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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Intentionally Blank
So, Muslims, what do you call the religion practiced in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq? The rest of us call it "Islam."


Well-Known Member
So, Muslims, what do you call the religion practiced in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq? The rest of us call it "Islam."

What do you call the religion Jim Jones practiced in The People's Church? Most people would call it Christianity.

Your point is????



Intentionally Blank
What do you call the religion Jim Jones practiced in The People's Church? Most people would call it Christianity.

Your point is????


My point is to try to clarify and define what we're talking about. I don't know what the Muslims in this thread mean by the word "Islam." It seems to refer to something that doesn't actually exist, according to them. Since it doesn't exist, I don't have a problem with it. However, the rest of the world uses this word to the religion practiced in Saudi Arabia. Do you disagree?

And why are we talking about Christianity?


Well-Known Member
My point is to try to clarify and define what we're talking about. I don't know what the Muslims in this thread mean by the word "Islam." It seems to refer to something that doesn't actually exist, according to them. Since it doesn't exist, I don't have a problem with it. However, the rest of the world uses this word to the religion practiced in Saudi Arabia. Do you disagree?

And why are we talking about Christianity?

Because you are trying to tar Islam with a brush that tars every other religion at the same time. But the brush doesn't succeed in tarring anything because it is bald of bristles.



Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
What do you call the religion Jim Jones practiced in The People's Church? Most people would call it Christianity.

Your point is????

You'd be referring to the People's Temple NOT the People's Church (different kettles of fish there) and by the comparison are we to assume that the religion practiced by the aforementioned countries is a cult, headed by a charismatic but paranoid and drug addled nutbag?


Well-Known Member
You'd be referring to the People's Temple NOT the People's Church (different kettles of fish there) and by the comparison are we to assume that the religion practiced by the aforementioned countries is a cult, headed by a charismatic but paranoid and drug addled nutbag?

Well, in the case of the extremist mullaheen and imams, yes they are paranoid and hate-addled nutbags. That does not reflect upon Islam, though, just the power tactics of those aforementioned hate-addled nutbags.


Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Well, in the case of the extremist mullaheen and imams, yes they are paranoid and hate-addled nutbags. That does not reflect upon Islam, though, just the power tactics of those aforementioned hate-addled nutbags.

It's unfortunate for religions that the nutbags find themselves in such elevated positions.;)


firstly this abraham and zoroaster thing is a matter of faith not fact and in fact its the first i have heard this claim i suppose it had to come though zoroaster is a muslim if abraham is islamic so is zoroaster ,actually the first monotheistc religion was that of akhenatons egypt around 1300 bc and i suppose he was islamic as well.

and you say mohamed wasnt a christian or a jew ,thats very odd that a jedeo christian archangel should come to him. and that muslims originally faced jerusalem when praying and that the originally had yom kippur etc


i have found christians all to ready to admit their past failures as well as their successs, and interesting read jim jones

He claimed to be an incarnation of Jesus, Akhenaten, Buddha, Lenin, and Father Divine and performed supposed miracle healings to attract new members. Members of Jones' church called Jones "Father" doesnt sound much like christianity but it obviously stemmed from christian beleif into his own messianic poison.
Jim Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
popeyeses i am not sure whether to admire your defense of islam a religion that considers you a heritic and persecutes your members in iran.


You'd be referring to the People's Temple NOT the People's Church (different kettles of fish there) and by the comparison are we to assume that the religion practiced by the aforementioned countries is a cult, headed by a charismatic but paranoid and drug addled nutbag?


Well-Known Member

Whatever some may have done to the teachings of Muhammed, Muhammed is a Manifestation of God to Baha`i's co-equal to Moses, Zoroaster, Jesus, Baha`u'llah.

This means that anyone who denies the truth of ONE of the Manifestations has, in effect, denied Them ALL. The Maternal uncle of the Bab said this when offered his choice of freedom or a martyr's death said this:

""Your Excellency," boldly replied Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali, "if others before me, who quaffed joyously the cup of martyrdom, have chosen to reject an appeal such as the one you now make to me, know of a certainty that I am no less eager to decline such a request. My repudiation of the truths enshrined in this Revelation would be tantamount to a rejection of all the Revelations that have preceded it. To refuse to acknowledge the Mission of the Siyyid-i-Báb would be to apostatise from the Faith of my forefathers and to deny the Divine character of the Message which Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, and all the Prophets of the past have revealed."

(Nabil'i Azam, Shoghi Effendi, tr, The Dawn-Breakers, p. 447)


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Well, in the case of the extremist mullaheen and imams, yes they are paranoid and hate-addled nutbags. That does not reflect upon Islam, though, just the power tactics of those aforementioned hate-addled nutbags.


But it does reflect on islam,the ayatollahs the extremist organisations etc all reflect on islam especially when muslims when pressed to condemn their actions say they cannot make a judgement or there is insufficient evidence.


Well-Known Member
But it does reflect on islam,the ayatollahs the extremist organisations etc all reflect on islam especially when muslims when pressed to condemn their actions say they cannot make a judgement or there is insufficient evidence.

They do not reflect upon Muhammed OR the Qur'an. THAT is Islam. The Pharisees when they manuevered the Romans to execute Christ did NOT refelect upon Moses and the Torah.

One cannot hold the Prophet and the Book responsible for the actions of deluded followers. It is not the fault of the religion that some followers are deluded.

We do not need to make religion a monster. We humans create more than enough self-made monsters to fill all requisitions.

Your attitude makes you a modern Ned Ludd. After all, ignorance is as ignorance does.

Not a lot of regards left,



They do not reflect upon Muhammed OR the Qur'an. THAT is Islam. The Pharisees when they manuevered the Romans to execute Christ did NOT refelect upon Moses and the Torah.

One cannot hold the Prophet and the Book responsible for the actions of deluded followers. It is not the fault of the religion that some followers are deluded.

We do not need to make religion a monster. We humans create more than enough self-made monsters to fill all requisitions.

Your attitude makes you a modern Ned Ludd. After all, ignorance is as ignorance does.

Not a lot of regards left,

For some reason, this concept seems unclear to people:shrug:..

England my lionheart, do muslims now look like muslims 700 years ago?!
I'm sorry, but a "yes they do" answer would reflect you lack of historical knowledge ...A "no they dont" answer would just answer your question!


They do not reflect upon Muhammed OR the Qur'an. THAT is Islam. The Pharisees when they manuevered the Romans to execute Christ did NOT refelect upon Moses and the Torah. then how come jews have been persecuted by christians ever since

One cannot hold the Prophet and the Book responsible for the actions of deluded followers. It is not the fault of the religion that some followers are deluded. even when they are religiously deluded ?

We do not need to make religion a monster. We humans create more than enough self-made monsters to fill all requisitions. yes we have created religious maniacs

Your attitude makes you a modern Ned Ludd. After all, ignorance is as ignorance does. Ned Ludd was an 18th century hero, with no historical evidence for his existance

Not a lot of regards left,


regard kai


For some reason, this concept seems unclear to people:shrug:..

England my lionheart, do muslims now look like muslims 700 years ago?!
I'm sorry, but a "yes they do" answer would reflect you lack of historical knowledge ...A "no they dont" answer would just answer your question!
the answer is in some countries yes exactly the same and this concept does seem unclear to some people particularly Muslims


Actually the yes answer is the good one!

As a matter of fact, we muslims would like to see ourselves just like muslims 700 yeats ago, i.e. contributing to the humanity..