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What does God want from you?


Hi Chinu. Long time.
Mothers rush when the child cries. God seems to be a little hard of hearing like me.
Like they sat in Punjabi "Uncha ho ke bolo", so when in trouble one should call God with a loudspeaker, then perhaps he would hear.
If you are in Bathinda, how is the flood situation? In Delhi, we are having a second flood. Yamuna has not subsided and it is Hindon now.
Hello Aupmanyav ! friend.
Yes floods has effected some rular areas surrounding Bathinda-city, but, city is almost safe :)

NO need of loudspeaker. More the cry is deep more the voice is loud.

Many small creatures like insects etc were in trouble due to we humans messing with nature and crying very deeply to God. And God listened to them.



You make a good point. On the other hand, everyone wants to rule the world. Could crying be used in an attempt to control and get your way? Is this really going to work in the long run?

God will grant His children anything as long as it doesn't interfere with their or any one else's lesson. If one absolutely needs help, it will show up. If one just wants to have it made, the struggle will be to understand that having it made has never been what it's all about.

God does hear it all.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Big animals eat small animals and small animals eat more small animals. This is happening since this world started. This world can never be a permanent peaceful place to live on.

Therefore, "Cry-for salvation from this world" or "Cry-for liberation from this world" is LAST and the WISEST-CRY provided that one is geniunely crying for this.

All the best.. :)


Veteran Member
Big animals eat small animals and small animals eat more small animals. This is happening since this world started. This world can never be a permanent peaceful place to live on.

Therefore, "Cry-for salvation from this world" or "Cry-for liberation from this world" is LAST and the WISEST-CRY provided that one is geniunely crying for this.

“O thou seeker of the Kingdom! Thy letter was received. Thou hast written of the severe calamity that hath befallen thee—the death of thy respected husband. That honourable man hath been so subjected to the stress and strain of this world that his greatest wish was for deliverance from it. Such is this mortal abode: a storehouse of afflictions and suffering. It is ignorance that binds man to it, for no comfort can be secured by any soul in this world, from monarch down to the most humble commoner. If once this life should offer a man a sweet cup, a hundred bitter ones will follow; such is the condition of this world. The wise man, therefore, doth not attach himself to this mortal life and doth not depend upon it; at some moments, even, he eagerly wisheth for death that he may thereby be freed from these sorrows and afflictions. Thus it is seen that some, under extreme pressure of anguish, have committed suicide.” Selections From the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, p. 200


Be your own guru
Must be nice. Hmm ... want to get married?
Don't be personal. You interested?
Therefore, "Cry-for salvation from this world" or "Cry-for liberation from this world" is LAST and the WISEST-CRY provided that one is genuinely crying for this.
Does not help. To be selfish is instilled by evolution. Even a God cannot change it. Only fools think otherwise.
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Be your own guru
Or maybe God is just confused. While you get floods, other places of the world are facing droughts. Those in drought-plagued areas are asking God for rain, while God gives the rain to others who have too much of it already.

God apparently doesn't believe in the equitable distribution of resources. I guess God is not a communist. ;)
Moreover, God does not use good GPS software.


Veteran Member
That is so sad that you think that way, what lifestyle choices does a 6 year old child who contracts leukemia make that caused their leukemia?

What lifestyle choice caused me husband's prostrate cancer?
Oh dear! Can you not see that we do not live in isolation!?
Our lives now, depend on what our ancestors got up to, for example.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Oh dear! Can you not see that we do not live in isolation!?
Our lives now, depend on what our ancestors got up to, for example.

Oh dear, I see you stuck your nose in for a gripe but didn't actually address the question.

You want to put your 2 penneth in how about answering the question instead of vomiting insults.

"what lifestyle choices does a 6 year old child who contracts leukemia make that caused their leukemia?"

Come on... lets see the extent of your knowledge.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
To be part of the family of love. Enjoy the company. Be involved in the creative process in the universe and share His goodness

Messianic Israelite

Active Member
Why would a Being capable of creating universes require anyone to serve?
Why would a Being capable of creating universes need anyone to fear Him?
Why would God be teaching His children that one must use fear in order to intimidate the choices of others?
Why would God be teaching it is right to intimidate the choices of others?
Why would God be Commanding with Commandments in order to rule and control the actions of others? Would not a Being as Intelligent as God have better ways thereby teaching His children better lessons than the ruling and controlling of others?

Well, you can see I have many questions. So much of your quote does not add up for High Intelligence to be making. To be honest. The quote reflects mankind more than anything else to me. Still, it's a view many hold onto.

Thanks for your view!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Hi Bird 123. Good afternoon. Yahweh is a spirit being. In order to reproduce Himself, He doesn't have sex like humans do, He takes a person, teaches them how to think and act like Him, and then they practice living that way of life until they do live like He does. A people must prove themselves worthy that they are willing to think and act like He does. Yahweh has plans for this universe, plans that we couldn't possibly comprehend, but it involves using people who have proved themselves in this life, that have shown they are willing to keep all of His commandments. Even Yahshua the Messiah had to undergo the test of this life, and have to face the harshness of this world, even though he was originally a spirit being. He had to prove himself that He was willing to keep all of Yahweh's commandments. Philippians 2:"5 Have this mind in you, which was also in the Messiah Yahshua: 6 who, existing in the form of Elohim, counted not the being on an equality with Yahweh a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; 8 and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even to death, yes, the death of the torture stake. 9 Therefore also Yahweh highly exalted him, and gave to him the name which is above every name".

Yahweh is an intelligent being, far more intelligent than any of us (Isaiah 55:9). Yahweh isn't forcing anyone to obey Him. He gives us the option of obeying or disobeying. They are many distractions and temptations in this world leading people away from loving and serving Yahweh. Only those who voluntarily submit to His Word can be used by Yahweh, after all, Yahweh is looking for volunteers. People who don't obey because they have to, but those who obey cheerfully and willingly. They are few people who have this mindset, but those who do can be used by Yahweh for the future plans He has for this universe.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Oh dear, I see you stuck your nose in for a gripe but didn't actually address the question.

You want to put your 2 penneth in how about answering the question instead of vomiting insults.

"what lifestyle choices does a 6 year old child who contracts leukemia make that caused their leukemia?"

Come on... lets see the extent of your knowledge.
Six year old children are evil. And sticky!


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Okay, perhaps always too early for a joke in that case. I am sorry that you had to witness that.

I've seen 2 people die of leukaemia.
A friends 6 year old daughter. That was 22 years ago. My friend has never got over the loss.
And in 2005 i met the most beautiful woman (beautiful mind so calm down) she was dying when we met, i knew her for only for 5 months. We named our eldest daughter after her, that's the impression she had on me.


Veteran Member
I've seen 2 people die of leukaemia.
A friends 6 year old daughter. That was 22 years ago. My friend has never got over the loss.
And in 2005 i met the most beautiful woman (beautiful mind so calm down) she was dying when we met, i knew her for only for 5 months. We named our eldest daughter after her, that's the impression she had on me.
I have seen two people die of cancer, my sister and my husband, although I was not there at the end... I believe that God spared me that.

I wish I could help your friend. Imo, the only way to deal with grief is not to think about the past, as I just explained on another thread #37.
This has served me well and allowed me to survive.


Veteran Member
And your God just looked on and let children suffer!?
What do you expect God to to about it, come down from His Throne of Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven and play Superman?
What about all the adults who suffer, don't they matter?
And what about all the animals who suffer?

I wish atheists would at least try to be rational. God cannot prevent all the suffering in the world.

The only way this could have been prevented is if God had created a different kind of world, but sadly, there is no rewind button.