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What do you know about Islam?


Active Member
All the talk about Islam being illegal is hardly accurate. Islam is a religion of about 1.5 billion people. several European nations have taken measures to limit some asepcts of Islam (some of these things are even debated between Muslims whether they are Islamic or not), however the reality is that the same nations still take in Muslim immigrants and provide them with welfare, so if anything the supposed nations which outlaw Islam have been providing a safe haven to these Muslims, have been taking them in where they felt their own nations rejected them.
The Qur'an incites Muslims to violence in several places. Such incitement is illegal in the UK, Germany, the USA, Canada, and probably every other European country. So technically, every Muslim preacher (and possibly every Muslim) in those countries could quite legally be arrested and sentenced.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Qur'an incites Muslims to violence in several places. Such incitement is illegal in the UK, Germany, the USA, Canada, and probably every other European country. So technically, every Muslim preacher (and possibly every Muslim) in those countries could quite legally be arrested and sentenced.

Yet they are not. and yet the Quran is not banned, which only shows you're talking nonsense.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Back to insults so soon.

Insults? That was not my intention. I meant if you believe that's the way it should be(banning the Quran and prisoning muslims), then wait and hope for it as long as you wish. It is what you think the right thing is, so it's only logical you'd wish for it to happen.

Seriously, i'm not insulting you. If that's what you think should happen, fine that's up to you.


Active Member
Im sorry Luis for this late reply, you know, Im a bit lost between all these posts :)

Oh, it is quite true that many (most?) Muslims are peaceful and tolerant in nature and give non-Muslims no trouble whatsoever. I must still stand by my statement that many Muslims are not very tolerant of Atheism, however.

I guess we should differentiate between acceptance and tolerance.
Because when you say Islam is not tolerant of atheists, then I have to say that the statement is wrong. But not accepting atheism could have some truth in it.

Also, I would like to repeat and repeat this statement of mine :) :
WHen I ask what do you know about Islam, I mean Islam not muslims :) . You know, these days the situation of muslims does not please neither friends nor enemies. So when we discuss Islam, we should discuss its teachings and applications.

However, its does not mean that we are theoric people, since Islam was practiced on its perfect way in the times of the prophet peace be upon him and years later, then people started distorting it, but alhamdulillah things are getting better as I see them from my angle.

I'm well aware that the Hadiths are meant to be passed through the generations, for reasons not completely unlike those that apply to the Quran itself.

It was my understanding, however, that not all of them are attributed to Mohammed himself. From what you say, I must have been in the wrong about that.

This is what we call in Islam the science of Hadeeth, I guess you can read just a simple example on how they used to gather it from one of my posts on this thread:

Even extreme haters of Islam admitted that this science has nothing like it in its credibility, and its perfection. Scholars of all ages spent their lifes differetiating between what is coming from the prophet peace be upon him and what is not. They established rules and requirements and conditions to accept or to reject a hadeeth that are so strict that you can be sure that when its says "Hadeeth Saheeh" i.e authentic that it is truly coming from the prophet peace be upon him himself.

If you want to know more about this science, I can do you some researches about the topic Inshallah :)

It goes back all the way to divergences about who should lead Muslims after Mohammed, doesn't it? I believe the proper name is "Caliphate".

However, it does involve religious matters as well, as you recognize shortly after. Even here in Brazil, which is by no means a predominantly Muslim country, I know of severe stress involving interpretations of the Mutah tradition. Although, truth be told, neither Shias nor Sunnis seem to be very sympathetic to the Mutah these days (for very understandable reasons).

Yes, it does involve religious matters which is why in ISlam, Quran states that if you dont know, then ask the peophe of Zhikr ( scholars) . And in ISlam, we do not accept anyone easily as a scholar, until it is obvious in both, his knowledge and his practice of his deen.

One thing that I want to focus about is that when I say scholars it doesnt mean all of them are men, and thats very specific to this religion that we had throughout the history high very knowledgeable and pious female scholars. Most of well know scholars in Islam have studied on hundreds of female scholars, one simple example is that of sheykh al islam "Ibn taymiyah" may ALlah azza wajal have mercy on his soul.
But I dont remember anyone ever ( among non muslims) mentioning this when talking about women in Islam

Don't all humans, except probably the Prophets themselves, contradict the principles of Islam to some extent, in deed if not in doctrine?

You should make a disctinction between principles and deeds. When I talk about principles, I talk about for example monotheism and similar , not stuffs like obeying your parents , or feeding the hungry. I hope you understand what I mean :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter. It seems to me that in this respect there is much simetry between Shias and Sunnis. That is to say, I believe that your opinion about Shias is somewhat typical for Sunni Muslims, and that Shias say much the same thing about Sunnis. Would you agree?

Yes, I agree. However, one should look into each parties arguments and see by himself if he doesnt trust the opinion of someone related to one of the groups :)

Maybe there shouldn't be. It is certainly an advisable goal, if nothing else. In practice that is often a challenge at the very least.

Indeed , it is a challenge. However if the companions of the prophet peace be upon him were able to establish it in the best way then we, if we come back to the true Islam, will be able to do the same with the help of ALlah Inshallah/
ِQuran (47:8)

7. O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) All�h, He will help you, and make your foothold firm.

Still, you surely recognize that ill feelings are a fact of life, and that Muslims don't always extend the same feelings of fraternity and respect for non-Muslims that they do towards other Muslims? I fear that this is a more important matter than many well meaning Muslims want to admit.

Indeed it should be admitted, but I refer you to my last statement about the difference between islam and muslims, and I also refer you to this verse of Quran:(29:46)

46. And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Isl�mic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong, and say (to them): "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Il�h (God) and your Il�h (God) is One (i.e. All�h), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)."

You're very welcome. Sharing views is the cornerstone for peaceful coexistence, so you offered us all a gift by simply creating the thread and responding in it.

Than you very much for your kind words

Best regards :)


Intentionally Blank
Christianity forbids even resistance, let alone conquest. It forbids the taking of slaves. Those who have done such things have not been disciples of Christ. Authentic Muslims, otoh, have dismissed these commands and murdered millions, and made many slaves, too.

You must have invented your own Bible. The one I have explicitly authorizes taking slaves in war. I can't find a single passage prohibiting slavery, while there are passages that authorize and regulate it. Stealing other people's slaves is forbidden, but that's about the opposite of prohibiting slavery.

This has come up a couple of times--I think it's time for a thread on the subject. Would you join me?


Intentionally Blank
Back to insults so soon.

kejos: Badran is one of the most patient, non-combative posters here at RF, despite the constant challenges from other posters, including myself. Meanwhile, you are merely goading and offensive. You're making Islam look better than Christianity. Is that your goal?


Well-Known Member
kejos, Islam doesnt condone injustice, and it promotes peace, (and so do all valid religions of the world :) ). Perhaps you ought to learn about Islam properly, instead from reading from vitriolic and biased sources. And please don't generalize the behaviour of some Muslims to something that Islam has inherently in it.



Active Member
kejos, Islam doesnt condone injustice, and it promotes peace, (and so do all valid religions of the world :) ). Perhaps you ought to learn about Islam properly, instead from reading from vitriolic and biased sources.
I've quoted the Qur'an.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Christianity forbids even resistance, let alone conquest. It forbids the taking of slaves. Those who have done such things have not been disciples of Christ. Authentic Muslims, otoh, have dismissed these commands and murdered millions, and made many slaves, too.

Where did Christ forbid slavery?
Why did Paul endorse it by sending an escaped slave back to his master?

Where do you see slavery in modern Islam?


Well-Known Member
I've quoted the Qur'an.

Please quote me the verses again. I browsed through the thread but didnt find you post in which you quoted the Quran. I believe you are misinterpreting the verses out of context, cause I have seen similar posts before.
