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What is your belief in regards to God?

What is your belief in regards to God?

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Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
No that would be rather stupid of me. I don't pretend to know what I really don't know. So, do I KNOW that only the physical universe exists? NO.

However, if you CLAIM to know that something OTHER than the physical universe exists... bring us your SCIENTIFIC evidence for it, or your claim is silly. I never pretend to know that gods aren't POSSIBLE... my gosh, everything that hasn't been proved is POSSIBLE...even your god. But don't pretend that you have scientific evidence that your god exists. Of course you don't. IF you did, bring it to the world.

The world awaits your science, my friend. Otherwise, you are simply deluding yourself.
We KNOW and can test that the physical world exists. Now, what about your god claims?

Where is your scientific evidence? :)

Remember that your incredulity isn't evidence for anything.

Surely you're not pretending to know that no evidence exists for the existence of God and veracity of the Bible? There has been a long history of evidential apologetics engaging this very issue. It's not the lack of, or according to you the absence of, evidence that's the problem. It's the willful rejection of the evidence given in the created order of that which exists and in the soul of man. Even Bertrand Russell, in an honest revelation, when asked how he would reply if he were to die and find himself facing God asking him why he refused to believe, said "not enough evidence." Having science as your ultimate authority so that only that which can be observed by the senses and attempting to impose your fallible man-centered standard as that which you admit cannot account for the non-physical realm is an absurd demand for you refuse to accept my ultimate authority (the Bible); a glaring double-standard. And by attempting to engage in a logical discussion you lose the debate because your worldview, having science as your ultimate standard of truth, cannot account for the non-physical, universally true Law's of logic which Christianity does account for. You are evidencing the truth of Christianity by borrowing the truth explainable by my worldview to refute my worldview. Irrationally inconsistent and so self-refuting.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
However, if you CLAIM to know that something OTHER than the physical universe exists... bring us your SCIENTIFIC evidence for it,
That is such a stupid comment to make. You can't see metaphysical things. I have already stated this. God proves, not man. You are trying to understand it with the understanding of the world. You will not do it, you will not succeed. Show me the big bang, show me evolution, show me yesterday. That is how absurd that comment of yours is, and is so old hat now. You need to read a bit more and stop thinking in physical terms about a subject that is not speaking in that realm.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
You didn't mention any evidence.
The bible is evidence with witnessed accounts in it, you know that; but you will also equally ignore it but still except other history books because you can understand them and can't understand the bible. Is there any point mentioning other evidenced if you can't accept something as simple as that? I doubt it.


Active Member
I were writing stealer and my key pad typed steamer. Things don't always follow according to the wish.

A stealer of hearts. That's what I meant. Because the God succeeds in stealing all the heart ❤.


Ok that works for those whose heart were stolen. What about the others?
No "God" succeeded with me, for example.

And of course, we can't agree that you KNOW that a god exists just because you report that it somehow "loves" you.


Active Member
Blastcat said:
So, out of the 6 billion believers, why should anyone believe what you do?

"A number in itself that should cause atheist to stop and think."

Numbers don't prove that something is true, sorry. All these people can be wrong, that's not a problem. Most people simply do not learn how to think .. they learn their religions, instead.

No, the number I quoted was the total number of people who potentially don't agree with your god beliefs. Remember, they don't all think about gods the same way you do, or agree with whatever YOUR particular god beliefs happen to be.

And WHAT scriptures are you talking about.. what interpretations? What denominations do you agree with, and which ones are YOU ignoring and misunderstanding? You presume to have some truth with a capital T?... prove it. Lame claims about the "power" of your god isn't evidence that your god exists.

Show us the power. Enough with facile claims.

"Haha... funny. Typical atheist ploy; try and bring something metaphysical into the physical world, then when they can't claim it doesn't exist. God is the one who proves my friend, not man. "

You were the one talking about power, my friend, not me. What kind of power are you talking about then.. some metaphysical power that nobody can detect? And for the record, don't call me a typical atheist, and I wont call you a typical theist... OK? insults don't win arguments. :)

If you point to the scriptures to prove the scriptures ... then we can say the same for any other holy scripture. Are every holy scripture TRUE?.... then vishnu and allah are the one true gods... and Yahweh. As long as people revere some book with supernatural claims, by your reasoning, it's instantly true.

I have no problem with that. Do you?
You might as well believe that comic books are also true by that ridiculous standard. :)

"There is no comparison with that. It shows your thinking is way off the mark. Nice try. I guess it comforts you though."

I made a comparison. You don't LIKE it. If there is no external evidence for a story in a book, then it's called a "fiction".

Other people have different weird beliefs that they say they prove by way of holy scripture that they revere. How are you doing anything different? In what WAY is there "no comparison"?

If nobody is producing more than holy books to prove what is written in holy books, they are all the same. And they are all believing in nonsense for ridiculous reasons.

What evidence do you HAVE for your particular god claims that is better than theirs? ( 6 billions of them, remember )


Active Member
you don't need evidence .....just a good line of thought

Then you mistakenly believe that anything at all that has a good line of thought is also TRUE.
As long as it makes sense it's true?

Is that how you judge what is true and what is not?


Active Member
The bible is evidence with witnessed accounts in it, you know that; but you will also equally ignore it but still except other history books because you can understand them and can't understand the bible. Is there any point mentioning other evidenced if you can't accept something as simple as that? I doubt it.

So, you take your Bible stories as evidence for your Bible stories. But you don't believe something "just because" it was written in a book do you? Surely not. Harry Potter includes witness accounts, so using your standard, the story is TRUE? ...

History books aren't being used to prove that some god exists, so I dont know why you bring that up. We KNOW that people exist. We really don't know that any gods do.

You presume that I don't "understand" the Bible ... and I suppose that implies that YOU DO? Maybe you grossly misunderstand the Bible. How should I know?

Yes, bring your evidence.that proves your god book is true. As far as I can see, the Bible is full of fun fiction gods and demons. It's really simplistic to take these things literally. I mean.. a joke is a joke, but come ON. :)

You might as well take fairy tales as historical documents.


Active Member
Many today claim there is no God. Atheists mock the Bible and it's believers constantly. They think themselves wise because no one can prove God. Well,, the door of probation will soon close. Atheists will be followers of Satan, just like the other Apostates that rejected the love of the truth. The Bible tells us that Satan shall deceive the world thru sorcery, Revelation 18:23. So,,while Atheists mock today,, the time is soon coming when they will change their tune. When they see the miracle working power of Satan, they will immediately discard their former beliefs and attribute the miracle working power displayed as that of God. So,, Atheists are deceived now, and they will be deceived later, all because they refused to believe in the truth. Unbelief,,a terrible thing.

If the time is SOON.. then the time to believe is THEN..

Promises, promises.. I'll wait for REAL evidence, and not your facile promises, of evidence to come, thank you very much. :)


Active Member
And what is "real life"? Your understanding of it perhaps? Or are you thinking of the sciences? What is real? And when you find out what it is, tell me how you are working it out. Is it with your mind, the same mind that believers use to know there is a God?

No, real life is what actually happens that we can both agree on, regardless of religious conviction, or lack thereof. Gravity exists in real life, for example. I think you should agree with that kind of statement. We don't agree about your god beliefs. We agree on probably a lot of physical things like gravity.

Now, if you question reality ITSELF, then you don't know what is real and can't really defend your position on the REALITY of your god, either.

I know that things are real when I have evidence that I can observe and test and verify with others. Your god isn't like that at all. All we have for your god is ..faith. But we don't ever use faith to test if something is real. And no, it's not all in the head. Gravity is not just in the head, sorry. Gravity operates in more than just the imagination. Gods don't work in more than imaginations.. Subtle difference to you, perhaps. But then again, you seem to have trouble with the whole "reality" thing.


Active Member
Surely you're not pretending to know that no evidence exists for the existence of God and veracity of the Bible?

I'm asking for evidence. Surely, if we HAD reliable evidence for the veracity of the Bible, I would not be asking for it.

There has been a long history of evidential apologetics engaging this very issue.

But no evidence. Just these boring arguments. Doesn't convince people outside the faith, and apologetics IS NOT EVIDENCE... It's what we get INSTEAD of evidence.

It's not the lack of, or according to you the absence of, evidence that's the problem. It's the willful rejection of the evidence given in the created order of that which exists and in the soul of man.

That's what I mean exactly.

That sentence is provided as if it were evidence. What a sad thing. You would need EVIDENCE to prove that there is a "created order" and you don't have it, but you claim it. And you would also need some EVIDENCE for a soul of man ... but you don't give any evidence, you just proclaim that , too. Well, proclaim away but don't pretend to me that you have GIVEN any evidence. You simply have not. Apologetics is messing with your ability to think.

Even Bertrand Russell, in an honest revelation, when asked how he would reply if he were to die and find himself facing God asking him why he refused to believe, said "not enough evidence."

That's good thinking on his part. The ONLY time it's reasonable to believe something is AFTER we have the evidence for it, and not one SECOND before.

Having science as your ultimate authority so that only that which can be observed by the senses and attempting to impose your fallible man-centered standard as that which you admit cannot account for the non-physical realm is an absurd demand for you refuse to accept my ultimate authority (the Bible); a glaring double-standard.

How many false assumptions about me can you pack into a single sentence?

I think 7. It's hard to count, really. But you are OH SO WRONG on many counts. Care to provide some EVIDENCE that what you say about me is true? OR would you rather TRUST that you are correct? Because to you, FAITH that you are correct MAKES you right. And to me, that's pathetic.

To each his own. I'd rather deal with reality than fantasy. But go ahead, make things up about me and my beliefs. You don't really care about what is true.

And by attempting to engage in a logical discussion you lose the debate because your worldview, having science as your ultimate standard of truth, cannot account for the non-physical, universally true Law's of logic which Christianity does account for.

I lost the debate by merely DISAGREEING with you. Wow.. you are such a winner!

You are evidencing the truth of Christianity by borrowing the truth explainable by my worldview to refute my worldview. Irrationally inconsistent and so self-refuting.

No. What's happening here is that you think very poorly and are incredibly closed minded in your views about ... well.. a whole LOT of things. Including your views about what your opponents must be thinking. Wow.. must be nice to be such a mind reader!

Well, in your way of thinking, you won the debate because you claimed victory.
I wonder if OTHERS will agree with you.

I know that I'm a bit underwhelmed by your reasoning here.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
If the time is SOON.. then the time to believe is THEN..

My friend, whatever you do not overcome now, will surely overcome you then, if you are still alive at that time. I understand your position. I was once there. So,, I'm not one to try to "scare" you into accepting the Lord. I value your choice. The evidence is there. The Bible says that you will find the Lord when you seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). Have you done that? Probably not. So, if you were serious about knowing if there is a God that reveals secrets and if the Bible can prove it,, you would investigate it. So,, I don't think you are serious, but maybe I'm wrong about that. Many atheists have studied into the dream of Nebuchadnezzar and that has led them to believe the Bible and eventually to believing in the Creator as well. Have you studied into the 2300 yr Prophecy,,or the 1260 years mentioned of papal rule? Have you examined the statue in the king's dream that foretold of the world kingdoms,,,have you noticed how God uses different metals to describe this statue, and how each kingdom would use that corresponding metal and how popular that metal was in those kingdoms? It all came true,, right on time,,, Example,,, the Bible uses the 1260 day prophecy. Did you know that the Papacy ruled from 538 - 1798......1260 years,, Just as Rev 13:5 claims it would,,,, and what happened in 1798? Napoleon Sent his General and took captive the Pope,,,,and that was the "deadly wound" that the Bible foretold....I could go on and on,,, but,, I'm sure you already know these things, right? My point is,, all these things can be checked out and proven. So,, I wish you well in whatever it is you seek. I can tell you this,,,it wasn't the fear of the lake of fire that turned me to Christ. It was His perfect Character and His Loving Kindness that attracted me to Him. It was then that I realized my need of His righteousness.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
So what makes these teachers correct? How do they get this information?
It has to do with belief in reincarnation and the fact that there are advanced souls that return for the purpose of teaching. We judge them on their quality and consistency. And many of us from that Hindu tradition see a pattern of consistent teachings from these advanced souls.


Active Member
My friend, whatever you do not overcome now, will surely overcome you then, if you are still alive at that time.

You say you are sure of something for which you have no evidence for. To me, your certainty is misplaced and misguided.

I understand your position. I was once there. So,, I'm not one to try to "scare" you into accepting the Lord. I value your choice. The evidence is there.

Ahh the evidence. And pray tell, what IS this glorious evidence?

The Bible says that you will find the Lord when you seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). Have you done that? Probably not.

What an absolutely ridiculous notion. I have to WHAT? ... believe in something BEFORE I get good evidence that it's real? Nah.. that's just silliness.

If there is a GOD who gives a flying hoo-hoo about what I believe it would KNOW exactly how to convince me .. YOU don't have to ask me if I believe enough to believe. .You don't have to make your silly guesses about me, either. Make you a deal, you don't make coo-coo stories up about me, and I won't make coo-coo stories about you.


So, if you were serious about knowing if there is a God that reveals secrets and if the Bible can prove it,, you would investigate it.

I'm open to whatever evidence you propose. Bring it.

So,, I don't think you are serious, but maybe I'm wrong about that.

Make you a deal, You don't assume that I'm not serious, and I won't assume that you are NUTS. How about that deal?

Many atheists have studied into the dream of Nebuchadnezzar and that has led them to believe the Bible and eventually to believing in the Creator as well. Have you studied into the 2300 yr Prophecy,,or the 1260 years mentioned of papal rule?

Is this the evidence that your god is real? Your weird pretend fulfilled prophecies? Why dont you explain how that works as evidence, please? I'm actually interested. Seriously.

Have you examined the statue in the king's dream that foretold of the world kingdoms,,,have you noticed how God uses different metals to describe this statue, and how each kingdom would use that corresponding metal and how popular that metal was in those kingdoms? It all came true,, right on time,,, Example,,, the Bible uses the 1260 day prophecy. Did you know that the Papacy ruled from 538 - 1798......1260 years,, Just as Rev 13:5 claims it would,,,, and what happened in 1798? Napoleon Sent his General and took captive the Pope,,,,and that was the "deadly wound" that the Bible foretold....I could go on and on,,, but,, I'm sure you already know these things, right?

WRONG ! I have no idea what you are talking about. Please explain how this is evidence for your god.

My point is,, all these things can be checked out and proven.

OH they CAN be, can they? :)

Why aren't they then? Do it. Stop making lame promises, bring your best evidence, and then maybe, just maybe, we can talk about it. Otherwise, you are hand waving. I might not wave back at you.

Your "prophecies" dont add up to squat. But if you insist, bring them on. I won't do YOUR work for you, though. So, if you have proof bring it. Otherwise, pray on. I'm not going to pray for you.

So,, I wish you well in whatever it is you seek.

I seek some reason to take religious babbling seriously. If you make a claim, show us a good reason to believe that it's true. What you have done so far is pathetic. You pretend to PROVE your claims by way of OTHER claims. Nah... that's just avoiding the fact that you don't HAVE real evidence. I wont fall for that, and reasonable people reading this wont either.

You either HAVE evidence or you don't.
Stop pretending.
I don't fall for pretend.

I can tell you this,,,it wasn't the fear of the lake of fire that turned me to Christ. It was His perfect Character and His Loving Kindness that attracted me to Him. It was then that I realized my need of His righteousness.

What you just said reads like a fantasy to me. Do you have ANY evidence of any kind to make me reconsider?


Active Member
You want the reason you don't understand? see Daniel 12:10 ...Perhaps that's why.

It's no use at all to simply give me a Bible verse. I don't really care what it says. I want to know why you believe such nonsense. I don't really THINK you are going to provide the evidence by telling me snidely why I dont believe.

I get it. People who don't agree with you are fools. Great evidence? No. That''s pathetic.


Many atheists have studied into the dream of Nebuchadnezzar and that has led them to believe the Bible and eventually to believing in the Creator as well.

Creation Is mythology at this time, nothing described in the bible took place regarding anything to do with human origins.

Many people have studied real academic knowledge and have been able to pull some history from the bible, but much is factual mythology written in rhetorical prose. The first 5 books evolved into their current state, and do not reflect Israelites origins in any way with any credibility what so ever.