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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
Life itself shows that we have a Maker who gave us everything around us. It is only necessary to look outside and see everything that was given to us, for free. :cool:
Let's not forget that God is responsible for both the good times and the bad times.

Isaiah 45:7 New International Reader's Version
I cause light to shine. I also create darkness. I bring good times. I also create hard times. I do all these things. I am the Lord.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Let's not forget that God is responsible for both the good times and the bad times.

Isaiah 45:7 New International Reader's Version
I cause light to shine. I also create darkness. I bring good times. I also create hard times. I do all these things. I am the Lord.
You probably are talking about the bahai's god. That one may be the only one you know. :cool:

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Study God's actions and why God chooses these actions and one starts to understand God. The longer one does this; the more one understands and a picture starts to form.
Two questions ─

What real entity do you intend to denote when you say "God"?

And what objective test will tell me ─ or any impartial enquirer ─ whether any real happening is the result of "God's actions" or not?

I mean, obviously without such a test it will be impossible to draw any conclusions about God, right?

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Is there a God that his worshipers have been bearing witness to from ancient civilizations to this day other than Jehovah?

Where are these witnesses of other gods, and where is the recorded and proved history by known human records, so that we know these supposed "entities"?

Is. 43:8 Bring out a people who are blind, though they have eyes,
And who are deaf, though they have ears.
9 Let all the nations assemble in one place,
And let the peoples be gathered together.
Who among them can tell this?
Or can they cause us to hear the first things?
Let them present their witnesses to prove themselves right,
Or let them hear and say, ‘It is the truth!’”

My God Jehovah has been famous since ancient times, and today He has a people who continue to bear his name.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Let's not forget that God is responsible for both the good times and the bad times.

Isaiah 45:7 New International Reader's Version
I cause light to shine. I also create darkness. I bring good times. I also create hard times. I do all these things. I am the Lord.
Yes, a rare glimpse of God taking responsibility.

Interestingly, in the KJV version it reads

"I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."​

The concordance says the Hebrew word is ra' and that 'evil' is by far its most common translation ─ I imagine they mean in the KJV ─ but not the only one.


Veteran Member
Actions speak louder than words. In a time-based causal universe even God's actions can be seen. Study God's actions and why God chooses these actions and one starts to understand God.
OK, I'll tell you what, since you are such an expert on God, give us three examples of actions done by God. Then give us three explanations why God dedided those actions, and how you know what God thinks.


Veteran Member
Life itself shows that we have a Maker who gave us everything around us.
Explain how this is something a rational mind can conclude without using assumptions.
It is only necessary to look outside and see everything that was given to us, for free. :cool:
Yeah, try picking produce from a farm without permission and you might yourself in trouble.

Have you ever heard an evolutionist speculate about the process in which our eyes began to distinguish the beauty of nature and its colors, our ears to enjoy the sound of birds, our noses of the perfumes of flowers, or our palates of the rich flavors of fruits, and to be aware of all the benefits that we enjoy on our planet without having to do anything to make them there for us?
I have read experts describe the natural process of evolution where certain traits were selected because they were advantageous. I ignore religious disinformation.
Do you think that those correlations between human sense enjoyment and specific qualities of nature are pure chance? If those had been blind processes, how long would it have taken to become the enjoyment of life that we human beings enjoy today?

That is an ultraevolution that I have never heard any evolutionist talk about. ;)
That humans can use the senses to enjoy life experiences is a natural behavior. Other animals behave in similar ways.


OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.


Veteran Member
You probably are talking about the bahai's god. That one may be the only one you know. :cool:
There is only One God, not a Baha'i God and a Christian God, but I was talking about the Judeo-Christian scripture, since I quoted the Bible.

Isaiah 45:7 New International Reader's Version​
I cause light to shine. I also create darkness. I bring good times. I also create hard times. I do all these things. I am the Lord.​

Are you really going to try to deny that God is responsible for some of the suffering people endure in this world?


Veteran Member
Interestingly, in the KJV version it reads

"I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."​

The concordance says the Hebrew word is ra' and that 'evil' is by far its most common translation ─ I imagine they mean in the KJV ─ but not the only one.
Yes, I know, but I like the translation I cited since it is closest to what I believe.... I don't believe God creates peace or evil, humans do those things.
God brings good times and bad times... I am still waiting for the good times, and I will probably be waiting till hell freezes over.


Veteran Member
And Christians have Jesus coming back and destroying all evil people.
No, Christians do not have Jesus coming back, they only 'believe' they do when they ignore Bible verses they don't like.

Jesus never promised to return to earth, not once in the New Testament. Jesus said His work was finished here and He was no longer in the world. That means that the return of Christ has to be another Person.

John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

John 17:4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

Who is the Son of man who will come in the clouds of heaven?


Veteran Member
It would be interesting to calculate how much each person would have to pay for the services that the planet receives since it was created by God.
So what if the planet was created by God? Those services are not provided by God, they are provided by humans.
Everything you give God credit for can be credited only to human efforts. God doesn't lift a finger.


Veteran Member
OK, once again, but I know you have heard this before. When I became an adult, I realized so much about religion did not add up. Being one who needed to know the Real Truth, I started a journey to Discover what that truth was. I was open to all possibilities regardless of how things turned out.
You mean you were a Christian as a child, and when you became an adult you realized that Christianity did not add up. Fortunately for me, I was not raised in any religion so I never got exposed to Christianity. When I became an adult, I Discovered the Baha'i Faith and from that time on I never considered joining any other religions, although I could see that there was Truth in some of them.

You were open to all possibilities as long as those were not religions.
Actions speak louder than words. In a time-based causal universe even God's actions can be seen. Study God's actions and why God chooses these actions and one starts to understand God. The longer one does this; the more one understands and a picture starts to form.
God's Actions cannot be Known so God's Actions cannot be Seen. What you see in this world are the result of human actions.
That is why nobody can understand God by looking around. God can only be understood by revelations through God's Messengers.
At this point, one still only has beliefs. When your understanding gets great enough, you might just get a visit from God. At this point it is no longer beliefs. It's what is.
Nobody gets a "visit" from God, not even the Messengers. They only hear God speak through the Holy Spirit. The essence of God remains a complete mystery, only His Attributes and His Will are revealed to the Messengers in every age.
Do not discount interaction with God.
I will discount it because "nobody" ever interacts with God, not even the Messengers of God.
God is High Intelligence working on multiple levels with multiple views. One struggles to just keep up. Without a certain amount of understanding, I think most would simple be confused by the experience. A few moments conversation might take a smart person a week to understand all that was said. Who knows what went over one's head and was missed?
God is working on His own high level, and NOBODY know what God is "doing" at any time. It is ALL over your head and everyone else's head!
Names are never used. Everyone already knows who everyone is. Everyone already knows God. God is a joy to be around.
Nobody is "around God." God is not here on earth. God remains in His own high place, on His Throne of Glory.
God does not value so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear. There is no baggage or garbage like most people carry around. The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. Perhaps, that is something we all can work on.
You only 'believe' that God pointed things out to you, and that is how I know that everything you say is false
The Only Way anyone can Ever Know anything about what God values is through God's Messengers.
God places knowledge and truth around us all. It waits to be Discovered.
That part is true. God places knowledge and truth around us all whenever He sends a Messenger and that knowledge and truth waits to be Discovered.
Chosen ones? Prophets? Messengers? WE are all God's children. WE are all equal. Through interaction we learn from each other.
God's Chosen ones are on a higher level that any ordinary human. All men, be they good or evil are not equal in the sight of God.
With that in mind, we are all messengers. God will never intimidate, manipulate or coerce those free choices.
No, we are not all Messengers of God. God appoints His Messengers. We can only be messengers for the Messengers.
No, God will never intimidate, manipulate or coerce our free choices.
Further, God doesn't just give out knowledge.
God reveals knowledge through His Messengers. It is free for the taking.
If someone says they speak for God, they do not know God at all. Have you noticed?
If a Messenger of God says he speaks for God, He knows what God reveals to Him, the message, and teachings and laws, but He does not know God.
I do not speak for God. I copy God by placing knowledge and truth in the world. Each person must choose for themselves what they do with that knowledge.
What you 'believe' is knowledge and truth.
I have found no religion that understands God at all. That doesn't mean there is no goodness in holy books. When they speak of loving others, how could anyone fault that? On the other hand, religions are created and written by mankind. That is who they reflect. Look closely and ask the question. Is goodness the only thing religion is teaching?
No religion understands God, and you understand God?

Religions are revealed by God through Messengers of God and all of them are written my mankind, except one.
The Baha'i scriptures were written by Messengers of God, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Your choices show God and the world what you know and what you need to know. Choices generate the lessons we learn. Listen to the advise of others but make your own choices. Life's lessons are best learned that way.
I cannot disagree with that. As I told you a long time ago, this life can be viewed as a classroom where we learn the lessons we need to learn to prepare ourselves for the next life. Learning those lessons is the purpose of this physical reality.

Why do spiritual beings--human souls--begin their lives in the physical world? According to well-known Baha'i author, scholar, and educator John Hatcher, the world is a classroom designed by God to instigate and nurture mental and spiritual growth. The Purpose of Physical Reality examines the components of this classroom to show how everyday experience leads to spiritual insight. Viewing life in this way, we can learn to appreciate the overall justice of God's plan and the subtle interplay between human free will and divine assistance in unleashing human potential. The idea of physical reality as a divine teaching device not only prepares us for further progress in the life beyond, it also provides practical advice about how to attain spiritual and intellectual understanding while we are living on earth.


What's wrong with dying of old age? Do we really need cancer as a means to die? A mother of three who dies at 37 from cancer, and leaves crying children makes sense to you? My friend Beattie died of Luekemia at 40. He was a great athlete and artist. He is missed by many people. Explain how it's no big deal to die in the prime of life.
I’m very sorry about the loss of your friend, Beattie. It is a big deal. It’s tragic. I just believe God thinks it’s tragic, also, or Jesus would not have bothered to come to the earth, become human, die on the cross, and rise from the grave to conquer death on our behalf.
But unfortunately they didn't have the cognitive tools to resist temptation of the Serpent that God sent to dupe them into eating the fruit. It was a set up.

I do believe it was a test or an opportunity, but not a set up. I definitely think A&E had the cognitive facilities to deal with the temptation.
The Bible doesn't say this, you are making it up. They lacked knowledge, they lacked wisdom. They were naive.

They sure as hell didn't see God's love when the Serpent showed up to tempt them. They didn't have any knowledge, how could they know right from wrong? They had rules, but the Serpent was sent by God to tempt them, and it worked. Are you saying God didn't know they would be duped? God is that foolish? Did God regret sending the Serpent after A&E were tempted to break the rule?

It was all a set up if your God knew the outcome of what he did. If God didn't want A&E to be tempted, then God would have made them able to resist temptation. God didn't.
I’m not making it up . Clearly, the account shows they were created adults. As well, God gave them dominion and stewardship over the earth. Adam named all the animals. They spent time every day with God, undoubtedly as He shared His love, thoughts, and wisdom. I don’t assume they were naive and they didn’t have “rules”, just one very clear rule.

So I already know you think God is a monster. But can you think of any possible, valid reason why a loving Creator, a good God would allow the serpent to tempt the beings He created? Is there any possibility that there could be a legitimate reason or purpose?


Veteran Member
I’m very sorry about the loss of your friend, Beattie. It is a big deal. It’s tragic. I just believe God thinks it’s tragic, also, or Jesus would not have bothered to come to the earth, become human, die on the cross, and rise from the grave to conquer death on our behalf.
Jesus did not conquer physical death by dying on the cross, Jesus only conquered spiritual death.
There will always be physical death since human bodies were created by God to be mortal.


Well-Known Member
So what if the planet was created by God? Those services are not provided by God, they are provided by humans.
Everything you give God credit for can be credited only to human efforts. God doesn't lift a finger.


Jesus did not conquer physical death by dying on the cross, Jesus only conquered spiritual death.
There will always be physical death since human bodies were created by God to be mortal.
That’s correct, physical death still happens in this temporal physical world. Jesus conquered death in the way that matters most- eternally. Jesus offers eternal life in the new heaven and earth; no more tears, suffering, or death.


Well-Known Member
That’s correct, physical death still happens in this temporal physical world. Jesus conquered death in the way that matters most- eternally. Jesus offers eternal life in the new heaven and earth; no more tears, suffering, or death.
Kinda solving a problem that was never created in the OT.