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What if creationism is true?


I see you are not paying attention. I wasn't implying that every conceivable thing that science cant explain now wont be explained by science based on future findings. What I am saying is, science will never be able to explain absolute origins. Science will never be able to explain the origin of life from nonlife, and the origin of the universe by natural means. This is not going to happen. So you are waiting for nothing. Science is going beyond its juristiction by trying to explain these things. Thats what I was saying. And second, intelligent design is not "completely illogical". Intelligent design is used when science doesnt have the capability to explain. Third, explain how Intelligent Design is any more illogical than saying "naturedidit". When I see the kind of complexity that we see in the structure of DNA, immediately conclude that there was intelligence behind it. You think the same thing, except when something is driving towards theistic implications.

You assert that science, while having explained much about nature, will never be able to explain the origin of the universe and life using natural means. Your assertions, however, are based on nothing more than faith. And this is where ID comes in. ID is not used when science currently cannot explain something, but a crux theists use in order to attempt to falsify the findings of science because it contradicts one's faith. This is why it is illogical. Science has a much better track record of explaining things than the bible does. So, I prefer science over faith. I'd rather trust something that I can see and feel, rather than something that has refused to make itself known in a way that can be verifiable at least on the subjective level.

So, explain what is the scientific explanation for the complexity of DNA?? Please provide an answer as to how it is explained from an "evolutionary standpoint".

Special Feature: Evolution of biological complexity
Pasteur, fermentation, contagion, and proving a negative

And just beccause you believe in evolution doesn't make it so. I've never seen space shuttles assemble themselves, so using common sense, anything more complex than a space shuttle could not have gave itself its own complexity and more than the space shuttle could have assembled itself.

As it has been pointed out to you at least a dozen times on this thread, there is a huge difference between what's living and what's not. This may not make sense to you, but scientifically, it's huge.

I did enough research and also based on my experience in every day life, I've come to the conclusion that dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, etc. The evolutionists wants me to believe that long ago, far and wide, that animals were doing things millions of years ago that they have not been doing since man entered the world. I can't believe this.

You've shown the "research" you've done. You've stated on this thread, at least twice, the oft-repeated mantra of creationists that says evolution teaches that man evolved from apes, which is patently false. Evolution states that man and apes share a common ancestor. You've also shown your "research" into astronomy, by stating that there are only eight known planets, when there have been dozens of extra-solar planets discovered. You have also shown your "research" by saying that man is made of dirt, which is a bible teaching, but science has shown that man is made up primarily of water. So, pardon me if I don't place any stock in your "research". Dogs make dogs, cats make cats. They also sometimes produce genetic mutations that, over time, change into a new species. And, there is evidence that evolution is still happening. However, that you'll accept is, is not likely, as religious faith doesn't allow for that.

Two separte fields of study, but nonetheless, as I keep pointing out, before you get to evolution you have to have life. You have to have dna, you have to have cells. So far no man has been able to build or create anything more complex than a living cell. Why is this? Because the intellectual being that created the cell is vastly more intelligent than his creation, thats why.

Before you have evolution, you have to have life. No one is disputing this. What you are suggesting, however, is that evolution did not happen because life came from a higher power. Many theists believe life was created by a higher power, and then set evolution in motion. And what I find humorous in this statement, is that you say that man has not created anything more complex than a single cell, yet you use man's creation of the space shuttle as proof of ID. The irony is, illuminating.

I never implied that every single thing that science cant explain, we should take the "goddidit" approach. What I am saying is, science will never ever be able to explain absolute origins. Science will never be able to explain the origin of life and the origin of the universe. Never. We cannot used science to explain the origin of its own domain. Now, I have said this at least 5 times, and no one has responded to this. But the fact remains, science cant explain the origins of itself. No, i dont believe in evolution because all evidence provided could easily mean common designer. But the fact that we have life to EVOVLE IN THE FIRST PLACE, and the fact that no one has ever seen or been able to show how life can come from nonlife, goes to show that we are not here by an accident, but we are here because we were placed here.

This makes absolutely no sense. I don't even know how to respond to this. There's no logical-ness to it at all.

No it doesnt mean that it didnt happen per say, but based on the astronomical improbability of it occurring by a blind and unguided process, this makes it highly unlikely, and that is an understatement.

Improbability does not mean impossibility. The chances of someone picking the right lottery numbers in the Powerball jackpot are astronomical, but it still happens.

But this is a conclusion that a draw based on negating its competitor. Life did not come from nonlife. There is no evidence of this large scale evolution. The evidence that has been provided could mean something else, so that "evidence" cant be passed of as a "fact" that some of you naturalists like to claim.

No, I don't base my acceptance of evolution and that science will one day be able to naturally explain origins by "negating it's competitor". I base it on the fact that science has always explained everything thus far by naturalistic means. The fact that god is not observed, can not be observed, and has not shown him/her/itself, is just a byproduct. Science proves itself, it shows itself for what it is, while your god does not.

What?? Naturalists dont use faith?? Naturalists base their whole "ideology" on faith. There is no evidence that life came from nonlife as you just admitted, yet, you believe it. That is faith. There is no evidence showing that an intelligent designer DIDNT use evolution as a means to create, yet, you believe it. Theists are not the only onces using faith here.

I never said there was no evidence. We know what had to have happened. We know the conditions which were necessary for it to have happened. Now, there are several hypothesis that are currently being tested to figure out the details. No faith required. I had faith for 30 years, until I realized how useless it is. Science doesn't require faith, and I have no use for it.

This is irrelevant, because once again, we are talking about absolute origins. Science doesnt have a better track record in that regard, because there is no evidence of life coming from nonlife and there cant be an naturalistic explanation of how or why the universe began to exist. These are two problems for the naturalist.

It's only irrelevant to the one who has more to lose. There's nothing irrelevant in accepting something that has proven itself time and again (science) over something that cannot, or at the best, will not (god).

Science has not been proven right on the subjects of the two things i mentioned above, which are life from nonlife, and explaining why the universe began to exist.

It hasn't yet. This doesn't mean it won't. As I've stated, science has always come through. Just because you won't or can't accept it, makes very little difference to me. Science proves, god doesn't.

Right, so you are a naturalist, meaning you will only believe what can be scientifically proven. There are some things that science will never prove, and i mentioned two.

Like a broken record. Science always proves the bible wrong. It has in the past, it will in the future. I base my acceptance on the fact that science works. You base yours on something that doesn't.


And here is what i find funny. If you had lived 500 years ago, and you were walking in a vast field in the middle of the night and from a distance, you seen a big object with lights shining from it, and you walked to it....and you see this vast object looks like something you never seen before. You walk inside it, and you see all of this complex machinery and computers and on the screen is a language that you dont understand. These computers have buttons that you can press, and whene you press it, it performs a certain tasks (such as one button, when you pressed it, the door closed) You never seen this before, yet, you would still recognize it as intelligent design. You wont think that it assembled itself, right? Now fast foward 500 years in to the future, we see cells and dna structures that are vastly more complex than the object you walked in (whatever it was you walked in). But for some reason, you dont believe that the more complex item you saw 500 years in the future is not intelligent design, but yet the item you saw 500 years in the past is?? Now why is this? Because the item you see in the future has theistic implications, and the item you saw in the past doesn't.

You're right. That was funny.

My beliefs wont allow me to accept it? This is coming from the same person that wont allow him/herself to think beyond science, despite the evidence saying otherwise. So I am not the only one that has a belief system to stick too.

I don't think beyond science, because nothing beyond science has shown itself to me. Science shows me what's there. Your god never did that. And I prayed to him and believed in him for 30 years. There is no evidence for god. I don't have to "have faith" in science, because it deals with what's real. Myth and superstitions deal with what's not real. So, I decided I'd like to stick with what's real.

The creationist isn't denying using science as a tool to understand how the world operates. The creationist is denying science when science attempts to explain absolute origins. That is the problem. You can learn about the wonders of science without trying to ask the question of "where the universe came from".......or..."how did life originate". Once you start using science to explain absolute origins, then you are adopting a religious belief at which you accept by faith.

And yet, you use the idea that science cannot yet fully explain origins to deny evolution. This is illogical. And millions of theists would agree. Since there is life, and the universe, science will be able to explain where it all came from, how it happened, etc., because that's what science does. Until it can proven to me that a god even exists, I'll stick with science. And this is where I have one up on you. It's hard to prove the existence of something that doesn't exist. And you're refusal to accept that science will be able to explain origins shows just how much you'd rather accept something that isn't there, over what is. I don't get it. What's the point in believing in some god? Has one shown itself? No. Has one given us a reason to believe in it's existence? No. So why hold so fast to something that, at best, if it exists, is dimwitted and doesn't really care about anything, especially us? This is what it comes down to for me: I don't accept the "goddidit" explanation, because I have no reason to believe in god. There is no reason to believe in god. While science is about what's really there, so it's not about having faith in it, but just accepting what's actually there. I spent most of my life believing in god, and he never gave one shred of evidence that he was actually there. So, either he doesn't care, or he isn't real. If he doesn't care, then I could care less what he has to say, much less accept that he had anything to do with existence. If he isn't real, then it's a moot point anyway.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter. The point is, if a "dog" is given a certain definition that distinguishes it from animals that doesn't fit that same definition, then it is a different kind of animal. If the grey wolf is every dogs common ancestor, then where did the grey wolf come from? If you believe that the grey wolf came from a "nondog", then this is where your evolution religion creeps in.
Just as Great Danes and Chihuahuas share a common ancestor which was neither a Great Dane or a Chihuahua, cats, dogs, bears and other carnivores can share a common ancestor which was neither a cat, a dog, a bear or any other type of animal we know today. The fact that cats, dogs, and bears didn't exist 50 million years ago while miacids, which share traits with all of these, did makes common descent through evolution a scientific theory supported by evidence.


Well-Known Member
the relationship of the planets within themselves, the wonders of human birth and death the discovery of new species of living things, simply put, the universe and all within it has remained a complex and stable system for decades. All these and more should make us know there must be an intelligent designer man cannot comprehend. It has always been a case of the more man discovers about his environment, the more he needs to unravel. Our intellect just does not and can npt match that of this designer.
There are reports that the earth has existed long before man and irt is just a small subset of the uuniverse. Histories of blach holes have been recorded and it is predicted that the sun will also become one which means man will seize to exist. At this point, the designer is still expected to be there. With this thought, I ask myself if such intelligent designer is omnipotent.

"the universe and all within it has remained a complex and stable system for decades."

Wow, billions of years not decades.

Its in no way a stable system.

"There are reports that the earth has existed long before man "

You mean billions of facts, not reports.

"Histories of blach holes have been recorded"

Black holes have been found and there is a massive one in the center of almost every galaxy of the hundred billion galaxies out there.

The Sun is not big enough to create a black hole, it will become a red giant then a white dwarf and then still other stages.

" man will seize to exist"

When the sun goes red giant around 5 billion years from now, its not likey the earth will survive, but we have some time to figure it out if we survive other issues.


Active Member
I am a Creationist. I dont believe in large scale evolution.

Ok, CotW, I believe most of your posts are reasonable. But before I can determine how reasonable they are, I would like to know what definition of "evolution" are you using. So can you help me out here? What is your understanding of Evolution?

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
What I am saying is, science will never ever be able to explain absolute origins. Science will never be able to explain the origin of life and the origin of the universe. Never. We cannot used science to explain the origin of its own domain. Now, I have said this at least 5 times, and no one has responded to this.

If I can't prove your grandmother is a witch, that doesn't mean your grandmother is a saint.

In fact, your grandmother may still be a witch. The validity of that statement is not contingent upon my ability to prove it. And because I know you're going to utterly fail at grasping that analogy...

Even if you were right and science had a supposed disability to prove the origins of everything, that doesn't mean that Goddidit. The validity of evolution is not contingent upon science proving everything.


A Follower of Christ
If creationism is true, that would not necessarily tell us who God is, and what his agenda are.

Agreed, but it would focus the discussion on "who" the creator is. That would be a good thing. As a Christian, I am continually searching scripture and reading about other "religions" and "philosophies" to understand my Christianity and why I believe it. I believe that God wants us to understand these things, And, No, I can't explain why it is such a mystery, except to say "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8 NRSV)
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Call of the Wild, it's become obvious that our conversation is going nowhere. You're not going to be able to convince me of your position, and I'm not going to be able to convince you of my position. We're just saying the same things over and over. So, to keep this conversation going, let's switch it up a bit. If you would be so kind, please answer us a question: in Genesis, the bible says that god made each animal, etc, after it's own 'kind'. Please explain to us what 'kind' is.


Well-Known Member
You assert that science, while having explained much about nature, will never be able to explain the origin of the universe and life using natural means. Your assertions, however, are based on nothing more than faith. And this is where ID comes in. ID is not used when science currently cannot explain something, but a crux theists use in order to attempt to falsify the findings of science because it contradicts one's faith. This is why it is illogical. Science has a much better track record of explaining things than the bible does. So, I prefer science over faith. I'd rather trust something that I can see and feel, rather than something that has refused to make itself known in a way that can be verifiable at least on the subjective level.

Are you paying attention?? What part of SCIENCE CAN NOT BE USED TO EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN OF ITS OWN DOMAIN aren't you understanding? Can you explain the origins of yourself by using yourself, or do you have to postulate an external cause (your parents). This is the same thing with the universe, it began to exist so an external cause is absolutely necessarry.

This article is basically saying "given the right amount of time, anything can happen". That is basically what it boils down to. That is the naturalists God, the God of time.

As it has been pointed out to you at least a dozen times on this thread, there is a huge difference between what's living and what's not. This may not make sense to you, but scientifically, it's huge.

You are right, there is a huge difference, but the matter that made life wasn't always "alive". It "became" alive.

You've shown the "research" you've done. You've stated on this thread, at least twice, the oft-repeated mantra of creationists that says evolution teaches that man evolved from apes, which is patently false. Evolution states that man and apes share a common ancestor.

So if man didnt always exist, it had to come from somewhere, right? So, OBVIOUSLY, man came from an entity that wasn't a man!!!! This is evolution!!! So what are you talking about??

You've also shown your "research" into astronomy, by stating that there are only eight known planets, when there have been dozens of extra-solar planets discovered.

Um, there are 8 planets in our solar system. All the other planets are dwarf planets. But either way, planets are irrelevant to the discussion.

You have also shown your "research" by saying that man is made of dirt, which is a bible teaching, but science has shown that man is made up primarily of water. So, pardon me if I don't place any stock in your "research".

First of all, if a human dies in a field and decomposes, the body will eventually turn to dust. Second, if it turns to dust, it has to be made at least made up of dust, and this can happen even though the body consist of water. Mud is the combination of dirt and water. If the mud can consist of dirt and water, then so can the body.

Dogs make dogs, cats make cats. They also sometimes produce genetic mutations that, over time, change into a new species. And, there is evidence that evolution is still happening. However, that you'll accept is, is not likely, as religious faith doesn't allow for that.

But the new species will still be a dog, and that is my only point. A new kind of animal isn't created, but a new species is.

Before you have evolution, you have to have life. No one is disputing this. What you are suggesting, however, is that evolution did not happen because life came from a higher power. Many theists believe life was created by a higher power, and then set evolution in motion. And what I find humorous in this statement, is that you say that man has not created anything more complex than a single cell, yet you use man's creation of the space shuttle as proof of ID. The irony is, illuminating.

Are you missing the point on purpose? Even if there are theists out there that believe God set evolution in motion, this is still Intelligent Design. Second, I use mans creation of the space shuttle to make the point of, if we can recognize intelligent design when it comes to complex things like space shuttles and airplanes, then how can we not recognize intelligent design when it comes to cells and dna, which are wayyyy more complex than space shuttles and airplanes.

This makes absolutely no sense. I don't even know how to respond to this. There's no logical-ness to it at all.

Are you freakin serious??? So lets see how my logical thinking is. Lets say I asked you to explain the origins of your computer. But here is the catch, you are prohibited from using any entity outside of the computer. You have to explain its origins by using just the computer alone. You have to use the computer to explain the origin of its own being. Can you do this? I will let you think about this before i say anything more, sense you are making it seem as if i am making no sense. Lets see you answer this question. And to the other thing you said, yes, all of the alledged evidence could mean common designer. You cant prove it otherwise, so you are in no position to say what happened or what didnt happen. You accept by faith that life came from nonlife, and you have no evidence of this whatsoever.

Improbability does not mean impossibility. The chances of someone picking the right lottery numbers in the Powerball jackpot are astronomical, but it still happens.

This lottery business is not a good analogy. In the case of winning the lottery, everyone has an equal chance to win. In the case of the universe, the outcome is specified. For example, lets say that for 10 consecutive years, the winners of the lottery just happen to have mafia connections. That is specifed. Sure, everyone had the same chance of winning, but it is even more improbable that the last ten winners just happen to have mafia connections.

No, I don't base my acceptance of evolution and that science will one day be able to naturally explain origins by "negating it's competitor". I base it on the fact that science has always explained everything thus far by naturalistic means. The fact that god is not observed, can not be observed, and has not shown him/her/itself, is just a byproduct. Science proves itself, it shows itself for what it is, while your god does not.

We are not talking about absolute origins. So far, no man has been able to explain how life could have arose naturalistically. Why was nature able to do something blind and unguided that humans, who are not blind and have intelligent, were not able to do?
I never said there was no evidence. We know what had to have happened. We know the conditions which were necessary for it to have happened. Now, there are several hypothesis that are currently being tested to figure out the details. No faith required. I had faith for 30 years, until I realized how useless it is. Science doesn't require faith, and I have no use for it.

You have faith that life can come from nonlife. This has not be scientifically proven, and you still believe it. This is faith!!! You just admitted that there is no evidence for it as of yet, but you still believe that it occurred. This is an example of faith. The problem is, you are trying to distant yourself from religious implications so much that you dont realize that the word "faith" doesn't have to be exclusively used in religious terminology. All faith is, is "belief and trust". Thats it. But since the word is almost always used in religous format, you are trying to distance yourself from the word, when the word perfectly describes what is going on here. There is no evidence so far that life came from nonlife, but you believe it. You believe it without evidence. You are placing your trust in science even though there is lack of evidence. You are using faith. There is no way out of it.

It's only irrelevant to the one who has more to lose. There's nothing irrelevant in accepting something that has proven itself time and again (science) over something that cannot, or at the best, will not (god).

Once again, science cannot explain absolute origins. That has not been demonstrated time and time again. Science explains how things work, it doesnt explain the absolute origins of things. You dont seem to know the difference.

Like a broken record. Science always proves the bible wrong. It has in the past, it will in the future. I base my acceptance on the fact that science works. You base yours on something that doesn't.

Always? Like when?


Well-Known Member
Call of the Wild, it's become obvious that our conversation is going nowhere. You're not going to be able to convince me of your position, and I'm not going to be able to convince you of my position. We're just saying the same things over and over. So, to keep this conversation going, let's switch it up a bit. If you would be so kind, please answer us a question: in Genesis, the bible says that god made each animal, etc, after it's own 'kind'. Please explain to us what 'kind' is.

I believe "kind" in this sense means, he made dogs. Different variaties of dogs, but still, dogs. The same applies to cats. The same applies to bears. The same applies to insects. The same applies to birds. He also made them able to reproduce among themselves different species of their kind. That is what I think it means. This makes sense to me, because thats all anyone has ever observed. It isn't until you reach the point of evolutionary thinking that you conclude otherwise. But that isn't what has been observed by me, you, or anyone else.


I believe "kind" in this sense means, he made dogs. Different variaties of dogs, but still, dogs. The same applies to cats. The same applies to bears. The same applies to insects. The same applies to birds. He also made them able to reproduce among themselves different species of their kind. That is what I think it means. This makes sense to me, because thats all anyone has ever observed. It isn't until you reach the point of evolutionary thinking that you conclude otherwise. But that isn't what has been observed by me, you, or anyone else.

So, dog would be a 'kind'. Now, is a 'kind' just a dog, in general? Or is each different breed of dog a 'kind'? Or, to look at it in another way, would canine in general be a 'kind'?


Active Member
CotW said:
And here is what i find funny. If you had lived 500 years ago, and you were walking in a vast field in the middle of the night and from a distance, you seen a big object with lights shining from it, and you walked to it....and you see this vast object looks like something you never seen before. You walk inside it, and you see all of this complex machinery and computers and on the screen is a language that you dont understand. These computers have buttons that you can press, and whene you press it, it performs a certain tasks (such as one button, when you pressed it, the door closed) You never seen this before, yet, you would still recognize it as intelligent design. You wont think that it assembled itself, right? Now fast foward 500 years in to the future, we see cells and dna structures that are vastly more complex than the object you walked in (whatever it was you walked in). But for some reason, you dont believe that the more complex item you saw 500 years in the future is not intelligent design, but yet the item you saw 500 years in the past is?? Now why is this? Because the item you see in the future has theistic implications, and the item you saw in the past doesn't.
What absolute balderdash, if your scenario occurred 500 years ago, you would assume that goddidit, just as you do now. There is absolutely no way anyone from 500 years ago would assume that some unknown source created this thing? Just as you do now with things you don't understand, you would claim to all and sundry that goddidit.

Just something I read and liked:
Bertrand Russell ("One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision")
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Well-Known Member
... Me and my wife are two different genders with two different systems, yet, we are compatible. How would we ever get the compatibility if we started from bacteria and algae??
Oh, for heaven's sake. There never was an incompatibility to be overcome. But as I suspected, you haven't understood a word of the explanation, and still see an impassible problem where there is none.
So, you actually didnt provide an adequate answer for this. You started from small scale and then all of a sudden said "as it evovled", which is the biggest and longest fast forwarding concept I've ever seen.
You think I'm going to clog this forum with a full-length chapter on the evolution of reproductive systems in the Metazoa, which I'm supposed to write you for free? The information's all out there, C_o_t_W: get yourself an education.

OK, I know that won't happen. There's a name for understanding something too poorly to realise how poorly you understand it; but the condition has the huge consolation of rendering you, in your own head, invincible. No-one can out-argue you if you take care never to understand their arguments.


Well-Known Member
Just as Great Danes and Chihuahuas share a common ancestor which was neither a Great Dane or a Chihuahua, cats, dogs, bears and other carnivores can share a common ancestor which was neither a cat, a dog, a bear or any other type of animal we know today. The fact that cats, dogs, and bears didn't exist 50 million years ago while miacids, which share traits with all of these, did makes common descent through evolution a scientific theory supported by evidence.

But the Great Danes and Chihcuahuas should have the same common ancestor of a dog. To postulate anything beyond this is to leave science and resort to faith and religion.