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What do you think about hinduism ?


Veteran Member
Hinduism♥Krishna;3540594 said:
Hello ,

I just want to know how you feel about our vedic hindu dharma ?

How you look towards our hindu's most beloved god krishna ?

And what you feel about Hinduism organization 'iskcon'
Which is converting Christians into hindus ?

Please share your experiences ,thoughts about hindu eternal religion .

Thank you .Jai shri Krishna !

Krishna was a prophet/messenger of the One-True-God.

I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim.



RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi friend Madhuri

I think Krishna made certain prophecies; so that make him a prophet.

Didn't he?


Hinduism contains various texts with prophecies and Krishna is not the only Hindu figure to give spiritual teachings. The Vedas already existed before he spoke the Bhagavad Gita. I consider the Gita the greatest scripture in Hinduism but I wonder why you and many others specifically identify him as a prophet.


Premium Member
Hindus themselves rarely, if ever, use the term prophet. The idea of avatar exists, not for all, but for most.

Whereas the idea of prophet is outside the realm of Hinduism. I think it's classic projection of one set of beliefs into another.
I just want to know how you feel about our vedic hindu dharma ?

I didn't have any knowledge of this until my mid-twenties(now late 60s).
I read many boks, including Ramayana(Valmiki), Bagavatum, Vedas and others. Kabir is my favourite poet/inspirer
They all inspired me to 'look within' with easy to understand wisdom.

How you look towards our hindu's most beloved god krishna ?
Krishna comes across as a great teacher and friend.

And what you feel about Hinduism organization 'iskcon'
Which is converting Christians into hindus ?

In my experience they are very egotistical. I met many Iskonians in the 70s and was actually threatened by them more than once because they didn't like my path.


Premium Member
In my experience they are very egotistical. I met many Iskonians in the 70s and was actually threatened by them more than once because they didn't like my path.

Have you seen them lately? In my experience, ISKCON has grown up. I'm saddened when they're judged by some actions of 40 years ago.
Have you seen them lately? In my experience, ISKCON has grown up. I'm saddened when they're judged by some actions of 40 years ago.

I am just saying my experience of them.
I am glad Iskon has changed. They had to. I was around when some very serious things happened.

In the town I live there are many Krishna devotees,but not under any organisation. I know some of them are former-Iskonians (only because they have mentioned it). They give prasadum to the town every week and are very much liked in this small English town. A living example of service.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
The real meaning of prophet is someone who speaks for God, not necessarily someone who predicts the future. That is a secondary meaning. In that regard, Krishna is not a prophet, because He is God. Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, et. al. were prophets because they spoke for God, but were not God. In my view Jesus is not God, but I believe he was a prophet. Prophet | Define Prophet at Dictionary.com


Veteran Member
Hinduism contains various texts with prophecies and Krishna is not the only Hindu figure to give spiritual teachings. The Vedas already existed before he spoke the Bhagavad Gita. I consider the Gita the greatest scripture in Hinduism but I wonder why you and many others specifically identify him as a prophet.

Can you please name any other person other than Krishna who prophesied and the prophecy got fulfilled?



Premium Member
I am just saying my experience of them.

Yes, me too. I also had negative experiences 'back in the day'. I'm not sure about the UK, but here in Canada, the Indian immigrant population has had an effect on them, and most temple congregations are more than half Indian, and often those devotees aren't members but just devotees of Krishna there to worship. It has a calming less dramatic effect.


Premium Member
I realise this thread was started by a Hindu, and originally put as a question to Christians. Then it was moved to debates. It seems to me a fine line to walk. What's stopping someone starting threads "What do you think of __________ ?" and then using it as a place to bash that particular faith.

Just pointing out a slippery slope. Maybe this thread isn't such a good idea.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I actually think I need to learn more about it.
It seems to hold teaching which relate to my own experiences.
The way Hinduism expresses spiritual ideas is better. Where I find myself often trying to grasp words to fit my experiences, Hinduism often has them already explained.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
They say a person is a being.

Do you mean Krishna did not exist?

I don't get you.

Please express yourself fully.


Some say Jesus wasn't a "person". More a "Hero" on a spiritual plane. Don't actually know if it relates though.

Does that mean Jesus or Krishna had actual existence on a non-physical plane or that they were fictional characters use to relate some aspect of the reality of God?

Guess I'm curious too.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Hinduism♥Krishna;3540594 said:
Hello ,

I just want to know how you feel about our vedic hindu dharma ?

How you look towards our hindu's most beloved god krishna ?

And what you feel about Hinduism organization 'iskcon'
Which is converting Christians into hindus ?

Please share your experiences ,thoughts about hindu eternal religion .

Thank you .Jai shri Krishna !

I have the Bhagavad Gita (Prabhupada), I enjoy it. Beyond that, not really read up on most other beliefs concerning Hinduism.
The purports are clear, make sense, and interesting.
I don't care who converts to what.
I believe that like all religions, some understand it, some don't but both types practice.


Well-Known Member
Huh? I types in Hindu Temples in London and got a lot of results. These are teh main ones that come up
Thank you! That must have been one of my search engine's bad days! But I do notice that the mission statement of the first temple whose site I went to was "keeping our culture, music, and language alive". But that sort of thing is understandable and not confined to the Indian expat community: the Russian Orthodox cathedral in the next road is as resolutely Russian.


Well-Known Member
I realise this thread was started by a Hindu, and originally put as a question to Christians. Then it was moved to debates. It seems to me a fine line to walk. What's stopping someone starting threads "What do you think of __________ ?" and then using it as a place to bash that particular faith.

Just pointing out a slippery slope. Maybe this thread isn't such a good idea.
I don't see much sign of bashing! In fact, I think one of the failings of this board is the way in which people are huddled into ghettos. The best protections against trolls are willingness by members to use the report button and willingness by moderators to suspend or ban those whose attitudes are unacceptable or whose manners are nonexistent.