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What is the Authority of the New Testament?


Veteran Member
Why do people believe that the New Testament is authoritative? For example, what does "inspired by God" mean? Why do you believe that it is inspired by God.

This is not from an atheist perspective. I believe in God.

I believe that the New Testament has some objective truths. I also believe that it contains many artificial stories intended to serve a purpose.
I think most people who feel this way do so because they find spiritual truth and wisdom within their interpretation of the text.

I am not religious, and do not care about the whole issue of the "factuality" of the story of 'the Christ'. But as I interpret and understand that story, I find a revelation and a promise within it. The revelation is that we all have the divine spirit of 'God' within us as we are 'God's' creations (that being the spirit of love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, honesty and humility). And the promise that if we will let go of our fear and selfishness, and allow ourselves to become the human actualization of these gifts of the divine spirit within, we will then be healed and saved from ourselves, and can in turn help others to be healed and saves, too. And if enough of we humans choose to walk this path, the whole Earth will be healed and saved from us.

And "Eden" will be the result.

I don't need to be a religious Christian to recognize the spiritual truth and the wisdom that I am gleaning from this story of Jesus the Christ. I can test the revelation and the promise for myself, in my own life, and recognize the truth of it. And that is it's "authority", for me. That it bears itself out to be spiritually truthful.
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Veteran Member
Jesus was sure Scripture is the Word of God - John 17:17 - and taught that, and explained that, and lived that
Mankind's l-o-n-g history has proven that man has dominated man to man's injury, man's hurt - Ecclesiastes 8:9
Thus, people who think man can bring Peace on Earth they are in for a BIG surprise - 1st Thess. 5:2-3
Man is Not headed to Peace but to the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14
Jesus forewarned us so that we can be forearmed, but the world will Not listen


Veteran Member
...................................The Bible is a collection of writings about God -- the Trinity -- .....
The only way to understand and accept the Bible is through faith.
Yes, writings about God, but No Triune-Trinity god, Trinity is a man-made concept outside of Scripture just taught as Scripture
Please notice that Earth can't contain God - 1st Kings 8:27,49
God had No beginning according to Psalm 90:2
Whereas pre-human Jesus was "IN" the beginning but Never "before" the beginning as his God is
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him as per Revelation 3:12

Jesus understood and accepted Scripture, Not through 'blind faith' (credulity) but Jesus used logical reasoning on the OT explaining and expounding Scripture for us


Veteran Member
Why do people believe that the New Testament is authoritative? For example, what does "inspired by God" mean? Why do you believe that it is inspired by God.

This is not from an atheist perspective. I believe in God.

I believe that the New Testament has some objective truths. I also believe that it contains many artificial stories intended to serve a purpose.
What do you mean by " truths"?
Your absolute BS is duly noted.
Only by those who didn't note utility of


Veteran Member
What Jesus lacked in recognized authority with the Jews was compensated for by the person of Paul; the Christian Bible is Paul's theology. I suspect that even the Gospels were written by Paul's assistants.
Paul of the phony snake story


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes, writings about God, but No Triune-Trinity god, Trinity is a man-made concept outside of Scripture just taught as Scripture
Please notice that Earth can't contain God - 1st Kings 8:27,49
God had No beginning according to Psalm 90:2
Whereas pre-human Jesus was "IN" the beginning but Never "before" the beginning as his God is
Even the resurrected ascended-to-heaven Jesus still thinks he has a God over him as per Revelation 3:12

Jesus understood and accepted Scripture, Not through 'blind faith' (credulity) but Jesus used logical reasoning on the OT explaining and expounding Scripture for us
Your statement about the trinity is nothing more than your opinion. I and others clearly see the Trinity in Scripture. If you disagree, then explain this verse: “When the Advocate [The Holy Spirit] comes, whom I [Jesus] will send to you from the Father [God]—the [Holy] Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father [The Holy Spirit]—he [The Holy Spirit] will testify about me [Jesus].

The Holy Spirit is mentioned four times. Jesus sends Him from God (the Father) to His disciples to testify about Him.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Jesus was sure Scripture is the Word of God - John 17:17 - and taught that, and explained that, and lived that
Mankind's l-o-n-g history has proven that man has dominated man to man's injury, man's hurt - Ecclesiastes 8:9
Thus, people who think man can bring Peace on Earth they are in for a BIG surprise - 1st Thess. 5:2-3
Man is Not headed to Peace but to the coming great tribulation of Rev. 7:14
Jesus forewarned us so that we can be forearmed, but the world will Not listen
You are going on the assumption that the words attributed to Jesus are actually his.


Well-Known Member
Why do people believe that the New Testament is authoritative? For example, what does "inspired by God" mean? Why do you believe that it is inspired by God.

This is not from an atheist perspective. I believe in God.

I believe that the New Testament has some objective truths. I also believe that it contains many artificial stories intended to serve a purpose.
Religious institutions create and then declare their various scriptures to be the foundation of their authority.


Veteran Member
Your statement about the trinity is nothing more than your opinion. I and others clearly see the Trinity in Scripture. If you disagree, then explain this verse: “When the Advocate [The Holy Spirit] comes, whom I [Jesus] will send to you from the Father [God]—the [Holy] Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father [The Holy Spirit]—he [The Holy Spirit] will testify about me [Jesus].
The Holy Spirit is mentioned four times. Jesus sends Him from God (the Father) to His disciples to testify about Him.
Thank you for your reply
I notice you called God's spirit (Psalm 104:30) as ' The ' Holy Spirit
We speak of God's spirit as a 'The' but we do Not speak of The God or The Jesus
At Numbers 11:17,25 God's spirit is a genderless "it"
Greek grammar rules allow for a neuter to be in a gender
Even in English we speak of a car or a ship as a 'she' but we know then remain a neuter "it"
At Luke 11:13 and Luke 11:20 God's spirit is spoken of as being holy and also as being the finger of God - Exodus 31:18; Matt. 12:28
So, yes, God's spirit (it) can be sent out to help us, comfort us and so forth


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Any early Christian's. Are the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas really his? Most orthodox Christians would say 'no.'
Of course, the Gospel of Thomas is not in the Protestant New Testament, as it is not considered conanical. So you are correct by saying that "most orthodox Christians would say no".

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Of course, the Gospel of Thomas is not in the Protestant New Testament, as it is not considered conanical. So you are correct by saying that "most orthodox Christians would say no".
Because Christians early on had different collections of the sayings of Jesus. Only some of those became part of the Catholic and Protestant canons. Who gets to decide which sayings are authentic?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Thank you for your reply
I notice you called God's spirit (Psalm 104:30) as ' The ' Holy Spirit
We speak of God's spirit as a 'The' but we do Not speak of The God or The Jesus
At Numbers 11:17,25 God's spirit is a genderless "it"
Greek grammar rules allow for a neuter to be in a gender
Even in English we speak of a car or a ship as a 'she' but we know then remain a neuter "it"
At Luke 11:13 and Luke 11:20 God's spirit is spoken of as being holy and also as being the finger of God - Exodus 31:18; Matt. 12:28
So, yes, God's spirit (it) can be sent out to help us, comfort us and so forth
C'mon. Seriously.

We describe God as "the Father" and Jesus as "the Son". And the Holy Spirit doesn't have a name other than "the Spirit". (BTW, Numbers is written in Hebrew, not Greek.)

Your comparing the Bible references to how we refer to a car or a ship to prove your point is luducrous!

Your references are absurd!

You are correct that God sends us the Holy Spirit. Congratulations on getting one thing right!


Well-Known Member
Why do people believe that the New Testament is authoritative?
In general it's because of tradition relating to the selection of the Christian canon. The rational argument is that texts which are consistent with the prophetic context are likely to be meaningful.


Well-Known Member
Religious institutions create and then declare their various scriptures to be the foundation of their authority.
While that's true for institutions which follow the doctrine of sola scripture, there's a difference between the written word which relates to a testament and the spoken word which is meaningful for the living.

As for me, this [is] my covenant with them, saith YHWH; My spirit that [is] upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith YHWH, from henceforth and for ever.
Isaiah 59:21


Well-Known Member
Which is why the Gospel of Thomas is in the bible.
I think you meant 'not in'. Testaments are the written will of the deceased, not the living.

These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke, and Didymus Judas Thomas wrote them down.
