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What evidence for God


Grand Master
Why is it taking kennyson over a week to come back with his 'proof'?
Because he doesn't have any. Theists tend to hide their religion, away from the "dissecting table." If they are really confident with their religion, they have come up with even a single good proof by now.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Honestly how many theists have we had tell us the exactly the same thing

"i have evidence of the existence of god"

Then not give, or more often than not just leave the thread all together.

I'm starting to think they are trying to convince themselves more than us.


Honestly how many theists have we had tell us the exactly the same thing

"i have evidence of the existence of god"

Then not give, or more often than not just leave the thread all together.

I'm starting to think they are trying to convince themselves more than us.

Your profile says you are a believer in facts....well, if you are looking for evidence of God....open your eyes, it is all around you. Even science gives testimony to God.


Facts not Faith
Your profile says you are a believer in facts....well, if you are looking for evidence of God....open your eyes, it is all around you. Even science gives testimony to God.

Astrology does maybe, but that is not even a science. No real science gives any evidence of God whatsoever.


Grand Master
Your profile says you are a believer in facts....well, if you are looking for evidence of God....open your eyes, it is all around you. Even science gives testimony to God.
Yeah, that's why the believers rejected the big bang theory and the theory of evolution before. While these are still just theories, they have more believable, more compelling evidences than any other religion ever presented. That's why they are slightly accepting it and merging it to their religion for their religion to survive.


Admiral Obvious
Your profile says you are a believer in facts....well, if you are looking for evidence of God....open your eyes, it is all around you. Even science gives testimony to God.
You are inconsistent.
You talk about facts then present opinion.

How about you present some facts?


Veteran Member
Your profile says you are a believer in facts....well, if you are looking for evidence of God....open your eyes, it is all around you. Even science gives testimony to God.

there is evidence of nature being indifferent...
those are the facts, unless you call children being swept away from their parents arms because of a tsunami god...


Facts not Faith
Thanks Dan
The omissions were conscious/deliberate for various valid reasons. Some of those you list are continuations of the great global animist/Native belief religious bedrock (Shintoism,), some are moral/political philosophies (Confusianism, “Juche refers specifically to a political thesis of Kim Il-sung” Wiki) others are lesser religions some fitting the timeline without overlap some not.

Baha’i?...Left out for a couple of reasons...primarily it (along with all such ‘new’ faiths) is too early to tell if it is a flash in the pan or not. The other reason is that it is the ‘Binary Blip’ (Two Messengers) that for the first time in religious history loudly and clearly articulates the nature of the prior singularities- A string of pearls.

Yes Dan...There are a few fans of Xena Warrior Princess. But this (and all above) misses and ignores the central point and glairing anomaly. When identifying the outstanding ‘greats’ in any other field we do not pretend they are the only horses that ever ran or contributed. Charlie Goodyear made an immense contribution to science/humanity...but rarely if ever is this struggler placed in the ranks of Science Royalty. Likewise in religion, there are lesser prophets, lesser religions, crossovers, fusions, sects and offshoots.

But the jockeys of the Major Living Faith traditions came in singular and discreet ‘Dispensations’ throughout history...unlike any other field of human endeavour...just like one horse races.

Nobody has said a word to that central evidentiary point thus far...and I’m kinda wondering why.

Nope...Sorry Dan...It just doesn’t wash...The whole world is the potential race track for a major faith to arise and all recorded human history the race carnival for a religion horse to get up and running.
“Christian Roman empire, and Christian barbarian tribes persecuted and drove out non-believers along with agressive conversion work.” ? (Cite/examples?)

Do you wish to claim that the Christian Roman empire was better, nastier, more ruthless at stomping out new and troublesome religious movements than the pre Christian Roman empire?
That would be a new re writing of history indeed.

Vast areas and vast periods have been available, uninhibited by existing faiths, for humans to do what Atheists claim humans do with such frequent ease- invent gods and religions.
You say seven thousand years, I say ten...either way that is an immense trial period in the human- let’s make a religion petri dish. The odds of there being no ‘deuce’ rolled in that period, no Jesus and Mohammed in the same time frame or even close, are immense. If we had race Stewards for religion the whole show would be long ago shut down as ‘rigged’.

And no one is addressing that stark and obvious historical anomaly in probability.

A point already covered. Although science and scientists are spread through history there is a clear concentration in the modern era when science hit its straps...there is also the identified cultural bias that tends to ignore/omit the great scientific contributions from Eastern/Middle Eastern cultures.
Abd el-Latif el-Baghdadi 1162, Baghdad, Iraq – 1231) physician, historian and Egyptologist.
Muhammad al-Fazari credited with building the first astrolabe in the Islamic world.
Emin Pasha physician and naturalist.
Al-Asma'i (739, Basra, Iraq - 831, Basra, Iraq) pioneer of Zoology, Botany and Animal Husbandry.
There are hundreds of great and influential scientists prior to 1600 Dan...and they appear in history as one would expect- scattered singular, in overlapping pairs and clusters and in large groups within great civilizations.
But religion...>just another human invention or product in the market place<...DOES NOT have anything like the same random historical pattern.

Hey you noticed!:)

&#8220;Scattered&#8221; and >isolated< in time....but not in other features....Any Track Steward worth his salt would be looking to see what these great winning influential horses had in common...besides the common geographical Stable.

Nhaaa...Please don&#8217;t try to fudge the selection criteria Dan, we are not comparing &#8220;6 randomly selected people&#8221;...they were chosen as the stand out &#8216;greats&#8217; of religion, the clear and obvious winners of the religion race....to be compared to any other field of stand out greats. The problem of the religious greats is that they not only stand out...they literally and invariably stand alone in their field in isolation.

And that cannot be seen or said of any other field of human endeavour.

Well, actually Zororastrianism and Bhuddism are within 50 years of each other and the earlier forms of Hinduism were found 1500 BCE or earlier according to this link.
Fast Facts on Hinduism - ReligionFacts
Hinduism doesn't really have a founder but it does have holy texts the oldest of which was written around 1500 BCE which matches the date of the founding of Judaism. The vedas were written until about 200 BCE.
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The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Your profile says you are a believer in facts....well, if you are looking for evidence of God....open your eyes, it is all around you. Even science gives testimony to God.

What are the facts that proves god exists.

and please don't embarrass yourself by using an argument for design.
