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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

Mr. Peanut

Active Member
It's a story, produced/conveyed decades after the 'fact' by apologists who may very well have been eye witnesses to absolutely nothing.
You are welcome to your conclusions and I respect that. My experience has shown me to the contrary, I hope you may be kind enough to respect my conclusions as well.


Intentionally Blank
All what you see is based on the media and it doesn't represents more than one billion muslims around the world. Think about it!

What the news usually come up with is bad news when it come to muslims as many other incidents around the world, and it happened that America have invaded or supported invading many muslim countries and has shed their blood everywhere. Now, when some muslims try to fight back they call them terrorists.

Then, what about the American terrorism? Who cares?! right?

So you think that what I said about modern Muslims is not factually correct? Actually, Saudi Arabian women have the right to vote and drive and go where they want? Iranian women can wear whatever they choose? It is not the case that suicide bombers in Iraq and elsewhere frequently bomb other Muslims from different sects? That the world's Muslim countries have low literacy and education rights, and high birth rates? Are you saying that these are not facts?

Why are you talking about America? I thought this was a thread about Islam. Is "I know I am but so are you" the best defense you have?


The Lost One
I see Islam more than just the Qur'an and Muhammad. I see the Qur'an and Muhammad as only two parts of a WHOLE Islam; the other ingredients to Islam is other teachings, customs, the history of religion and most important of all, the people, both past and present.

Sure, we can separate the people from Islam, but without the Muslims there would be absolutely no Islam. (There is no need to point out the opposite is true as well, unless you are complete idiot.)

I don't know if this is true or not, so correct me if I am wrong.

Muslims see that the former empires of Islam as the history of Islam. If that is true then so all those people, from rulers to the peasants and slaves in the empires make up Islam.

And there is this tie you have put science to Islam. If science is part of Islam, then why can't people be part of Islam?

Why is so different about this age? Why distinguish today's Muslims from Islam when you are so willing to say Islamic past history and people is Islam?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
It's a story, produced/conveyed decades after the 'fact' by apologists who may very well have been eye witnesses to absolutely nothing.

Even more so for islam as they have only witnesses that muhamed had a vision that nobody else saw and took years to write so its hardly johnny on the spot reporting


Depends Upon My Mood..

I think the religion of Islam is quite beautiful...I love the way your prayer is song like..My 18 year old son...Says he is "agnostic/Isalmic" :shrug:

Im trying to understand..Really I am...

But I do detect "hostility" from many Islamics that Americans are infedels..I live in the out skirts of Dallas TX...I can hit the city in about 15 minutes..

We have a huge Islamic community..We have a Mosque(excuse spelling please) that I can walk to right at the corner of my neighborhood..On the way to it there is a Lutheran church..and right across from it is a Catholic Church...

Anyway I encountered and have for years the Islamic mommies picking up their kids from elementary ...and honestly???...They give me weird looks..Im friendly but its as if Im a leper..They are covered head to toe..and Im not...but I feel judged..I feel looked down upon..They wont asociate with me..They wont let our children play together...

I'll say it flat out...they discremanate..Right here in Plano Tx....

Its as if they are "tolerating me"...Like I mean my very existance..my "prescense"..But with this look of disgust..



fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!

I think the religion of Islam is quite beautiful...I love the way your prayer is song like..My 18 year old son...Says he is "agnostic/Isalmic" :shrug:

Im trying to understand..Really I am...

But I do detect "hostility" from many Islamics that Americans are infedels..I live in the out skirts of Dallas TX...I can hit the city in about 15 minutes..

We have a huge Islamic community..We have a Mosque(excuse spelling please) that I can walk to right at the corner of my neighborhood..On the way to it there is a Lutheran church..and right across from it is a Catholic Church...

Anyway I encountered and have for years the Islamic mommies picking up their kids from elementary ...and honestly???...They give me weird looks..Im friendly but its as if Im a leper..They are covered head to toe..and Im not...but I feel judged..I feel looked down upon..They wont asociate with me..They wont let our children play together...

I'll say it flat out...they discremanate..Right here in Plano Tx....

Its as if they are "tolerating me"...Like I mean my very existance..my "prescense"..But with this look of disgust..



Ahh what a refreshing post. Not full of hateful tripe but from the heart a real concern. You know though, as sad as it is, if these muslims you speak of are foreigners meaning they are either pakistani or arab (not necessarily from saudi) then don't feel alone. Indigenous(sp?) muslims get that same look. I hate that. Now, if these muslims are american-born, then its even worse. While Islam itself does not support such practices you'll find a great many muslims doing it. Anywhere from open discrimination as you have described to blowing up a bunch of people, to just simply displaying all forms of prejudices you'll find a group of muslims not only to engage in such things but to uphold and support them as if it were correct, or as if Allah demands it. In point of fact it is disgusting. Islam is a religion that shuld be proselytizing but it is rather difficult to do so in a climate the muslims create of almost a complete seperation from the rest of society.

Islam does not call for the complete seperation of its adherents from the rest of society especially when that society is non-muslim. There is a rift of sorts that comes with the territory so to speak though. The rift is in the very adherence to Islam in the first place. Because Islam takes root in every aspect of a muslims life, that right there is a big dif because most people do not believe that a religion should dictate every aspect of a person's life. Because of this fact muslims have a totally different pov and outlook on stuff that in most cases is not reconcilable with most people's idea of what a religion should be, should do, and how much the adherent should allow their religion to "interfere" with their "regular, secular" life. For a muslim there is no distinction and most people see that as a main problem if not thee problem with muslims.

As for your expereince I offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of the muslims in your area. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it is simply ignorance on thier part, perhaps they are unaware of how they are coming off to people. Someone should bring it to their attention.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Ahh what a refreshing post. Not full of hateful tripe but from the heart a real concern. You know though, as sad as it is, if these muslims you speak of are foreigners meaning they are either pakistani or arab (not necessarily from saudi) then don't feel alone. Indigenous(sp?) muslims get that same look. I hate that. Now, if these muslims are american-born, then its even worse. While Islam itself does not support such practices you'll find a great many muslims doing it. Anywhere from open discrimination as you have described to blowing up a bunch of people, to just simply displaying all forms of prejudices you'll find a group of muslims not only to engage in such things but to uphold and support them as if it were correct, or as if Allah demands it. In point of fact it is disgusting. Islam is a religion that shuld be proselytizing but it is rather difficult to do so in a climate the muslims create of almost a complete seperation from the rest of society.

Islam does not call for the complete seperation of its adherents from the rest of society especially when that society is non-muslim. There is a rift of sorts that comes with the territory so to speak though. The rift is in the very adherence to Islam in the first place. Because Islam takes root in every aspect of a muslims life, that right there is a big dif because most people do not believe that a religion should dictate every aspect of a person's life. Because of this fact muslims have a totally different pov and outlook on stuff that in most cases is not reconcilable with most people's idea of what a religion should be, should do, and how much the adherent should allow their religion to "interfere" with their "regular, secular" life. For a muslim there is no distinction and most people see that as a main problem if not thee problem with muslims.

As for your expereince I offer my sincerest apologies on behalf of the muslims in your area. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it is simply ignorance on thier part, perhaps they are unaware of how they are coming off to people. Someone should bring it to their attention.

Thank you for your compassion...I mean no offense or to generalize whatsoever..As I said I have listened to Islamic prayer (with sub-titles for translation) and have been brought to tears and humbleness for the beauty of it..Some basic prayers that sound like song are the men begging God for His mercy and praising Him and asking Him for guidence...Just the prettiest thing..I wish I could sing it that way... :yes:

I know I said Islam...I avoid saying "Muslim"...

Pray tell me the difference..

Excuse my ignorance but what is the distinquishing points of Islamic versus Muslim if any...Is Muslim the religion and some are from Islam? :shrug:


Oh and no need to apologize for the treatment I described..Thank you for aknowledging it but you did not do it..I understand we are all unique..Like snowflakes..But I appreciate you caring..




New Member
As a christian,the main problem I have with islam is the obviously glaring differences between the Bible and Qu'ran.For example the Qu'ran would say that Jesus is not the Son of God(19:88-93),and that he was not crucified(4:156-158).The Bible says the only way to be saved is through Jesus,the SON of God(John 3:16,John 14:6)and that He was crucified so we might be saved(1 Corinthians 15:3,Mark 16:6).These are just a few examples.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
But none of that is the "real Islam." How's this: I don't have a problem with "real Islam," it's this fake Islam--the only one actually existing in the world today, that I have a big problem with. I'm not worried about "real Islam" because it doesn't seem to actually exist.
It does, it just doesn't get as many ratings and tv time as the fakers. go to some of the masjids in your area. talk to some of the local imams. contact CAIR in your area they can point you to people who are true examples.

But the media will not cover them, the radicals are more exciting. they make for a better drama.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
I will try and look them up. Alot of the Islamic organizations in my area do. and they base it just on the number of reverts coming to islam. I was apart of one of these statistics, for i filled out a questionnaire once when asked about it.

At least it isn't {insert belief here}?
Since the majority of Christians I know consider EVERYTHING that is not their belief to be from Satan, I seriously doubt it makes any difference to them.
Possiby, but looking at how much knowledge many have about their own relgion and about others in general I doubt the majority of them are even aware that wiccan is on the rise. I meet people today who have no clue about certain things we think of as common knowledge.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
authenticated by who? Allah? You?"

For me to presume what Allah authenticates and does not authenticate is ridiculous because all knowledge resides with God not you, not I.


Yes but does Allah authenticate your text by at least saying He is responsible for it. Or your messenger affirms him being the Messenger of Allah by some miracles he performs or statements from the Creator Himself. That is what I was asking in terms of authenticity. Does Allah say in your scipture that this is from Him and affirm for Himself His Messenger in your belief meaning he states that this guy is His Messenger and prophet and he is to be obeyed.