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What if we accepted each others Religion?

Dao Hao Now

Active Member
You completely misinterpreted what I was saying
Perhaps you could clarify it for me then?

but thank you for explaining why you have been so critical of the Baha'i Faith on this thread.
Here you are misinterpreting me.
I was critical of the individual posters unrealistic contradictory reasoning, and pointed out specifically where it occurred.
I don’t presume him to be representing the Baha’i faith in any official capacity, but as espousing his individual reasoning.
It’s that reasoning I was criticizing.

If that unrealistic and contradictory reasoning is a result of believing in the Baha’i faith, then yes, it may well reflect on it as well as result.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Here we go with the equivocation and obfuscation again.

When you say you “accept” their religions, founders, and holy books…
Do you mean you acknowledge them and feel there are one of many prophets and their books contain wisdom that may benefit you along with others?

Or do you mean it the same way they do?
Do you “accept” Jesus as the promised messiah and acknowledge him as your lord and savior and “accept” that only through him will you be able to enter heaven?
Do you “accept” the Bible as the inerrant and/or inspired word of God?
Do you “accept” Muhammad as Allah’s final prophet?
Do you “accept” the Quran to be the literal words of Allah spoken through Muhammad?
I accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and the Bible as the Word of God
I accept Muhammad as the Prophet of God and the Quran as the Word of God

Muslims await the Imam Mahdi and the Second Coming of Christ after Muhammad and I believe that also.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And accept that only through him will you be able to enter heaven?

You accept him as the last prophet of God?
We accept Muhammad as the last Prophet of the Prophetic cycle. It is clearly stated in the Quran He is the seal of the Prophets not the seal of the Messengers. The Messengers are Ones Who bring a new Revelation, the Prophets are those Who prophecy and warn. Muhammad was the last of those Who prophesied. After Him came the fulfilment of the prophecies, the Day of God when all the prophecies are being fulfilled.


and thy LORD shall come, and the angels rank by rank; and hell, on that day, shall be brought nigh: on that day shall man call to remembrance his evil deeds;

By Lord is meant Baha’u’llah the latest Manifestation of God

The Quran further states 31:27

If all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean ˹were ink˺, refilled by seven other oceans, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.

This explains that the Words of God such as the Bible and Quran, the Revelations of God will never cease.

Because Muslims have listened to their scholars and clergy they have been led astray.

When God sent forth His Prophet Muḥammad, on that day the termination of the prophetic cycle was foreordained in the knowledge of God. Yea, that promise hath indeed come true and the decree of God hath been accomplished as He hath ordained. Assuredly we are today living in the Days of God. These are the glorious days on the like of which the sun hath never risen in the past. These are the days which the people in bygone times eagerly expected. (The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb, p. 161)


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
And accept that only through him will you be able to enter heaven?

You accept him as the last prophet of God?
We believe heaven is not a place but nearness to God. So we cannot become close to God except through His Prophets and Messengers. So if we do not accept Christ we forfeit heaven so to speak. But if we do not accept Him when He returns we will also lose heaven. Baha’is have accepted Christ both when He came the first time and when He returned.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe the best argument against accepting all religions is that if we agreed we would both be wrong.

Until someone can demonstrate that the Baha'i teachings in their totality are true there is no point calling for a pseudo acceptance of it in my view.

So either demonstrate the complete truth of all aspects of your religion or begone lol.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Individual freedom as compromised with social contract, which is personal responsibility and accountability.

Big words. How will you "weed out" extremists and dump them when they want to kill you? Write them letters? That ought to do it, thanks.

I've asked you Baha'i how you would remedy the global extremists and you have NO solution. Has it ever occurred to you that your idealism is unrealistic?

But you won't drop your anti-gay bigotry, so where is your virtue?
The Baha’i approach is through spiritual education. To view the entire human race as one’s family. This will take a long time. There are no quick fixes such as Christ coming in the sky waving a wand. It’s hard work.

You say our idealism is unrealistic yet the teachings of Baha’u’llah have led to the creation of the only world community in existence comprised of a cross section of the human race - all races, religions and nationalities operating under one world governance. How are we able to do that?

The world outside has big problems it just cannot seem to fix. Wars are increasing daily.

So Baha’u’llah’s plan for uniting humanity is working while your world is literally falling apart at the seams with religions, races and nations against one another. Why can we get along yet your world cannot?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You say our idealism is unrealistic yet the teachings of Baha’u’llah have led to the creation of the only world community in existence comprised of a cross section of the human race - all races, religions and nationalities operating under one world governance. How are we able to do that?
The same way Jehovah's Witnesses are able to do that - by converting people of other religions to your religion in my view.