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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?


Well-Known Member
Truth comes out atlast.Hitler was killing jews for political purposes and in his book, propagated that it was his duty as christian.
Similar case with people like Osama bin Laden, don't you think? So why blame Islam for it?

I agree completely. bin Laden is indeed a politician corrupting Islam and manipulating others by destroying Islam. Islam has no culpability at all. If a religious leader is putting forth a message of hate against other people, he is a FRAUD.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
oh really!!! r u tht sure!! i mean osama continues to be just a prime suspect....if u asked me it's bush who's bombarded the twin towers.....he's the real terrorist!!or is it tht u happen to watch too much of 'fox news'

Are you blind or are you just trying to wind people up,bin laden was or is if he is still alive nothing more than a coward.
There are many more like this piece of @@@@ like in iran and syria,Bush and Blair were wrong in some things but carrying out unjustified cold blooded murder on their own people is'nt one of them.
If islam cannot police itself then someone has to otherwise the hoplessly gullible suicide bombers will keep comming and because they cannot fight like men they have to be weeded out and taken care of.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I agree completely. bin Laden is indeed a politician corrupting Islam and manipulating others by destroying Islam. Islam has no culpability at all. If a religious leader is putting forth a message of hate against other people, he is a FRAUD.


How about the ayatollahs of iran and syria are they politicians? no i do t think so i think they are powerful because they pull the strings but also preach hate.
Why does islam blame everyone but itself


Active Member
How about the ayatollahs of iran and syria are they politicians? no i do t think so i think they are powerful because they pull the strings but also preach hate.
Why does islam blame everyone but itself
As Islam is a system, which if someone doesn't follow does not imply that Islam is to be blamed. Rather, one who does not follow it properly is to be blamed.
Imagine, a person blaming a system if the people are not following it properly.


New Member
i dont think theres anything wrong with islam.being as a christain as i am.God as Jehovah, do not look at the outside appearance of man or woman.he looks at the heart


Resident Schizophrenic
oh really!!! r u tht sure!! i mean osama continues to be just a prime suspect....if u asked me it's bush who's bombarded the twin towers.....he's the real terrorist!!or is it tht u happen to watch too much of 'fox news'
Poorly written idiocy at that. I guess none of your allegations need evidence do they? They have to be right :rolleyes:


Intentionally Blank
Some muslims may do this. but you cannot force them, for one of the conditions for a deed to be accepted is that it is done for Allah. so if they do it for their husbands then their intention is incorrect and runs the chance of not being accepted. As I said some muslims may do this, but this is not what Islam teaches. for you must understand the truth is one thing and what the people are doing is something else.

Again islam does not permit this. So what are the people doing. something they themselves created. They are doing something other then islam. It is easy and clear to see what is Islam. You just need the knowledge of the Quran and sunnah. Factions are never islam. Islam is not al Qaeda, or the Khawarij, or any of the Sunni, shiites, or sufis groups living today.. Islam is what the Messenger and the Companions of the Prophet of Allah, Muhammed, who was sent by Allah as a guide, a messenger and a warner to mankind. and they are the ones defined as muslims. They are the example of what a muslims is supposed to be. They are the ones who are the example. so to use people living today is crazy.

So how many actual Muslims would say there are in the world today?


Intentionally Blank
Hitler was a christian?!
Yes. He was raised Catholic, never denounced the Church nor the Church him. The Pope sent him birthday greetings every year. Here's a nice picture:


and another:


Think about it: Germany was 98% Christian in 1935, and remains predominantly Christian today. They weren't taken over by invading atheists; they were Christians the whole time. Remember their lovely slogan for the role of women: Kinder, Kuche, Kirche? (children, kitchen, church)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord..
--Adolf Hitler

Here's a Nazi belt buckle:

"God With Us"


Immobile Wanderer
Since the topic of this thread is, "What do you feel is wrong with Islam?" and since the annual pilgrimage of Hajj is only a few days away, I may state that it has always baffled me why goats, sheep and camels are sacrificed at the end of Hajj. Commemorating Abraham’s sacrifice is worthy and Allah was mighty pleased with Abraham. But fattening goats and slaughtering it as special ritual is, according to me, a mindless and uncultured act, if by culture we mean the refining of man to greater sensibilities.