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What is Hell?

IMHO, you have to be sophomoric to buy that kind of reasoning.
lol, yes I do realize I've stated the obvious which is what deeply concerns me. If it is so obvious then the reason it still exists must be because people WANT to be controlled. To me this is very disturbing behavior.


Well-Known Member
Not at all, written religion was created to reign in the pagans with fear and terror of vengeful god. [control the masses] back then political and religion were hand in hand.
Christians adapted to the hebrew religion with a new attitude to appeal to more then judean's with the same god. it was no easy task converting pagans
And you know this how?


Well-Known Member
lol, yes I do realize I've stated the obvious which is what deeply concerns me. If it is so obvious then the reason it still exists must be because people WANT to be controlled. To me this is very disturbing behavior.
No offense, but I was referring to buying the reason that hell was to control the masses.

You don't think that is a sophomoric explanation for hell?
No offense, but I was referring to buying the reason that hell was to control the masses.

You don't think that is a sophomoric explanation for hell?
Yes, buying into the concept of Hell is sophomoric. That has been my point all along. As I described in a previous post, Hell was an actual place. Hell, the physical place no longer exists, but the superstitious beliefs that arose from it still do.


Well-Known Member
Yes, buying into the concept of Hell is sophomoric. That has been my point all along. As I described in a previous post, Hell was an actual place. Hell, the physical place no longer exists, but the superstitious beliefs that arose from it still do.
Buying into the concept that it is presently a superstitious belief emplyed to control the masses is even more sophomoric. . .and smacks of a less-than-sophomoric "conspiracy theory."


Well-Known Member
It is amazing that people buy into this hell stuff. It was obviously invented to put people under the jackboots of the clergy, and is still used for that now.

Religion is a scam meant to provide power and a cushy life for priests, pastors, rabbis, ayatollahs and all those scum.


Religion is a scam meant to provide power and a cushy life for priests, pastors, rabbis, ayatollahs and all those scum.

yes but realize they were also the political power of the time when the romans didnt have there thumb's on them lol
Religion is a scam meant to provide power and a cushy life for priests, pastors, rabbis, ayatollahs and all those scum.
I do not believe the myth was created for this reason. I believe the myth came to be quite naturally based upon the circumstances of this particular time and place. The myth may have been perpetuated for this reason, but we cannot blame those who may have done so. We must take responsibility for believing them.


Veteran Member
I actually believe the NT is the Word of God written.
Therein, Jesus is the one who gives the most warnings about hell.

But please keep in mind there is a difference between the 'Bible hell' and the concept of it from 'Pagan hell' teachings and beliefs.

The Pagan hell torture developed from ancient pagan Babylon.
The Bible hell [the hell of Jesus teachings] comes from the old Hebrew Scriptures. [Sheol]

Jesus was buried in the Bible hell until God resurrected him. -Acts 2vs27,32.
Because Jesus taught the dead are in a sleep-like state, [John 11vs11-14] then Jesus would have believed he and those in hell would not be in torture, and not be conscious of anything until resurrected from hell.
[Rev 20vs13,14; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Ecc 9v5]
So, the Bible hell is mankind's stone-cold common grave of mankind.

'Gehenna' is another word that ended up translated as hellfire.
Gehenna was Jerusalem's garbage dump where things were destroyed.
Nothing was kept burning forever in it.
So, the Biblical hellfire [Gehenna] Jesus was using as a fitting symbol of destruction. Destruction is also for Satan according to Hebrews 2v14 B.

It wasn't until after first-century Christianity ended that the pagan hell concept or idea became mixed into religious teachings by the clergy class.
-Acts 20vs29,30


Veteran Member
It is amazing that people buy into this hell stuff. It was obviously invented to put people under the jackboots of the clergy, and is still used for that now.
Religion is a scam meant to provide power and a cushy life for priests, pastors, rabbis, ayatollahs and all those scum.

During the 'dark ages' it was easy for the clergy to use hellfire as a scare tactic on people. The clergy even tried to keep the Bible out of the hands of the common people.

'Religion' [as far as teachings outside of Jesus first-century teachings]
at Revelation chapters 17 and 18 religion is described as both a city and a woman.
This religious 'woman' thinks she sits in the cushy lap of luxury because she thinks of herself as a 'queen' [Rev 18vs7,8] a queen that will never see mourning or sorrow. Yet her political lovers [kings/ rulers] of earth turn on such religion playing false to God and his Word.

In the past God used the political/military world as his 'ax' to go against even his own people when they turned away from him. [That is how the ancient Israelites ended up for 70 years in captivity to Babylon.] So it should come as no surprise when God once again uses the political world to go against the religious world playing false to him. With backing the United Nations can be strengthened to be God's modern day 'ax' against the world's religions.


Well-Known Member
But please keep in mind there is a difference between the 'Bible hell
My concept of the Bible hell is from the Bible, namely, the NT where Jesus describes it as "unquenchable fire" and where "their worm dies not."
and the concept of it from 'Pagan hell' teachings and beliefs.
The Pagan hell torture developed from ancient pagan Babylon.
The Bible hell [the hell of Jesus teachings] comes from the old Hebrew Scriptures. [Sheol]
Jesus was buried in the Bible hell until God resurrected him. -Acts 2vs27,32.
Because Jesus taught the dead are in a sleep-like state, [John 11vs11-14] then Jesus would have believed he and those in hell would not be in torture, and not be conscious of anything until resurrected from hell.
[Rev 20vs13,14; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v17; 146v4; Ecc 9v5]
So, the Bible hell is mankind's stone-cold common grave of mankind.
'Gehenna' is another word that ended up translated as hellfire.
Gehenna was Jerusalem's garbage dump where things were destroyed.
Nothing was kept burning forever in it.
So, the Biblical hellfire [Gehenna] Jesus was using as a fitting symbol of destruction. Destruction is also for Satan according to Hebrews 2v14 B.
It wasn't until after first-century Christianity ended that the pagan hell concept or idea became mixed into religious teachings by the clergy class.
-Acts 20vs29,30
More of this foreign interpretation from outside the Bible being imposed on the Christian Bible.
None of your post is Biblical, because it originates outside the Bible, which is seen through some foreign grid to which it seeks to reconcile it.


I have asked myself this question many times.
What I used to think of Hell is a place of evil, a lack of love. A place where bad people go who are tortured for the rest of their lives.
After reading a few articles online and peoples point of view on Hell, I have mixed messages.
1) Is that Hell is not a place, it's when you live a bad life sinning, without remorse etc and then dieing as an atheist person believes.
2) Hell has been created after Heaven for a place for people who lived a life of sinning etc, except it's just a place without God, it didn't really describe Hell as a negative place.

It's hard to explain what I've read.

What is Hell really?

Hell is the result of deliberately living a undisciplined life that can only result in one of the many types of bondage or confinements that renders a person unable to function beyond the confines of self.



Well-Known Member
Hell is the result of deliberately living a undisciplined life that can only result in one of the many types of bondage or confinements that renders a person unable to function beyond the confines of self.

That's a good definition of hell on earth.

However, the eternal hell of which Jesus spoke in the NT is much worse.


That's a good definition of hell on earth.

However, the eternal hell of which Jesus spoke in the NT is much worse.

Jesus called his true followers disciples; which has the same root meaning as discipline. In contrast He taught that by discipleship (discipline) we would discover truth and be free (liberated) by the truth.

Hell – even according to the teachings of Jesus was the refusal to be disciplined or enter into a discipleship relationship with the Messiah as the master example of discipline.



Well-Known Member
Jesus called his true followers disciples; which has the same root meaning as discipline. In contrast He taught that by discipleship (discipline) we would discover truth and be free (liberated) by the truth.
Hell – even according to the teachings of Jesus was the refusal to be disciplined or enter into a discipleship relationship with the Messiah as the master example of discipline.
Actually, according to Jesus, those who do not believe in him are condemned to suffer the wrath of God (Jn 3:18,36),
and that would be eternal hell.
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Actually, according to Jesus, those who do not believe in him are condemned to suffer the wrath of God (Jn 3:18,36),
and that would be eternal hell.

You are somewhat mixing terms. The concept of Damned with Hell. But in this case it is interesting because in reality Damned does mean to be confined, limited or in bondage.

You seem to think of Hell as undeserable but from all I have learned from ancient scripture - the only way to get to Hell is to begin with a desire for such a state - likewise heaven (which is the state of liberation).

Also you may be missing something from the translation of ancient scripture text. Jesus also taught it was impossible to believe in him and not be disciplined with his commandments - he clearly taught that anyone suggesting otherwise was a lier and not to be believed. To believe such a lie will lead to bondage and not liberation.



Well-Known Member
You are somewhat mixing terms. The concept of Damned with Hell. But in this case it is interesting because in reality Damned does mean to be confined, limited or in bondage.
Damned is to hell.
You seem to think of Hell as undeserable but from all I have learned from ancient scripture - the only way to get to Hell is to begin with a desire for such a state - likewise heaven (which is the state of liberation).
Jesus the Christ revealed that those who do not believe in him are condemned, that would be damned to hell.
Also you may be missing something from the translation of ancient scripture text. Jesus also taught it was impossible to believe in him and not be disciplined with his commandments - he clearly taught that anyone suggesting otherwise was a lier and not to be believed. To believe such a lie will lead to bondage and not liberation.
You've got the NT cart before the NT horse, where "discipline" is simply the evidence (cart) of the faith in Jesus (horse) that saves
from the condemnation which he says we are all under.


Veteran Member
My concept of the Bible hell is from the Bible, namely, the NT where Jesus describes it as "unquenchable fire" and where "their worm dies not."
More of this foreign interpretation from outside the Bible being imposed on the Christian Bible.
None of your post is Biblical, because it originates outside the Bible, which is seen through some foreign grid to which it seeks to reconcile it.

Are you saying worms are immortal and can not die?

Second death [Rev 20v14] is unquenchable fire of destruction because the lake of fire is not eternal fire but as it says: second death.