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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Bismillah-hir-Rehman-ir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)
Please post your questions or misconceptions you have about Islam. I will Inshallah (which means hopefully) try to clarify. You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.

He, Mohammad is not The Lord, all I'm going to say:shout


Depends Upon My Mood..
I'll tell you one thing...

I wont group together anyone..and maybe those ladies think Im looking down on them I dont know..

Also...its impossible they "all" hate or have a distaste for America...or democracy...Where I live????Their children are being born...How could they hate thier own children.???...And if you think about it???..Many of us Americans were simply just born here...Like I was..The others?? Chose to live here...

If some of them dont like me...or the way I live...or what I believe....thats O>K....That doesnt give me an excuse....

"They" are litterally my neighbors....I will treat them as such...With hospitality....
What else would I be called to do?



Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Which part of democracy contradicts islam ,freedom of thought,speech which.
It is not the system itself that muslims have a problem with. It is mostly the immoral, and cultural depravations that can come out of a system where the majority decides the law even if the majority are ignorant and immoral. And how laws can be created to benefit the few, and oppress the others.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
It is not the system itself that muslims have a problem with. It is mostly the immoral, and cultural depravations that can come out of a system where the majority decides the law even if the majority are ignorant and immoral. And how laws can be created to benefit the few, and oppress the others.

If muslims have a problem with democracy why do they imigrate to a democratic nation such as England.
There has always been immoral acts within islam and other religions,in Britain we don't really go for cultural depravations.
It has been over 400 years since we escaped from religion in this country and better for it we are and democracy is the only way to go if you want a voice.
There are many athiests for example who are morally as good as the most devout religious follower so i don't think islam should be judgemental concerning other religions or ideals when its own is less that perfect.
I certainly do not see Britain as ignorant or on the whole immoral,we and our allies fought two world wars and the last one against pure evil ,however there is much in some islamic countrys that benefits the few over the majority .
To be plaon and simple, they have WRECKED the british isles. You can't say anything. We need Muslim Sensetivity Training (as prescribed in South Park)

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
To be plaon and simple, they have WRECKED the british isles. You can't say anything. We need Muslim Sensetivity Training (as prescribed in South Park)

everything you say in this country has to be "politically correct"they can call us immoral and depraved but say one thing about islam and the islamic council of Britain has a crisis meeting.
Remember when Jack Straw asked the lady to remove her veil? OH MY GOD!

And Gillian Gibbons. I thought we should have simply cut all ties with Sudan. England is a nation which deserved respect.
And they say the UK is becoming a police state :sarcastic: I think they should learn to tolerate some pain. My religion has had to do it for 10,000 years or so.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
And they say the UK is becoming a police state :sarcastic: I think they should learn to tolerate some pain. My religion has had to do it for 10,000 years or so.

Yes but the people of your religion are part of our culture and we have shared a lot of history together good and bad but have stood by our flag in hard times.
Even if we do complain, the BNP just cries about it and we get no car parking space.

My hope is that the BNP one day, are completely dissolved.


Intentionally Blank
As a christian,the main problem I have with islam is the obviously glaring differences between the Bible and Qu'ran.For example the Qu'ran would say that Jesus is not the Son of God(19:88-93),and that he was not crucified(4:156-158).The Bible says the only way to be saved is through Jesus,the SON of God(John 3:16,John 14:6)and that He was crucified so we might be saved(1 Corinthians 15:3,Mark 16:6).These are just a few examples.
And a Msulim would have the same problem with Christianity. Duh, they're different religions, and so have different beliefs. That doesn't make either of them wrong--or right. It also gives you no way to determine which of them, if any, is right. How would you go about figuring this out?


Intentionally Blank
It does, it just doesn't get as many ratings and tv time as the fakers. go to some of the masjids in your area. talk to some of the local imams. contact CAIR in your area they can point you to people who are true examples.

But the media will not cover them, the radicals are more exciting. they make for a better drama.
Alright, what percentage of people who call themselves Muslim would you consider to be real Muslims? Are you familiar with the "No True Scotsman" fallacy?


Well-Known Member
Alright, what percentage of people who call themselves Muslim would you consider to be real Muslims? Are you familiar with the "No True Scotsman" fallacy?

Muslims are forbidden to kill other Muslims, so people who follow the death-cult that has hijacked Islam and is getting all the news cannot be Muslims.
What do I think is wrong with islam? Hmm, that's a tough one. I guess I will start with the fact they think the whole world should join in their magic kingdom under sharia law. On the other hand, what do I think is good with islam? They don't drink alcohol. I can't imagine if they were all raging drunks on top of everything else. :cool:
After further reflection on my last post I have changed my mind. I think they should drink alcohol in large quantities. Maybe they would lighten up a little.
What do I think is wrong with islam? Hmm, that's a tough one. I guess I will start with the fact they think the whole world should join in their magic kingdom under sharia law. On the other hand, what do I think is good with islam? They don't drink alcohol. I can't imagine if they were all raging drunks on top of everything else. :cool:

They are not supposed to drink?! They dont wanna eat a pig, but they will drink something that clouds your judgment...

Wooo, i wanna join the magical kingdom! Nicely pur credance.