Recently attention has been drawn to an "anti-bullying program" introduced into Australian schools supposedly in an effort to help children who are "different" to stand up to bullies. But this has gone too far in the opinion of many, where children are asked to role play gay or transsexual teens. Children are also being urged to question their sexuality when they are not really old enough to understand sexual identity at such a young age.
"Australian Christian Lobby spokeswoman Wendy Frances says the Safe Schools material “discriminates’’ against heterosexual kids. “This is bullying in reverse,’’ she says. “A lot of children are still pretty innocent about this stuff; there’s a lot in the program that is age-inappropriate."
It is disturbing to me that the gay agenda has been carried too far and is now infiltrating to the point of making something that is still morally objectionable to many people, into something socially acceptable. It will NEVER be "socially acceptable" to God.
The Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held in Sydney has become a "family" event. I am sorry, but there is no way I would expose my young children to this...or to teach them that this is "normal" or "acceptable" human behavior.
I have no problem with anyone being 'gay' is a genetic hiccup, but to promote the gay lifestyle as morally acceptable is something a Christian cannot condone.
For those who do not care what God thinks....I guess its party on.
Are children in other countries exposed to this too?
Even if the focus is not on God or religion, I definitely agree that the way the issue is being handled is having an adverse effect on children.
Focus is on convincing people to accept things for which there is no actual proof.
Rather than teaching people acceptance and kindness, various lifestyles and attitudes are definitely being promoted in a political fashion -and lies are being told to cause people to believe and accept certain things
I once made a comment about the "born that way" idea being more political than factual -and someone asked what was wrong with that.
What's wrong with that is that political-type agendas tend to promote falsehood with falsehood in order to achieve a certain goal.
That, in turn, leads to people really not knowing what is actually going on -and that's never good.
If you'll notice, that sort of thing is how the world moves forward... toward a huge confusing mess of a situation -leading to conflicts -which we will be lucky to live through as a species....
so let's not use that model!
Horsepucky makes for a very bad foundation which inevitably leads to collapse.
I'm not saying that it isn't possible for people to be born with certain tendencies, but the idea that everyone who has any sort of thought or tendency or thought toward anything other than heterosexuality is definitely born that way is absolute horsepucky.
It most certainly will cause people -especially young people -to not consider, focus on, or accept the many factors and complexities that are actually involved in sexual development.
I'm not sure if I saw the thread here or elsewhere, but I recall a thread about a young boy who wanted to go to a school dance dressed as a female character from Scooby Doo.
If the reality the boy lived was anything like the thread, I would not want to be him.
Everyone made all sorts of wild assumptions about the boy's sexuality, thought of all sorts of ways to handle his sexual development and tendencies, things to say to him about it which were to make him feel accepted no matter how he identified sexually.....
...and, most likely, the kid... just.... really.... liked... the character!
I once dressed as Andromeda in school -around the same age -because I was doing a report on the Andromeda galaxy.
If adults had reacted to me the way everyone was reacting to that kid, I probably would not have returned to the school!
Returning the next day having been accepted by students and teachers as gay -or a cross-dresser -or whatever -would have been utter lunacy!
The only thoughts I had of any sort of sexual relations was how to avoid the freakin' cooties!
Unfortunately, these sorts of things are already so widely accepted -and people have been purposefully turned hostile against any other ideas -that common sense has no chance!
Do what you want with your own life -but quit screwing up kid's minds -and don't dare to think to tell them what they are. They just might believe you and never get a chance to really and truly know themselves!
Furthermore -stop selfishly promoting dangerous, harmful and even deadly sexual lifestyles because you want to be accepted -heterosexual or otherwise -
and don't force people to believe as you do while speaking against the same.
It's not about you -it's about the whole world and everyone's future.
Don't call me anti-gay, either -it's not about that at all -I'm just anti-stupid.