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What does God want from you?


Be your own guru
What do you expect God to to about it, come down from His Throne of Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven and play Superman?
What about all the adults who suffer, don't they matter?
And what about all the animals who suffer?
I wish atheists would at least try to be rational. God cannot prevent all the suffering in the world.

The only way this could have been prevented is if God had created a different kind of world, but sadly, there is no rewind button.
Oh! He is either not omni-potent, or omni-scient or he is evil.
He has a rewind button too, flood the whole universe.
You are not being rational. But that is expected. You are a Bahai and you have no use of logical reasoning.
(see my signature)


Veteran Member
Oh! He is either not omni-potent, or omni-scient or he is evil.
He has a rewind button too, flood the whole universe.
You are not being rational. But that is expected. You are a Bahai and you have no use of logical reasoning.
(see my signature)
I'm not the one who is not being rational or logical , but that is expected of atheists who think they could possibly ever know more than an all-knowing God, which is logically impossible.

Here is an interpretation of what you just said:
God is either not omni-potent, or omni-scient or God is evil because God is not doing what I want/expect Him to do.​
A good God would take marching orders from atheists.
Talk about illogical.​

Why would an omnipotent God do what you expect him to do, instead of what He chooses to do?
How could an omniscient God not know more than you know regarding what to do?

Why would God rewind and start over? That would be admitting that He made a mistake, but God is infallible so God cannot make any mistakes.


Be your own guru
We are talking about sufferings of the people of the world and the children. Why does your God overlook that?
Especially when he is supposed to know all and has power to change that.
I am not talking about my wishes. I do not want anything from any God or Goddess, even from those who are in Hinduism.


Veteran Member
We are talking about sufferings of the people of the world and the children. Why does your God overlook that?
Especially when he is supposed to know all and has power to change that.
Who said that God overlooks it?
Why should God change it?
Atheists need to get over the idea that God is omnipotent God should use His power to put an end to suffering.
Since God created a world with the intention that suffering would exist, why would God put an end to that suffering?
It doesn't make any sense.


Be your own guru
Atheists need to get over the idea that God is omnipotent God should use His power to put an end to suffering.
Since God created a world with the intention that suffering would exist, why would God put an end to that suffering?
It doesn't make any sense.
OK. So your God wants children and people to suffer though he may be omnipotent and could do something about it.
He is a sadist and likes to see children and people suffering in life.
If he does not make them suffer, why would they remember and pray to him.
He is an ego-bloated God just like his messengers. Yeah, it does not make sense.


Veteran Member
though he may be omnipotent and could do something about it.
It is highly illogical to say that God should do x because God COULD do x.
God COULD also wipe off everything from the face of the earth in a split second, because Gods is omnipotent.

An omnipotent God does not do everything He COULD do. Why would He? Why should He? Just because you want Him to?

An omnipotent God never does anything unless He chooses to do it.
If you cannot figure out why then you need a course in logic.

“Say: O people! Let not this life and its deceits deceive you, for the world and all that is therein is held firmly in the grasp of His Will. He bestoweth His favor on whom He willeth, and from whom He willeth He taketh it away. He doth whatsoever He chooseth.” Gleanings, p. 209

God is All-Knowing and All-Wise so He knows 'better' what to DO than you or anyone else since only God is All-Knowing and All-Wise.
This flies right over the heads of atheists. Not one of them has ever been able to rebut this. They never even tried because thye know that can't do it.


Well-Known Member
Big animals eat small animals and small animals eat more small animals. This is happening since this world started. This world can never be a permanent peaceful place to live on.

Therefore, "Cry-for salvation from this world" or "Cry-for liberation from this world" is LAST and the WISEST-CRY provided that one is geniunely crying for this.

All the best.. :)
The Goal of mankind is for Peace and to have it made. Is this God's Goal???? Not on your life!!! On the other hand, mankind wanting to have it made and have peace is a force that does help keep things moving forward.

Death is no more than a Change. It exists for good reason. For Eternal beings including animals, death is no more than a Change. Death is just an exit strategy for a physical world along with a current set of parameters for a specific life.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Bird 123. Good afternoon. Yahweh is a spirit being. In order to reproduce Himself, He doesn't have sex like humans do, He takes a person, teaches them how to think and act like Him, and then they practice living that way of life until they do live like He does. A people must prove themselves worthy that they are willing to think and act like He does. Yahweh has plans for this universe, plans that we couldn't possibly comprehend, but it involves using people who have proved themselves in this life, that have shown they are willing to keep all of His commandments. Even Yahshua the Messiah had to undergo the test of this life, and have to face the harshness of this world, even though he was originally a spirit being. He had to prove himself that He was willing to keep all of Yahweh's commandments. Philippians 2:"5 Have this mind in you, which was also in the Messiah Yahshua: 6 who, existing in the form of Elohim, counted not the being on an equality with Yahweh a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; 8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even to death, yes, the death of the torture stake. 9 Therefore also Yahweh highly exalted him, and gave to him the name which is above every name".

Yahweh is an intelligent being, far more intelligent than any of us (Isaiah 55:9). Yahweh isn't forcing anyone to obey Him. He gives us the option of obeying or disobeying. They are many distractions and temptations in this world leading people away from loving and serving Yahweh. Only those who voluntarily submit to His Word can be used by Yahweh, after all, Yahweh is looking for volunteers. People who don't obey because they have to, but those who obey cheerfully and willingly. They are few people who have this mindset, but those who do can be used by Yahweh for the future plans He has for this universe.
Ok, Good answer but I have questions.
Is this an Intelligence way of doing things? Will playing favorites really bring the best results?
What are you teaching the kiddies by playing favorites?
What talents will be missing that simply obedience children might be missing?
Are these actions of a Being at a Higher Level? If you say yes, how? I couldn't even to that to my kids.

I think you greatly underestimate God. God is at a Higher Level above all the petty things mankind holds so dear. As such, all those kiddies must make it.

OK, pick your best people. Place them in a Heavenly state. How long would it be before that Heavenly state would not be Heavenly? 10 minutes maybe, being generous??

How about this: God creates a time-based causal universe because it is Perfect for learning. God returns our actions back to us, not as a punishment but to teach us what our choices really mean. When one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices. Life is the education of God's children.

There is too much learning for one mere lifetime, but what else are you doing for eternity? Given enough time and lessons, one will learn what the best choices really are from experiencing all sides. One also will learn to Love Unconditionally. After all, that is what one wants returning. One will reach a time when that causal time-based physical body will no longer be required. One will be able to create a Heavenly state for oneself and others. We will be there long past 10 minutes.

With this system, there is no need for Judging, Hating, Condemning, Anger, Wrath, Intimidating, Coercing, Manipulating, Controlling, Ruling, We against they, Good or Evil and all those petty things mankind holds so dear. Take all that garbage out and it leaves High Intelligence at a Higher Level, Unconditional Love.

God hides nothing. Look around, God is working on multiple levels with multiple views. There is a lot going on around us to see.

Yes, I would say God created us all. God just isn't through with the process just yet. Learning and growing takes time and lessons. There is a lot to Learn!!

Like I said. I think most underestimate God. God is creating a True Heavenly State all through our own free choices. Ah yes, Education at it's best. We are Living our Lessons!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
And you know God's Goal how?
In a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. All the knowledge about God stares us all in the face. God hides nothing. Further, God's actions can not be altered by mankind unlike all those holy books so many claim God sent. Why send books written by mankind when the knowledge surrounds us all?

How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? God had the knowledge there all the time waiting to be Discovered.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
In a time-based causal universe God's actions can be seen. All the knowledge about God stares us all in the face. God hides nothing. Further, God's actions can not be altered by mankind unlike all those holy books so many claim God sent. Why send books written by mankind when the knowledge surrounds us all?
Because knowledge about God is not staring us in the face. The only way to get any knowledge about God is to read the holy books.

You imagine what you see in the world are God's actions, but they are only the natural processes of life unfolding in the natural world. They have nothing to do with God. All we can see in this world are natural processes and man's actions. God is seated on His Throne in the Kingdom of Heaven, wholly independent of His creatures.


Be your own guru
An omnipotent God never does anything unless He chooses to do it.
If you cannot figure out why then you need a course in logic.

“Say: O people! Let not this life and its deceits deceive you, for the world and all that is therein is held firmly in the grasp of His Will. He bestoweth His favor on whom He willeth, and from whom He willeth He taketh it away. He doth whatsoever He chooseth.”

God is All-Knowing and All-Wise so He knows 'better' what to DO than you or anyone else since only God is All-Knowing and All-Wise.
I agree that if there is an omnipotent God, then he is under no obligation to do what I want.
But what he does, creating diseases and disasters, giving pain even to children, creating disabilities among people, does not speak well of him.
He seems to be a monstrous dictator and a sadist. Why does he so willeth and chooseth?


Veteran Member
I agree that if there is an omnipotent God, then he is under no obligation to do what I want.
But what he does, creating diseases and disasters, giving pain even to children, creating disabilities among people, does not speak well of him.
He seems to be a monstrous dictator and a sadist. Why does he so willeth and chooseth?
God does not create diseases and disasters, give pain even to children, or create disabilities among people.
These things are part and parcel of the natural world.
Why can't you understand that?


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
God does not create diseases and disasters, give pain even to children, or create disabilities among people.
These things are part and parcel of the natural world.
Why can't you understand that?
What's the point of God creating the natural world then when it's so full of abhorrent suffering?
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Veteran Member
What's the point of God creating the natural world then when it's so full of abhorrent suffering?
Suffering is supposed to help people grow stronger so that is one reason it exists. It is also supposed to help people develop their spiritual qualities in preparation for life in the next world.

The problem I have with suffering is that some people suffer so much more than other people and in fact some people hardly suffer at all. I am not making that up, they will tell you that. It does not seem just to me that some people suffer so much more than others through no fault of their own.


Veteran Member
That is a bald assertion. Nothing more.
It is not a bald assertion that diseases and disasters, pain in children, and disabilities among people are part and parcel of the natural world.
The bald assertion is what some atheists assert, that God creates these things. Prove it or don't assert it.

What is "bald assertion?" Well the name says it all, doesn't it? It's stating something without backing it up.
Logical Fallacy Lesson 4: Bald Assertion | Rational Response Squad


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
Suffering is supposed to help people grow stronger so that is one reason it exists. It is also supposed to help people develop their spiritual qualities in preparation for life in the next world.

The problem I have with suffering is that some people suffer so much more than other people and in fact some people hardly suffer at all. I am not making that up, they will tell you that. It does not seem just to me that some people suffer so much more than others through no fault of their own.
I know I've seen senseless suffering and catastrophies. When I say abhorrent suffering I mean suffering that comes as a result of atrocious evils, and by way of natural disaster.

Also children get cancer.

I don't see any point to it.

Suffering is really something that inflicts anybody without any rhyme or reason to it. For me this defeats the existence of God overwhelmingly.


Veteran Member
Suffering is really something that inflicts anybody without any rhyme or reason to it. For me this defeats the existence of God overwhelmingly.
I have to admit suffering is my primary issue with God. I still believe God exists but I can't believe He is loving. :(