There are a number of competing hypothesis.
1. There is no fine tuning. The constants of nature are what they are by necessity, we just haven't found the connections.
2., 3., 4. Multiverse hypothesis. Either parallel, sequential or virtual (Simulation hypothesis).
5. We were just lucky.
Yes there are many options, and given that we have limited knowledge and can’t tell with certainty which option is the correct, we have to do our best and pick the best option based on the evidence and arguments that we have.
For example any explanation that invokes chance/multiverse/anthropic principle etc. can be refuted by the Boltzmann brain paradox………. It would be inconsolably more likely that the observations that we make are just illusions, dreams, hallucinations etc. and that in reality we live in a simpler universe, (say a universe with just 1 planet and 1 star) … at this moment you are just having a strange dream where the universe is complex, in a few moment you will wake up and say “wow I had the most absurd dream ever”
In fact a universe with 1 star and 1 planet is unnecessarily too complex, all you need is a Boltzmann brain……….. So any chance/multiverse/anthropic principle etc hypothesis forces you to conclude that you are a Boltzmann brain.
Physical necessity explanations even in principle don’t succeed in removing the need of a designer, they only push the designer one step back.
At least form the point of view of an agnostic (perhaps God there is a God perhaps there isn’t…. there is a 50% 50% chance) design seems to be the best explanation, after all we know that designers can calibrate values so that they can get the intended values……….. if you deny agnosticism , then you must have god positive arguments against the existence of God
I would really like to see anyone try to argue from a deos to a theos. I tried multiple time to start such a debate but nobody would step up.
Well for example consider the argument from the resurrection…. If Jesus rose from the dead, wouldn’t that strongly support Christianity over deism or other religions?