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What if it was created by God to evolve?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Adaptation / evolution has played a role in many lifeforms we see. And the evidence supports this.

But was there a UCA (Universal Common Ancestor)? What does the fossil record show? It shows, especially in the Cambrian, many species appearing at once, with no obvious links to previous ones.

That’s why Stephen Jay Gould & others lamented the evidence that the fossil record presented.

Look it up. (Preferably from non-biased sites.)
The Cambrian "explosion," post mass extinction, did not happen quite so rapidly as "at once" would imply. It covered millions of years. It was one of Gould's rapid, 'punctuated' radiations into the many, new niches that opened up.

Fossils of small, single-celled, colony, or soft-bodied organisms often don't fossilize as well as the later, larger, "harder" organisms that appeared in the Cambrian. Population density and taxonomic relationships are, understandably, tricky.

Organisms can persist for long periods, with little change, particularly in stable habitats. New features, though, like shells, skeletons, circulation or notocords, can spread rapidly through populations once they appear.
I'm reminded of the sudden, rapid spread of the simple -- and presumably obvious -- wheels on luggage, after centuries of plain boxes and bags.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I find it remarkable that, while scientists declare there is a "Common Ancestor" among the "apes," of course in which they include the human race, they have not found that "common ancestor."


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That scientifically designated "common ancestor" among the apes (of which they include humans, of course) has not been found and therefore it's notated as the "UNKNOWN COMMON ANCESTOR." (UCA) Yet they 'know' that gorillas, chimpanzees, and others have "evolved" from this "UCA." Which they have not found as of yet.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
That scientifically designated "common ancestor" among the apes (of which they include humans, of course) has not been found and therefore it's notated as the "UNKNOWN COMMON ANCESTOR." (UCA) Yet they 'know' that gorillas, chimpanzees, and others have "evolved" from this "UCA." Which they have not found as of yet.
Oh good. You posted it again. And a good thing you did.

Since you did, even though your posts lacked any citation, I'm now convinced that evolution is a hoax and that Goddidit.

Thank you for setting me straight.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I'll just leave this here...

(Yeah, leave it there...)
I read it and it leaves open so many questions, such as: THIS they think was the "Common Ancestor"? Beyond conjecture, what EVIDENCE (science-minded one likely forbid the word proof is used here...) is there? The chimpanzees, gorillas -- are any of these viewed as mutating to another whatever? (species -- group -- whatever you want to call them). Not enough time to observe? (What a joke it is...and truly a waste of human time and resources to try to figure it out "scientifically," that is...) That is what these discussions have helped me to conclude.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Oh good. You posted it again. And a good thing you did.

Since you did, even though your posts lacked any citation, I'm now convinced that evolution is a hoax and that Goddidit.

Thank you for setting me straight.
Nope, you have that wrong and obviously got the wrong meaning. But! if you believe that the skull indicates THE COMMON APE ANCESTOR -- go for it. It doesn't mean your conclusion. Hey, have a good one and hope your intellectual conclusions are better than that in the future. Bye for now...


Veteran Member
Why not? Don't you think God could make humans with naturally high maturity and vastly better behaved? Or does God want many humans to cause trouble for the rest, but for what reason? How about God not creating humans with mental illness? What purpose does mental illness serve humanity? This is your God, you tell me. You are very good at trying to make excuses for God, but God is in control of everything that exists, including mature and mentally stable humans, or he isn't.

God could give wisdom to humans and usually does through the teaching they get as they are growing up, but not everyone chooses the best path.
And it is a matter of choice, or we become less than human.

Oddly believers can't explain why they believe in a God. Why aren't you a Hindu? Or Muslim? What you think you "trust" about a God depends what you were told to believe. All quite arbitrary.

It seems true to me.

So you are asserting that atheists' lives are sh*t?

Yes and no. Atheists aren't the only ones suffering. Wasn't it Buddha who made a whole religion around suffering and why we suffer and how to not suffer, free ourselves from the wheel of birth, suffering, death. (Birth, sh*t lives, die)
There is more than that however and it is not a matter of struggling to free ourselves.

Let's note that everything you list here is dogma, not factual. There is nothing to suggest any of your list of promises are true and real. So I would argue that those who need to believe in these absurd promises from a God not known to exist might need a hobby. To be absorbed in this level of fantasy and think it is real is beyond me. No theists has been able to argue that any of this is real and true, it is just dogma that has been accepted by non-rational thinking.

Yes I know you don't believe it.

That's called confirmation bias. Facts are demonstrable, not things we just decide are facts so we can justify belief. If you want something in the Bible to be true you will use non-reasoning and no facts, and find out you are correct anyway. Critical thinkers avoid this completely because they follow facts to sound conclusions.

I meant that when there is something that seems to contradict the Bible but I see it as fact, I also still want my faith to be true.
But yes I know your faith is in your critical thinking and you will follow that the conclusions that critical thinkers end up at.
It's not hard to be a critical thinker and to even end up in the same place without having thought about it at all.
It's easy to decide to believe only those things that science says are probably true. There is nothing special about it.

Religion is non-factual for a reason. Believers don't use reason to make their conclusions for a reason. That is why believers claim faith as their means to decide what is true. The dilemma is that faith is unreliable and arbitrary. So believers don't seek truth, they find dogma.

So much for critical thinking. You don't know that religion is non factual.
You also don't seem to realise that religious people use reason to make conclusions and as part of coming to belief.
But we don't start off denying the supernatural and God because science has not discovered either and tested them.
Critical thinking seems to be a path of safety to a predictable end and it is wide and anyone who is not looking for a God finds it without effort.

They were created with the genes that cause the cancer, so your God is on the hook. Sorry. It's your claim that your God is the creator, deal with it.

Yes and God allows children to die of cancer and allows children to be raped repeatedly by their loving parents.
I have dealt with it and still trust God for the long term good in what He is doing.

Believers have the option to abandon irrational belief.

Believers have the option to not abondon their beliefs.
You also have options that do not entail the dogmas of critical thinking and it's inevitable end point.

God was to blame. These OT stories no doubt confuse the Christian who is told God is loving.

It can be confusing but it also can lead to a deeper understanding of God.

I suggest self-reliance rather than gambling on a God that isn't likely to exist as you imagine it.

Of course you either suggest self reliance or reliance on friends or professional help etc. We are all human and we all need to rely on a variety of things, and I rely on God and His Son Jesus also, and you give that a miss.

This is an emotional appeal, not true statements. Notice you offer not a single error in the arguments of skeptics. Nor do you explain how Faithful thinking is reliable, factual, and true, you only make a false criticism. And what makes your assessment of my life being in denial and hopless? Do you not see how desperate and angry you sound? I don't care what you believe, where are your facts and coherent argument that inform us that you are correct in your beliefs?

So you want me to point out errors but do not see criticism as doing that.
Wanting science to lead you to the truth about spirits, which science cannot find or test, it not rational imo.
Wanting to ignore the many witnesses to the supernatural is not rational imo.
Basically you have all the information you need and don't need any more from me, so you can tell me how ridiculous it is and that Occam and his razor would have something to say about those things. But really it is just you and your razor.

I'm using your claims about God to make sense of what we observe around us. If that disturbs you then create a better God that isn't responsible for creating what exists, and how things are.

I'm not interested in making up a God because of my insecurities about the real God.

Go ahead. But use facts, and exlpain how what you claim makes sense in reality.

Reality needs faith to see and comprehend it imo.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
(Yeah, leave it there...)
I read it and it leaves open so many questions, such as: THIS they think was the "Common Ancestor"? Beyond conjecture, what EVIDENCE (science-minded one likely forbid the word proof is used here...) is there?
The skull, various jaw fragments and teeth. Just because evidence is limited doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The chimpanzees, gorillas -- are any of these viewed as mutating to another whatever? (species -- group -- whatever you want to call them).
Chimpanzees and gorillas are the current result, just as humans are. And all are continuing to evolve.

Not enough time to observe? (What a joke it is...and truly a waste of human time and resources to try to figure it out "scientifically," that is...) That is what these discussions have helped me to conclude.
I'm sorry you think discovery, research and learning are a waste of time. But given that mindset, it's probably best go back to trusting a book that has no verifiable sources and making your way through threads to propagate your unfounded opinions based on it.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Nope, you have that wrong and obviously got the wrong meaning.
That evolution is a hoax and that Goddidit?

But! if you believe that the skull indicates THE COMMON APE ANCESTOR -- go for it.
Thank you for your blessing.

It doesn't mean your conclusion.
You didn't finish. My conclusion what?

Hey, have a good one and hope your intellectual conclusions are better than that in the future. Bye for now...
You're leaving? I thought we were just getting to the good stuff.

Or maybe I just have abandonment issues.


Veteran Member
You're just preaching -- from an unsupported premise that God exists.
First, justify your premise, then we can discuss its corollaries.

The universe exists and needed a creator and designer.
Life exists and needed a life giver.
Plenty of people have experienced the supernatural and miracles from God.
You don't believe these things so why would you believe the description of God in the Bible.

What are some of these errors?
How are you defining this "faith?" How can it lead to any sort of rational conclusion?

Ignoring witness reports of the supernatural is an error. If it is rational to not ignore these and to conclude that they were real and to believe in the same God and trust Him, that is my faith and how it is rational.

The Bible quite clearly and explicitly prescribes numerous actions that almost noöne would consider remotely just. I see no room for interpretation.

Of course but you have no faith in this God and the description of Him in the Bible and the long term good that is coming from all of God's decisions.
You see this God, if anything, as just on the level of any human.


Veteran Member
Before reïterating, explaining or interpreting a mythology, shouldn't the reality of the myth be established?
That would seem reasonable. Otherwise Christian mythology would be epistemically no different from Norse, Aztec, or Greek mythology.

Christianity is no different to leprechauns, big foot, the lockness monster, aliens, invisible dragons in my garage, flying spaghetti monsters and anything else skeptics can dream up. But skeptics speak sh*t from the skeptic school of apologetics and faith in Jesus is beyond all that imo.


Veteran Member
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What if it was created by God to evolve? Does this mean we are all correct?
Let us suppose that God creates a cell with all of its amazing and cool machinery, which really is quite complex; and let us suppose that God starts with something very, very simple like a single celled cell that over a billion years has offspring with tiny differences that make them survive better or worse. Will God actually ignore it and let it go on its on or be actively involved? That depends on how interested God is in individuals. Therein lies the problem with the creationist mindset. An evolving cell comes from an uncaring God, which is the opposite of what the creationist seeks. They cannot accept a God who is not interested in 'Me' and my eternity. For them everything is ultimately about themselves, their comfort and seeing their loved ones after death. They seek to live, not to deny themselves. Thereby they err, but it is not the worst thing in the world to have flaws. Everyone has them. That's evolution.

The question is can Christianity work better without creationism. I don't know. What if Christianity isn't supposed to be all about the individual but is supposed to be about sacrifice and bettering the world for the next generation. Actually I think it is based on scripture, however there could be a little bit of mysticism about creation. There is grace for people to not know everything and to disagree. In that case Christians are mostly all doing a somewhat Ok but slow job, but that is the plan: God's will being done on the ground. That is the mystery of Christ: Christ in you the hope of glory. A tiny amount of faith can move mountains; and that is what Christians have been doing for the last 2000 years. They (along with others not just Christians) have been moving a mountain with tiny bits of goodness every day, every year, every century. Everybody: trinitarians, non-trinitarians, etc. Everybody who comes to the table in Jesus name not their own name is part of it. Just like Jesus says, a tiny bit can move a mountain. But Christians are a diverse group with young and old, men and women, bald and hairy. Maybe evolution is something not all of us can accept. Maybe some of us need to feel like God is personally interested in our lives? I don't know if that is so or if it is coddling a mental problem. Perhaps some of us need coffee and others need creationism in order to get the job done, but I want to know that the world will keep getting better. It helps me. At the end of centuries and the beginning of more centuries after thousands of years, what do you advise? I advise letting some believe in creationism and some not. Think of it as letting the wheat and tares grow up together. We don't have to pull the tares ahead of time nor decide who is wheat and who is tare.


Premium Member
Christianity is no different to leprechauns, big foot, the lockness monster, aliens, invisible dragons in my garage, flying spaghetti monsters and anything else skeptics can dream up. But skeptics speak sh*t from the skeptic school of apologetics and faith in Jesus is beyond all that imo.
You did not address the point of the post,


Premium Member
That scientifically designated "common ancestor" among the apes (of which they include humans, of course) has not been found and therefore it's notated as the "UNKNOWN COMMON ANCESTOR." (UCA) Yet they 'know' that gorillas, chimpanzees, and others have "evolved" from this "UCA." Which they have not found as of yet.
Your intentional ignorance and lack of knowledge of science remain appalling. Science does have many primate common ancestors of the primate lineage going back millions of years. Your choice to ignore the evidence is based on your ancient tribal agenda. Over the years many science references concerning what is known of primate lineage including human ancestry have been provided.

Trying to explain evolution in terms of 'missing links' to extreme religious conservatives is like explaining the evolution of the car beginning with the horse. Evolution is NOT a linear hierarchy with missing links.

For a layman's explanation:

What’s a “Missing Link”?​

While some still use the term, experts abhor it because it implies that life is a linear hierarchy

Paleontologists often prefer the term “transitional form” or “intermediate form,” because they imply that these species are parts of an ever-changing continuum. This isn’t just a matter of splitting hairs; terminology shapes our ideas and the way dramatic changes in the course of life are interpreted. Before (and even after) Darwin, naturalists sometimes saw species as part of a ranked hierarchy in which newer forms were somehow better than what came before. “Sloppy words lead to sloppy thinking,” as Pyenson says.

“In some sense, every species in a transitional form from its ancestor because it retains many ancestral traits but has enough unique traits to be a separate species,” Pobiner says. And given that every species alive today has fossils related to its ancestry, that’s a lot of transitional fossils. More often, Pobiner says, “paleontologists often use this term when talking about larger anatomical or ecological shifts that occurred during the history of life.”

Not that "transitional form" is without its own problems. The phrase can sometimes inadvertently cast an evolutionary cousin as an ancestor through popular translation. But it at least highlights that the organism in question helps inform what paleontologists have identified as a major shift in life’s history.

Evolution is constantly branching out, and drawing outlines of descent—from one ancestor species to its direct descendant—is almost always impossible due to the incomplete nature of the fossil record. “I look at the natural geological record,” Darwin wrote, “as a history of the world imperfectly kept.” Relating strata to pages of a book, he continued: “Of this volume only here and there a short chapter has been preserved; and of each page, only here and there a few lines.”

Paleontologists know these lines well, for of all the life that ever existed only a fraction was preserved and an even smaller portion as yet found. What's truly amazing, then, is that we are able to detect major changes at all!
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Veteran Member
Adam and Eve only get judged for their sins. They had no idea what their sins would lead to and we also don't see what our sins can and have led to. They just saw something they wanted and believed the lies more than they believed God it seems.

That is not necessarily an ancient tribal view, but is a mistaken view that many people these days see when they read the Bible.

No I think we were always made to wear out. We are made of dust after all. It is just that after the fall, God refused to stop that wearing out process. The way to the Tree of Life was blocked.

God in Gen 3 says that someone was coming to crush the head of the serpent. That is long term, but I suppose that there was no revelation then of a resurrection or the full long term good for all people, which is presented later.
You dont "trust god".
You trust your own capacity to determine / choose
what beliefs about which god are true.

As such you are hardly the one to recommend others
open their eyes.
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Veteran Member
Your intentional ignorance and lack of knowledge of science remain appalling. Science does have many primate common ancestors of the primate lineage going back millions of years. Your choice to ignore the evidence is based on your ancient tribal agenda. Over the years many science references concerning what is known of primate lineage including human ancestry have been provided.
You dont have to keep providing a


Veteran Member
God could give wisdom to humans and usually does through the teaching they get as they are growing up, but not everyone chooses the best path.
And it is a matter of choice, or we become less than human.
Religions have a horrible track record for teaching humans. Even when it came to the post-Enlightenment era governments realized that religious governments were not workable, so secular governments were develped. So God (assuming any exist) could give humans wisdom, but doesn't. And as I noted, God could create humans more naturally mature and without mental illness, but doesn't. God could have created humans with more skepticism and less impulse to believe, but didn't. It's either an incompetent God, or it doesn't exist.
It seems true to me.
Yet you can't explain how it IS true. This is why rational minds reject religious claims.
Yes and no. Atheists aren't the only ones suffering. Wasn't it Buddha who made a whole religion around suffering and why we suffer and how to not suffer, free ourselves from the wheel of birth, suffering, death. (Birth, sh*t lives, die)
There is more than that however and it is not a matter of struggling to free ourselves.
Buddha observed suffering, and realized Hinduism did not explain this, so did introspective practices to understand what is going on with the human condition. He did quite well. He developed methods for the mind to manage itself. I suggest you read up on what he realized about facing fear rather than allowing fear to motivate people to seek belief.
I meant that when there is something that seems to contradict the Bible but I see it as fact, I also still want my faith to be true.
Why? Why need faith at all? Who told you you needed faith, and why did you believe them?
But yes I know your faith is in your critical thinking and you will follow that the conclusions that critical thinkers end up at.
No faith needed for critical thinking, the results are demonstrable and true. You only need faith when you want unreliable and non-rational beliefs. If you don't seek truth, use faith.
It's not hard to be a critical thinker and to even end up in the same place without having thought about it at all.
It's not hard once you learn the skill. And you need to be committed to seeking truth, not belief. I don't see you using critical thinking, and don't see you having the skill. You admit to using faith and believing in ideas that are not demonstrable true or plausible.
It's easy to decide to believe only those things that science says are probably true. There is nothing special about it.
Look at your prejudicial attitude towards science. That "science says are probably true"? That's what religions do. Science follows facts and uses an objective method that offers results that are at or over 99.95% accurate. When believers have this degree of dismissal of science they do so because they fear science threatens their relgious belief. So your mind is aware that your religious beliefs are dubious, and that science threatens them, but instead of adjusting your religious belief you have disdain for science.
So much for critical thinking. You don't know that religion is non factual.
Yes we do, and so do you believers. We critical thinkers give you believers plent of opportunity to show us facts and coherent expanations, and you don't. Look at how you retreat into faith when you have no facts, and no reasoning. You know religions aren't factual. Do you think all the Hindu gods exist as a fact?
You also don't seem to realise that religious people use reason to make conclusions and as part of coming to belief.
Then they keep it a secret, as you do. If you are telling the truth here, show us. If you can't, then it is yet another false claim that illustrates you don't use reasoning.
But we don't start off denying the supernatural and God because science has not discovered either and tested them.
What is there to deny? Where is this suvernatural reality that is denied? No, we deny the claims that a superntural exists. Why? No evidence. What does science have to do with believers using sloppy thinking? Let's note this is why religious indoctrination is acceptable, because if you wait to introduce irrational ideas to 18 year olds they are likely to have developed some reasoning skill and know enough to be skeptical. But adults indoctrinate children to get their religious ideas (not the ideas of other religions) integrated into their minds so they are less likely to think through what they are being told.
Critical thinking seems to be a path of safety to a predictable end and it is wide and anyone who is not looking for a God finds it without effort.
False yet again. Reasoning skill allows a person to understand what is true about how things are. You are trying to frame it as a bad thing, which again shows your fear of what our minds can determine what is real and true versus belief.

This illustrates the trap that belief creates in unskilled minds. You are committed to your religious dogma, are afraid of what you might be without it, so have to denigrate science and reasoning to justify your prejudice.
Yes and God allows children to die of cancer and allows children to be raped repeatedly by their loving parents.
I have dealt with it and still trust God for the long term good in what He is doing.
The Manson Family members trusted Charlie. I suspect your religious indoctrination is so deep that you can't see the problem it causes you. Why can't you think for yourself, and reject religion? Do you think you are incapable of living without a religious framework? Is that fearful?
Believers have the option to not abondon their beliefs.
But what is the purpose and utility of such belief when it creates conflist with reasoning, science, and what can be understood about reality?
You also have options that do not entail the dogmas of critical thinking and it's inevitable end point.
See how you are admitting what religion is and how bad it is? You are projecting the dogma of religion onto critical thinking because you know dogma is not truth. Surely you are feeling the cognitive dissonance of the reliability of critical thinking to religious faith, and all you can do its try to denigrate reasoning. Notice you can't argue for why religious faith is superior, or even valid and true. You understand at some level that you have backed yourself into a corner. Can you accept it consciously?
It can be confusing but it also can lead to a deeper understanding of God.
This is a claim, explain how this is true. And be sure to demonstrate that a God exists in reality, and not just your imagination.
Of course you either suggest self reliance or reliance on friends or professional help etc. We are all human and we all need to rely on a variety of things, and I rely on God and His Son Jesus also, and you give that a miss.
Why believe in a myth? Are christians so deep in their distress and misery that they need to live every day lost in this illusion?
So you want me to point out errors but do not see criticism as doing that.
My criticism reveals your errors of thinking, but do you acknoweldge the errors?
Wanting science to lead you to the truth about spirits, which science cannot find or test, it not rational imo.
Then how do you know they exist? Guesswork? Faith? Self-deception? Being duped by others? Some other unreliable method?
Wanting to ignore the many witnesses to the supernatural is not rational imo.
Why assume they are witnesses? If they are being truthful why can't you witness the supernatual? Is it possible you are buying into false claims by ignorant people from the primitive past?
Basically you have all the information you need and don't need any more from me, so you can tell me how ridiculous it is and that Occam and his razor would have something to say about those things. But really it is just you and your razor.
You seem frustrated that you lack facts and evidence for your beliefs and can't offer any arguments for what you believe. Not my problem, it's your belief. If you can't explain how your beleifs are true to others how did you end up with them at all?
I'm not interested in making up a God because of my insecurities about the real God.
Can you prove it is real outside of your imagination? Real means you can do this. If you can't, then you made a false claim, and you should ask yourself why you are being deceptive. It isn't fooling me, so who is it trying to fool?
Reality needs faith to see and comprehend it imo.
Bad opinion since faith is unreliable, and we use our senses and instruments to acknowldge what is true. I suspect you are telling yourself you need faith because there is no way for you to determine if a God exists, so have to rely on an unreliable and self-deceptive method: faith. That is why reasoning rejects faith, it is not accurate or reliable, yet that is all you have. Quite a tightrope you walk.


Veteran Member
What if the universe and everything it contains, along with our memories of having lived our entire lives, was created Last Thursday by the invisible extra-dimensional unicorn?

"what if" questions are useless unless you have at least a spec of evidence to justify the question.
"To justify the question" is an excellent phrase. Thank you for that.