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What happens to us when we die?


Well-Known Member

A little evidence please. Not what you believe, hope, wish for, find comfort in, but actual evidence.

Where is it?:confused:


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Thief here...the question is...
What happens to us when we die?
The answer is....
You will stand up...out of your flesh (resurrection) ....or you will follow your flesh into the box.
The box goes into the ground.
No form of light follows anyone into the grave.
Eternal darkness is physically real.

If you stand...
The angelic will be there. They have first discretion who follows...and who doesn't.

The answer is....what happened to those who died and were resurrected back in Bible times? They did not "stand up out of their flesh", they stood up IN it. There is no "immortal soul" that leaves the body at death....'the spirit' goes out....just like a light or a candle 'goes out'. It is extinguished. When the 'spirit' (breath) ceases the body dies and goes back to the dust, (either in a box or not.) The Revelation describes the sea as giving up its dead also. So it doesn't matter to God how you died or where your remains went, God will bring you back to life on earth. (Righteous or unrighteous.) He doesn't need a single molecule of your previous body to do that. :)
In the natural process of cell renewal in the body, there is not a cell in your present body that you were born with. They have lived and died and been replaced, (a continuing process.)

Resurrection is "a standing up again" of the physical body. Just as God 'fabricated' Adam from the elements of the earth, and breathed 'life' into him, so God will re-create a body for each one, breath 'life' into them and implant in that new body "the soul" or personality of that person. They will know themselves and their loved ones.

The Creator is a being who 'calls all the stars of heaven by name'. Do we have any idea how many stars there are in the universe? He designed the laws of nature and can reconstruct a recognizable body to re implant a personality and memories of a person who dies, (recently or even thousands of years ago) It creates no hardship for him. Those who die are not conscious; time has ceased for them. So when they open their eyes, it will be as if they 'went to sleep' just a moment ago. They have not had a conscious existence anywhere; they were just sleeping, as Jesus said his friend Lazarus was. (John 11)
When you go to sleep, and you are awakened, are you aware of how long you have been sleeping without looking at a clock? :no:

May I ask who "the angelic" are? And whether "the angelic" were present at previous resurrections described in the Bible?

It's not a complicated scenario, it's a logical and fairly simple thing for a being as powerful as the Creator is. :yes:



Avid Bible Student
Premium Member

A little evidence please. Not what you believe, hope, wish for, find comfort in, but actual evidence.

Where is it?:confused:

No evidence I supply would have any impact on a 'godless heathen', Omar

What evidence can you supply for your own beliefs? (or lack of them?) :confused:


Well-Known Member
In all of these posts I have not seen a coherent explanation of what happens to people when they die.
Why not consider what the Bible says???
Job tells us when we die we do not wake up, Job 14:10-12. In verses 12-15, though we find that God has a plan to resurrect His loyal ones.
Ps 49:6-8. tells us that the price for the soul of even a brother is too high for an imperfect person to be able to give a ransom for him. That is the very reason that God sent His son Jesus to earth. Jesus was a perfect man, so he could ransom men from sin and death, Rom 5:12-21.
A basic fact is: man is no different than animals when it comes to death, Ecc 3:18-20. The difference is: Jesus came to ransom mankind, but not the animals, Gen 1:26-28, John 3:16, Matt 20:28, Gal 3:10-14, Eph 1:7.
God has given Jesus the power to resurrect all those in the memorial tombs and also the righteous and the unrighteous, John 5:28,29, Acts 24:15.
According to the scriptures the only ones who will not be resurrected are those judged as WICKED, Ps 9:5, Pro 10:28, Prov 11:7.
Since most of the people who have lived on earth did not know the Almighty God, or His purpose for the earth, or His laws, the ones resurrected will be taught, from other scrolls, and will be judged by their actions during the Judgement Day, of one thousand years, Re 20:6,11,12.
These resurrected one cannot be judged by what they did before they died, because when a person dies he is ACQUITTED from his sin, Rom 6:7. During the Judgement Day people will be judged by what their actions are compared to the other scrolls mentioned at Rev 20:12.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
What happens to us when we die?

Our consciousness, and all other process associated with the brain, ceases for eternity.

Our bodies are disposed of.


Well-Known Member
"No evidence I supply would have any impact on a 'godless heathen', Omar"

And shouldn't that fact tell you something?

You believe it. But you can't prove it, can't even support it, can't convince anyone who does not already buy into your myth - something is missing here.


No evidence I supply would have any impact on a 'godless heathen'
If by "heathen" you mean "a person who uses their brain" then I think Omar fits the definition. :)

You have no evidence outside of a book that was compiled out of documents which were originally penned decades after the cited events and re-re-re-re-re-written over two and a half centuries, not a lick of which has any authentic legitimacy or was written by first-hand observers and all of which was culled from a much wider array of documents that provide alternate teachings and accounts of the life of Christ. All that business about people coming back from the dead is nice and everything but if that's possible, why hasn't it happened in the past 2,000 years? Can you provide evidence of such resurrections occurring today that have be authenticated by medical physicians or any other scientist?


What evidence can you supply for your own beliefs? (or lack of them?)
That's ridiculous. How do you support lack of beliefs? May as well ask why you don't believe brillo pads are made of silk. Things that aren't simply aren't. "Lack of belief" = "Presence of intellect."


Well-Known Member
"What evidence can you supply for your own beliefs? (or lack of them?)"

The same you have for your lack of belief in unicorns or Athena or Russell's teapot in orbit or that if you check you account there will be an extra 10G's there.

Now that assumes of course you DO NOT believe in all those things. If I am in error please correct me.;)


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
"No evidence I supply would have any impact on a 'godless heathen', Omar"

And shouldn't that fact tell you something?

You believe it. But you can't prove it, can't even support it, can't convince anyone who does not already buy into your myth - something is missing here.

Omar, that comment can be turned back on your own beliefs. Beliefs are just that...BELIEFS. Whether one "buys" into it or not is entirely up to them. What is missing is the fact that you can't force someone to believe anything! We all have beliefs whether we can "prove" them or not.
God forces no one to BELIEVE in him. But at the end of the day, as the final authority, (the giver of life,) we will all have to account to him whether we believe in him or not. Life is a gift but it is not without conditions, (and rightly so)...who wants bitter and godless individuals around who have nothing better to do than rob people of their hopes and aspirations for a better future? What father would want rebellious children around who want to poison others with their unbelief; constantly trying to make them swallow their own godless outlook on life? This is denying the one to whom they owe their existence, (whether they believe that or not.)

I'll say it again...just because you don't believe he's there, doesn't make him go away. :ignore:

If by "heathen" you mean "a person who uses their brain" then I think Omar fits the definition. :)

You have no evidence outside of a book that was compiled out of documents which were originally penned decades after the cited events and re-re-re-re-re-written over two and a half centuries, not a lick of which has any authentic legitimacy or was written by first-hand observers and all of which was culled from a much wider array of documents that provide alternate teachings and accounts of the life of Christ. All that business about people coming back from the dead is nice and everything but if that's possible, why hasn't it happened in the past 2,000 years? Can you provide evidence of such resurrections occurring today that have be authenticated by medical physicians or any other scientist?

Slave, Omar describes himself as a "godless heathen". If you want to worship your intellect and science or the devil, go right ahead...God will let you do whatever you desire. (for now) :bow: But why do you wish to rain on a believer's parade? Why do people who are not religious post on religious forums if not to sabotage their belief in God and their hopes for the future? Self exaltation is like self righteousness....you become a legend in you own lunchbox.
Your motives are a little transparent....and a reflection of your "father". :tsk:

Shouldn't you be putting your energies into more positive things? What does it matter to you what others believe...or are you looking for someone to 'prove' you wrong?



Well-Known Member
I'm less interested in what happens to "me" when I die than what will eventually happen. Thus the Nicene Creed sums it up nicely for me:

[Jesus] will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
and His kingdom will have no end.

I wish I had all the details about what it might mean for him to judge the living and the dead. All I can say is that it will involve his putting all things to rights. Whatever is wrong with this world will be made right. All accounts will be settled. And there will be righteousness and peace forever and everywhere. Don't ask me how. I have no idea. But I'm assured it will be so.


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...so far religious recitals.
That's fine.
But should we not take aim what happens to us after we die?
That should be the object here.

It's all well and good that you have some personal assuredness.
But, try describing what happens.

In the first hour of dying, most people will take a moment to gather their composure...and then stand up (resurrect).
If you believe in life after death....this is where this topic actually takes hold.

If you don't believe in awareness after death...you're already done here.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
But should we not take aim what happens to us after we die?
That should be the object here.

It's all well and good that you have some personal assuredness.
But, try describing what happens.

In the first hour of dying, most people will take a moment to gather their composure...and then stand up (resurrect).

Mmmm, in order to really know what happens at death, one would have to die I believe. :confused:
I had a friend who had a cardiac arrest and he described death as everything simply fading to black. He had no conscious experience and his first recollection is on awakening and not knowing how long he had been "dead".

"In the first hour of dying, most people will take a moment to gather their composure...and then stand up (resurrect)." Do you have a source for this information, Thief, or do you just believe this happens? How do you know this?

My belief in the absence of life after death is based on the Bible....many of the scriptures were quoted by Michel in the OP. It is very clear IMO. :yes:



Done here.
God forces no one to BELIEVE in him. But at the end of the day, as the final authority, (the giver of life,) we will all have to account to him whether we believe in him or not.
I'm afraid you'll have to come up with a better argument for your beliefs. Nobody is afraid of your imaginary friend.

I'll say it again...just because you don't believe he's there, doesn't make him go away. :ignore:
And just because you believe he's there, doesn't mean he's there.

But why do you wish to rain on a believer's parade? Why do people who are not religious post on religious forums if not to sabotage their belief in God and their hopes for the future? Self exaltation is like self righteousness....you become a legend in you own lunchbox.
Your motives are a little transparent....and a reflection of your "father". :tsk:

Shouldn't you be putting your energies into more positive things? What does it matter to you what others believe...or are you looking for someone to 'prove' you wrong?
You should understand that there are believers and unbelievers of many kinds here, that this forum was founded by an atheist, and that we are here for discussion. Your assumption that unbelievers are here with ill intent says more about you than about unbelievers. You exalt yourself, you promote your beliefs, you chastise others for not sharing them and for daring to say what they do or do not believe, and then you ask why anybody should sabotage anybody else's belief and why it should matter what others believe. It's amazing, the extent to which religious fervor and obvious hypocrisy go hand in hand.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I'm afraid you'll have to come up with a better argument for your beliefs. Nobody is afraid of your imaginary friend.
My imaginary friend or your imaginary enemy? I cannot understand why you wish to sabotage people's cherished beliefs. What do you get out of it? If we are so pathetic in your estimation, why can't you just let us be pathetic? Must you bring us down in order to elevate and exalt yourselves?

And just because you believe he's there, doesn't mean he's there.

To what do you attribute all the design in nature if you don't believe in a designer? Creation is declaring his existence...are you really so blind?

You should understand that there are believers and unbelievers of many kinds here, that this forum was founded by an atheist, and that we are here for discussion. Your assumption that unbelievers are here with ill intent says more about you than about unbelievers. You exalt yourself, you promote your beliefs, you chastise others for not sharing them and for daring to say what they do or do not believe, and then you ask why anybody should sabotage anybody else's belief and why it should matter what others believe. It's amazing, the extent to which religious fervor and obvious hypocrisy go hand in hand.

Aren't we all here promoting our beliefs? What does it matter to you what I believe? It matters little to me what you believe. I can see no self exaltation in my writing, nor can I see any more promotion of my beliefs than you express.
If this is a forum where we can all post our views, I just want to know why it is the atheists who have the most venom to spit? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
"To what do you attribute all the design in nature if you don't believe in a designer? Creation is declaring his existence...are you really so blind?"

Conceding arguendo this "designer" exists on what grounds do you assert this “designer” is your bible god? Why not Zeus, LGM, or my personal favorite an advanced intelligence that has neither personality nor character. Just a force that can “design” at will. Why not that?:confused:

If this is a forum where we can all post our views, I just want to know why it is the atheists who have the most venom to spit?
What "venom"? Is it “venom” to challenge the tenets of your myth? Is it “venom” to point out that you have NO evidence for it? Why is it “venom” for me to say you are simply mistaken and believe a myth but NOT “venom” when you say I will burn forever for not worshiping your god?:thud:


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member

Conceding arguendo this "designer" exists on what grounds do you assert this “designer” is your bible god? Why not Zeus, LGM, or my personal favorite an advanced intelligence that has neither personality nor character. Just a force that can “design” at will. Why not that?:confused:
You may attribute the design in nature to anyone you wish, Omar. That is your choice.
Just think how it would feel if you had the brains of Steven Hawking and your work was attributed to Mickey Mouse.

What "venom"? Is it “venom” to challenge the tenets of your myth? Is it “venom” to point out that you have NO evidence for it? Why is it “venom” for me to say you are simply mistaken and believe a myth but NOT “venom” when you say I will burn forever for not worshiping your god?:thud:

Now, you see this is where a little research comes in. Not all "Christians" believe in the "hell" thing. IMO those who could see him doing something like that, would emulate him in burning people alive at the stake for possessing the book purported to be written by him. There is a "mother" church and there are her daughters who resemble her in so many ways. Christian is as Christian does. The world is full of frauds. (Jesus said they would come) You can call yourself whatever you like....doesn't make it so. Those who have misrepresented their Creator will answer to him for the slander. Those stumbled by the 'misrepresenters' were probably looking for a way out of believing in him anyway.
God knows who his children are. They are loyal and loving and reflect the personality traits of their exemplar, Christ. Jesus said they would be "few". Not all is as it appears on the surface....God is as appalled as you are over all the atrocities committed in his name. :( He is not a moron, nor is he one to be mocked.
