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What happens to us when we die?


Well-Known Member
BTW Dear devout and redeemed DJ, these few precepts for your enlightenment.

I have NEVER been in or posted or even READ anything in a same faith form(s). I regard doing so as something akin to going into my nabors yard and pulling up his flowers or overturning his patio furniture. More importantly there is nothing for me there. I can neither contribute to the conversation nor learn anything from others. So I don't go. And if I did I would expect a complaining post such as yours to appear.


This is a DEBATE forum. And is clearly labeled as such. One should assume that contrasting views are being aired. And since it just as clearly labeled a religious forum one should EXPECT contrasting views on the subject of religion will be displayed. To expect otherwise is - foolish(?)

So rather than answer why we are here I instead ask why - oh saved and converted and wished in the blood of lamb one - WHY are you here?
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Well-Known Member
When we die we cease to exist (except in God's mind). Death is the opposite of life. The cure for death is resurrection.

In death there is no knowledge, no remembrance, no praise, no wisdom etc.
See: Psa.6:5; 30:9; 88:10-12; 115:17; Eccl.9:5; Isa. 38:18.

Ever seen anybody ressurected?


Ever seen anybody ressurected?

MY COMMENTS: No. In the Bible there are a number of accounts, but only Jesus Christ has been raised to never die again. The others died again.

His presence is in all Christian believers.

The Bible sets forth resurrections to come.


Done here.
"What happens to us when we die? "

You star in the next episode of "GHOSTHUNTERS".
Oh, God. John loves that show. He was watching it the other night, and we had this dialogue:

Me: Why is it in black and white?

Him: Because they use infrared cameras so they can film in the dark.

Me: Why do they film in the dark?

Him: Because ghosts only come out when it's dark.

Me: Why would ghosts only come out when it's dark?

Him: They just do. Hush.


Intentionally Blank
MY COMMENTS: No. In the Bible there are a number of accounts, but only Jesus Christ has been raised to never die again. The others died again.

His presence is in all Christian believers.

The Bible sets forth resurrections to come.

Ever read a single first-person account of a person being resurrected?
The verses in given by the topic creator are talking about the physical body, not the spirit of the individual.

"Today you will be with me in Paradise"

If you die with a faith in Jesus Christ, your physical body becomes worm bait, but your spirit will go to heaven, and be with Him. Your spirit sleeps, and you wake (with your physical body) when Christ descends from heaven and passes judgment on your soul. A life in Him, a belief that He conquered death, and knowing that He bore your sins on Him will make you blameless before God.

If you die in a faith out of Christ, your body becomes worm bait, and so does your soul. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Oh, God. John loves that show. He was watching it the other night, and we had this dialogue:

Me: Why is it in black and white?

Him: Because they use infrared cameras so they can film in the dark.

Me: Why do they film in the dark?

Him: Because ghosts only come out when it's dark.

Me: Why would ghosts only come out when it's dark?

Him: They just do. Hush.

Ghosthunters is such an obvious scam, but, there's a lot of people that eat that stuff up.


Rogue Theologian
Thief here....
This would be a better thread if a bit more care was applied.
I see little toward describing the after life....
and continual digression from people who insist it can't be so.

This is not debating.
The technique of picking a posting...line by line...is not debating.

The topic heading makes it obvious...the discussion is intended for believers.
Opposition has been noted.
It has become redundant and unproductive.

One participant has discredited himself altogether in outright confession....
" I believe in nothing."

The opening question clearly assumes life after death as possible.
Further discussion should follow this premise.
Opposition has been noted.

Shall we continue "what happens to us after we die"

Communication will be telepathic.
Physical law is not so restrictive.
You cannot wake up.


Well-Known Member
Thief here....
This would be a better thread if a bit more care was applied.
I see little toward describing the after life....
and continual digression from people who insist it can't be so.

This is not debating.
The technique of picking a posting...line by line...is not debating.

The topic heading makes it obvious...the discussion is intended for believers.
Opposition has been noted.
It has become redundant and unproductive.

One participant has discredited himself altogether in outright confession....
" I believe in nothing."

The opening question clearly assumes life after death as possible.
Further discussion should follow this premise.
Opposition has been noted.

Shall we continue "what happens to us after we die"

Communication will be telepathic.
Physical law is not so restrictive.
You cannot wake up.

You're in the wrong forum then, you should be in "SAME FAITH DEBATES".


Done here.
The topic heading makes it obvious...the discussion is intended for believers.
Opposition has been noted.
It has become redundant and unproductive.

One participant has discredited himself altogether in outright confession....
" I believe in nothing."

The opening question clearly assumes life after death as possible.
Further discussion should follow this premise.
Start your own thread, then.


What happens when we die? Well first off you have to consider the fact that no one person can prove or disprove the exist of any god, goddess, or superior being simply because people don't die and come back to life otherwise we would be able to prove or disprove every philospy, religion, and possibly science. I believe that there is no afterlife it was created when intellentuals or leaders at their time created religions to control their countries by giving them something to have hope in, while giving them a purpose to live, and also allowing the to have comfort as well. To me all religions, science, and philosphy all try to answer the same fundemental questions where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going? I believe when we die we are dead and become a nice meal for worms, insects, nature, and soil for the land so why should i bury myself in a gold or silver casket just bury me at sea in a boat with dyamite in it and blow it up or simply dig a hole and bury me naturally with no clothes on so that I can leave this world as i came in it.


Well-Known Member
What happens when we die? Well first off you have to consider the fact that no one person can prove or disprove the exist of any god, goddess, or superior being simply because people don't die and come back to life otherwise we would be able to prove or disprove every philospy, religion, and possibly science. I believe that there is no afterlife it was created when intellentuals or leaders at their time created religions to control their countries by giving them something to have hope in, while giving them a purpose to live, and also allowing the to have comfort as well. To me all religions, science, and philosphy all try to answer the same fundemental questions where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going? I believe when we die we are dead and become a nice meal for worms, insects, nature, and soil for the land so why should i bury myself in a gold or silver casket just bury me at sea in a boat with dyamite in it and blow it up or simply dig a hole and bury me naturally with no clothes on so that I can leave this world as i came in it.

There is no reason to disbelieve what you say. And why is it that humankind expects to continue existing in some disembodied or spiritual form, while not allowing this same possibility for animals? It's the old ego at work again. But we shouldn't be surprised by this, since religions generally don't at their core exist to worship and exalt a creator: their main purpose is for the benefit of the believers themselves. After all, who worships a God that is believed to be entirely indifferent to human desires? Rather few, I suspect!


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...
My faith cannot be shaken by denial.
That you do not believe in life after death,will never be a problem to me.

God is spirit. Angels, saints, servants, prophets, etc....are spirit.
This mortal existence generates the individual intellect.
That's why we are here.

For those of you who don't believe...too bad.
You will rot.


Well-Known Member
Thief here...
My faith cannot be shaken by denial.
That you do not believe in life after death,will never be a problem to me.

Nor should it be.

God is spirit. Angels, saints, servants, prophets, etc....are spirit.
This mortal existence generates the individual intellect.
That's why we are here.

Only a matter of opinon, of course, but one that you are entitled to express.

For those of you who don't believe...too bad.
You will rot.

Which of course is not to say that merely by the act of believing it follows that you will not rot!

There is absolutely nothing to show that we (the supposed self or some part thereof) can survive the death of our bodies.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
whatever happens after death, there is no doubt that we live on - even if it is only in others' memories, and thelegacies of the actions we have taken in life.

To some extent, therefore, it could be saidthat ourpersonality survives death.