you.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If you think about it, it's pretty damn pathetic when a joke religion like Girls On Trampolines is more humane and decent towards homosexuals than a so called "real" religion like some people's versions of Christianity. Just an observation.


Intentionally Blank
When it comes to ignorant people saying homosexuality is ok, I am VERY intolerant.
If you think I'm ignorant of something, please tell me what and then inform me. I always appreciate my ignorance being rectified. I think you should consider the possibility however that the shoe is on the other foot.
You guys must be apart of the Socialist I mean Democratic Party. First of all, do you believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
Of course not, I'm an atheist, why do you ask?
Probably not, but most Christian religions do, the word Trinity IS NEVER mentioned in the bible, but people sure do believe in it. Stop being hung up on semantics. Considering it says in the bible that brother shall not lay down with brother or sister with sister, I can extrapolate from there what God wants.
Really? It says sister shall not lay down with sister? Where does it say that? Please rectify my ignorance of this passage.
Or, maybe he's just saying that incest is wrong. Why stop there? Make it ok to bed your siblings. What's wrong with that huh? And to the "christian" churches that are openly supportive of homosexuality, they are NOT christians. Come on guys, you can't afford to be this naive. (Insert comment here about me being arrogant and intolerant).
I see, so you're in charge of deciding who is and is not a Christian, not God. Funny, but other "Christians" have told me that it's not Christian to try to decide who's a real Christian. Let's try this. Define "Christian."

Well, the moderator has asked me not to insert the comment you request, so I'll refrain. You are however, and this is more important, completely wrong.


Well-Known Member
1 Cor 9:9,10 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
1 Cor 9:9,10 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

What is the original Greek word you've translated as "homosexual"?


Veteran Member
If you think about it, it's pretty damn pathetic when a joke religion like Girls On Trampolines is more humane and decent towards homosexuals than a so called "real" religion like some people's versions of Christianity. Just an observation.
It is. Good observation.
I wonder is the line between homosexuality and hetrosexuality as clear cut as those who raise objections to homosexuality would have us believe?
I'm inclined to think it's not.
Love is a wonderful thing homosexual, hetrosexual whatever.


Well-Known Member
I didnt make the translation! That is straight from the NIV I can check the other translations for variance if you would like!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Love is a wonderful thing homosexual, hetrosexual whatever.

It is! And it's pretty damn hard to reconcile the Bible's announcement that "God is Love" with the belief of some folks that the Biblical God hates lovers.
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