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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
I believe re-incarnation is Biblical and affirmed by God
Why would you believe any such thing? There are no facts that suggest it’s true. Taking the Bible seriously as ideas that can be considered true is not rational. You might believe all sorts of irrational ideas in the Bible but who cares? Where is your evidence and argument for what you believe, that’s all we care about.
I believe what God has created no man has the right to exterminate. It is one of the ten commandments, Thou shalt not murder.
Again, your beliefs but nothing about why you think its true. So irrelevant.
I believe paid assassins may be professional but they are still murderers.
Totally irrelevant.
I believe that is patently false. All medical professionals are supposed to take and keep an osth to protect the lives of their patients and that is why they do not perform abortions.
You are obviously not aware of the laws, the medical ethics, fetal development, and the fact many pregnancies have fatal complications. Your idealism fails as a basis for any argument.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's clear to me that God, being imaginary, can be anything the individual would like God to be and have such qualities as the individual would like God to have.

It's equally clear to me that no real entity, no being existing out there in the world external to the self, is intended to be denoted by the word "God". Otherwise you could describe this being, and show me photos, videos, recorded interviews.

By the way, you already know Frxnqot whether you realize this or not.
Well, that's Great!! That just means you will be surprised when, in time, you bump into God.

Does everything you know have photos, videos and recorded interviews? I know you exist but I do not have photos, videos or recorded interviews. Should I conclude you do not exist?

Since you do not have proof God does not exist, how can you assume there is no possibility that God does exist? Isn't this a closed mind?

Is God really imaginary? Look again. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? How long were they blind to what was staring them in the face all along. What else is being missed? What are you missing?

As for Frxnqot, I have no clue of what or who you reference.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
I said: I don't think so, because @F1fan is an atheist.

Why would religion corrupt the mind of an atheist? He doesn't believe any religion is true.
Doesn't an atheist value Beliefs just like theists? They are the same only beliefs at the opposite ends.

How many have been corrupted by religion to value Beliefs above all else? A belief is the start of the journey and not the end. How many stop at beliefs then hold on for dear life in an attempt to prove they are right?

When did Discovering what actually is fall below mere beliefs?

Religion has been teaching people to value Beliefs above all else since their childhood. On the other hand, one should advance beyond the sum of one's teachings. By accepting and following, one is not moving forward, thereby one is not choosing Truth. One is choosing a comfortable box of Beliefs. Perhaps one should question what about those beliefs that one likes so well??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
True, conservative Christians are imposing their religious beliefs in legislation and court rulings, all against the Constitution. They don't care.

Yet as you note you have been influenced by religion in thhat you have adoted the idea of God for your beliefs. I know betyter than to be influenced by religion in that way.

You show desperation for others to agree with you. You also seem oblivious to how others percieve you.

They have discovered (no need to capitalize the word for dramatic effect) what is true about how things are. Your posts seldom overlap knowledge.

You attack eveyone here to defend you own personal religious type of belief. You don't want friends, you want others to agree with you. Why do people with fringe ideas need followers? because they don't have a factual basis for their framework and think they can gain credibility with numbers who agree. That is how religion works.

The usual dictionary definition. It's not controversial.

Yes, but wise people know how to look for valid answers if they are curious about something. Believers will seek answers they want from sources that are offering what they want.

Just did.

When others demonstrate naive and ignorant behavior it says nothing about me that I observe it and point it out. How would my observatives be an ego problem? Notice how you try to evade the criticam I made. You don't even deny it. That's a bit revealing.

Your experiences are yours, they aren't evidence.

False, you don't say as much as you think you do. Other thinkers agree with me.

False. Those who mention God are usually sharing their beliefs, and they never provide credible evidence that will convince a skilled thinker that their idea of God exists. You included. You have offered no evidence of the God you claim is real.

You illustrate this like many theists who believe in ideas that are not rooted in evidence or even plausible.

Notice you offer no more evidence for your idea of God that shows it is any more real than Superman. That's why God is in the same category as other fictional characters.
I am not attacking. If the truth does not match your beliefs, it is an attack to state the truth?

It would make it easier for you if I were a religion. I am not. I tell you I do not care about beliefs. I do not want followers. I want you to choose freely. There is no punishment for not seeing where I point. Your journey has never been up to me. Be who you must. It's a part of the plan! Will religion tell you these things????

I place truth in the world. I point to where those who are ready can start a journey and actually have the possibility of finding and understanding God and the real truth. Is that really so bad?

I am not angry. I am not begging. I am not demanding. I am not controlling and you have all my Love and Kindness!! I can not change the Real Truth or what actually is. I can only work at Discovering more!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, that's Great!! That just means you will be surprised when, in time, you bump into God.
But as we both know, you have no more clue as to what real entity ─ as distinct from conceptual/imaginary ─ God might be than I have.
Does everything you know have photos, videos and recorded interviews? I know you exist but I do not have photos, videos or recorded interviews. Should I conclude you do not exist?
You and I are simply examples of H sap sap, communicating by electronic media, and proceeding within familiar categories of behavior.

But you can't tell me what real thing God is. God doesn't have a description appropriate to a real entity, height, weight, shoe size, number of limbs, number of heads, breeding habits. God is imaginary and is described in imaginary terms ─ omnipotent, omniscient, perfect, infinite, blah blah.
Since you do not have proof God does not exist, how can you assume there is no possibility that God does exist? Isn't this a closed mind?
I do not have proof that WHAT exactly doesn't exist? At least if I find a yeti, a bigfoot, or even a pterodactyl or an ivory-beaked woodpecker, I'll have means of determining what it is I've found. But when you say God has objective existence, is an entity that can be encountered in person in the world external to the self, well a photo, a video, is possible, some skin or saliva for DNA testing.

But if as I keep pointing out, God exists simply as an idea in various human brains, well, we'd be exactly where we are now with God.
Is God really imaginary? Look again.
Look at WHAT?

How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how?
Have you studied the evolution of flying insects? Of spiders airborne on their own gossamer? Of birds? Of bats? Of glider snakes and possums? The evidence, the history, the critters, are out there. And they existed long before humans invented gods.
As for Frxnqot, I have no clue of what or who you reference.
Yes, I can see that. But Frxnqot is every bit as real ─ or imaginary ─ as God, no more, no less.


Veteran Member
Doesn't an atheist value Beliefs just like theists? They are the same only beliefs at the opposite ends.
Atheists don't have beliefs, but they do have opinions. We all have opinions, even you!
How many have been corrupted by religion to value Beliefs above all else? A belief is the start of the journey and not the end. How many stop at beliefs then hold on for dear life in an attempt to prove they are right?

When did Discovering what actually is fall below mere beliefs?

Religion has been teaching people to value Beliefs above all else since their childhood. On the other hand, one should advance beyond the sum of one's teachings. By accepting and following, one is not moving forward, thereby one is not choosing Truth. One is choosing a comfortable box of Beliefs. Perhaps one should question what about those beliefs that one likes so well??
Beliefs are only a starting point and unless one puts their beliefs into practice they serve no purpose.
The value of beliefs is explained in the following letter.

"Our past is not the thing that matters so much in this world as what we intend to do with our future. The inestimable value of religion is that when a man is vitally connected with it, through a real and living belief in it and in the Prophet Who brought it, he receives a strength greater than his own which helps him to develop his good characteristics and overcome his bad ones. The whole purpose of religion is to change not only our thoughts but our acts; when we believe in God and His Prophet and His Teachings, we find we are growing, even though we perhaps thought ourselves incapable of growth and change!"

(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, October 3, 1943)

Lights of Guidance (second part):A Bahá'í Reference File


Veteran Member
What is set in stone?
Only that which has been proven true or false as a fact is set in stone.
The opinion most atheists hold, that God does not exist, has not been proven true or false so it is not set in stone.
Perhaps we should differentiate between an opinion and a belief?
A belief and an opinion are similar.

Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case, with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty.
Belief - Wikipedia

Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. opinion meaning - Google Search

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
That is a good question. Please let me know the next time you bump into God as I have a few things for you to pass along.
Happily ─ I'll put you on my list.

But it will probably be quicker just to open a thread and post the video of the interview.


Well-Known Member
Maybe He could, but since they would all have different questions, God would have to answer them on an individual basis.
If god is omni, then they could carry on multiple conversations simultaneously; and each conversation in utter privacy.