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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
That is what you are doing so that is psychological projection.
I set no rules, and neither do you. God sets the rules.

And here we go again with your game. You speak for God as if you know what God has or needs. You don't know.
You are right. God has no needs, only humans have needs. Humans need what the Messengers reveal and that is why God sends them.

God determined that we must go through the Messengers since there is no other way to know anything about God.

The Messengers do not reflect mankind. They reflect God's will for mankind.

The Messengers are the only ones who understand what God is doing with this world and it's people.
The world is in a mess. Everyone can see that except you. It is starting to get better little by little, but only because God sent Baha'u'llah.

Clearly, all people are not the same. Some people are good and others are evil, and there are shades of gray in between good and evil.
Everyone can see that except you. You have a dreamy notion that all people are the same, which doesn't make any logical sense. You believe that all people are good, but clearly that is not evidenced by the bad and even evil behaviors of some people.

The Messengers are not better than ordinary humans, they are just different. That is why God chose them to communicate to.

That is true. We have free will so we can choose what to believe. There are lessons to learn.

Those who listen to what the Messenger has revealed will Discover the True Reality. Others will believe what they have created and hold onto.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Your quote:God determined that we must go through the Messengers since there is no other way to know anything about God.
My Answer: This is a limit or a rule you have placed upon yourself that limits you. It also binds you to the messengers thereby limiting your view.

In a multilevel classroom, students are at different levels of knowledge and understanding, however all the kiddies are equal. Perhaps, you should put your hatred in check for those making bad choices and learning what those choices really mean. You will never be happy otherwise.

A Being capable of creating universes along with this world has to be very smart. Why would you think such a Being would create a mess? Did you say free will? Would one's free will really get in the way of a Being so smart as to be able to create Universes and this world? If the saleslady under free will can sell me something I do not want or need, how can God be so helpless? You Greatly Underestimate God.

Perhaps, you value the petty thing mankind values BLAME. You see bad in the world and you can't point the finger at God. Aren't these more limits you are placing on yourself? You are getting in your own way so much that it's no wonder you are blind to it all.

Knowledge lives beyond the surface. God is running on multiple levels with multiple views. You must advance and expand your thinking and view if you are ever in hope of Discovering anything. Instead of seeing rotten, look and see how things are changing. How have mankind's challenges changed mankind? Hey, they don't burn witches at the stake no more. do they?? When disasters hit, look at all the people and countries show up with help. There are those who see it as a WE not a We against They.

Discovery takes works. You aren't going to Discover the Real Truth about God Believing, Following, and Accepting. Look at God's actions. As a creation of God, God's actions are EVERYWHERE!!! Actions speak louder than words. This is the way to know God.

You can choose to follow Beliefs and see the world as a mess. I choose to Discover Truth and see the world as the Masterpiece that it is!! Sometimes hard lessons some must learn takes a mess. On the other hand look for the Goal. Look for the purpose. There is much more going on than you could imagine. It's not about having it made!!!

A Leopard does not change it's spots. If God creates a Masterpiece universe, why would God not make the people factor as much as a Masterpiece? The people factor is much harder to understand simply because it carries so many more variables. If you couple those variables with 7 to 8 billion people and the possible combinations of interaction possibilities go through the roof. The Dynamics of God's system are simple AMAZING!!!

Don't tell me one can not see God except through messengers. Those messengers have no clue. I have found no religion that understands God at all. Is this my EGO talking? I can't ignore God and that which is staring us all in the face. Can you see??

WE are but mere ants. One must Stretch and Expand the View and Thinking beyond the simple I want to have it made. There is so very much more to Discover!! Being one who must know truth, this hunger student marches forward!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God wants me to recognize that he, she, it, dwells only and exclusively in the cerebral realm and is an extension of myself until death do us part.
You are a Wonderful Work of Art!! There is no one exactly like you nor will there ever be anyone exactly like you. Do you really think God is going to be happy with losing you after one mere physical lifetime?

Death is no more than a Change. There are good reasons for death.

You already know God whether you know you know or not. This has not been your first physical life.

Of course, if you choose to believe as you do, it's perfectly alright. Why? It has never ever been about believing.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I pointed the direction by which one can Discover for oneself. You insist that I give you physical proof of a Spiritual Being. Most of the time the proof never shows up until after the journey. I can not do it for you.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You have not explained to me which of the two ways of existing the object of our conversation exists.

Does it have physical existence, or is it only an idea, a concept, a thing imagined?

If you say it is neither, what specifically is it instead?

And how do you know?

This gap in our conversation has been there from the start. Only you can bridge it, and yet again I invite you to do so.


Veteran Member
Funny how none of your sources come from God. God doesn't give out knowledge. Wisdom is gained along the journey to Discover knowledge.
God's Knowledge is not Discovered. It is revealed through Messengers of God. All my sources come from God's Messengers.
God has no messengers. I copy God by placing truth in the world, however God does not send me nor does God intimidate my or anyone's choices.
God has Messengers and you are not one of them. That means you cannot place God's Truth in the world.
You cannot copy God because you have no idea what God is doing. Nobody knows what God is doing, not even the Messengers.
All of God's children are equal. On the other hand, you should ask yourself why you could never have it God's way of equality.
God does not have any children. Only humans have children.

God's way is not for all humans to be equal. People differentiate themselves by their own actions. God allows that since we have free will to choose.

All humans are not equal, far from it.

“Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187
Why value the petty things mankind holds so dear?
I value nothing that is petty or anything mankind holds dear. I only value what God has revealed through the Messengers.
You can choose to close your eyes, however all the secrets of God are staring us all in the face.
God reveals only what God chooses to reveal. None of God's secrets are staring anyone in the face.
It might seem like God is hiding to you only your messenger and yourself are blind to see anything except those beliefs you want to be true.
You are too blind to see anything but what you already believe because you want your beliefs to be true.
How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? Was God hiding that knowledge as well??
God was not hiding anything. Man figured that out how to fly all by himself, not by watching birds fly.


Veteran Member
Your quote:God determined that we must go through the Messengers since there is no other way to know anything about God.
My Answer: This is a limit or a rule you have placed upon yourself that limits you. It also binds you to the messengers thereby limiting your view.
It is a limit set by God, not by me.
In a multilevel classroom, students are at different levels of knowledge and understanding, however all the kiddies are equal. Perhaps, you should put your hatred in check for those making bad choices and learning what those choices really mean. You will never be happy otherwise.
Humans are not all equal in the sight of God.
Now you are making a straw man and saying that I have hatred. You are stepping over the line because you cannot win this argument.
I have no hatred, but I do disapprove of some of the actions of men. I disapprove of what God disapproves of.
A Being capable of creating universes along with this world has to be very smart. Why would you think such a Being would create a mess?
God did not create a mess. God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. After that humans created the mess.

Genesis 1 KJV
25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Did you say free will? Would one's free will really get in the way of a Being so smart as to be able to create Universes and this world? If the saleslady under free will can sell me something I do not want or need, how can God be so helpless? You Greatly Underestimate God.
God is All-Powerful so God could interfere with human free will choices but God chooses not to. God gave humans free will to make their own choices.
Perhaps, you value the petty thing mankind values BLAME. You see bad in the world and you can't point the finger at God. Aren't these more limits you are placing on yourself? You are getting in your own way so much that it's no wonder you are blind to it all.
If I see bad in the world I do not blame God since anything bad comes from humans. God is All-Good.
Knowledge lives beyond the surface. God is running on multiple levels with multiple views. You must advance and expand your thinking and view if you are ever in hope of Discovering anything.
You have no idea what God is doing, nobody does.
Instead of seeing rotten, look and see how things are changing. How have mankind's challenges changed mankind? Hey, they don't burn witches at the stake no more. do they?? When disasters hit, look at all the people and countries show up with help. There are those who see it as a WE not a We against They.
You are making another straw man. I never sais I did not see how things are changing for the better. Things have been changing for the better ever since God sent His latest Messenger, but progress is slow, since humans move slowly.
Discovery takes works. You aren't going to Discover the Real Truth about God Believing, Following, and Accepting. Look at God's actions. As a creation of God, God's actions are EVERYWHERE!!! Actions speak louder than words. This is the way to know God.
What you see are human actions, not God's actions.

You cannot know God through His actions because you can never know God's actions
You have no way to know what God's actions are. Nobody can ever know that.
You can choose to follow Beliefs and see the world as a mess. I choose to Discover Truth and see the world as the Masterpiece that it is!!
You have no way of knowing the Truth. All you have are Beliefs about how things are.
Don't tell me one can not see God except through messengers. Those messengers have no clue. I have found no religion that understands God at all. Is this my EGO talking? I can't ignore God and that which is staring us all in the face. Can you see??
You are the one who has no clue. You do not understand God because you have no way of knowing anything about God, since you reject God's Messengers.

Yes, this is all your EGO talking. Nothing is staring us in the face except what you imagine.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we came from our human parents.

God is responsible for creating everything in existence, including the earth.
After the initial creation humans were responsible to take care of themselves and the rest of creation.

God has no children so God is not anyone's parent. That means God is not responsible for anything that humans do.

God can do whatever God wants since God is All-Powerful.

God is All-Knowing and All-Wise, so that would make God very smart.
No human is All-Knowing or All-Wise, so that means no humans can know as much or be as wise as God.

Much is said about God that isn't true, but nobody is going to Discover the Real Truth about God without a Messenger of God.
Your Beliefs about God are what you imagine, what you want to be true.

I never portrayed God as a Monster.
I have no Beliefs about God.

Only a Monster would even create Hell knowing anyone would go there.

Is it really a Higher Level deeming some children are better than others? By what measure could you justify that? Isn't it hate? Is it really a Higher Level to teach the children they are not good enough for God? Is it a Higher Level to teach the children they are flawed from birth? Is it really goodness that your messengers are teaching?

Is it really God telling your messengers to teach this stuff?? Clearly, this is not God thereby the messengers do not come from God. Add to that the fact that God will not intimidate anyone's choices and that leaves the Truth staring one in the face.

Might makes right never justifies any choice as being the best choice for others. You can say God has no children and you can say God is not responsible for anyone, but are these Intelligent choices God could make? Don't these choices reflect mankind rather than God?

Now, you can believe the rules that you create to limit yourself such as only messengers can tell one anything about God, however it just binds you to that box of Beliefs. Why would an Intelligent God want to limit or bind children to a box of Beliefs which prevents one from Discovering so much more?

Is it flypaper?? How many are too weak to free themselves and be free from the limits others attempt to place on one?

By what standard do you determine one is a messenger? Did they tell you? Did they tell you God told them? Did God tell you or are you just believing mankind because it is what you want reality to be?

By what messengers say, it is clear they have not spoken with God. They reflect mankind and religion more than anything else.

Everything about God will add up. Does everything about messengers really add up to you? If you say yes, I say you are doing too much accepting and far too little questioning.

I am one who always must know and Discover Truth. I could never follow your path. It doesn't add up. Faulty Math leads away from God not toward God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
You have not explained to me which of the two ways of existing the object of our conversation exists.

Does it have physical existence, or is it only an idea, a concept, a thing imagined?

If you say it is neither, what specifically is it instead?

And how do you know?

This gap in our conversation has been there from the start. Only you can bridge it, and yet again I invite you to do so.
Are you an idea, a concept, a thing imagined? is that really you, your consciousness, who you are? Are your feelings an idea, a concept, a thing imagined? These things are not physical things but they do exist.

You just must have all the answers in the physical. I guess you have two choices. 1. seek out and Discover reality is more than the physical. 2. Wait until you are not in the physical and Discover for yourself that you still do exist.

What you seek has always been up to you. No one can do it for you.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God's Knowledge is not Discovered. It is revealed through Messengers of God. All my sources come from God's Messengers.

God has Messengers and you are not one of them. That means you cannot place God's Truth in the world.
You cannot copy God because you have no idea what God is doing. Nobody knows what God is doing, not even the Messengers.

God does not have any children. Only humans have children.

God's way is not for all humans to be equal. People differentiate themselves by their own actions. God allows that since we have free will to choose.

All humans are not equal, far from it.

“Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187

I value nothing that is petty or anything mankind holds dear. I only value what God has revealed through the Messengers.

God reveals only what God chooses to reveal. None of God's secrets are staring anyone in the face.

You are too blind to see anything but what you already believe because you want your beliefs to be true.

God was not hiding anything. Man figured that out how to fly all by himself, not by watching birds fly.
Your quote: “Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187

My Answer: Do you even understand what are the petty things mankind holds so dear? How can you say you do not value them?

Your quote: “Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187

My Answer: Does this generate Unconditional Love? Does this generate Goodness? Does this generate the Best choices? Does this generate a Higher Level??

What are you teaching the children? Aren't you teaching Hate? Aren't you creating WE are good They are bad? Aren't you inviting people to Judge, Condemn, Anger toward others, What will those you deem evil feel or react? Won't they return your Judging, Anger, and Hate? How many will Hate God because they do not feel good enough or that they have been slighted? Is this Really Goodness from God that is being taught??


That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
I have no Beliefs about God.
Everything you say about God is a Belief.
Only a Monster would even create Hell knowing anyone would go there.
God did not create hell. People create their own hell, which is a state of the soul, not a geographical location.
Is it really a Higher Level deeming some children are better than others? By what measure could you justify that? Isn't it hate?
No, it is not hate to acknowlege the fact that some people are good and some people are evil. It is just seeing what is there.
Is it really a Higher Level to teach the children they are not good enough for God? Is it a Higher Level to teach the children they are flawed from birth? Is it really goodness that your messengers are teaching?
The Messenger I believe in did not teach that there are people who are not good enough for God.
The Messenger I believe in did not teach that anyone is flawed from birth.
Is it really God telling your messengers to teach this stuff??
Not the stuff you say they are teaching.
Add to that the fact that God will not intimidate anyone's choices and that leaves the Truth staring one in the face.
God does not intimidate anyone's choices but that does not leave Truth staring anyone in the face.
Why would an Intelligent God want to limit or bind children to a box of Beliefs which prevents one from Discovering so much more?
Religious believers are not in a box of beliefs that prevents them from Discovering more. They are free to Discover whatever there is to be Discovered.
By what standard do you determine one is a messenger? Did they tell you? Did they tell you God told them? Did God tell you or are you just believing mankind because it is what you want reality to be?
There are certain criteria that need to be met by Messengers of God. Of course the Messenger claimed to be a Messenger of God. How else would we know? Of course God told them they were Messengers. How else would they know? Of course God did not tell me because God does not speak to anyone except His Messengers.
By what messengers say, it is clear they have not spoken with God. They reflect mankind and religion more than anything else.
By what Messengers say, it is clear they have spoken with God. They reflect God's will for mankind.
Everything about God will add up. Does everything about messengers really add up to you? If you say yes, I say you are doing too much accepting and far too little questioning.
Add up to what? Add up to what you Believe it should add up to.
I am one who always must know and Discover Truth. I could never follow your path. It doesn't add up. Faulty Math leads away from God not toward God.
You are not going to Discover any Truth about God without a revelation from God through a Messenger.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
Your quote: “Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187

My Answer: Do you even understand what are the petty things mankind holds so dear? How can you say you do not value them?
There is nothing petty about good and evil.
Your quote: “Let no one imagine that by Our assertion that all created things are the signs of the revelation of God is meant that—God forbid—all men, be they good or evil, pious or infidel, are equal in the sight of God.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 187

My Answer: Does this generate Unconditional Love? Does this generate Goodness? Does this generate the Best choices? Does this generate a Higher Level??
The Truth is that not all people are the same, be they good or evil. God loves everyone unconditionally but that does not mean God approves of everyone's behaviors.
What are you teaching the children? Aren't you teaching Hate? Aren't you creating WE are good They are bad? Aren't you inviting people to Judge, Condemn, Anger toward others, What will those you deem evil feel or react? Won't they return your Judging, Anger, and Hate? How many will Hate God because they do not feel good enough or that they have been slighted? Is this Really Goodness from God that is being taught??
All straw men of your creation. You take what I say and turn it into something else I never said. I never said anything about Hate or Anger or Judging or Condemnation. Only God can Judge who is evil and good and only God can condemn anyone.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you an idea, a concept, a thing imagined?
Since you can find me in the world external to you, which you know about through your senses, you may reasonably proceed from the evidence to the conclusion that I'm real, have objective existence.

Do you say that God does NOT exist in this manner?
You just must have all the answers in the physical.
In this context I contrast the objectively real with ideas, concepts, imaginings, generalizations, abstractions, that have no objective counterpart.

Those things exist physically as brain states. A rough analogy for them might be a unicorn (idea) drawn on a sketchpad (brain state), since there are no objectively real unicorns.

I've repeatedly asked you whether God exists only as an idea. Yes or No?

If you don't know, just say so. If you do know, just say what.


Well-Known Member
Everything you say about God is a Belief.

God did not create hell. People create their own hell, which is a state of the soul, not a geographical location.

No, it is not hate to acknowlege the fact that some people are good and some people are evil. It is just seeing what is there.

The Messenger I believe in did not teach that there are people who are not good enough for God.
The Messenger I believe in did not teach that anyone is flawed from birth.

Not the stuff you say they are teaching.

God does not intimidate anyone's choices but that does not leave Truth staring anyone in the face.

Religious believers are not in a box of beliefs that prevents them from Discovering more. They are free to Discover whatever there is to be Discovered.

There are certain criteria that need to be met by Messengers of God. Of course the Messenger claimed to be a Messenger of God. How else would we know? Of course God told them they were Messengers. How else would they know? Of course God did not tell me because God does not speak to anyone except His Messengers.

By what Messengers say, it is clear they have spoken with God. They reflect God's will for mankind.

Add up to what? Add up to what you Believe it should add up to.

You are not going to Discover any Truth about God without a revelation from God through a Messenger.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
If you say it is clear messengers have spoken to God, clearly you do not know God at all.

If someone tells you they are a messenger of God then tells you things you want to hear, then does that really make them a messenger of God?? Where is your Math? Does this really add up to you??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
There is nothing petty about good and evil.

The Truth is that not all people are the same, be they good or evil. God loves everyone unconditionally but that does not mean God approves of everyone's behaviors.

All straw men of your creation. You take what I say and turn it into something else I never said. I never said anything about Hate or Anger or Judging or Condemnation. Only God can Judge who is evil and good and only God can condemn anyone.
Are you blind or choosing to be blind? Clearly, you have much to learn and Discover yet. Does that make you evil since you value so many of those petty things mankind holds so dear? No one is evil. People simply lack the understanding to be able to make the best choices. Those lessons will return so that Understanding will be acquired. There really is no need to Hate. Help and Unconditional Love would be a better avenue

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Since you can find me in the world external to you, which you know about through your senses, you may reasonably proceed from the evidence to the conclusion that I'm real, have objective existence.

Do you say that God does NOT exist in this manner?

In this context I contrast the objectively real with ideas, concepts, imaginings, generalizations, abstractions, that have no objective counterpart.

Those things exist physically as brain states. A rough analogy for them might be a unicorn (idea) drawn on a sketchpad (brain state), since there are no objectively real unicorns.

I've repeatedly asked you whether God exists only as an idea. Yes or No?

If you don't know, just say so. If you do know, just say what.
God can touch you physically. Everything physical is no more than energy.

Your assumption that existence is a brain state fits well into your belief system. Much more exists outside of the box of beliefs you stay in.

You will Discover the truth, in time when you will no longer have a physical body. Until then, you will not widen your view enough to see much. Further, since you do not seek, you will Discover very little for yourself.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
If you say it is clear messengers have spoken to God, clearly you do not know God at all.
I never said that the Messengers spoke to God, I said that God spoke to the Messengers.
Clearly you do not know God at all since you ignore everything that the Messengers have revealed.
If someone tells you they are a messenger of God then tells you things you want to hear, then does that really make them a messenger of God?? Where is your Math? Does this really add up to you??
Who said that I want to hear what the Messenger revealed? I do not necessarily want to hear everything that Baha'u'llah revealed, and I certainly do not believe what He revealed is true because it is what I want to hear. I believe it is true because I believe He was a Messenger of God.


Veteran Member
Are you blind or choosing to be blind? Clearly, you have much to learn and Discover yet. Does that make you evil since you value so many of those petty things mankind holds so dear? No one is evil. People simply lack the understanding to be able to make the best choices. Those lessons will return so that Understanding will be acquired. There really is no need to Hate. Help and Unconditional Love would be a better avenue.
Are you blind or choosing to be blind? Clearly, you have much to learn but you will never learn anything about God or how He operates since you reject the Messengers of God.

AGAIN, I do not value any petty things mankind holds dear, I only value what God has revealed through the Messengers.

Sorry but no. People do not lack the understanding to be able to make the best choices. People are well aware of what is good and what is evil, and some people choose evil. That makes them evil.

I don't hate anyone. I am just pointing out that there is both good and evil in this world. For an evil person, nothing can be worse than Unconditional Love, because it makes them think that what they are doing is just fine o they continue in their evil behavior. Nobody can help people unless they want help.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
God can touch you physically. Everything physical is no more than energy.
So God has a physical form. Please describe it to me so I'll know it when I see it.
Your assumption that existence is a brain state fits well into your belief system.
Self-awareness is a set of brain states and brain-processes. So are all brain functions including language, thought, sensory monitoring, memory, imagination, dreaming, and so on. Objective reality exists as the world external to the self which we know about through our senses. It continues to exist independently of any individual or collective. It will still be there when there are no more humans, for example.

Why would you think otherwise?


Be your own guru
God does not cause anything to happen. Humans are the cause of what happens in this world, so they are responsible for all of it.
Then, what good is he for?
Clearly, you have much to learn but you will never learn anything about God or how He operates since you reject the Messengers of God.
I only value what God has revealed through the Messengers.
You do not provide sufficient evidence for us to believe in your God or what you or your prophet said.
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