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What If Your Country Becomes Islamic


Jesus in me
This is one of the reasons why I find forced conversions intolerable. And if you are born into a Muslim family and stop believing, what is your fate then?
My guess is that it would be execution by decapitation.

I believe the Roman Catholic Church was worse using torture and up until recently telling parishoners they would go to Hell if they entered a Protestant church.


Jesus in me
True, but who brought her into this state; herself, relatives, circumstances, system, society or what? i believe no woman or man want be like this.
I believe some women like to play dress up. The problem is that it is forced on women who don't like it.
If this lawyer is as extraordinary as you claim, why are her views not mainstream and where can you get her books? There are plenty of extraordinary claims by many people without credentials and even some cherry picked evidence for their opinions.

I find it interesting that you are quick to call atheists liars on the basis of an obscure book not made by an historian and then as quickly put up a defensive posture saying your time is also limited.

So what if Hitler considered himself Christian?

First - please do not misquote me. I never said Julie Seltzer Mandel was extraordinary - I said she put together a piece of extraordinary writting. Stick to what I say.

Now, whether her 'views' are or are not mainstream is entirely irrelevant to the issue of whether those views are actually correct. And when you say 'mainstream' - what exactly do you mean? It goes without saying that such a dry subject, which pertains to Hitlers spiritual beliefs or his desire to extirpate the Church, isn't really a topic that is of much interest to the wider public, certainly in the modern age. In any case, at the time of the release of this quite revealing and damning piece of literature, the media did widely report it - it was in-fact bbc coverage which brought it to my own personal attention. So it did get quite a bit of attention actually so your assertion that it was 'obscure' is puzzling as is your eagerness to so glibly brush off the relevance of something you clearly haven't read.

You point out the obviousness of the cherry pick - however, what Ms. Mandel did was not 'cherry pick' nor did she give a personal interpretation of what she found. No, in-fact she simply 'reported' on what was discovered from an extensive evidential analysis of recently declassified and or found evidence from the Nuremberg trial - merely collating it into a more readily digestable form. See, she did not offer her own views but rather, literally regurgitated the views and political initiatives held by Hitler and the Nazi's - policies which had been widely speculated on but never conclusively shown (although the leader of the 'Hitler youth', Baldur von Schirach, had always openly acknowledged that a major purpose of The Nazi's was to castrate the Church).

You can have your own opinion I do agree but you cannot have your own facts - and that is all that she presented - documented facts. The FACTS contained in this report were used to SOLIDLY show (note: not put forward the argument) that the destruction of Christianity was very much a desire held by Nazism - this is not so hard to believe seeing as they were competing and opposing ideolgies meaning Christianity was a direct impediment to the flourishing of the Nazi creed.

Therefore, if we consider the fact that Hitler had already started persecuting Christians, and after having consolidated power, began making explictly anti-Christian pronouncements - on top of the fact that we now know that one of the Nazi party end points was the extirpation of Christianity - means we can fairly say that Nazism cannot be considered akin to Christian properganda or that its ethos had not been discharged from the mouth of christendom as so many claim.

Nazism rejected Christianity and so it is for this reason, as well as the failure to find any basis for Nazism within Christian theology, which is why I felt I must reply to lies which tried to impinge Christianity as being a motivational force in the holocaust or of the Nazi ideology - and that is despite being an atheist/agnostic.

Christianity did not give birth to Nazism - this is what I argue - so for you to ask " who cares if Hitler was a Christian" strikes me as rather odd for it is you who decided to reply to my argument that Nazi's were not 'extreme' Christians and that, in fact, Nazism and Christianity are utterly divorced from each other. Why do you care?

It is you who seemed to disagree with my stance in your response and so I now put it to you to show exactly why you think Christianity can be evoked in the motivation and aims of Hitler and the Nazi party. I argue that to do so is a complete inversion of reality - over to you.

(And defensive posturing my arse - I was merely being polite in giving a heads up to the time it may take me to reply to comments due to limited internet access. Jesus)


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Yes, Hitler did not say that Jesus ordered himt ofight the people
Hitler did not findany talk of Gospel supporting wars
While childless Mehmet said his battles and for God
And Muslims
Be able to justify any war to refer to the Qur'an
And use the appropriate verses of the battle
In the Iran-Iraq war
Data were fighting Iraqi in the Qur'an:
Iranians were using the same method
That Khomein iwas awarded the keysof heaven to his soldiers
When they walk over minefields
War between Muslims
Iraq and Iran eight years
It hink Shiitesaspireto spread the concepts ofIslamic revolution
And the Sunni Muslim was an ambitious national mixes
By using religion and the Koran
In Iraq he was Muslim to Christian temptation even marry her
Are announce ment separation immediately
Although the Christian husband
This is the true Islam that we know
In Muslim countries allows for a Muslim to marry a Christian
The Christian can marry Muslim
Islamic law does not allow it
I am glad that you used the "key space " of your keyboard :) many times in this reply.

it'srecorded in history that Hilter used religious speech against Jews .

As i told you before there is no perfect nation history , I gave you the exemple of Hitler because you Christian.

there was preaching of Christianity over the history by good way (aid) and bad way (occupation)


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
...And yet again we see Moslems blatantly lying in a disgracful effort to show that their religion isn't so bad.

NO. Hitler's actions were NOT carried out in the name, nor the spirit, of Christianity - whilst he almost certainly was not a pious Catholic. At best, he could be considered a nominal one by virtue of birth however as we know, many reject the faith they were born into. IF we simply acquaint ourselves with the FACTS we come to see that Hitler had NO time for the church. In his initial pronouncements Hitler played to the audience, and so his early speeches can be seen to appeal to the Church, which manipulators like you seize on - but it is abundantly clear that in his early years Hitlers hedged his bets to garner support for his cause. But just like Moslems who claim they tolerate all religions, once Hitler (like Islam) became the boss he revealed his true intentions and so we saw him begin disbanding Chrisatian organisations, shutting down monasteries and sending priests to concentration camps - Christians began to be persecuted under Nazism because Christianity was a competing ideology, a barrier to Hitler accomplishing his grand design.

Given all that we know, Hitler was likely to not even have considered himself a Christian whilst he clearly did not carry out his atrocities in the name of the cross. If you read Mein Kamphf, Christianities teachings are literally divorced from it and he barely evokes religion in being his motivation save for one or two easily manipulated lines such as him carrying out "the lord's work".

The fact is that many serious academics believe Hitler was atheist and so no-one, let alone you, can claim to know otherwise and if you do you reveal your odious bias. In the end it does not matter because Hitlers actions directly opposed those of Christianities, there was no fair evocation of the teachings of Jesus in what he did whereas a Group like ISIS show a completely fair interpretation of, not only Islamic scripture, but also the actions of Muhammad.

ISIS are a very FAIR reflection of Islamic theology whilst Nazism is nothing like Christianity. I'll debate you on this fact if you like?

So, whilst any serious debater knows Hitler was not propergating Christanity and Nazism cannot be considered to be extreme Christianity we DO know that the Islamic worlds most influential figure at the time, the Grand Mufi of Egypt slavaciously endorsed Hitler's actions whilst we also know that the Islamic world have tried to bring about the next holocaust on numerous occassions whilst, in 2014, it is only Islam which still harbours dreams of their destruction - as mandated in the KORAN.

So in conclusion - yet again we have a prime example of the double standards Moslems peddle, using deceptive tactics to shape a narrative that doesn't exist to simply deflect attention from the threat of Islam in 2014.

I find it deeply distatsteful that you would dare lie about such a tragic aspect of human history to push your own agenda.
can you mention where i lying !!!! I know it from Internet that Hilter used religion speech (argument) to eliminat his enemy , especially the Jews

I Quote some from WIKI:
And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God. (p. 174)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. (p. 65)His [the Jewish person's] life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took to the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In retum, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties — and this against their own nation. (p. 307)


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
can you mention where i lying !!!! I know it from Internet that Hilter used religion speech (argument) to eliminat his enemy , especially the Jews

I Quote some from WIKI:
And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God. (p. 174)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. (p. 65)His [the Jewish person's] life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took to the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In retum, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties — and this against their own nation. (p. 307)

This doesn't prove he was Christian. It proves, rather, that he was talking to Christians.


Well-Known Member
Why do you care?

Well you did say atheists lie about Hitler's religion when it is a matter of debate in the academia. Otherwise we would not be having this discussion and certainly not in this tone.

Whether Hitler was Christian or not, he built on a that base and found his support there originally. The Nazis were reprinting the antisemitic works of Martin Luther which called for persecution of Jews, especially "On the Jews and Their Lies". It's a disgusting book not worth a read, but the Wikipedia article on Luther's book should be enough to tell you where Hitler's ideas originated from:

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of Hitler's views coincided with conservative Christians of his day including his hate for modern science. The party line wanted "Darwinism" out going so far as to burn books. Hitler also didn't trust atheists and when he came to power he banned most atheist organizations in the country.

Even dry topics such as what Hitler believed have been researched and debated for decades. Amateur findings shouldn't be regarded as the truth even if you want it to be so or if it was picked up as news by Reuters. There is always a new book out on Hitler and what he said by amateurs who have stumbled on a piece of the puzzle and want to give their interpretation on it.
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Well you did say atheists lie about Hitler's religion when it is a matter of debate in the academia. Otherwise we would not be having this discussion and certainly not in this tone.

Whether Hitler was Christian or not, he built on a that base and found his support there originally. The Nazis were reprinting the antisemitic works of Martin Luther which called for persecution of Jews, especially "On the Jews and Their Lies". It's a disgusting book not worth a read, but the Wikipedia article on Luther's book should be enough to tell you where Hitler's ideas originated from:

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of Hitler's views coincided with conservative Christians of his day including his hate for modern science. The party line wanted "Darwinism" out going so far as to burn books. Hitler also didn't trust atheists and when he came to power he banned most atheist organizations in the country.

Even dry topics such as what Hitler believed have been researched and debated for decades. Amateur findings shouldn't be regarded as the truth even if you want it to be so or if it was picked up as news by Reuters. There is always a new book out on Hitler and what he said by amateurs who have stumbled on a piece of the puzzle and want to give their interpretation on it.

Yes, Hitler did vehmently attack Atheists, you are quite right - and it shouldn't take much consideration to realise why. Simply put, at the time (post 1st world war) the ideas of Marxism were gaining much interets, lest of all in a thoroughly demoralised and bankrupt Germany. Communism was a world view which, like Christianity (which already had a potent German base which Hitler exploited as you allude to), was clearly an imminent threat to his future power and masterplan. You may or may not agree, but Communism and Atheism are intimately related, certainly at this time, and so it was this godlessness that Hitler saw as a weakness and therfore an opportunity to exploit, discredit and smear in full view of a still somewhat spiritual German people. This exploitation goes hand in hand with his contradictory comments on Christianity although Hitler was well aware that in the beginning he needed the church on his side which also helps us understand his pro-Christian comments in his embryonic stage.
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can you mention where i lying !!!! I know it from Internet that Hilter used religion speech (argument) to eliminat his enemy , especially the Jews

I Quote some from WIKI:
And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God. (p. 174)

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. (p. 65)His [the Jewish person's] life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jewish people, and when necessary he even took to the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In retum, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties — and this against their own nation. (p. 307)

This is not an argument at all - you are cherry picking quotes whilst giving short shrift to the context. As a Moslem you should know all about the importance of 'context' and the lies of the misquote right?

See I can do this..........

"the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.”

“But Christianity is an invention of sick brains : one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A negro with his tabus is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation.”

“Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it’s the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries.”

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them."

“Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.”

...guess who said that....??......

You are not putting together an argument at all but regardless - you need to show the textual basis and evidence for Nazism in Christian scripture - see, I can easily do this with ISIS. ISIS clearly act in a way that mirrors Muhammad and they quote (note: they do NOT misquote) the Koran implictly. In anycase, as I have said, Nazism sought to obliterate Christianity which makes a mockery of your claims - claims Moslems love to make in order to deflect from the death and destruction your faith actively promotes in 2014.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I am glad that you used the "key space " of your keyboard :) many times in this reply.

it'srecorded in history that Hilter used religious speech against Jews .

As i told you before there is no perfect nation history , I gave you the exemple of Hitler because you Christian.

there was preaching of Christianity over the history by good way (aid) and bad way (occupation)
You are wrong-.
Christian preac her not any word s to fight or kill or hate-
I'm not emploied Net Book-only-
I use my mind as well-.
The Christian faith is not complete
But I really hate the Jewish.
And don'tcall him
beacuse the Christian faith asks me to respect Jewish
Because Jesus was a Jew originally also
This thinking and personal belief.
Because ofHitler'shatredto the Jewsare
1. they refused to participate in war
And also did not help Hitler in his ambitions
2. impact of the Islamic scholar Al-Husseini
Who promised to help Hitler
And indeed, the signs of cooperation between Hitler and the Arabs were in the Iraqi Revolution
And that her tomb was quickly
3. go to any Temple Christian or Jew
There is no religious message to kill or fight
4. in my childhood was our House is adjacent to a mosque
I could hear from the speakers Friday sermon
And where the curses and calls on Jews and Christians and support them-.
5. George w. Bush entered the Iraq war
But it did not justify one of Gospel supporting that war of the Gospel
Therefore, the income of war under the cover of democracy
Note that the US military entered Iraq was a mix of Muslims, Christians and other religions
6. Hitler burning the Jews
Muhammad massacred Jews
The twometinalready??!?
What doyou sayaboutthis???Note

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
This is not an argument at all - you are cherry picking quotes whilst giving short shrift to the context. As a Moslem you should know all about the importance of 'context' and the lies of the misquote right?

See I can do this..........

"the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.”

“But Christianity is an invention of sick brains : one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A negro with his tabus is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation.”

“Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it’s the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries.”

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them."

“Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.”

...guess who said that....??......

You are not putting together an argument at all but regardless - you need to show the textual basis and evidence for Nazism in Christian scripture - see, I can easily do this with ISIS. ISIS clearly act in a way that mirrors Muhammad and they quote (note: they do NOT misquote) the Koran implictly. In anycase, as I have said, Nazism sought to obliterate Christianity which makes a mockery of your claims - claims Moslems love to make in order to deflect from the death and destruction your faith actively promotes in 2014.
I couldn't understand the full response-a.
But I understood him next--.
1. you think that Nazism is the logical response to the spread of communism
2. that's right
Communism is the idea offirst
The idea of nationalism and Nazism
And ideas are planning to take over the world
The collision happened between them
3. after Hitler's control over large areas of Europe
It collided with aspirations of Marxist communism
4. Christian also seeks to spread peace in the world
5. on the conflict great.-
Therefore, any Christian who believes in the power of Christianity automatically
6. the impact of Christianity on the world is not a negative impact
7. Christianity was able to disseminate the concepts and teachings of
She wasvery influentialin changinghuman morality
8. seeks to kill Christianity seeks to rule the barbaric and sexual ethics
This is what happens in the world
9. yeah right
There is an interpretation of the Gospel is, in my opinion is not true
The Christianis notto bea coward
ButChristianity is a religionof the brave
The right of defenceis notforbiddenin Christianity
11. Christianity continue to any offensive war
12. the Jewish religion as fantastic but there is its understanding of some of its teachings
Jewish and Christian teachings to humanity
Godon Earth-


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This doesn't prove he was Christian. It proves, rather, that he was talking to Christians.
you gotta be kiding .

but it's proved that The Christians taking/listen to his speech seriouslly and start slaying the Jews ?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
This is not an argument at all - you are cherry picking quotes whilst giving short shrift to the context. As a Moslem you should know all about the importance of 'context' and the lies of the misquote right?

See I can do this..........

"the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.”

“But Christianity is an invention of sick brains : one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A negro with his tabus is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation.”

“Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it’s the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries.”

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them."

“Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.”

...guess who said that....??......

You are not putting together an argument at all but regardless - you need to show the textual basis and evidence for Nazism in Christian scripture - see, I can easily do this with ISIS. ISIS clearly act in a way that mirrors Muhammad and they quote (note: they do NOT misquote) the Koran implictly. In anycase, as I have said, Nazism sought to obliterate Christianity which makes a mockery of your claims - claims Moslems love to make in order to deflect from the death and destruction your faith actively promotes in 2014.
the truth is hurt sometimes .

accuatlly That's what your source said about this issue .

I said before ISIS (and other extremis groups in Iraq and Syria)=Nazi

both are sharing almost the same ideology (religious , politics ...etc)

the different is Nazi is racist ., and Nazi was regime supported by millions but ISIS is group thousands .

we the Muslims considere ISIS is our principale enemy because they represent fake Islam.

you can't deny that most Muslims in Iraq and Syria fighting ISIS and called for the help of West to airstrick them .


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
you gotta be kiding .

Of course I'm not. I'd offer the following to consider;
1) A convincing speaker adjusts to his audience, and there is NO DOUBT that Hitler was well aware of the beliefs of any audience he spoke to.
2) Hitler more often spoke of a Creator, providence, the Lord almighty, etc, than Christianity.
3) Hitler spoke in negative terms about Christianity increasingly as his power was secured.
4) Why the heck would I be motivated to suggest he might not have been Christian. I have no horse in the race, so to speak.

but it's proved that The Christians taking/listen to his speech seriouslly and start slaying the Jews ?

Christians amongst others, yep. What's that got to do with what I said though?

Consider his adjustment when talking with regards potential allies...

You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion [Islam] too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I couldn't understand the full response-a.
But I understood him next--.
1. you think that Nazism is the logical response to the spread of communism
2. that's right
Communism is the idea offirst
The idea of nationalism and Nazism
And ideas are planning to take over the world
The collision happened between them
3. after Hitler's control over large areas of Europe
It collided with aspirations of Marxist communism
4. Christian also seeks to spread peace in the world
5. on the conflict great.-
Therefore, any Christian who believes in the power of Christianity automatically
6. the impact of Christianity on the world is not a negative impact
7. Christianity was able to disseminate the concepts and teachings of
She wasvery influentialin changinghuman morality
8. seeks to kill Christianity seeks to rule the barbaric and sexual ethics
This is what happens in the world
9. yeah right
There is an interpretation of the Gospel is, in my opinion is not true
The Christianis notto bea coward
ButChristianity is a religionof the brave
The right of defenceis notforbiddenin Christianity
11. Christianity continue to any offensive war
12. the Jewish religion as fantastic but there is its understanding of some of its teachings
Jewish and Christian teachings to humanity
Godon Earth-

I am not wrong ,the Christianity preached that known.

you said "Christians faith not complete'' can you explain ?

BTW ,can the Christians decided stop using Torah with it's belong to Judiasm ?

How you hate the jewish and respect it at the same !!!?
it's this called double face .

for my opinion it's not about respect , it's about many otherfactures:

1-The ancents Christians decided to join/add the Torah (which is belong to Jewish faith) to their Books and called it OT .

2-Paul was enemy of Jesus (pbuh) ,he never saw Jesus(pbuh) ,become main speakor of Christianity .

3-reformation of Christianty to be more respect and work for Jewish agenda , which make Jews are chosen people forever and Jesus (pbuh) will come back to them again .

it's looks like the Master and Slave in PC, or follower and followed

Some Christians parties followed to Jewish .

that's what i thinks and know for this moment :)

for Imamas :
some Imams curse refer to the bad Jews and Christians whom killing the inncent Muslims ,yes it's their bad/wrong they speech generalized langauge.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) fought the Jews because they betriyed him (the contract) and tried to killed him before . it's was war time.

-Indeed Nazis burned (instead of bury) Jews to clean up the earth from them ,because they (Nazi) considere the Jews as disease .
Last edited:

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
the truth is hurt sometimes .

accuatlly That's what your source said about this issue .

I said before ISIS (and other extremis groups in Iraq and Syria)=Nazi

both are sharing almost the same ideology (religious , politics ...etc)

the different is Nazi is racist ., and Nazi was regime supported by millions but ISIS is group thousands .

we the Muslims considere ISIS is our principale enemy because they represent fake Islam.

you can't deny that most Muslims in Iraq and Syria fighting ISIS and called for the help of West to airstrick them .
Daashrepresenttrue Islam
Semiconductordaashrepeated inallIslamictimes
In using different names
In theWorld War Ikilling ofTurkish Muslim
And of the Kurdish tribes of more than 1 million Christian (Armenian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac)
In 1936, were massacred and expelled Christians in massacres through SMIL commands Bakr Sidqi, Prime Minister of Iraq in that time
In 1948 the currents slaughter Christians
Thisis the date on which the liveevents
In past time more of these incidents but did not talk about it because of the negative attitudes of the Eastern Church
I speak from the heart of these events
That all Islamic organizations daash used unified ideology
Is Islamic ideology
The pillars of this ideology is the Qur'aan and the ahaadeeth of Mohammedia
Islamic ideology colonial methods
I've moved this ideology
To non-Arabsinpast times
The Fatimids
Ottomans and Mongols also
Non-Arab Muslims
Findin Islamicideology
Best and cheap means of waging colonial wars, religious
There are 96 of the Qur'an
Help you fight a war with neighbors of Christians

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member

I am not wrong ,the Christianity preached that known.

you said "Christians faith not complete'' can you explain ?

BTW ,can the Christians decided stop using Torah with it's belong to Judiasm ?

How you hate the jewish and respect it at the same !!!?
it's this called double face .

for my opinion it's not about respect , it's about many otherfactures:

1-The ancents Christians decided to join/add the Torah (which is belong to Jewish faith) to their Books and called it OT .

2-Paul was enemy of Jesus (pbuh) ,he never saw Jesus(pbuh) ,become main speakor of Christianity .

3-reformation of Christianty to be more respect and work for Jewish agenda , which make Jews are chosen people forever and Jesus (pbuh) will come back to them again .

it's looks like the Master and Slave in PC, or follower and followed

Some Christians parties followed to Jewish .

that's what i thinks and know for this moment :)

for Imamas :
some Imams curse refer to the bad Jews and Christians whom killing the inncent Muslims ,yes it's their bad/wrong they speech generalized langauge.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) fought the Jews because they betriyed him (the contract) and tried to killed him before . it's was war time.

-Indeed Nazis burned (instead of bury) Jews to clean up the earth from them ,because they (Nazi) considere the Jews as disease .
1- I speak for myself
I knowthatthe Christianfaithis not complete
2- ا
The Christian believes that they are complementary to the Jewish religion
Christ said
(I came to fulfill the law)
Christianity is based on the Torahto prove that Jesusis God
The Savior is God
YeswhatPaul wasenemies ofChristians
But he said his faith in Christ
After that, Christ appeared to him on the way to Damascus
And Paul is not the first Jew who believes in Christ
TheJews wereone of the firstpeoplewho believeinJesus
Mary wasJewish
The name of Mary was given to women who serve the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem
Mary a Jewish Hebrew name
So I speak honestly full away
Any personal attitude
I respectthe Jewish.
YesI respectthe Jewish
For man
And that the right to lif6-
ImamMuslimdeclareswhat they believe
He believesin the next verse(withoutwrathon them
Not gone astray)
Is read this verse in all the prayers and the rak'ahs
Why the Jews magzub them
Why Christians gone astray
These words from the Qur'an 1400 years old
Muslims say and believe
Do you know the meaning of this hate
Impact on education and the attitude of the Muslims
Your words this does not justify slaughter 500 Jews in one day
The marriage of safiyyah Bint huyai one slaughtered
If Muhammad is the Messenger of Mercy as you say the rest were pardoned
Not a horrible slaughter that way
8. you declare you are tacit in equality between Muhammad and Hitler in this murder coder

Thank you


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
EDITED , for errors and add :

The turkish goverment said it's just fake story ,had no credibale .

1- I speak for myself

I knowthatthe Christianfaithis not complete

2- ?

The Christian believes that they are complementary to the Jewish religion

Christ said

(I came to fulfill the law)

Now you are contradict yourself , since Jesus(pbuh) , said "I came to fulfill"

and you believe that it's not fulfill . so ?

Christianity is based on the Torahto prove that Jesusis God

The Savior is God
the origine owners of Torah (the Jews) did not agree that Jesus (pbuh) is God?

Where is your repect to Jews faith in this case ?

YeswhatPaul wasenemies ofChristians

But he said his faith in Christ

After that, Christ appeared to him on the way to Damascus

ah , So Jesus (pbuh) met his top enemy Paul instead to met his followers!!!

Is not very possible Paul is big lair ; he just finish his job ?

how you explian there were many Authors of Gospels , the Church decide to chose just four Gospels and reject the rest?

Mary wasJewish

The name of Mary was given to women who serve the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem

Mary a Jewish Hebrew name

So I speak honestly full away

Any personal attitude

Then its accused by the adultery , so how you explain that the Jews did not punish her (the law punishement of adultery is jet by the stone in Judiasm ) ?

Is not because baby Jesus (pbuh) spoke to them, and defend for his mother, as God in the Quran said ?

I respectthe Jewish.

YesI respectthe Jewish

For man

And that the right to lif6-

I know why you respect to Jewish , can you plz tell us why you hate the Jewish ?

imamMuslimdeclareswhat they believe

He believesin the next verse(withoutwrathon them

Not gone astray)

Is read this verse in all the prayers and the rak'ahs

Why the Jews magzub them

Why Christians gone astray

These words from the Qur'an 1400 years old

Muslims say and believe

Do you know the meaning of this hate

Impact on education and the attitude of the Muslims

Your words this does not justify slaughter 500 Jews in one day

The marriage of safiyyah Bint huyai one slaughtered

If Muhammad is the Messenger of Mercy as you say the rest were pardoned

Not a horrible slaughter that way


8. you declare you are tacit in equality between Muhammad and Hitler in this murder coder

There is no Hate against non-Muslims , execept in some places like Iraq , because millions of Iraqis massacred by Bush family .

So the West which creat this hate .

so if you be honest more you should blame Bush family for your suffering and imigration .

Magzub for Jews, astray for Chrisians : that some scholars opinion, for my opinion it's logic explination.

for revenge from the Jews whom betrayed the Muslims :

it's known story ,

the sahaba whom revenge from the Jews for their betrayed .that's it.

SO Prophet heard that he said it's God punishment for what they did, the betrayers got what desever .and i'ts over

I guess you knew the story but intentionnaly avoid to tell it ?

God punished the bad Jews ,

- There is different between the revenge of Muslims for their betraying of somes Jews .

- and between the Nazis whom burned 6 millions Jews because they though that the Jews are disease , so i know that you hate the jewish, so Why you blame Hilter !!
Last edited:

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
who is theTurkish Government.?.
Before the truth-.??/
If you want personal information
I'm serious and mother killed Abu events
My grandparents left their village and their land and fled
Whic he verknows moreoryourhonestyin Turkish
Note that history says
That my ancestor shad fled to them ountainsto escape theMuslims
History of migrations because of Islam and Islamic terrorism

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
1-There is nocontradiction-.
I am a Christian
But my faith is not complete
This is an expression ofhonesty
I am man I'm not lying
The Jew ish wait for the Messiah
But a section of the Jews believed in Christ
The Mary and the disciples are Jews, Hebrews
This is no my inventions
This is a mind
Mary was Jewish and from the tribe of Daoud
Jews stoning of an adulteress
not charged Mary in adultery, stoning was punished
But the Qur'an here lies
Hateis not the teachings of Christianity
I learned from Christ not said I hated to anyone
And when I say I respect Jewish I'm honest in my
But ask any Muslim do you like Jewish
Ask the Quran
So know your teachings which teach hatred
Hate isinthe following words-.-
1. not wrath on them
Not gone astray
These words of the Qur'an
In the fivedaily prayers being said by Imam
And he is a Muslim
Wrathon themJews
And misguided Christians and Christian infidels like
Is this education peace education
He teach hatred
Islam teaches his followers to hate Jewish and Christian and agnostic
SafiyaBint huyaiJewishmurderers ofMohammed's wife
And he married his wife on the same day
7. Jewish slaughter was through a view
After negotiations
Beenmassacredafter beingconsulted
Omar and also one of the companions
Go to the Qur'an reasons wakraei
8-US President George w. Bush wants American interest
Came to Iraq through a formal invitation from the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
And Qatar and UAE
George Bush came to Iraq with Arab oil money
Came to Iraq for oil resources and strategic American interests
And if you know
The American skilled civilians in Iraq
No jettison of his home
Muslims did this
In Mosul and other
In akre and many Christian towns and villages
Bush came with the banner of democracy
But behind the logo was Iraqi Islamists
Logic says that there is no difference between Muhammad and Hitler
Hitler burning the Jews because they refused to take part in the war
Muhammad massacred the Jews because they did not believe in false toor
Hitler wasa military commander with nationalist thought
Muhammad was a military leader and Arab nationalist ideology holds an envelope to cover debt
Inlogica murderer