If they learn from the results of their choices, why do you blame, label, and condemn people as evil? By Discovering what are bad choices, doesn't that make the bad choice a good thing as an instrument of learning?
Should you continue valuing those petty things by hating, wanting payback and attempting to alter their choices and actions through pain? Where is your Love and Kindness? Where is your teaching and nurturing that which is good in that person? When you label, condemn and hate, is this not teaching people to hate and return those petty things right back at you and in the world?
What is really being taught? Goodness from God? Hardly. This is not God regardless of how badly you want it to be from God.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!
I've read hadiths about "and do not let the deceptions deceive you" in a verse in Quran, and they say it's that people always tell themselves God will be merciful and have compassion on them. They deceive themselves that their sins will be forgiven, and there is no worries whatever happens, because God is Merciful.
If there was a path to redemption for them, perhaps, he would, but perhaps there is not. Perhaps that once we die, we won't be able to fulfill the pledge again, because of that failure. If we were going to achieve it, it would be the first time in this world.
What if the light of God automatically burns a soul that is evil and running away, and that there is non-turning point to souls, that if they run away, they won't be able to love God anymore.
So perhaps God is hiding to prevent souls from burning to his light, but on the day of judgment, when fully shown, they have no way of redemption. At that point, the recognition is forced and overwhelming to them. They can't love God anymore. They wish to, but they can't. God works with what is logically possible.
So part of it is that in this world, we are to help each other, try to push each other towards God.
The exalted chosen ones, exist. If there is a God, there are exalted souls. God would use them to guide his creation back to him. They would provide the path to safety and we should rely on them to rely on God.
With many possibilities (that they maybe no path to redemption), I would expect God to clarify through revelation. You rather just speak for him, but you aren't his spokesman.