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What If Your Country Becomes Islamic


I live in the United States which means my country is Islamic. It's also Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, etc. But I will play along for the sake of argument, I'd move to Mexico if I couldn't handle the changes. It's a silly argument though, it would never happen. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Also, I had an online friend who was born in Syria his family were Muslims and he said that they were not required to wear the head covers and he found it odd that the people converting to Islam in the US after 9/11 were so adamant about wearing them. He showed me pictures of his mom and sisters in Syria and all they had on their heads was probably a little hairspray.


Well-Known Member
How about Nazi (extrem Christians), whom were caused to killed about 70 millions among them 6 millions Jews .

List of Hitler quotes — he was quite the vocal Catholic – Pharyngula

So the Nazi = ISIS

Actually "Gott mit uns" was just the Motto of the Hohenzollern House of Prussia. Later it was adopted for the Prussian Army and then the Reichswehr and finally the Wehrmacht.
There is nothing inherently Christian about this Motto.

Also quotes from Mein Kampf are really worthless. First of all no one ever read the thing because the language is beyond horrible. It was afterall just dictated and poor Rudolf Hess had to form the ideas of Hitler into sentences on the spot.
And Mein Kampf is above everything else Propaganda. When Hitler met with leaders of the Churches he was pro-Christian. When he met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem he was pro-Muslim.

I don't get why people don't spot this obvious Propaganda on the spot and take him for granted about everything he ever said.

Oh and IS/ISIS/ISIS is bad but let's just compare them to Germany under Hitler. They are where the Einsatzgruppen were only far less organised.
They probably don't even count their victims and write elaborate reports once they are done.


Veteran Member
Actually "Gott mit uns" was just the Motto of the Hohenzollern House of Prussia. Later it was adopted for the Prussian Army and then the Reichswehr and finally the Wehrmacht.
There is nothing inherently Christian about this Motto.

Also quotes from Mein Kampf are really worthless. First of all no one ever read the thing because the language is beyond horrible. It was afterall just dictated and poor Rudolf Hess had to form the ideas of Hitler into sentences on the spot.
And Mein Kampf is above everything else Propaganda. When Hitler met with leaders of the Churches he was pro-Christian. When he met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem he was pro-Muslim.

I don't get why people don't spot this obvious Propaganda on the spot and take him for granted about everything he ever said.

Oh and IS/ISIS/ISIS is bad but let's just compare them to Germany under Hitler. They are where the Einsatzgruppen were only far less organised.
They probably don't even count their victims and write elaborate reports once they are done.

Many do know it is propaganda. However look at how it was used, whom it was aimed at and for what reasons. He was preaching to the choir, a choir which already held such views. Some of this propaganda was lifted directly from Martin Luther a key figure of the Protestant movement. The views promoted were already a standard in Europe for centuries long before Hitler put the pen to paper so to speak.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I wishyou toread whatwe write-.-
Ineachdialogyou sayHitler-.
Ye****ler'swarswerevictims ofa-
Ye****ler'swarswerea humanitarianماساءه
But Hitler did not declare that he was striving for God
Hitler didn't say it wars to spread Christianity
There is notextin the GospelsupportingHitler'swars
Hitler was a leader-the people-the
He had a dream of Empire
He wantedanew life
Therefore, I hope that you know
The ideology of Christianity or Christian thought is different from ideology and Hitler's ideas
Alhassani is a Palestinian
He hadmeetings withHitler
He supported Hitler in his war
It can be said that Husseini was rejoicing in the murder of Jews
In reality, Islam ideology of Hitler
Its leader, Mohammedwasalso
Hitlerdid notmarry a girl
Hitler says he did and fought and died and fought for God was directing the
Hitlerwas saying
Was Hitler not stirring
Christian thought


Premium Member
Run as fast as I can to another country. Or try to wake myself from such an awful nightmare.

What if all countries in the world becomes Islamic?

Also all other planets and dimensions, and even Atlantis and Valhalla (where is that?!?!) ?

Just kidding :p


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Oh and IS/ISIS/ISIS is bad but let's just compare them to Germany under Hitler. They are where the Einsatzgruppen were only far less organised.
They probably don't even count their victims and write elaborate reports once they are done.

thanks for explianation

btw you Jew .
Just want to comment for this part ; the truth is not easy to say sometimes , that Extremist Christians " Nazis" killed about 6 millions Jew . maybe estimated half of the Jews in the world at that time .

maybe they had the same ideology (eliminate the other opinion , religion ...) but Nazi crimes are more and worset until this moment .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I wishyou toread whatwe write-.-
Ineachdialogyou sayHitler-.
Ye****ler'swarswerevictims ofa-
Ye****ler'swarswerea humanitarianماساءه
But Hitler did not declare that he was striving for God
Hitler didn't say it wars to spread Christianity
There is notextin the GospelsupportingHitler'swars
Hitler was a leader-the people-the
He had a dream of Empire
He wantedanew life
Therefore, I hope that you know
The ideology of Christianity or Christian thought is different from ideology and Hitler's ideas
Alhassani is a Palestinian
He hadmeetings withHitler
He supported Hitler in his war
It can be said that Husseini was rejoicing in the murder of Jews
In reality, Islam ideology of Hitler
Its leader, Mohammedwasalso
Hitlerdid notmarry a girl
Hitler says he did and fought and died and fought for God was directing the
Hitlerwas saying
Was Hitler not stirring
Christian thought
I posted religious speech of Hitler link , your post opinion !!!!

the fact that Hilter was Christians you can't deny it .

Because of him millions of Chrisitains and Jews died .

since he had multi motivation to the war (relgion race politic ),what important is the result about 70 millions death .
thanks for explianation

btw you Jew .
Just want to comment for this part ; the truth is not easy to say sometimes , that Extremist Christians " Nazis" killed about 6 millions Jew . maybe estimated half of the Jews in the world at that time .

maybe they had the same ideology (eliminate the other opinion , religion ...) but Nazi crimes are more and worset until this moment .

...And yet again we see Moslems blatantly lying in a disgracful effort to show that their religion isn't so bad.

NO. Hitler's actions were NOT carried out in the name, nor the spirit, of Christianity - whilst he almost certainly was not a pious Catholic. At best, he could be considered a nominal one by virtue of birth however as we know, many reject the faith they were born into. IF we simply acquaint ourselves with the FACTS we come to see that Hitler had NO time for the church. In his initial pronouncements Hitler played to the audience, and so his early speeches can be seen to appeal to the Church, which manipulators like you seize on - but it is abundantly clear that in his early years Hitlers hedged his bets to garner support for his cause. But just like Moslems who claim they tolerate all religions, once Hitler (like Islam) became the boss he revealed his true intentions and so we saw him begin disbanding Chrisatian organisations, shutting down monasteries and sending priests to concentration camps - Christians began to be persecuted under Nazism because Christianity was a competing ideology, a barrier to Hitler accomplishing his grand design.

Given all that we know, Hitler was likely to not even have considered himself a Christian whilst he clearly did not carry out his atrocities in the name of the cross. If you read Mein Kamphf, Christianities teachings are literally divorced from it and he barely evokes religion in being his motivation save for one or two easily manipulated lines such as him carrying out "the lord's work".

The fact is that many serious academics believe Hitler was atheist and so no-one, let alone you, can claim to know otherwise and if you do you reveal your odious bias. In the end it does not matter because Hitlers actions directly opposed those of Christianities, there was no fair evocation of the teachings of Jesus in what he did whereas a Group like ISIS show a completely fair interpretation of, not only Islamic scripture, but also the actions of Muhammad.

ISIS are a very FAIR reflection of Islamic theology whilst Nazism is nothing like Christianity. I'll debate you on this fact if you like?

So, whilst any serious debater knows Hitler was not propergating Christanity and Nazism cannot be considered to be extreme Christianity we DO know that the Islamic worlds most influential figure at the time, the Grand Mufi of Egypt slavaciously endorsed Hitler's actions whilst we also know that the Islamic world have tried to bring about the next holocaust on numerous occassions whilst, in 2014, it is only Islam which still harbours dreams of their destruction - as mandated in the KORAN.

So in conclusion - yet again we have a prime example of the double standards Moslems peddle, using deceptive tactics to shape a narrative that doesn't exist to simply deflect attention from the threat of Islam in 2014.

I find it deeply distatsteful that you would dare lie about such a tragic aspect of human history to push your own agenda.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
The fact is that many serious academics believe Hitler was atheist and so no-one, let alone you, can claim to know otherwise and if you do you reveal your odious bias
Who are these many serious academics and why are their views not the consensus? Hitler always talked about doing the work of God and of Providence.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I posted religious speech of Hitler link , your post opinion !!!!

the fact that Hilter was Christians you can't deny it .

Because of him millions of Chrisitains and Jews died .

since he had multi motivation to the war (relgion race politic ),what important is the result about 70 millions death .
Yes, Hitler was amajority embraces Christianity
But he did not declare war to spread Christianity
Or use the words from the Bible to justify his war
I t said-
To Germany over every one
Itwasthe idea ofnationalism
Hitler did not say that fighting for Jesus or God
Hitlersaid thatGermaniccomponent ofbestpeople
When Hitler went to war separated Christianity automatically
It did not apply the principles
Hitler violated the teachings of Jesus
Hitler was carrying the aspirations ofa nationseeking to dominate the world
Therefore oppose reconciliation with other European and got big alastdam
But surprised by a Muslim defends the Jews
Most Muslims refuse to recognize the massacres of the Jews, Hitler
If Hitler had been burning the Jews
Mohammed was already on it
When 500 Jews massacred in one day
I believe that equality between Muhammad and Hitler too neutral
With an important advantage to Muhammad
He marrieda Jewis hwo manafter her husband's slaying
And here the preference to Muhammad
Jesus told us
Before exiting the stage that in the eye of your brother out Chump that your eyes-
Thank you for allowing me to make a comparison between Muhammad and Hitler

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Yes, Hitler did not say that Jesus ordered himt ofight the people
Hitler did not findany talk of Gospel supporting wars
While childless Mehmet said his battles and for God
And Muslims
Be able to justify any war to refer to the Qur'an
And use the appropriate verses of the battle
In the Iran-Iraq war
Data were fighting Iraqi in the Qur'an:
Iranians were using the same method
That Khomein iwas awarded the keysof heaven to his soldiers
When they walk over minefields
War between Muslims
Iraq and Iran eight years
It hink Shiitesaspireto spread the concepts ofIslamic revolution
And the Sunni Muslim was an ambitious national mixes
By using religion and the Koran
In Iraq he was Muslim to Christian temptation even marry her
Are announce ment separation immediately
Although the Christian husband
This is the true Islam that we know
In Muslim countries allows for a Muslim to marry a Christian
The Christian can marry Muslim
Islamic law does not allow it
Who are these many serious academics and why are their views not the consensus? Hitler always talked about doing the work of God and of Providence.

You can make a start by reading the extraordinary writings by Julie Seltzer Mandel, a Jewish historian/writer, who has put together some bewildering detailed work based on an excrutiating number of Nazi documents - making the very compelling case which (many believe) conclusively shows that Hitler sought to destroy the church - as I alluded to earlier. A clue of Hitlers anti-Church ethos is in the origins of the Nazi party - the National Socialist party. The church diametrically opposed Nazism and was its ideological opponent.

As I said, Hitler was very careful about buttering up the Church initially, like Muhammad, you do not make enemies when starting out by revealing your true card - that comes later when you have consolidated power. Once he was in charge Christians were targetted as I mentioned earlier.

Anyway - I have limited internet time at present but I will gladly discuss this topic in more depth in time because I have had enough of Moslems and their apologists (and Atheists) lying about Christianity and Nazism.


Well-Known Member
You can make a start by reading the extraordinary writings by Julie Seltzer Mandel, a Jewish historian/writer, who has put together some bewildering detailed work based on an excrutiating number of Nazi documents - making the very compelling case which (many believe) conclusively shows that Hitler sought to destroy the church - as I alluded to earlier. A clue of Hitlers anti-Church ethos is in the origins of the Nazi party - the National Socialist party. The church diametrically opposed Nazism and was its ideological opponent.

As I said, Hitler was very careful about buttering up the Church initially, like Muhammad, you do not make enemies when starting out by revealing your true card - that comes later when you have consolidated power. Once he was in charge Christians were targetted as I mentioned earlier.

Anyway - I have limited internet time at present but I will gladly discuss this topic in more depth in time because I have had enough of Moslems and their apologists (and Atheists) lying about Christianity and Nazism.
If this lawyer is as extraordinary as you claim, why are her views not mainstream and where can you get her books? There are plenty of extraordinary claims by many people without credentials and even some cherry picked evidence for their opinions.

I find it interesting that you are quick to call atheists liars on the basis of an obscure book not made by an historian and then as quickly put up a defensive posture saying your time is also limited.

So what if Hitler considered himself Christian?


Jesus in me
Yes, you're right. That verse says to bring down over themselves part of their outer garment. At first "bringing down" sounded like doing it over the face since only what is up goes down. I guess being up is gradual and not specifically on the head, so I guess I was wrong. My bad. I guess it is a general modesty dress code for women that some Muslims these days take is extremely over board and include all body parts in it and in black.

I guess this leaves borrowing teachings from Christianity and Judaism. I see mother Marry presented with a head scarf and nuns wear similarly so as well. Maybe that is a teaching in Christianity that Islam adopted?

I believe It may be cultural, Head protecting devices are not unique to women in countries that are used to sand storms.

I believe the Christian covering probably comes from Paul who had a theory that it showed subservience to men, which Paul viewed as a good thing theoretically. He was never married.