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What does God want from you?


Well-Known Member
Yes. Yes, it is.

It probably helps that I am not a proponent of Free Will, which you call Free Choice.
If your choices are against your will, would not you do the opposite as soon as you were free just to Discover what you were missing?

Everyone has free will within the parameters of their life. When I walk out of my house, I am free to choose. I can walk right or I can walk left or even go back in the house. If I do not choose where would I be?

Free choice is the basis of learning. Our choices show God and the world what we know and what we need to learn. When our choices return in time, we learn what our choices really mean. Since there is no time limit on learning, everyone will reach that High Level and be able to create a Heavenly state for themselves and others.

Ebb and Flow of knowledge. If I were to build a car, there are some things all cars must have. An engine, a way to steer, a way to stop, and a place to sit. You get the idea.

Perhaps, if you use some of that Advanced Thinking I know you are capable of, then look for purpose, then incorporate Ebb and Flow, the world will begin to look much different.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
There is no logical entailment between "creating X", and "wanting something from X".

According to the myth, He must have created carrots, too. I doubt though that He wants something from them.


- viole
Yes, I do see your logic. On the other hand, I have had countless people tell me what God wants me to do. I don't have to worry about you. Very good!!

How about this? God wants something from carrots. He wants them to make me healthy. Sadly though, I probably do not eat enough of them.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
Why is it always Christianity/Monotheism vs Atheism?
How about this: neither one of them have the answers regardless of how much they think they do. Opposites attract because by putting their knowledge together, they walk together toward the Real Truth.

This is also why opposites attract in relationships. Learning and growing comes through interaction. If it is with someone you really love, you won't run away. You will stick it out to see the other side.

Drama can be unsettling. On the other hand, more is learned around Drama than at almost any other time. Drama is something that should not always be avoided.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Well-Known Member
No clue and it depends on what attributes one assigns to that God. If God is all-knowing and all-powerful I have no clue why they would create anything at all to begin with, as such God could simply imagine it and would solely do it for their own pleasure. If said God is not all-knowing, I would assume that they might create stuff out of fun. But ultimately I don't think a God wants anything from a human at all, there is absolutely nothing we could offer such a being that he/she couldn't just create out of thin air, to begin with.
Yes, I agree. I have been told by many what God wants me to do. Clearly, they have not thought it out as you have. I would say God created people simply because God knows what most parents know. Children make life Grand!! As I see it, God created this universe for us. It's time-based causal nature is perfect for learning.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!
Yes, I agree. I have been told by many what God wants me to do. Clearly, they have not thought it out as you have. I would say God created people simply because God knows what most parents know. Children make life Grand!! As I see it, God created this universe for us. It's time-based causal nature is perfect for learning.

That's what I see. It's very
No clue and it depends on what attributes one assigns to that God. If God is all-knowing and all-powerful I have no clue why they would create anything at all to begin with, as such God could simply imagine it and would solely do it for their own pleasure. If said God is not all-knowing, I would assume that they might create stuff out of fun. But ultimately I don't think a God wants anything from a human at all, there is absolutely nothing we could offer such a being that he/she couldn't just create out of thin air, to begin with.
You said there is nothing we can offer God. We can offer love. If God just created love it wouldnt really be love would it? Love needs to be a choice otherwise we would basically be robots programmed to do a thing called love. How muxh love would you feel if you forced others to love you? There's good reason Jesus said to love God with your everything and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This is also why opposites attract in relationships.
Similarities attract.
As a result, we erroneously conclude that complementary personalities make for better, stronger, healthier relationships. Scientific evidence has proven, however, that this is not true.

How about this: neither one of them have the answers regardless of how much they think they do.
There's WAY more than just Christians and atheists, is what I'm getting at, but Christians will almost always blow off criticism of their religion as being from an atheist even though that often isn't true, and lots of atheists treat religion as though Christianity sums it all up (and again, that's wrong).


Be your own guru
If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?
Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart.
If I am an atheist, why should I speculate on God?
What proof you have that this proposed entity, God, created the universe, and it was not some physical process?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Oh .. really?
..so Einstein is responsible for nuclear atrocities in Japan?

Your philosophy is too simplistic .. and fails completely.
Einstein did not create the nuclear bombs, that was Oppenheimer (see the movie and learn a little)

My philosophy, you have no idea what my philosophy is, what i am doing here is taking the Bible etc to their logical conclusion. I.e. god made heaven and earth, all of it. Nowhere in the Bible or Qur'an does it say god made heaven and earth but not the bad bits

Unlike amateur apologists who don't seem able to think abd so claim god made the good stuff that i like and not the bad stuff that I don't like.

How simple is that?

Please identify where my philosophy fails... I'll wait.


Well-Known Member
Nowhere in the Bible or Qur'an does it say god made heaven and earth but not the bad bits..
Where did I say that G-d is not responsible for allowing/creating evil?

Please identify where my philosophy fails... I'll wait.
..already done..
Claiming that G-d is negligent is just .. immature and uninformed.
Creating creatures capable of independent thought resulting in evil [ and who is defining what constitutes evil? ],
is not necessarily irresponsible .. that would depend on the ultimate outcome.


OK. God creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

If you are an atheist, speculate. If God really exists and creates the universe and God creates you. What does God want from you?

Before you just give a quick answer, consider a Being capable of creating the universe and you has to be very very smart. Consider High Intellect with your answers. Make God's answer High Intellect.
God want -- that if you need any kind of information about him, then you must cry and beg for it rather asking questions with such an attitude :)


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Where did I say that G-d is not responsible for allowing/creating evil?

You've argued pretty hard to the extent of trying to dis my comments with insult. One can only assume you are against my comments, not for the

..already done..
Claiming that G-d is negligent is just .. immature and uninformed.
Creating creatures capable of independent thought resulting in evil [ and who is defining what constitutes evil? ],
is not necessarily irresponsible .. that would depend on the ultimate outcome

Claiming that a god exists and dising others for believing diffently is immature and as informed as it gets. You guess and blame others for guessing differently. How childish.

Apologetics doesn't wash please provide verifiable evidence


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
of what?
I assume that is your way of ignoring what I write.
No need to reply..

Of what you wrote. I assume this is your tactic for avoiding the fact that you have nothing to back up your claims

No need to reply if you have nothing to back you up, I'll understand
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I think that is a question for a scientist, not a theist. ;)
That depends on who is pushing the agenda. "My god is great and created everything except the bad stuff i don't like" makes it a question for the theists making the claim.

Science has nothing to say on the matter of gods, thought they are pretty successful at reducing and in some cases eradicating disease
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