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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
It's much easier to reconcile nature without a God than with one like Christians and Muslims believe in.
No .. clearly a lot of people would not agree with you.
There are too many questions that remain unanswered.
Why is nature the way it is?
Why are we here?
Why do we experience anything at all .. etc. etc.

Yeah, this old "passing the buck" claim? What created Satan? God.
That's right G-d is the Creator of the universe and all it contains.
G-d knows that evil exists in His creation.
..and He knows best why that is so.
It's probably pointless to go down the road of pointing out that we have been given freedom to choose..
You're smart .. perhaps you can explain how a world without evil can be created, alongside humans
being independent from G-d?
That is, without humans being automatons.


Veteran Member
You can read the stories in ancient texts about a God and realize they do not make sense in the 21st century.
No, they don't. That is why humanity needed a "new" Revelation from God.
It's much easier to reconcile nature without a God than with one like Christians and Muslims believe in.
It sure is, so be grateful you don't have to reconcile nature with a 'loving' God. I have never been able to do so.
Yeah, this old "passing the buck" claim? What created Satan?
Nobody created Satan since Satan does not exist.
Christians just use Satan to pin the blame on a non-existent entity instead of where it belongs, on evil humans.
Satan, as referred to in the Bible, symbolizes the natural inclinations of the lower nature of man—the evil ego within us, not an evil entity outside.


Of course you don't, you think your idea of God is real, and it is a cruel and jealous God. What believer would dare cross it and point out how it is immoral for what it created and caused when children suffer from bad genes? You can't blame anyone but God for what it created IF you believe and insist it is the Creator of all things. All you are doing is hiding from a thug out of fear.

To my mind that is bad religion. It's your choice.

Then your agreement indicts your God as a sociopathis monster, because who would sit back and allow babies to deal with cancer and suffer and die? Not a loving being. The varents and doctors trying to save the child's life are the loving actors, not the God that caused the cancer. Oddly, if God created the cancer then wasn't it God's will to kill the baby? Wouldn't the parents and doctors trying to sve the baby's life be against God's will, and be on the wrong side of God? Why would God create a baby with genes that cause cancer if he wanted it to live?

I never said that. I questioned why your version of God created babies with genes that cause cancer. You had no moral explanation. I can see a world where children are allowed to live until 18 or so without disease, and then all bets are off once they are adults. But no, babies are in nature's crosshairs like anyone else, they get no special treatment even though we humans see babies as vulnerable and in our protective care. Obviously God doesn't agree they are special.

A lot of suffering has been eliminated or minimized through science and technology, so is this effort against God? We humans are animals and we are born, we age, we live, and we die. How we manage our lives is usually ways to improve our comfort and longevity. What in nature can be said to be "God's love"? Bacterial infection? Viruses? How about predators like bears, rabid animals, sharks, large felines, etc. The deck is staked against life, and breeding is the only way for nature to fight back. Humans are no different, and we have used our thinking to protect us from the nature God put us in. Loving? It is a war, and so far humans are winning, and winning to such a degree that we are becoming our own biggest threat, not God's nature.

What is religion doing to help humanity see the light and make wiser choices? Nothing. Arguably many Christian extremists (evangelicals) are adding to the threat by claiming the Rapture is coming and not to worry about climate change and over-population. Stupid advice. Science has been pointing to growing problems that many Christians ignore, and that makes anti-science religion part of the threat for the future. I'm not worried about a loving God, I'm worried about many irrational humans who are blind to reality due to bad religion.

If what you and other Christian extremists believe is supopsedly a good relationshi with a God, then we are in big trouble. It also backs up how your version of God is socioathic and not loving in the sense that humans are loving. Your God's kind of "love" is not anything a decent human will recognize.

And your belief is wrong according to facts and data. But you don't care, you want the comfort of a bad interpretation of an ancient text rather than cold, hard reality. This is why Christian extremists can't be trusted to make decisions for the future.

False, they were prohibited from knowledge, and you deliberately blind yourself to knowledge. They as naive humans is much closer to you than me. I deliberately inform myself of fact and reality while you deliberately hide from reality, thus your decisions will be poorly made, just like A&E. Your naive, faith-based thinking is what that story warned of, and your faith blinds you from understanding it. Oh the irony of Christians interpreting the Old Testament the wrong way. I suggest you listen to Jews, it is their book after all.
I think you are wrong and ignorant on so many levels. It’s discouraging, but then at one time I was just as blind and confused as you. Jesus and the first Christians were all Jews. I understand the OT the way they did.

How do you know I haven’t lost a child to cancer, know someone who has … yet still unwaveringly understand God is good? Everyone dies and everyone suffers to one degree or another in this fallen world. No one is immune. Millions of Christians throughout history have experienced tragedy, yet know that God is not the author of evil. It is because those who are born again to new life in Christ see the eternal picture and experience God’s eternal love. Fear plays no part…

…There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

God had no intention of preventing A&E from gaining knowledge of their natural environment and world, science, art, music, etc. The forbidden tree was specifically His loving protection to prevent them from having to know and experience evil first hand, with its damaging effects of suffering and death. It was one simple, understandable command for their good and well-being, like telling a child not to touch a hot stove or use fentanyl . They were not naive, but were created intelligent adults. So it’s not like they didn’t know and see God’s love and goodness expressed towards them daily. Yet, they chose to disobey and believe the lie that they could “be like God”. They foolishly thought their wisdom was superior to God’s.

Again, your outrage that babies die of cancer or suffering occurs, only serves to validate that things are very wrong in this world and there is a God who has given you a conscience with a moral understanding to distinguish good and bad. The Genesis account explains how sin entered and brought damage to God’s good creation. The rest of the scriptures reveal the contrast between good and evil and God’s redemptive plan to deliver creation and all who desire from evil, suffering, and death for eternity.

“if we are only the accidental inhabitants of a random and purposeless universe, how can we justify all our moral indignation about evil and suffering?”



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I believe that God is real, that God is all powerful and that He created everything. The "why" is just that - a big "why" and I don't know the answer to it. I also don't believe that I am qualified to question God. To me, it's sort of like me talking my dogs to the vet. And actually, both my dogs are pretty smart dogs. They can question all they want, they can howl or pull against the chain or whatever, but they are going to the dang vet's office, where they will be poked with sharp things and they may even lose some body parts! What a terrible place! Except it's not. I know it's not, but my dogs don't know it's not. That's how I see things. So I believe God expects me to make the most of what I have been given and to follow Christ's teachings.


Veteran Member
No .. clearly a lot of people would not agree with you.
Yes, people who were told a God exists and they never questioned it. Critical thinkers understand that there are no gods needed to explain nature.
There are too many questions that remain unanswered.
And religious people offer no factual and sound answers, so to remain unanswered is a mature and balanced approach.
Why is nature the way it is?
Because it is the eway it is. That's all.
Why are we here?
Because the computer is in this room, and not a different one.

Otherwise, read science, it will tell you the story of how things are the way they are. Religions will tell you stories that are not based on fact.
Why do we experience anything at all .. etc. etc.
Would you prefer being in a coma? I know a guy that will make that happen.

Why not just enjoy being alive and not get distracted and mired in questions that have no answers? If you want to be confused, just marry a woman and try to understand what she's all about.
That's right G-d is the Creator of the universe and all it contains.
According to religious stories that have no basis in fact. So careful thinkers don't interpret them literally.
G-d knows that evil exists in His creation.
You would think the God of Abraham whould have its **** together and know what the hell it was doing. Funny you think your God is a screw up, but you are correct, according to the stories.
..and He knows best why that is so.
Yet is still a screw up. Your God needs a mentor.
It's probably pointless to go down the road of pointing out that we have been given freedom to choose..
Not to critical thinkers who will defer to the social sciences for valid explanations of human behavior.
You're smart .. perhaps you can explain how a world without evil can be created, alongside humans
Easy, the creator makes a wolrd that has no evil. Need a model? Look at a Buddhist monastery and how they behave.
being independent from G-d?
That is, without humans being automatons.
Really? Are atheists automatons?

What you really mean is can people live without religions being a strong and crucial influence in their lives. Sure they can. It's not as if theists are remarkably law abiding people and atheists are evil, quite the opposite. Humans are capable of being moral without religion, and able to be immoral with religion, so where is your argument?


Veteran Member
I think you are wrong and ignorant on so many levels.
Notice you don't say what I am wrong about and offer facts, nor do you explain how I am ignorant. You only seem to say this because you are a believer in rather implausible religious concepts, and i am not. We see quite a few believers who think they are correct ONLY because they believe what they believe. I think this bad confidence is because believers do not have to reason through evidence to make sound judgments so understand the weak points of their belief. Rather, believers are taught and conditioned to believe non-factual ideas, and these ideas become a sort of background software that cannot be questioned. It must be very confusing to encounter critical thinkers who use a process to make conclusions.
It’s discouraging, but then at one time I was just as blind and confused as you.
Ah, more precious Christian judgment. At least you didn't knock me down and kick me in the ribs, so you're OK. These judgments illustrate that believers believe in dogma, they don't understand the teachings of Jesus.
Jesus and the first Christians were all Jews. I understand the OT the way they did.
You're not a Jew, and you're making excuses to judge others hiding behind Bible verses. The irony of hiding behind the Bible and God is that if you are ashamed enough to hide, you probably have a sense that your beliefs are pretty nasty.
How do you know I haven’t lost a child to cancer, know someone who has …
I never said you didn't. This is irrelevant to my comments about your religious beliefs about a God that is supposedly loving and moral, but creates children with the genes that cause cancer. If God is powerless to change it, then why worship such a God?
yet still unwaveringly understand God is good?
The God of Abraham isn't good. It even admits it in Bible stories. And if you think that God really exists and is the creator, then the fact that it does nothing to stop child cancer, or even any cancer (who hasn't lost a friend or family member to cancer, it sucks), then the creator sucks, too. You might as well worship cancer if your God sits back and does nothing to stop it.
Everyone dies and everyone suffers to one degree or another in this fallen world. No one is immune. Millions of Christians throughout history have experienced tragedy, yet know that God is not the author of evil. It is because those who are born again to new life in Christ see the eternal picture and experience God’s eternal love. Fear plays no part…
What's wrong with dying of old age? Do we really need cancer as a means to die? A mother of three who dies at 37 from cancer, and leaves crying children makes sense to you? My friend Beattie died of Luekemia at 40. He was a great athlete and artist. He is missed by many people. Explain how it's no big deal to die in the prime of life.
…There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
Then why do you believe in a God that is a monster? Don't you deserve a better God?
God had no intention of preventing A&E from gaining knowledge of their natural environment and world, science, art, music, etc. The forbidden tree was specifically His loving protection to prevent them from having to know and experience evil first hand, with its damaging effects of suffering and death.
But unfortunately they didn't have the cognitive tools to resist temptation of the Serpent that God sent to dupe them into eating the fruit. It was a set up.
It was one simple, understandable command for their good and well-being, like telling a child not to touch a hot stove or use fentanyl .
But parents don't sent a neighbor to tempt the child to touch the hot stove or take drugs. A&E never had a chance. It was a set up.
They were not naive, but were created intelligent adults.
The Bible doesn't say this, you are making it up. They lacked knowledge, they lacked wisdom. They were naive.
So it’s not like they didn’t know and see God’s love and goodness expressed towards them daily. Yet, they chose to disobey and believe the lie that they could “be like God”. They foolishly thought their wisdom was superior to God’s.
They sure as hell didn't see God's love when the Serpent showed up to tempt them. They didn't have any knowledge, how could they know right from wrong? They had rules, but the Serpent was sent by God to tempt them, and it worked. Are you saying God didn't know they would be duped? God is that foolish? Did God regret sending the Serpent after A&E were tempted to break the rule?

It was all a set up if your God knew the outcome of what he did. If God didn't want A&E to be tempted, then God would have made them able to resist temptation. God didn't.
Again, your outrage that babies die of cancer or suffering occurs, only serves to validate that things are very wrong in this world and there is a God who has given you a conscience with a moral understanding to distinguish good and bad.
Well thank you very much for acknowledging that my outrage that children die of cancer is morally justified. Good job ignoring that it is your God that causes the cancers that children suffer and die from.
The Genesis account explains how sin entered and brought damage to God’s good creation.
And God is to blame since it is him who made the Fall a consequence to a simple rule violation.
The rest of the scriptures reveal the contrast between good and evil and God’s redemptive plan to deliver creation and all who desire from evil, suffering, and death for eternity.
Almost as if God realized he messed up. What was the next step after humanity got immoral? Flood the earth. Did that fix anything? No. Another total screwup by this God. What was God's next plan? Impregnante a woman to have a son who would be sacrificed to himself so then humans sin can be redeemed. Why not just make it hapven without all the drama? Did a guy really have to die? And look at Christianity over 2000 years, some 42,000 sects that can't agree of what the Truth is. What a catastrophe.
“if we are only the accidental inhabitants of a random and purposeless universe, how can we justify all our moral indignation about evil and suffering?”
Ask the Lutherans and Catholics who exterminated some 6 million Jews. What would Jesus say?

It is an accident that so many believe that a God exists, and offers justification for their evil.
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Veteran Member
I believe that God is real, that God is all powerful and that He created everything. The "why" is just that - a big "why" and I don't know the answer to it. I also don't believe that I am qualified to question God. To me, it's sort of like me talking my dogs to the vet. And actually, both my dogs are pretty smart dogs. They can question all they want, they can howl or pull against the chain or whatever, but they are going to the dang vet's office, where they will be poked with sharp things and they may even lose some body parts! What a terrible place! Except it's not. I know it's not, but my dogs don't know it's not. That's how I see things. So I believe God expects me to make the most of what I have been given and to follow Christ's teachings.
Why not just be the best you can be for yourself?


Well-Known Member
How is it that so many religions and their billions of believers don't have it right, but somehow you as an individual do? Notice you offer no details about what you think you understand. At least religions will offer some details. Believers will make their claims to varying degrees of detail. But you? Nothing. Could it be that not knowing anything is how you understand God? What a fun idea.

Well according to my 326 ex-girlfriends, there's me. No wait, it's 327, because identical twins count as two, so I have been told. So at least one thing, to answer your question.

A disregard for being right about how things are means massive confusion. We have so much knowledge at our fingertips, there is no excuse to believe false things about the universe.

I don't think you understand what hubris means.

I am always suspicious when a verson puts an adjective on a word that already reliably means something. Truth has a reliable meaning as it is. When you say "real" truth, well, in my experience with believers who do thei they are trying to smuggle in some other meanings, and that means dogma and assumvtions that are misleading and usually not true. It is a way to over-compensate for ideas that lack evidence. A dubious concept that lacks evidence can be called "Real Truth" and that is supposed to mean it IS true and beyond question? Sorry, no. It raises red flags.

Very vague, fortune cookie statement. No substance. Do you realize a racist can take your advice and become an even more confident racist, and will perhaps commit crimes against those they target?

Really? You said at the top that religions do a bad job at understanding God. So who are these people that get it right, and do so accidently because you certainly offer no details?
You aren't listening. I have said so very much about God. You simply do not want to hear what I have been saying.

Perhaps, billions of people in religion do not have it right because they are all followers. Further, religions do not Discover God because they do not seek God. When one claims to know it all, one will not venture into undiscovered country to Discover more. What about correcting errors? Does religion correct their errors? The reasons are many.

Hubris? Well. Pride is not an issue because it is useless energy spent. Self confident might fit for both of us when we say that you do exist. Since, I know God exists and you do not, I understand why your confidence is lacking. Those who rely solely upon beliefs are on shaky ground at best.

I use the term Real Truth because so much is said about God that simply isn't true. One can nit pick on language, however language isn't what it's all about, now is it?

Free choice is an important part of God's system. People who think crime is a good choice, will choose crime. This generates the lessons that will lead this person to understanding what the best choices really are. Remember, through every action or interaction there are Multi-Angular things going on. You are just going to have to widen that view if there is any hope of you acquiring true understanding.

Those who get it right?? It has never ever been about right or wrong. Is it about being right with you? Have I stepped on your pride or Ego?

In a multilevel classroom, each is at a different level of understanding. Further, there is so much to learn that one can see others learning lessons one has already learned. God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one could have. Interaction leaves open the possibility of the entire picture to be seen. One might even acquire wisdom from a homeless person.

The dynamics of God's system is amazing. There is lots and lots going on. Think statistical possibilities and all the different variables and combination of variables through interaction going on among billions of people and combinations of people. Discover something and you will Discover there is more to Discover at a greater level of complexity and knowledge. Could an ant ever expect to know it all in the limited future? If an ant says yes, is that ant really Intelligent at all???

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It is not God that is responsible for these nasties .. it is satan
So say Christians and Muslims, then Baha'i say that satan doesn't exist.
Yeah, this old "passing the buck" claim? What created Satan? God.
An all-knowing God that knew that satan would rebel.
You're smart .. perhaps you can explain how a world without evil can be created, alongside humans
being independent from G-d?
That is, without humans being automatons.
And Christians have Jesus coming back and destroying all evil people. So, then what Only people who obey Jesus will be left? And those believers that died and went to heaven do what? Worship and give praise to God for all eternity? And those that died not believing are done away with or are burning in hell?

What's the Islamic version? Unless it's different, then God has nobody left but only those that obey and worship him essentially as if they were automatons. And those that failed the test, they didn't what to be automatons and worship God, are gone. Can you explain it any differently? Life is a cruel test to see who will willingly become automations and be completely surrendered to an invisible God,


Well-Known Member
Th reason it is a belief system is because it is only what you believe. Instead of a religious belief system it is your personal belief system.
You say you have Truth but you never explain how you got that Truth.

There are things that do not make sense to me in religions, but I do not throw the baby out with the bath water, because there are a lot of good things that religions teach. I questioned my religion before I accepted and followed it, and I continue to question it as I learn more and more.

What you call Real Truth is what you believe you have Discovered about God, people, and religion, but there is no reason for anyone else to believe it is the Real Truth.

So now you 'believe' that you have had contact with God? That is where we part ways as I do not believe that God contacts anyone except His chosen ones, and those are His Prophets and Messengers.

What is to you is not what is to other people, so it is your own personal belief that you call Truth.

We all learn from other people yet you close the door on the possibility that there can be any Truth in any religion.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
OK, once again, but I know you have heard this before. When I became an adult, I realized so much about religion did not add up. Being one who needed to know the Real Truth, I started a journey to Discover what that truth was. I was open to all possibilities regardless of how things turned out.

Actions speak louder than words. In a time-based causal universe even God's actions can be seen. Study God's actions and why God chooses these actions and one starts to understand God. The longer one does this; the more one understands and a picture starts to form.

At this point, one still only has beliefs. When your understanding gets great enough, you might just get a visit from God. At this point it is no longer beliefs. It's what is.

Do not discount interaction with God. God is High Intelligence working on multiple levels with multiple views. One struggles to just keep up. Without a certain amount of understanding, I think most would simple be confused by the experience. A few moments conversation might take a smart person a week to understand all that was said. Who knows what went over one's head and was missed?

Names are never used. Everyone already knows who everyone is. Everyone already knows God. God is a joy to be around. God does not value so many of the petty things mankind holds so dear. There is no baggage or garbage like most people carry around. The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. Perhaps, that is something we all can work on.

God places knowledge and truth around us all. It waits to be Discovered. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? It was there all along. I copy God when I place truth in the world. You said there is no reason to believe in the Real Truth I place in the world. Don't you understand? I am not here to get anyone to believe. Like God. I place truth in the world so it is there when someone is ready to Discover it. It has never ever been about believing. Each decides freely what they seek and what lessons they learn. It has never ever been about following, believing , accepting, or good verses evil.

Chosen ones? Prophets? Messengers? WE are all God's children. WE are all equal. Through interaction we learn from each other. With that in mind, we are all messengers. God will never intimidate, manipulate or coerce those free choices. Further, God doesn't just give out knowledge. Wisdom is acquire on the struggle to acquire knowledge. If someone says they speak for God, they do not know God at all. Have you noticed? I do not speak for God. I copy God by placing knowledge and truth in the world. Each person must choose for themselves what they do with that knowledge.

I have found no religion that understands God at all. That doesn't mean there is no goodness in holy books. When they speak of loving others, how could anyone fault that? On the other hand, religions are created and written by mankind. That is who they reflect. Look closely and ask the question. Is goodness the only thing religion is teaching?

It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you choose to do that counts. Your choices show God and the world what you know and what you need to know. Choices generate the lessons we learn. Listen to the advise of others but make your own choices. Life's lessons are best learned that way.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

Eli G

Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to calculate how much each person would have to pay for the services that the planet receives since it was created by God. It would include water, electricity, air conditioning and heating services, grains and fruits, the meat humans eat and all kinds of natural foods that continue to be the basis of our daily diet, the internal healing mechanisms that God placed inside the bodies to protect them from harm, the free materials they mine from the ground, the jewelry they mine from the earth, the free counseling services they have been learning from His written Word, and so many more services that no human or government has been paying for since they enjoy them.

How much would it cost per head? :oops: and with the interest?:eek:


Veteran Member
You aren't listening. I have said so very much about God. You simply do not want to hear what I have been saying.
You are saying many untrue things (as I outline below, and in other posts). You are making many claims that you don't show are true. Not my problem. If you want to be believed then you have an obligation to make demonstrably true statements. I'm not your follower that will believe anything you say. You need to respect others.
Perhaps, billions of people in religion do not have it right because they are all followers. Further, religions do not Discover God because they do not seek God. When one claims to know it all, one will not venture into undiscovered country to Discover more. What about correcting errors? Does religion correct their errors? The reasons are many.
These are claims that should get believers asking you questions. Notice you ask questions, but offer no answers. So why would a believer in some religion agree with you?
Hubris? Well. Pride is not an issue because it is useless energy spent. Self confident might fit for both of us when we say that you do exist. Since, I know God exists and you do not, I understand why your confidence is lacking. Those who rely solely upon beliefs are on shaky ground at best.
Oh boy the irony went right over your head. Do you really lack the self-awareness to recognize your own flaws?
I use the term Real Truth because so much is said about God that simply isn't true. One can nit pick on language, however language isn't what it's all about, now is it?
First, gods aren't known to exist, so there is nothing that can't be true (since anyone can claim anything they want about their God and who can say they are factually wrong?), unless you are referring to specific descriptions about a specific version of God that is part of the history of religion. Second, that still doesn't explain what "Real Truth" means. If you insist there is much said about God that isn't true, but fail to explain any of this. You keep saying I don't hear you. You don't say anything in detail. You make vague claims like this and then nothing to explain it. And you think you are on to something profound?
Free choice is an important part of God's system. People who think crime is a good choice, will choose crime. This generates the lessons that will lead this person to understanding what the best choices really are. Remember, through every action or interaction there are Multi-Angular things going on. You are just going to have to widen that view if there is any hope of you acquiring true understanding.

Those who get it right?? It has never ever been about right or wrong. Is it about being right with you? Have I stepped on your pride or Ego?

In a multilevel classroom, each is at a different level of understanding. Further, there is so much to learn that one can see others learning lessons one has already learned. God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one could have. Interaction leaves open the possibility of the entire picture to be seen. One might even acquire wisdom from a homeless person.

The dynamics of God's system is amazing. There is lots and lots going on. Think statistical possibilities and all the different variables and combination of variables through interaction going on among billions of people and combinations of people. Discover something and you will Discover there is more to Discover at a greater level of complexity and knowledge. Could an ant ever expect to know it all in the limited future? If an ant says yes, is that ant really Intelligent at all???
First, prove a God exists. Second, show that it has a system. Third, outline this system in detail, and what it offers anyone.

Can you suceed in providing any of this, factually? Of course you can't. Your hubris won't even help you.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Life itself shows that we have a Maker who gave us everything around us. It is only necessary to look outside and see everything that was given to us, for free. :cool:

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard an evolutionist speculate about the process in which our eyes began to distinguish the beauty of nature and its colors, our ears to enjoy the sound of birds, our noses of the perfumes of flowers, or our palates of the rich flavors of fruits, and to be aware of all the benefits that we enjoy on our planet without having to do anything to make them there for us?

Do you think that those correlations between human sense enjoyment and specific qualities of nature are pure chance? If those had been blind processes, how long would it have taken to become the enjoyment of life that we human beings enjoy today?

That is an ultraevolution that I have never heard any evolutionist talk about. ;)


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard an evolutionist speculate about the process in which our eyes began to distinguish the beauty of nature and its colors, our ears to enjoy the sound of birds, our noses of the perfumes of flowers, or our palates of the rich flavors of fruits, and to be aware of all the benefits that we enjoy on our planet without having to do anything to make them there for us?
Yes. Though they understand that it is our brains that do the enjoying

Do you think that those correlations between human sense enjoyment and specific qualities of nature are pure chance?