No, not really. Those people who are said to be great thnkers of new ideas often obviously just combined the views of several other thinkers that person has come into contact with. If you look through out history people tend to have the same ideas over and over again.
Even everything i have said on this website has been said by hundreds of others.
For example Spinoza is the first pantheist philosopher, but adi shankara did that two a 1000 years earlier.
And in turn Adi Shankara is often considered the non-dualist philosopher, but 800 years earlier Nagarjuna had interpreted the Buddhas philosophy as "nondual".
All these men are considered geniuses who wrote high philosophy. But nothing they wrote could be considered "original" to their thought process.
yeah....heard this before.....some teacher back in high school.... unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Not the handiwork of the Carpenter as it turns out.
It was carved in stone at least a thousand years before He walked.
Maybe that's what he meant when He said..."I have been with you always."
But the increase you mention was not one idea built upon another.
The better things followed DENIAL!
Someone thinking on his own realized the errors of others.
And pronouncement was followed in harsh terms.
Many suffered for the corrections they knew were needful.
If today's thought had no willful denial to stand firm....
we would be living as our ancestors.
Starlight is nothing but candles held steadfast by the angels.