C cause/effect are only applicable when interacting with space-time.
In addition, causation is limited to realms we call "macro." At the atomic and smaller levels it disappears, and even in our larger realms it seems it is largely an illusion with all sorts of philosophical difficulties.
What happens is really what is called the "law of large numbers." Things happen randomly at the atomic level, but probabilities can be determined.
Beings existing at our macro-atomic size scales are composed of so many gazillions of these randomly behaving atomic particles that the probabilities utterly dominate and the randomness seems to disappear.
So, then, the prevailing notion that everything has a cause is really an illusion. Things happen randomly, in accordance with probabilities, but with gazillions of events involved, the chances of a violation of what seems to be causation are vanishingly small.
Opening the vial on the perfume jar "causes" the odor to spread into the air, but what is really happening are random motions of particles leading to a probability setup where only once in eons will the odor particles not go into the air.