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What is your belief in regards to God?

What is your belief in regards to God?

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You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
So, out of the 6 billion believers, why should anyone believe what you do?
A number in itself that should cause atheist to stop and think.
And WHAT scriptures are you talking about.. what interpretations? What denominations do you agree with, and which ones are YOU ignoring and misunderstanding? You presume to have some truth with a capital T?... prove it. Lame claims about the "power" of your god isn't evidence that your god exists.

Show us the power. Enough with facile claims.
Haha... funny. Typical atheist ploy; try and bring something metaphysical into the physical world, then when they can't claim it doesn't exist. God is the one who proves my friend, not man.
If you point to the scriptures to prove the scriptures ... then we can say the same for any other holy scripture. Are every holy scripture TRUE?.... then vishnu and allah are the one true gods... and Yahweh. As long as people revere some book with supernatural claims, by your reasoning, it's instantly true.
I have no problem with that. Do you?
You might as well believe that comic books are also true by that ridiculous standard. :)
There is no comparison with that. It shows your thinking is way off the mark. Nice try. I guess it comforts you though.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Yes, fictions exist in books. In real life, they don't. Harry Potter exists in books too.
And what is "real life"? Your understanding of it perhaps? Or are you thinking of the sciences? What is real? And when you find out what it is, tell me how you are working it out. Is it with your mind, the same mind that believers use to know there is a God?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I have read many of the comments on this thread. I will not try to change the opinion of any because I know it can’t be done. I do address those who believe there is a God:
I am a believer. My belief is based on many years of testing facts. Many believed facts I have found false. My testing was not to prove what I believed, but to see if it was possible to prove, or disprove if there was, or was not a God, or something. In my search I first tested the Bible. This is the book all Christian religions say is Gods word. Religions claim the Bible is a copy of the scrolls. My first test was to see if the two matched. It is true many of the scriptures in the Bible are also in the scrolls. Here is one point I found: In the scrolls there are no commas. There are no breaks between sentences. The fack they had no commas when the scrolls were written was a big point. All who know English can test to, the addition of a comma can change the meaning of a sentence. The scrolls were written in Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic. Those who copied the scrolls into English uses Hebrew words in place of Greek: Example:
Genesis 3:15 All of Genesis was written in Hebrew, all but one word which is found in genesis 3:15. In the Bible the word is seed. God is talking to Satan about what he did with his seed. In the scrolls the word is in the Greek…SPERMA. It is were we get the English word, SPERM. In the Greek the work is used for, OFF SPRING…child. This changes the whole meaning about what God is saying in Genesis 3:15. Here God is talking to Satan about his Off SPRING…CHILD. At the time God is talking to Satan about this, there are only two humans in the Garden, Adam, and the women he named Eve after she gave birth to Cain. This was followed to identify who Satan’s OFF SPRING was? Many believ Able was born hours after Cain. A medical fact which has taken in our time proves a women can be pregnant by two different men at the same time. The fact that angels, which Satan was can have off springs is a different search I did later. All the first born in the Bible are named, be they good, or bad people. Cain being the first born in the history of the scriptures should be named. Genesis 5 is the history of Adam. The first born listed in Adams line is Seth. The name Seth means, “Replacement.” Since Cain was still alive, the replacement had to be for Able who was murdered. Cain is not listed as a off spring of Adam. This removes the eating of a fruit fairy tale in the Bible. It seems both Adam, and the women had a three some with Satan.
The Above is how my research progressed. The second part of the years long research was to prove the truth, or false, of the scriptures...were they Gods word, or were they a fairy tale? I went into this part saying to myself, “If there is a God, he would not have us believe what we could not prove. He would give us proof.
The third part of my testing was to prove, or disprove religions true, or false? This was an easer task…my conclusion as to religions based on their teaching, and the scrolls, proves all religions are False, and nothing but a tool (not of God) to draw people away from the truth…designed to prove there is no God.
To those who say they believe in God, take warning…if you have not proven your faith based on fact, you will be in danger of rejection God when the Anti-Christ comes on the playing field, he will not have a big sign that reads, “I am the Anti-Christ.”
God proves it through his son.


Rogue Theologian
You should elaborate. If science has proved god, ( your god, I presume... whatever that god is...) IT"S NEWS TO ME.
been elaborating 6 and 1/2yrs

in science...cause and effect cannot be separated.
God is the Cause....the universe is the effect.


GNOSTIC!!! I, absolutely, do not believe in a Big Bearded Dude in the Sky!! Perhaps only fit for children and the addle-brained. ; )

Besides, the Bible is chock-full of contradictions and absurdities (only further exacerbated by ridiculous Christian doctrine-dogma). E.g., it is claimed that God is omnipotent, omniscient and perfect. Now, if He were perfect (rules of rational, logical thought, people!), men--his creation, supposedly--would be perfect. Yet (especially "Fundie") Christian dogma insists that man is flawed (even perhaps, from his birth)...from "Original Sin," so has a lot to account for (Much of this abjectly negative content is related to miserable--and often misogynistic--individuals like Paul, Augustine and Calvin!). Turning to another approach...It is said in the OT that man was "made in the image an likeness of God." If mankind were fatally flawed (a kind of hopeless mess), logic would probably dictate that his Creator is in just as sad a state...thoroughly neurotic, egotistical, full of wrath and jealousy. Not only that, but the text--itself--supports this reading. YHWH is described (or revealed) as a "jealous god," full of vengefulness and hubris. Yikes. not MY choice of deity!! How 'bout a self-realizing, compassionate one who enjoys dancing and play...and is very reliably supportive?

No, according to Xtian dogma, AT BEST, homo sapiens can only hope to be "justified" by Jesus' sacrifice and intervention and become a "son by adoption." What a mess this is!! And a recipe for development of clinical depression! And, besides, Jesus himself (though there is extremely little documentation to support his being an actual (other than literary, mythical)) human being, said things like "Have I not said you are 'Children of the Living God?!!'" I will briefly--also--remind you that Christianity co-opted a HUGE amount of content (syncretism) from other early traditions, such as Mithraism, Attis worship and Sarapis worship (and the Gospels were composed in Greek (not Aramaic) by Roman collaborators), many years after JC's supposed life on earth. I suggest we take the gems...like the Beatitudes and Sermon on the Mount..and chuck the rest!! ; )
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Active Member
I have read many of the comments on this thread. I will not try to change the opinion of any because I know it can’t be done. I do address those who believe there is a God:
I am a believer. My belief is based on many years of testing facts.

Oh great, let's take a look at the facts that led you to believe that a god exists. I can't wait!

To those who say they believe in God, take warning…if you have not proven your faith based on fact, you will be in danger of rejection God when the Anti-Christ comes on the playing field, he will not have a big sign that reads, “I am the Anti-Christ.”

I don't think you know what a fact is, you didn't provide even ONE fact that proves your god belief is true.

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
Ohhhh... I see. You think that when you pretend that God is the Cause .. that's science?

As an atheist are you also an adherent to the science which asserts that only the physical universe exist? That is, are you a naturalistic, materialistic atheist (Darwinian evolutionist) therefore there is no God or gods or spiritual realm at all?


Page 21

What is your belief in regards to God? I don't believe, I know!

The more you look at reality the more you will see God because, my friends, God is reality.
If you were a microbe on the back of an elephant you would only see a microscopic part of the elephant, but that would be reality to you. That microsopic part is however, connected to all the other parts of the elephant, even the ground the elephant is standing on, the enviroment in which that elephant lives, and all creation which allows that elephant to live. The planets, the rainbows, the suns, the stars, moons, saints, angels, gods, the church of nature, etc.. You can feel it is enourmous,you can use your intelligence, logic, intuition, clairevoyance, feelings,love; then perhaps you will see God in the eyes of your neighbours,you may even see God in the mirror and in your own eyes. Some call it the spark of Brahma, but it's there, it's reality and it's God. We are all part of that oneness. Logic and reasoning are all well and good, but one must use the whole of ones faculty and the sences to see God. if you want to see God you must be aware, awake, alert, and most of all alive, even when you're dead you wil see God, that's reality.
So as the saints say, "Don't worry, be Happy", or at least as happy as you can be with your own view of reality.



Active Member
As an atheist are you also an adherent to the science which asserts that only the physical universe exist? That is, are you a naturalistic, materialistic atheist (Darwinian evolutionist) therefore there is no God or gods or spiritual realm at all?

No that would be rather stupid of me. I don't pretend to know what I really don't know. So, do I KNOW that only the physical universe exists? NO.

However, if you CLAIM to know that something OTHER than the physical universe exists... bring us your SCIENTIFIC evidence for it, or your claim is silly. I never pretend to know that gods aren't POSSIBLE... my gosh, everything that hasn't been proved is POSSIBLE...even your god. But don't pretend that you have scientific evidence that your god exists. Of course you don't. IF you did, bring it to the world.

The world awaits your science, my friend. Otherwise, you are simply deluding yourself.
We KNOW and can test that the physical world exists. Now, what about your god claims?

Where is your scientific evidence? :)

Remember that your incredulity isn't evidence for anything.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Many today claim there is no God. Atheists mock the Bible and it's believers constantly. They think themselves wise because no one can prove God. Well,, the door of probation will soon close. Atheists will be followers of Satan, just like the other Apostates that rejected the love of the truth. The Bible tells us that Satan shall deceive the world thru sorcery, Revelation 18:23. So,,while Atheists mock today,, the time is soon coming when they will change their tune. When they see the miracle working power of Satan, they will immediately discard their former beliefs and attribute the miracle working power displayed as that of God. So,, Atheists are deceived now, and they will be deceived later, all because they refused to believe in the truth. Unbelief,,a terrible thing.


Active Member
could you expand on that
I were writing stealer and my key pad typed steamer. Things don't always follow according to the wish.

A stealer of hearts. That's what I meant. Because the God succeeds in stealing all the heart ❤.
