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What is your belief in regards to God?

What is your belief in regards to God?

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I believe in God. His handiwork is evident in all creation. I also believe God makes himself known through his Son who died for our sins and rose again, he is spiritual through the Holy Spirit, and he is the Father of all in Heaven


how is mythology "previous" to man who wrote it?

It existed in oral tradition.

Generally speaking mythology evolves.

And how can (why would) a rational person base their lives on a myth - defined as an imaginary, fictitious tale?

Ask about 6 billion people that question that do exactly that. Almost everyone lives mythology.

Only a few have the ability to see outside the brainwashing and dogma to get a glimpse of reality. Education at higher levels combined with wisdom offers a much more clear view of nature/reality.

That worldview lacks any credible knowledge to justify a logical existence.

That is nothing you can demonstrate with any credibility.

Logical existence should follow academia and the knowledge it provides. Not myth bases faith. Academia is credibility. Faith is not credible.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Only a few have the ability to see outside the brainwashing and dogma to get a glimpse of reality
Reality is what ever you are given. You should not confuse reality with what you think it is.
Faith is not credible.
Faith in what? Faith in academia perhaps? Faith is evidence of gnosis. Those with no knowledge reject faith and rely on the world to instruct them.

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
It existed in oral tradition.

Generally speaking mythology evolves.

Ask about 6 billion people that question that do exactly that. Almost everyone lives mythology.

Only a few have the ability to see outside the brainwashing and dogma to get a glimpse of reality. Education at higher levels combined with wisdom offers a much more clear view of nature/reality.

That is nothing you can demonstrate with any credibility.

Logical existence should follow academia and the knowledge it provides. Not myth bases faith. Academia is credibility. Faith is not credible.

Like all true Atheists you place your faith in the vacillating knowledge of the human mind, albeit those few very superior ones, which has historically disaggreed on virtually every assertion made regarding the knowledge of nature and reality. The Atheistic worldview is subjective and relativistic. And as you implied there are nearly 6 billion people who could present their own view of nature and reality. Hence the necessity of an objective supernatural revelation explaining the origin, purpose and function of the reality of both the natural and supernatural realm. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." And " All Scripture is God-breathed."


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I'm a strong atheist and an x luthren.

I believe the same exact thing.

Now define god as a feeling that lives in your conscious mind of those who believe, as you have described. And we would both think the same thing.

He does not have to exist, and everything you said still applies in total 100%.
False. He has to exist by necessity.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
That brings up a good point.

Those who try and define nothing, reveal their own errors and weakness.
Are you not trying to define nothing when you say there is no God? Where does you 'everything' come from then? Something perhaps? And what is this something? Where did it come from? What is its name, or are you copping out and saying your don't know?


It does not really matter if God exists.
Culture is what dominates the life of the atheist and theist alike.

God does not need to exist in the mind of anyone any more than a fish or a bird need to be mindful of the air and water in which they exist.

It makes no difference if man does not know that he lives within the mind of God.
The problem will be remedied by experience gained over many lifetimes.


And as you implied there are nearly 6 billion people who could present their own view of nature and reality

There is only one true reality.

And the 6 billion people who live mythology, do not agree with each other on said reality.

So only one group is right or wrong, and one the rest factually wrong. And since we actually see how the deity was created most follow, its plausible to state, all are wrong.


what is "impossible" about ancient man intuitively understanding God?

I will tell you.

We see ancient men creating deities as easy as it is to see Star Wars is fictional story.

We see them plagiarizing multiple concepts and redefining them always mirroring the cultural needs of the people.

We se clearly the literary creation of said concepts.


The Atheistic worldview is subjective and relativistic.

Thanks for telling me how and what I think, that was so kind of you.

I follow academic knowledge, It has nothing o do with theism or atheism. I hope you learn this someday.


Well-Known Member

People try shoving all kinds of concepts in "nothing" and in doing so it only reflects the people. Its like a mirror and we see the persons doing the defining reflections.

In other words, it's what each and every individual defines "God" to be. Mankind creating "God" in their own mental images as to how they are.

If they dislike homosexuality, their God will dislike homosexuality.

If they like lying, their God will like lying.

If they dislike whatever, their God will dislike whatever.

Mirror. The person reflects their defined God because they are that god.

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
Thanks for telling me how and what I think, that was so kind of you.

I follow academic knowledge, It has nothing o do with theism or atheism. I hope you learn this someday.

If your ultimate standard of truth is academic knowledge derived from fallable people with a limited perception of nature and reality by which you accept or reject as true or false according to your current state of affairs, how is that not relative and subjective? And if your worldview has nothing to do with theism or atheism perhaps you should remove Atheistically from your title and not involve yourself in theistic discussions if you wish to be consistent.



God to me is the Holy Spirit in the sky, who is in all things and all things as are in Him/Her. This spirit guides each and everyone throughout life. As Shakespear said, all the world is a stage we are merely actors.

Each person is created perfect to play his role perfectly and we all get to heaven as ex-actors, that's the contract, payment. Of course some might spent some time in hell getting a debrief and a cleaning up their act, but that's life. There are many classrooms on the other side, so catching up should be easy.

Incidentally, in 2008 a flamming hot, spiritual sun, the size of a football, rose out of the top of my head, the spiritual flames are healing and then it all became cool and expanded to about 3 times it's original size; but this was just another incredible spiritual moment in my life. So for me God does exist, others don't have the same role as me, but we're all sort of equal in the end, so see you all the other side, free drinks all round I should imagine.



You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I will tell you.

We see ancient men creating deities as easy as it is to see Star Wars is fictional story.

We see them plagiarizing multiple concepts and redefining them always mirroring the cultural needs of the people.

We se clearly the literary creation of said concepts.
But you see that through atheist tinted glasses and expect to see it; as such it is there as it comforts you. it is not reality anymore than saying natural selection has the power to create everything we see around us.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.

People try shoving all kinds of concepts in "nothing" and in doing so it only reflects the people. Its like a mirror and we see the persons doing the defining reflections.
Well if you are saying that everything is not from God, where is it from then. I don't hear a reply.