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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
I never said that the Messengers spoke to God, I said that God spoke to the Messengers.
Clearly you do not know God at all since you ignore everything that the Messengers have revealed.

Who said that I want to hear what the Messenger revealed? I do not necessarily want to hear everything that Baha'u'llah revealed, and I certainly do not believe what He revealed is true because it is what I want to hear. I believe it is true because I believe He was a Messenger of God.
You Believe!!! That is the flaw. Perhaps, you should be working at Discovering the Real Truth instead of settling on mere beliefs.

If I ignored what the messengers said, how could I know they do not come from God? Your Math is Faulty as well.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
You Believe!!! That is the flaw. Perhaps, you should be working at Discovering the Real Truth instead of settling on mere beliefs.
You believe your own blarney. That is the flaw. Perhaps you should listen to the Messengers instead of settling on mere beliefs.
If I ignored what the messengers said, how could I know they do not come from God?
You don't know that they don't come from God, you only believe it.
You believe they don't come from God because belief in Messengers goes against your own beliefs that you can Discover the Real Truth without Messengers.

The math all adds up.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Are you blind or choosing to be blind? Clearly, you have much to learn but you will never learn anything about God or how He operates since you reject the Messengers of God.

AGAIN, I do not value any petty things mankind holds dear, I only value what God has revealed through the Messengers.

Sorry but no. People do not lack the understanding to be able to make the best choices. People are well aware of what is good and what is evil, and some people choose evil. That makes them evil.

I don't hate anyone. I am just pointing out that there is both good and evil in this world. For an evil person, nothing can be worse than Unconditional Love, because it makes them think that what they are doing is just fine o they continue in their evil behavior. Nobody can help people unless they want help.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Once again you deal in Beliefs. I do not. Why do you expect me to now? Discovering things is not about accepting or rejecting. It's about what is. Can you understand the difference?

I know God. I have had Interaction with God. I know what the messengers are teaching is not God. If they were teaching God, you would see a Masterpiece instead of a mess. This is what is!!! On the other hand, since you have done little Discovering on your own, all you have are Beliefs. If beliefs are all you value, does it really matter which beliefs you pick? Pick whatever makes you happy. Of course, there will come a time when truth will become more important to you. It appears this is not that time.

OK. Let's sum it up a bit. You do not Understand God. You do not Understand the petty things mankind holds so dear, You do not Understand Unconditional Love. Does this make you evil because one should know these things??? Of course not!!! It's just like others making bad choices you have already learned were not the Best choices. You are making choices I could never choose because others are hurt and hated through those choices.

Now, if I did choose to label you evil, would that just mean that I do not understand or that my IQ has suddenly dropped? It would mean that I hate. How would you feel then? Wouldn't you just return those petty things mankind holds so dear? What would I be teaching you then? Certainly, it would not be goodness regardless of how many messengers said it was OK.

We all have the power to Choose. Do we Hurt or Do we HELP????

Don't you see? It has always been within your hands!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Be your own guru
I don't agree with that. The universe cannot be "dead", as it contains us.
Are we higher than our root? I say not.
Who said that the universe is dead? Every atom and even sub-atomic particles are active all the time. Our root is 'physical energy/space'.

The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe.

The question I posted was 'What proof you have for God or messengers?'


Well-Known Member
So God has a physical form. Please describe it to me so I'll know it when I see it.

Self-awareness is a set of brain states and brain-processes. So are all brain functions including language, thought, sensory monitoring, memory, imagination, dreaming, and so on. Objective reality exists as the world external to the self which we know about through our senses. It continues to exist independently of any individual or collective. It will still be there when there are no more humans, for example.

Why would you think otherwise?
You make assumptions in order to make everything fit into your box of beliefs.

There is so much you do not know. Your view is very limited. It seems you have much to learn and Discover before we can have a common frame of reference.

I have pointed you. There are things you must do. No one can do it for you. If you really seek proof and answers, they do not come before the journey as you seem to expect. Beliefs are not where I have been pointing.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
You make assumptions in order to make everything fit into your box of beliefs.
Why do you ALWAYS duck that question?

Is it that you don't know the answer? If that's the case, please say so.

Is it that you know the answer but don't think it's advantageous to whatever it is you're trying to convey? If that's the case, again, please say so.


Be your own guru


Veteran Member
Once again you deal in Beliefs. I do not. Why do you expect me to now? Discovering things is not about accepting or rejecting. It's about what is. Can you understand the difference?
I have beliefs but so do you. You just refuse to admit it. What you have are beliefs because they are not facts.
Why do you think that what you discover is what is? What does that even mean?
I know God. I have had Interaction with God.
No, you do not know God and you have had no interaction with God. I consider you to be delusional.
I know what the messengers are teaching is not God. If they were teaching God, you would see a Masterpiece instead of a mess. This is what is!!!
No, you do not know that, you only BELIEVE that.
What is a Masterpiece?
On the other hand, since you have done little Discovering on your own, all you have are Beliefs.
I have lived a lot longer than you have and I have discovered more than you have. My beliefs don't interfere with my living life.
If beliefs are all you value, does it really matter which beliefs you pick? Pick whatever makes you happy.
That is what you do, pick beliefs that make you happy. That is not what I do.
Of course, there will come a time when truth will become more important to you. It appears this is not that time.
I have what I can know of the truth about God. You have nothing but your made up beliefs.
OK. Let's sum it up a bit. You do not Understand God. You do not Understand the petty things mankind holds so dear, You do not Understand Unconditional Love.
OK. Let's sum it up. You do not Understand anything about God. You call what God has revealed through Messengers petty.
You live in a fantasy of your own creation.
Unconditional Love is not good. It is bad for evil people because it makes them think that what they do is just fine. It is the worst thing you can do for them.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
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Be your own guru
The universe contains us .. are you not aware???
Proof? It is elementary, my dear Watson. ;)
What are we? Just one of the 8 million+ species of a small planet of a small sun in some 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe each having perhaps 100 billion stars (if we take Milky Way galaxy as a model, it being one of the smaller galaxies, stats from Google Search). We (and other living beings, animals and vegetation) are aware because of the arrangement of atoms for a short period of time (shorter for animals as compared to some vegetation species). It is hardly anything to brag about.
:) Don't talk of fiction. Science needs hard proof to accept anything.
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Veteran Member
That is the error of assuming that what is true of a member of a group is true for the group as a whole.
It's no mistake!
Now, if I had said that we are aware, so a handful of dust is aware .. that would be a mistake.

..but the universe encompasses all. :ballotcheck:


Veteran Member
What are we? Just one of the 8 million+ species of a small planet of a small sun in some 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe..
You can think of yourself as "insignificant", if it pleases you ;)
..but you are just using deviation to wriggle out..


Well-Known Member
It's no mistake!
Now, if I had said that we are aware, so a handful of dust is aware .. that would be a mistake.

..but the universe encompasses all. :ballotcheck:
Not only is assuming that what is true of a member of a group is true for the group as a whole an error, but it's a logical fallacy. Containers don't necessarily take on the characteristic of what they contain.

By your reasoning, if I put you in a steel box, the steel box becomes aware merely because it encompasses you.


Veteran Member
By your reasoning, if I put you in a steel box, the steel box becomes aware merely because it encompasses you.
It does not "become" aware .. a box is a box, and a human being is a human being.
They are both (physical) objects.
The universe is not an object, as such.

..but I know what you are getting at .. and still do not agree :)
i.e. we are part of the universe