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What does God want from you?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yes, there are many issues around religion. Further, after accepting people stop questioning. How can people ignore the petty things being taught by those holy books? People want to value those petty things because they do not really understand what those petty things really are. Lessons will return to teach regardless of any beliefs one might choose to have in order to validate it.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
If majority values petty things, then God would send guidance correcting them.


Well-Known Member
You cannot entertain the possibility that God would teach those things. That is your ego.

And what results does your system of Discovery bring?

You have no proof, only the Beliefs you want to be the truth. You believe they come from God because you want them to come from God.

Messengers of God do not teach anything that is petty. You only believe that what they teach is petty, because you consider it petty.

You discount me because you do not like what I say.

Nobody asks me to believe. I choose to believe whatever I believe.

Discover what? WHY would what I Discover be the Truth from God, just because I believe it is?
Can you figure out how each person Discovering for themselves won't work to get the Truth from God?

That is exactly what you do. You accept and believe your self-proclaimed beliefs about who God is and what God does and then you call it Discovery.

Clearly, truth is not what you seek. You seek to confirm what you already believe is the truth.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I have no system of Discovery. I am Discovering what is.

It is not I who has no proof. It is you.

If I can Discover God and God's system, I think everyone can Discover something. Of course, that is provided they seek to begin with instead of idle sitting on a box of beliefs. Discovering anything does take work. It is not served up like all those beliefs are.

In time, God's system will teach Unconditional Love , great wisdom and the ability to create a heavenly state for oneself and others. Those petty things mankind values will no longer be viable choices one could make. Why not? Intelligence would have Discovered those petty things that mankind holds so dear will not bring the best results.

The Real Truth is staring you in the face. Can you see?

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
To be aware of my car's extended warranty.
Is that really the answer? How about venture into the unknown and Discover how to fix that car yourself? Which is the Higher Level? Which will bring the best results?

Wouldn't it be nice not to have to wait on others to do it for you??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Is that really the answer? How about venture into the unknown and Discover how to fix that car yourself? Which is the Higher Level? Which will bring the best results?

Wouldn't it be nice not to have to wait on others to do it for you??

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You took the wind out of my joke.


Veteran Member
I have no system of Discovery. I am Discovering what is.
So what is it you are Discovering? I asked the following questions but as I predicted you did not answer them.

Discover what? WHY would what I Discover be the Truth from God, just because I believe it is?
Can you figure out how each person Discovering for themselves won't work to get the Truth from God?
It is not I who has no proof. It is you.
You have no proof, all you have are claims, and you have no proof to back up anything you claim.
As I said before, all you have are Beliefs you want to be the truth. You believe they come from God because you want them to come from God.
If I can Discover God and God's system, I think everyone can Discover something.
You have not Discovered God or God's system, you only Believe you have.
Everyone can Discover many things, but they won't be God or God's system, not unless they come through a Messenger of God.
In time, God's system will teach Unconditional Love , great wisdom and the ability to create a heavenly state for oneself and others. Those petty things mankind values will no longer be viable choices one could make. Why not? Intelligence would have Discovered those petty things that mankind holds so dear will not bring the best results.
God teaches us to love, but not unconditionally.
God's system will never teach Unconditional Love, that is your system.
What God has taught through Messengers is what brings the best results.
Unconditional Love is not a teaching from God because it would not bring the best results.

What God teaches is what you call 'the petty things that mankind holds dear.'
All God's teachings that you disagree with you refer to as 'the petty things that mankind holds dear.'
The Real Truth is staring you in the face. Can you see?
The Real Truth was revealed by Baha'u'llah. It stares me in the face every time I read His Writings.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God could not have created a world where evil was impossible unless God created man with no free will to choose.
In that case humans would be programmed robots, not sentient beings with free will.

God did not create mankind, mankind evolved. During the process of evolution God gave man a rational soul and the free will to choose, so of course God knew some men would choose evil. So what? If men choose evil that they are responsible for choosing evil and they will suffer the consequences.

Box of math? Math dos not do anything except deal with numbers. 1 + 1 = 2, etc.

Truth is more than your feelings or what you want to be true.

Grow up and face reality. We do not live in a world where everyone is the same. Everyone knows that but you.

There is no we against they, but people are all different. Human behavior ranges along a spectrum from the saintly good to the greatest evil anyone can imagine.

There is much you do need to learn about human behavior.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
You are always telling me that things are impossible. With that narrow thinking, how to you get anything done at all?

I know this lady who wanted to be a nurse. She took the first course, anatomy. Everyone in her family and all her friends told her it was impossible for her to be a nurse, because she was not smart enough.

When I bumped into her, she was crying. I explained to her that her family and friends think this course was hard because they never took the course. I told her the teacher will teach her what she needs to know and that anybody can learn anything if they put enough effort into it. Do the Work!! Get the Results!!!

This lady is a nurse now. She made straight A in all her courses. It's pretty remarkable for someone supposedly not smart and doing the impossible.

She became a teacher as well. She invited all her family and friends to her party celebrating such a feat. She attempted to teach them one should not place limits on oneself and others through mere Beliefs. One is more capable than one often realizes. There is great power in will along with advanced thinking along with a wide view.

The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. I cry that, however a narrow view does not have to be something one chooses. There is so much out there waiting to be Discovered. It stares us all in the face. Can you see?

Do not be afraid to seek anything. It's all just waiting to be Discovered. God's greatest moment is when that light bulb goes off over someone's head and they Understand. This can be about any subject. I bet God was really smiling when that lady did the impossible and became that wonderful nurse who now makes illness so much easier for others. Her Unconditional Love and Kindness will ease the pain for many!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
God wants everyone to choose freely so that they will learn from what they choose and strengthen their character.
That is the primary purpose of going through this life.
If they learn from the results of their choices, why do you blame, label, and condemn people as evil? By Discovering what are bad choices, doesn't that make the bad choice a good thing as an instrument of learning?

Should you continue valuing those petty things by hating, wanting payback and attempting to alter their choices and actions through pain? Where is your Love and Kindness? Where is your teaching and nurturing that which is good in that person? When you label, condemn and hate, is this not teaching people to hate and return those petty things right back at you and in the world?

What is really being taught? Goodness from God? Hardly. This is not God regardless of how badly you want it to be from God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
It's petty to you, but majority of mankind as you say values them. Has it occurred to you people may not be wrong, but you might be?
Value them, if you will and Discover the answer for yourself. Each much Discover the answers for themselves through living the lessons that return to teach. I can point, however each must choose for themselves. No one learns without that free choice to choose. No one can do it for you!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
If majority values petty things, then God would send guidance correcting them.
God isn't going to send a book as guidance. God sends lessons to live. Experience has always been the best teacher. If one lives it, it doesn't have to be believed. One will know!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Veteran Member
You are always telling me that things are impossible. With that narrow thinking, how to you get anything done at all?
I never said that things are impossible. I only ever said that God does not do certain things.

I have accomplished many things that I thought were impossible given my background, but with God all things are possible if one persists and has the capacity to accomplish them.


Veteran Member
If they learn from the results of their choices, why do you blame, label, and condemn people as evil? By Discovering what are bad choices, doesn't that make the bad choice a good thing as an instrument of learning?
I do not blame, label, or condemn people as evil. I have only made the cold dry observation that some people are evil.

Who is to say that evil people learn from their choices? Most do not learn, as the rate of recidivism in prisons clearly demonstrates.
Should you continue valuing those petty things by hating, wanting payback and attempting to alter their choices and actions through pain? When you label, condemn and hate, is this not teaching people to hate and return those petty things right back at you and in the world?
I am not doing any of that so you just made a straw man.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God isn't going to send a book as guidance. God sends lessons to live. Experience has always been the best teacher. If one lives it, it doesn't have to be believed. One will know!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
These are not mutually exclusive.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If they learn from the results of their choices, why do you blame, label, and condemn people as evil? By Discovering what are bad choices, doesn't that make the bad choice a good thing as an instrument of learning?

Should you continue valuing those petty things by hating, wanting payback and attempting to alter their choices and actions through pain? Where is your Love and Kindness? Where is your teaching and nurturing that which is good in that person? When you label, condemn and hate, is this not teaching people to hate and return those petty things right back at you and in the world?

What is really being taught? Goodness from God? Hardly. This is not God regardless of how badly you want it to be from God.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I've read hadiths about "and do not let the deceptions deceive you" in a verse in Quran, and they say it's that people always tell themselves God will be merciful and have compassion on them. They deceive themselves that their sins will be forgiven, and there is no worries whatever happens, because God is Merciful.

If there was a path to redemption for them, perhaps, he would, but perhaps there is not. Perhaps that once we die, we won't be able to fulfill the pledge again, because of that failure. If we were going to achieve it, it would be the first time in this world.

What if the light of God automatically burns a soul that is evil and running away, and that there is non-turning point to souls, that if they run away, they won't be able to love God anymore.

So perhaps God is hiding to prevent souls from burning to his light, but on the day of judgment, when fully shown, they have no way of redemption. At that point, the recognition is forced and overwhelming to them. They can't love God anymore. They wish to, but they can't. God works with what is logically possible.

So part of it is that in this world, we are to help each other, try to push each other towards God.

The exalted chosen ones, exist. If there is a God, there are exalted souls. God would use them to guide his creation back to him. They would provide the path to safety and we should rely on them to rely on God.

With many possibilities (that they maybe no path to redemption), I would expect God to clarify through revelation. You rather just speak for him, but you aren't his spokesman.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
The meaning of the terms matters most in matters of law.

Definition of "person" from Black's Dictionary of Law, 2nd edition:

PERSON. A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him, and the duties which it imposes. 1 Bouv. Inst. no. 137. A human being considered as capable of having rights and of being charged with duties; while a "thing" is the object over which rights may be exercised. - Artificial persons. Such as are created and devised by law for the purposes of society and government, called "corporations" or "bodies politic." - Natural persons. Such as are formed by nature, as distinguished from artificial persons, or corporations. - Private person. An individual who is not an incumbent of an office.

Human beings have human rights, which are fictions. At common law people have natural rights, which are substantive. The difference relates to religious prejudice, since common law is theistic.
Weird how only men are people.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
God isn't going to send a book as guidance. God sends lessons to live. Experience has always been the best teacher. If one lives it, it doesn't have to be believed. One will know!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
As we all know, it was religious leaders that wrote all books. Even a religion that says they accept all of the major religions, the Baha'is, say that some things in those books isn't true, like reincarnation and the many Gods of some Hindus. Then the resurrection and a belief in Satan from the NT.

And as for guidance... all the religions guide people in different directions. It's funny how in some religions the "guidance" is to go out and preach and promote certain beliefs, like with some Christians going out and preaching about getting saved to avoid being cast into hell. Then another religion goes out and teaches a slight variation of that or something completely different. And naturally, each one thinks that they're the ones that have the true guidance.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
As we all know, it was religious leaders that wrote all books. Even a religion that says they accept all of the major religions, the Baha'is, say that some things in those books isn't true, like reincarnation and the many Gods of some Hindus. Then the resurrection and a belief in Satan from the NT.

And as for guidance... all the religions guide people in different directions. It's funny how in some religions the "guidance" is to go out and preach and promote certain beliefs, like with some Christians going out and preaching about getting saved to avoid being cast into hell. Then another religion goes out and teaches a slight variation of that or something completely different. And naturally, each one thinks that they're the ones that have the true guidance.
The differences can only be solved by a sign in a form of a miracle. I believe Prophets (a) and Imams (a) performed miracles, but that Quran also suffices as a sign/miracle.

Logically speaking, God can perform miracles and prove his book.